Member Reviews

The photography is definitely good and the women shown are definitely far more fashionable than me. I'd definitely be interested in more books like this.

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This is not a traditional fashion photography book. Instead it is a collection of women in a variety of sizes wearing a variety of styles. The book suggests that no matter your body shape find a style that suits you and your personality and enjoy and flaunt it. I really enjoyed the photographs but I do wish the text was a little more in depth. Enjoy the inspiration.

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This book is FANTASTIC! Each page is a glorious homage to the featured woman's unique style - and all of them have WAY more fashion sense than I can ever hope to have! This book celebrates the idea that you can wear whatever you want regardless of your age or your size - and that we all should throw away all the rules of what we "should" or "shouldn't" wear that have been drilled into us forever.

So whether your fashion tastes run to "Scandinavian Simplicity" or "Toddler Grandma" (definitely MY favorite), this is a quick, easy and fun read. And you may just be inspired to go out and shake up your wardrobe!

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I would like to thank Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing me with a free electronic ARC of this book, via Netgalley. Any reviews I give are done obligation free, and are done free of any charge.

Now, if you’ve been an avid reader of my posts on this blog you will have seen the January one containing pictures of me. And you would have rightly guessed I am indeed a plus size person physically (as well as in personality ;-) ).

Sadly I have never fit into what was deemed fashionable. I am 187cm (6’ 2”) and have been since I was about 12 years old. And with the height came broad shoulders, wide hips and big boobs. So even when I am at my “thinnest” (unlike now thanks to illness) I just do not fit into “average” or “fashionable” clothes. This is hard for someone who describes herself as tall and fat. As, according to fashion outlets, tall people are apparently all meant to be rail thin and 16 years old… while fat people are meant to be dwarves and in their 50’s. And so I’ve always hated clothing (when it comes to wearing it – cutting it up into rag yarn is a totally different story ;-) ) and have never really found anything that fits me. So have felt the fault lies with me for being the wrong shape and size.

How the hell does this have anything to do with ‘Plus+’? Well, that little side story is explaining WHY I asked to read and review this book. And how life changing it has been.

I LOVE ‘Plus+’. It is not, as some people have said, a book on fat women in photos. It is an affirmation of life, love and how clothing is there to make YOU – the wearer – feel good… as well as cover the bits you want covered and keep you warm/ cool as temperatures require. Each page was a woman looking at me as if challenging me to just be ME. Dress for me, accept me in my odd shape and sizes, be free to enjoy clothing. Their quoted expressions and discussions on their style and loves, their choices and challenges… They are there to encourage the reader to realise “YOU are better than that. Dress to suit you, not to suit others”. And, for being someone who doesn’t like buying clothes online as I fear nothing will fit me - just like in face to face clothes shopping horror stories that are my life – I have looked up the sites mentioned in ‘Plus+’ and they have helped encourage my freedom from clothes fears. I have ordered clothes online! I have found women out there who – yeah we’re not all the same shape and size – have inspired me to give up on that fat and frumpy look that is making me so unhappy and have me seek the style that fits me right – mentally as well as physically.

To all the women that appear in ‘Plus+’ – thank you. You are beautiful; I love your styles, thank you for helping me unblinker myself from my fashion fears.

Now, the reason I didn’t give ‘Plus+’ a whole 5 out of 5 is due to the layout. This book is meant to be enjoyed in the paper form. I read it as an ACSM and couldn’t view as two pages… only one at a time. And that just didn’t do the book any justice and made it hard to truly enjoy reading it the way it should have been read. Yes I am being picky, but it did detract from my enjoyment. I hope not all eBook versions for sale are that bad.

Would I recommend this book to others?

Yes I would. ‘Plus+’ is not some fashion catalogue for fat people. It is an expression of freedom to all body types to realise you look good if you feel good in what you’re wearing. Don’t let the fashion world dictate what is right and wrong – take control and show it what it right for you.

