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The Last Widow

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I love love love Karin Slaughter and her will trent series. It has been too long. This book was thrilling and fast paced. Initially the multiple point of views threw me but as I got more in to the book it really paid off. A must read

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I enjoyed this book from start to finish. It was well written and I particularly like the way the chapters and events overlapped giving a different view of events by different characters. I have not read any of the previous novels but this did not detract from the story.

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YES! YES! I was thrilled to receive an advance copy of this, you all know I am a ridiculously huge Karin Slaughter fan. I started this pretty much the second I got my hands on it, and I had no regrets. As with all Slaughter’s work (bar Pieces of Her), you will get sucked in almost immediately, and the story barrels along super fast.

The Last Widow flips between characters, telling the story simultaneously from differing perspectives, and it works so well. I absolutely love reading about Sara and Will, I think they are great together. It is a testament of Slaughter’s writing that she managed to merge two series so successfully, and especially how she brings Sara and Will together, and there is no resentment (because come on, Jeffrey man). The side characters don’t get as much focus in this one, making them more bit characters than usual, but that is alright.

I thought the story for The Last Widow was engrossing and interesting. The book  has it all – romance, action, drama, the works. Sara’s family makes an appearance again, and some truly hurtful things are said in that section, but it definitely contributes to all that goes on.The Last Widow is without a doubt a whirlwind read. The events take place really quickly, so the book is essentially a snapshot of time with characters we have grown to love over the years. I absolutely cannot wait for more in this series!

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This is the latest in the Will Trent series from Karin Slaughter, however it is the first one I have read and I loved it so much that I am going to go back and read the back catalogue. I couldn't put it down and loved all the good characters and passionately hated the baddies. If you are a Will Trent or Karin Slaughter fan you will not be disappointed, but equally if this your first read - enjoy!

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Will and Sara stop to help with an accident on the roadside and soon realise that something is wrong, In the violence that follows, Will is unconscious and Sara is kidnapped. She is taken by an American whilte supremacist military group who are pretty evil all round. The leader’s wife, Gwen, takes the prize for me. Will is desperate to get her back and stop whatever ‘The Message’ is that is planned by the group.
There’s a high body count in this book and it’s not for the faint hearted, Will and Sara’s relationship progresses more in this book than the previous one. A good read, as usual, but some stomach turning characters. Thanks to Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter is the ninth book in the Will Trent series.
A woman is abducted from a shopping centre car park. A month later she is forced to take part in a terrorist attack.
Will Trent's girlfriend a doctor is also taken by the terrorist. It's a race against time to stop these men and get the woman back alive.
I did not enjoy this book as much as the author's earlier books in this series and found a difference in writing style and the story very slow at the beginning.
Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The Last Widow, Book #9 in the Will Trent series, does not disappoint. While it can easily be read as a stand alone, I always like to read them in order. I have been a life long fan of Karin Slaughter because she writes a great thriller every time. I can always count on her to provide me with a great book. And The Last Widow was no exception. I really liked this book.

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This book gripped me from the beginning. Well written and I really invested in the characters. Really enjoyed it.

