Member Reviews

Karin Slaughter has done it again. This was another great read which I raced through with relish. A deeply disturbing book which keeps you desperate to know the end result . What more can you want from a good read?

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This opens with the sort of dramatic scene you expect from Slaughter, but the reader soon realises that what appears to be a straightforward kidnapping is going to be something even more sinister.
As the central characters become increasingly involved, the reader closely empathises with their suffering and danger as well as those of the wider public whose safety and future is threatened.
Although it felt quite incredible that two people could virtually alone divert such a massive tragedy Slaughter makes them credible enough for the reader to accept and this makes gripping reading.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK, for the review copy. This is an unbiased review of the author's work and style. If you want plot lines and spoilers please see the publishers blurb and other reviewers' reports.

My, my I had looked forward to reading this. I had heard, from a number of people, how good the author was - maybe I shouldn't have started with this one.
If the chapters hadn't been dated I would have assumed, from the opening chapter, that this story was set in the late seventies early eighties. The relationship between the characters their mores are ridiculously of that period if not earlier. So, for me the volume started badly and unfortunately it didn't get better.
Overall I thought a second rate novel from the mid 20th century with extra violence and expletives. If you want something like, this but written with style I suggest Raymond Chandler - less violence, few expletives and more humour and a better plot.

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I absolutely love Karin Slaughter and I adore Will Trent. The series so far has been one of the best I've ever read, so to get a chance to read this before publication, well, I was over the moon. I'm not sure why but for me this story just didn't gel with the others from the series. It didn't feel like the Will Trent I got to know in the previous books. Same with Sarah it just didn't feel right to me. That said it's still a great story a bit too science'y for me but I still couldn't put it down. One thing about Karin Slaughter is she knows how to tell an amazing story that grips you and you just have to find out what's going to happen next. I'm a bit gutted that unlike the other reviews I've left for her this ones not 5 stars from me

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be prepared to read this in one sitting!
Sara and Will are an excellent leading team and their backstories are well told so that even if you have not read any of their earlier books you still feel you know them well.
This book begins with a startling potential kidnap scene as Michelle witnesses a van pulling up in front of her daughter and the doors opening. Luckily she has schooled her daughter for such an event and Ashley runs away...only it turns out they were there for Michelle all along.
The case of Michelle being snatched is an intense search as she is rapidly identified as a specialist in infectious diseases that could be weaponised and the speed shifts from a kidnap to a potential terror threat.
As the story unfolds we meet a frightening set of people who firmly believe that the world need to be reset to white supremacy- a group made all the more chilling by the fact that there are documented cases of exactly these types of communities in existence today.
Sara and Will both get dragged further and further into the IPA as they try to find and rescue Michelle and prevent whatever atrocity it is that has been planned.
The pages of this book pretty much turn themselves and with every chapter and section ending on a cliffhanger there is not stopping place where you feel you can put the book down and return to it tomorrow!

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This book has action from the start and was really hard to put down.

It again features GBI agent Will and Doctor Sara Linton and their relationship is a core part of the story. In chapter one a scientist is abducted while out shopping with her daughter. The case then builds from that moment.

The criminal intent behind the group is all too believable in the present climate, the only trouble I had was with Will going undercover, it just felt unrealistic. Having said that, I couldn't put the book down and really enjoyed it.

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Wow! This is my thriller of the year so far and one of the best Will and Sara outings in a long time. There is real intense suspense right from the very first chapter. Five star summer rollercoaster all the way.

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Tensions are high and the twists keep on coming in this fast paced addition to Will Trent's story. If you're a fan of the series, this book is everything you want and more - dark, disturbing and utterly compelling.

Slaughter switches the style up a bit this time, repeating key moments as she tells them from different points of view. This allows the reader to really connect with each of the main characters, even if they haven't read any of the previous books in the series, and keeps the writing feeling fresh.
The plot is chillingly plausible in today's world, and so many moments put your heart in your mouth it would be impossible to pick a favourite.
Possibly her best yet!