So I would recommend ‘Plus+’ to people needing a bit of a boost in the right direction to loving themselves for how they are, rather than feeling they need to change to fit into society’s strict, narrow mindset. ‘Plus+’ is a freeing book, helping the reader see life is too short to hate what you look like when you can be out there loving life and yourself in clothes you want to wear.

Would I buy this book for myself?

Yes I would, in its paperback format. I would have to see if it was available to me in Australia, as doesn’t list it… but there is more than one online bookstore I can lurk on. ;-) And why would I buy it? Because it contains some great “pep” talk advice, reminders to be myself on the outside as well as on the in, and it contains all those plus size online shops I want to keep visiting. :-)

In summary: ‘Plus+’ isn’t just some coffee table fashion book, it is an affirmation that you look good how you are, no need to change to please others if you are happy with yourself. An excellent read!

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Plus+ is a coffee table book exploring plus size fashion.

Popping with pictures of regular plus size women wearing what they enjoy, Plus+ shouldn’t be unusual. After all per the National Institute of Health, 2 out of 3 women are overweight or obese. However, I have never seen another book like it. How many large women have you seen in Vogue? Not many.

Plus+ is the perfect gift for curvy girls looking for new wardrobe ideas. There are a multitude of styles shown. I do wish there were longer bios of the models. 4 stars!

Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm not a fashion-y person, but I am trying to be more put together. This book was a great introduction to a variety of looks, styles, and attitudes. Definitely going to buy it as a future present for a fashion conscious friend of mine!

I received a digital ARC from the publisher via Netgalley.

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PLUS+ by Bethany Rutter sums up the body positivity movement in a fun fashionable way. Each vibrant photograph is accompanied by the model’s Instagram handle and a short piece on how they define their style. Seeing so many beautiful women embrace themselves gave me a whole new appreciation for the body positivity movement.

Bethany Rutter and a group of talented people created this work of art. The perfect way to read this book is with a beverage and your phone. While reading, I also scrolled through some of the model’s Instagram feeds. I came across some of the most fashionable accounts. The diversity made the book even more enjoyable. There were women with different backgrounds and from different places. Every page complimenting the next.

On an inspiration level it reached 110%. Thee variety of looks, styles and fashionable pieces made me in the mood for shopping. I like buying magazines like Vogue and Marie Claire, but I never feel like the fashion spreads are realistic. The models are mostly positioned in uncomfortable looking way and wear clothes that aren’t always practical. With PLUS+ we get to see how real women dress and how they create their own styles. I could imagine myself wearing a lot of the outfits and being comfortable yet stylish.

This is a book for anyone who loves fashion, being inspired and like seeing women embracing who they are. This is also the perfect gift. I plan on buying this for quite a few people. It’s perfect for quick inspiration and some body positive vibes.

* Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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So many beautiful women being who they are and expressing themselves. The fashion was wonderful, I follow a lot of women fashion influencers on instagram and am excited to see this book made!

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This book makes no apology for being loud and taking up space. As someone in the plus range myself, Plus+ is an inspiring walk through the dress style of many plus size women, a demographic often told they are not relevant simply for existing. This book shows that looking good isn't limited to those in the size zero range. If the industry doesn't provide, then we'll do it ourselves.

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Pardon me a moment:


'k. Onto the review.

This is a simple, coffee table-style book featuring plus sized women wearing whatever the hell they want. And I. am. here. for. it.

This isn't fashion models. This isn't big girls being given designer clothes and told to pose to show off their inner beauty. These are women who display themselves on a regular basis on their Instagrams and other social media feeds, showing off their personal style, their aesthetic, their beautiful bodies without feeling any shame.

And they. are. gorgeous.

Mind you, I don't think every outfit is a winner. There are some things in these pages I cast quite the side eye at. But you know what? That's the whole damn point. Fashion is subjective, fashion is a choice, and fashion is all about what you feel.

I'd rather see outfits like this than the shit thrown into the pages of fashion magazines every day. These women put their looks together, from vintage to thrift store chic to modern trends, and they rock them and they love themselves in the clothes they wear. And that's what makes this book just the beeeeeeeeeest.