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This is book 9 in the Will Trent series and also stars Sara Linton who we first met in the Grant County series. It's not wholly necessary to have read all the previous books to enjoy this one, I haven't, but I would advise that you do try a few as both these characters have backstories that, if known, will allow the reader to better understand them. There is a bit of catch-up to be found in this book, but it's only enough to get an inkling of a feel rather than a deeper understanding which I thing would help.
First a bit of a grumble. I really didn't get on with the beginning of the book. The whole things is told by three main characters - Will, Sara and Faith - and, as they are all together (mostly) at the beginning, there is a LOT of repetition when you see the scene from each pov. Luckily, this doesn't last too long as they all diverge and the narrative settles down. It was annoying at the time though. But please, if you feel the same as me, read through the pain as what eventually follows is worth it!
Rant over!
Sara and Will are enjoying a lazy day with Sara's family when they hear explosions. The race to the source, eager to offer any help they can. On the way, they come across a traffic accident and stop to help there instead. Things go south there quite quickly as Sara is taken, Will is injured, one of the baddies is captured and another interesting face pops up. It is obviously more than just an accident? But what? Meanwhile, there's a task force meeting including the GBI, but not Will himself, regarding a "highly valued" prisoner. Oh and there's also Michelle Spivey, a scientist with the CDC, who had also been abducted a while back. What follow is scary stuff indeed as Will goes undercover and the truth of what is actually happening starts to be unearthed.
Phew... what a story this turned out to be. Scary stuff indeed. More so, with the world as it is today, as it could actually happen! The author took me on a heart stopping ride of peril and danger pitting the wits of the powers that be, each withholding certain information for political reasons! And with a very worthy adversary whose agenda was, well, devastating if it came good.
The research that has obviously been done into certain elements of the story must have been painstaking as it all came across as very real. There is a lot going on, most of which I can't mention here due to spoilers but it definitely opened my eyes to some issues that certain people find themselves facing. But although some are quite shocking and, on the face of things, should be easy to avoid, the whole is delivered in a balanced way with both sides given equal measure to a certain extent.
Will and Sara give exactly what you would expect from them and, what happens to each of them along the way steers their relationship another direction at the end. I love the development the author gives them from their journeys through this book. Other characters, both new and old friends also play their parts well and the whole comes together very nicely at the end.
Pacing is good and there are lighter moments interspersed throughout which keeps the book from getting too dark, especially given the overall storyline.
Once we got over the repetitive start, the story kicked in nicely and held me captive throughout. It would be a shame if the book lost readers due to it which is why I repeat that it IS worth carrying on. I did toy with the idea of quitting at the time but, given the author's reputation and past books I have enjoyed, I did carry on and I am so glad I persevered.
Not the author's strongest book (due mostly to the opening) but a good solid read for me. Given the ending, I am very interested in seeing what's next for Will and Sara. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Karin Slaughter is one of the best thriller writers in the world. Her latest offering confirms this reputation. I have ADORED every book in the Will Trent series.
The Last Widow is a tightly woven narrative featuring an extreme right group and the Georgia Bureau of Investigations.

The minute-by-minute breakdown of the kidnapping of Sara Linton and Will’s race to find her is heart stopping.

What makes this series stand apart from others is Will Trent. His flawed, yet authentic relationships with the women in his circle – lover, boss, partner and ex - are incredibly well thought through and conceived. In The Last Widow the narrative moves on their relationships to perfection.

Like many other fans, I raced through this one into the small hours. Karin Slaughter has delivered another perfect thriller. When is the next one out?

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The Last Widow is the ninth book featuring Will Trenton and Dr Sara Linton, who are both members of the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI), they also happen to be in a personal relationship. This book could easily be read as a stand-alone, but like any long running series their are aspects that you will miss out on. I’m a a huge Karin Slaughter fan and as I would expect she once again delivers a compelling, taut, chilling read. The plot is very current, making it a terrifying but all to credible read

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I have enjoyed this authors books and particularly this series. To be honest this one didn’t grab me as much as the others it was quite long and a bit confusing

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Disclaimer: Copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I am so grateful to NetGalley and the Publishers, Harper Collins UK, for providing me with a copy of The Last Widow by Karin Slaughter

Being a huge fan of Karin Slaughter's previous books, I was a tiny bit disappointed with this latest release. I really like the development of Will that we've seen in throughout his series, but the plot line of this book just felt so familiar. The cult ideology has been overused as of late and all the "tactics" that this white supremacist cult used are textbook.

The multiple POV's used for both Will and Sara pulled me out the story, as I found myself reading the same dialogue multiple times for the same scene. However Faith's POV was refreshing as it helped the develop the world around them.

However my favourite part of the book was the development of the characters, how much they have changed from when this book started all those years ago, on the flip side it would be great for Will to finally leave his dark past behind him and finally find happiness.

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I have been a huge fan of Karin Slaughter for well over ten years now and she was one of the very first big name authors that got me into the latest crime genre, due to her addictive and compelling stories.
"The Last Widow" is number nine in the Georgia Bureau Investigator Will Trent series and it is possible to read this as a standalone, though to fully understand Will and his unique personality it wouldn't hurt to read some of the previous books, as much for enjoyment as anything else. I have been following the Will Trent series since the Grant County books and have to admit that I do still miss Jeffrey Tolliver, though Will Trent is a very welcome addition and hugely likeable. How Karin has introduced Will into Sara Linton's life has been seamless and he's yet another well developed character that this author is renowned for in her books.
The book opens with the same scenes replayed in full from several characters view points which did slow the progression of the story down in my opinion and I'm not sure if it actually worked. The premise of the story is a white supremacist terror plot involving biological warfare and was an action packed, adrenaline fuelled and gripping thriller. Not typical Karin Slaughter but a very well written, plotted, executed and researched story. The attention to descriptive detail was second to none and it's impossible not to play out each scene in your head with full clarity. I loved the ending involving Will and Sara too and it rounded off a truly exceptional book.
4 stars

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This is my third book by Karin Slaughter now and each one is brilliant. Fast paced and riverting read from start to finish. It follows the story of several people whose lives will become entwined together with a viscous mad cult leader with mass suicide on his agenda. Can it get stopped before him and his followers wreak destruction on the world as we know it.