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Praise as always to Karin Slaughter and her Will Trent novels, I've been reading the stories from the beginning and everyone has kept me hooked until the end, so I was so happy when I was given the opportunity to read the new book, 'The last widow' early, this novel is no exception to the others, the story builds up the suspense brilliantly, and even though it does have some challenging and darker subjects such as child abuse and rape it hasn't been gratuitously written as some authors would write it. Ms Slaughter has a way to her writing that leaves you wanting more and I can't wait for another instalment of Will and Sarah.

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Thanks to Harper Collins and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book. It was brilliant. I was hooked from the first page and was reluctant to tear myself away for inconvenient things like eating and sleeping ! This finds Dr Sara Linton and Will Trent in a situation with white supremisists. It is very frightening that there are groups like this linked to the terrorist horrors that occur in the modern world and shows how people can be utterly inhumane.. The story was complex and I sometimes had to reread sections to fully understand and keep up with the plot, but that is more to do with me being from the Uk and not au fait with US terms. Well researched and fast paced. Excellent.

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Karin slaughter at her usual excellence. Any fan will enjoy this! I’ve read it in a day. Recommend to everyone.

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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the opportunity to read this book. I always enjoy Karin slaughters books. This one however was a bit hard to get into to be quite honest. So many people sharing their point of view. It got confusing trying to remember everyone. But as usual it didn’t disappoint. An absolutely brilliant book. Great storyline and good characters. Definitely worth 5stars.

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Not the best Karin Slaughter book I have read, it took me a while to get into it and I must admit I did some skim reading just to get to the end.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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It took me a long time to get through this one, it wasn't one of the best karin slaughter books that i've read. Whilst i saw it through as i wanted to know if Will and Sara escaped i felt i was skipping parts of dialogue that was just unnecessary.

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This is part of a series of books, so you may need to have read the others to get a better understanding of the characters and their histories, although it is possible to read it as a standalone. Very exciting and keeps you on the edge at all times. Very well written and action packed from start to finish.

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The Last Widow is another book in the fabulous Sara Linton and Will Trent series, this is Karin Slaughter back at her best and I hope this series just goes on and on.
Sara is abducted by a group of white neo nazi types that intend to cause havoc and hundreds if not thousands of deaths. Will is determined to find Sara and pulls out all the stops, not caring who he upsets, or at what cost to himself.
I don’t wish to give the plot away, suffice to say this is a heart pounding, page turning book.
Will continues to be the wonderful character you love and just want happiness for and Sara remains his rock.
So well written and descriptive, you can picture everything, some events almost too much that they leave you shocked and wide eyed.
Full of action, an absolutely cracking read.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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Wow I loved the messed up nature of this book and how much it kept you guessing at what was was going on! Karin Slaughter once again hooks us in successfully!

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I love Karin Slaughter books and read all Grant County and then Will Trent. I love the partnership between Will and Sara. I was so excited to read this one which I found gripping from start to finish.
Three main different character viewpoints are shown. Will is a strong silent presence Sara is a paediatrician and an agent with Will and Faith is Will's partner.
The book starts with Michelle a specialist in Infectious diseases being kidnapped No word is heard for a month then there is a massive explosion at the hospital with loss of life that brings everything to a head.
Sara is kidnapped with Michelle seen in one of the cars involved in a traffic accident near the explosion.
The story moves forward with input from each of the main players The terrorists are just that with paedophilia mentioned but thankfully not detailed.
I will say that I am not a fan of the same story being told by different characters viewpoints and found that quite confusing.
However I was so gripped by this and read it at every opportunity Would highly recommend

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This book is action packed from start to finish, Will Trent and Sarah become embroiled in kidnapping, murder and terrorism! When Sarah is taken Will with the help of the GBI try to track down DASH the man behind all the atrocities. Can they track him down and save Sarah and stop him in his plans to destroy thousands of lives
Some topics uncomfortable but fitting for the cult type life they were all living in

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Thoroughly enjoyed this adventure with Will and Sara playing their parts. My only concern is that this may be the last we see of this couple - which would be a great shame as I have become very emotionally invested in them over the years and Karin slaughter is one of my favourite writers. Many thanks for the ARC and if you're looking for a rollicking good tale - goodies versus baddies - this is the book for you.

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