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Collection of images of women of various shapes and sizes, many of whom are popular on social media channels for spreading body positivity and inclusiveness in an industry that is extremely toxic that don’t fit antiquated body norms.

I really enjoyed this and hope that it spurs conversations on why we continue to let the fashion industry promote a body type that isn’t inclusive of the majority of the population.

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Plus+ is a collection of plus size models showing their sense of style and confidence in photos and share their own words. You can see the confidence flowing through them and it makes me wish I had more for myself! They wear what they want because they can and who cares what anyone else thinks! The models are a variety of plus size, are different races, and there is even a Muslim woman expressing herself in fashion!

Most of the fashion choices were not ‘for me’ and would not be something I would wear, but that is not what this book is about. The title says it all and it did reach its purpose: Plus+: Style Inspiration for Everyone. Wear what you want because YOU want to whether it be colors or black, short skirts or long skirts, shorts or pants, etc! Be comfortable in your skin, as it is who you are.

Special thanks to the publisher Andrews McMeel Publishing for granting me an e-arc copy via NetGalley!

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As a plus size woman, it is so empowering and validating to see a fashion book filled with women who look like me. In an industry so obsessed with size, it was great to see women outside of the norms. The only issue is that some of the pictures lacked sharp focus or the colors were over-saturated. Nevertheless, I loved the arrange of styles, and the foreword and introduction were wonderful.

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Really enjoyed it. As a plus size woman, looking through and reading about other woman and their fashion and confidence inspired me to embrace myself and my wardrobe. I was always hiding my self behind my clothing and through this have learned to be comfortable in my skin and what my body wants to wear. Loved it.

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So being a plus-sized woman can be difficult when it comes to fashion, but this book is so inspirational and just fun to flip through. I love the concept for this book and wish that there would be more out there on the subjects, or even just plus sized bodies and acceptance. The women in this book are so fierce and just ooze confidence. Books like this are important to have, especially for younger viewers. I am so happy that I requested this one and read it!

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I love this book. I feel deeply privileged to have received an advanced copy for review. Everyone should own this book and let it help you feel more confident and comfortable in your skin. As a plus sized woman myself, I was really inspired by the eclectic fashions from all the models/bloggers. I appreciate the fact that this book features not only cis women, but trans women and non-binary folx. It’s a great intersectional look at the real bodies of plus size fashion and the endless possibilities of what to wear.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not paid for this review.

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Considering that I'm not a big fashion bug, but I do appreciate a well put together outfit......I might've originally opted for a 2 star's just not my 'genre', but upgraded to 3..... I thought the photography good, & the women & their ensemble descriptions of their choice of fashion statements worth reading too. Nice art/photography book featuring beautiful everyday female models.
I received this e-ARC from Andrews McMeel Publishing via NetGalley, voluntarily reading & reviewing it. All thoughts/opinions are my own.

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PLUS + is a must buy coffee table book. As someone whos told often you can't wear that. I love this book! this book has pictures of girls in there I don't care what the world thinks. Each photo layout includes the @ tag for each model which allows readers to go online and follow their favorite model even after finishing reading this book. I love this Book thank you!

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First off, I love the concept of this book. I think it is a very important subject and one that needs to be talked about. I loved reading the forwards. There were a few shots that I absolutely loved, the cover being my favorite. That being said, some of the photographs looked quite amateurish...and some of the fashion choices were definitely not ones that I would ever wear. Some I didn't find flattering in the least. But, that is the beauty of fashion... It is in the eye of the beholder, much like art. I commend these women for being bold in their own skin and loving themselves. That's by far the biggest and most important message in this book, and for that, I find it a success in it's own right.

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This is an important book and I'm glad it exists. Normalising larger bodies is excellent work to be doing - kudos to Bethany Rutter! I'm now following many of these women on Instagram - but that brings me to my only problem with this book, which is that it feels more like a curated Instagram feed. It would have been good if the text was a bit more substantial - as it is, it's all quite samey. I'd have loved a couple of longer pieces on plus-size fashion or body positivity.

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