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Anyone who is shocked by the nightmare rise of the far right Alt-right and their Nazi ideology should read this well researched addition to the Will Trenton series with Dr Sara Linton, both members of the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) by Karin Slaughter. Slaughter pokes beneath the surface to examine the rise of this contemporary phenomena with the authentic creation of the kind of unhinged characters, mainly men, that are part of this unsavoury movement, their arrogance, their need to control women, and the depth of their racism and antisemitism. The survivalist and cultish nature of many such groups attracts young lost, naive young men in search of male role models in their lives, attracted by the glamour of military men, and fighting a cause akin to their very own holy war. The author hones in on critical issues such as the large number of disaffected ex-army men returning from war, the scapegoating of immigrants, the private militias, and the political climate that underpins the growth and legitimisation of the far right. Despite me wanting this story of white supremacist domestic terrorism to have no basis in reality, unfortunately Slaughter's chilling scenarios do not feel that far fetched at all, given what has been happening in our contemporary world.

Michelle Spivey is shopping with her 11 year old daughter, Ashley, when she is abducted. Spivey is a vital scientist working at the Centre for Disease Control, and the authorities are struggling to find her and no-one knows why she has been taken. Will and Medical Examiner Sara are virtually living together, although Sara's mother, Cathy, is having problems accepting Will as part of their family. Whilst they are spending time with Sarah's family, bombs go off at critically important sites in Georgia, including the hospitals, leaving many dead and injured. Will and Sara head towards the scene, only to find themselves held up at a apparent traffic accident scenario that feels off, which culminates in Sara's abduction and Will being injured. A devastated and traumatised Will is helped by his close friends and colleagues, Amanda Wagner and Faith Mitchell, collaborating with the FBI to locate Sara and Michelle. Will goes undercover, as he and the GBI race against time to try and prevent a unknown far right domestic terrorist plot indicated in the chatter picked up by the intelligence agencies.

This is a violent and brutal read, including the horrors of paedophilia, rape, child murders and biological warfare, but none of this factors felt out of place in this compulsive and riveting story. For me, there was only a minor issue in the novel that jarred, and that was the retelling of same scenes from the viewpoints of Will and Sara that served little purpose, but this did not really mar my reading experience. Slaughter could not have written a more relevant and informative novel on the unspeakable nightmare that is the rise of Alt-Right groups in the US and elsewhere. She demonstrates her understanding of the kind of people that run these groups, the militias, the involvement of ex-army men, and the huge numbers that are attracted to such groups and their despicable ideology. A brilliant, if desperately disturbing read, that I highly recommend. Many thanks to HarperCollins for an ARC.

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An abduction with no apparent reason is the starter for this page turner, filled with twists to keep you hooked, and I was hooked from the start and read the whole book in just over a day!
Will Trent and his girlfriend Sarah both work for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and their individual skill sets are put to the test throughout this story. Will’s work partner, Faith and his boss Amanda, both know him equally well and they know each other’s strengths and abilities well.
I love the way Karin Slaughter layers the story together, telling the same time frame more than once but each time from someone else’s viewpoint so that you get a bit more detail added to the picture and the story moves on a little more. I think it’s a great way of adding depth and detail without overwhelming the reader at the same time.
In short, I loved it from start to finish and would definitely recommend it.
My thanks to #NetGalley #HarperCollinsUK #HarperFiction and #KarinSlaughter for allowing me to read and review this book.

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What a book, this is possibly my favourite Sara Linton book since Jeffery died.
Sara and Will rush to help when there is an explosion, on the way they come across a road collision and stop to help. Within no time things take a turn for the worse and Sara is kidnapped.
I love the Sara Linton series and I recommend you read them all, but this book would work well as a stand alone. I highly recommend this book.

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I have read a few of Karin's books before and really enjoyed them so when i saw this one i couldn't wait to start but unfortunately i struggled so much to get into it that i found myself a few times putting the book down and going to do something else before trying again. It just didn't grip me from the start and so it struggled to hold my attention.
It didn't feel like the same characters as previously, granted i have not read every book in the series but i have read a few of them and it just didn't have the same feel.
A real shame i struggled but overall written well and if you go in with fresh eyes, maybe you'll enjoy it more.

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I was so looking forward to a Sara/Will book but for me this was a let down. The story just didn't interest me, it's a far cry from the gore and suspense of earlier novels.

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