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Sweet on You

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SWEET ON YOU by BECKY WADE is the third novel in the Bradford Sisters trilogy, but it can be read as a stand alone. I am glad, however, that I have read the books in sequence, and I recommend that you do the same.
There is a lovely cameraderie between the Bradford sisters who have grown up in a loving family, although their history is not without great sadness. Britt is the youngest and the only one whose birth mother is still alive, which makes her feel unwarranted guilt. This, combined with the Irish blood she inherited from Kathleen, leads to her having a fiercely independant spirit and the feeling that she she must be the strong one in every situation.
Zander, on the other hand, had a most unhappy childhood until he was taken in by his Uncle Frank and Aunt Carolyn. He loves them and is deeply grateful to them for treating him and his brother as the sons they never had. He and Britt have been best friends since school, and he has been secretly in love with her since then. He is dependable to a fault, hardworking and brilliantly clever.
The story starts with him coming home from overseas for his Uncle Frank's funeral. As he and Britt work together to find out the unusual circumstances surrounding his uncle's death, their relationship begins to change. I particularly love the way that they each find out that the Lord is always with them and grow closer to Him as they try to make some sense about what they are going through.
It is a delightful read in which the author really makes us get to know the characters, warts and all! The dialogue is great and I particularly like the text messages, journal entries and school notes that are dotted between the chapters.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Bethany House Publishers. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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Britt Bradford. Adventurous, genius, creative, fun, brave, persistent Britt.
Zander Ford. Wry, witty, brooding, smart, steadfast, loyal Zander.

They are known as inseparable. And they have a history places they've visited together, a food playlist of what they've cooked together, memories of all the times they've been there for each other, to call out when necessary and to cheer for. What they are not used to is to tension around them that goes deeper than disagreement, but regrets and things unsaid.

Zander hoped that his grand tour would help him forget his romantic notions of Britt.
Britt hoped his grand tour would be everything he ever dreamed of, though it hurt in the core of her being to not have him in her daily life. But she won't complain, won't be a whiner. Her independence is the center of who she is, it's her proudest gift. And it has almost cost her too much. Nevertheless, Britt doesn't deal well with fragility, that's why she's decided to move on and let go, to be who she's always known herself to be.

In a race to uncover all the layers of Zander's uncle's secret and all the threat they can mean to his family, Zander will once again be confronted with his biggest threat: Britt's presence. And Britt will find herself ready to collapse into one of the most stable arms in her life in a way she has never before, which scares to pieces. Through it, though, Britt might just find out that a broken heart is beautiful because it allows love to overflow in and out.

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Oh, Britt.. oh, Zander...
Your story has been looooooooong coming! And I completely loved it <3

Five hundred and eleven days have passed since the last time Zander Ford had seen his best friend Britt. She knows him best, all his dreams and quirks, including his tendency to close every door he sees open. What she doesn't know is that for as long as they've known each other and his biggest reason to go on his grand tour was to shut the door that bothers him most but he can't close it: the door to his heart that seems to have welcomed her in more ways than "just friends".However, a family tragedy calls him home too soon, and as soon as he sees Britt, he knows he hasn't achieved the sense of closure he longs for because it's impossible for her to love him back as he loves her.

What makes you take a second turn to look at the person you’ve known your entire life only to realize you might not have known them at all? Britt sees Zander struggling with this question as they uncover layer after layer that point to the uncle who gave him a sense of family not being who he's told them he was. Just as disconcerting? The second looks she's been giving her best friend, Zander. The person who knows her best has flourished without her. Or was it always there and she's only now starting to grasp?

Britt Bradford is known to run on endorphins, from mountain biking, hiking, kayaking, and from boyfriend to boyfriend. She loves the thrill. She's independent and determined not to be a yolk to anyone. And she loves wholeheartedly. What she hasn't been enjoying? Feeling defenseless. Feeling recently that she needs to put twice the effort to be self-sufficient. Feeling like she'll crumble one day in front of Zander.

Wade completely wrote true to what the characters were feeling. Once again, she has captivated me with her humor and thoughtfulness, bringing us face-to-face with the characters own fears and struggles that many times reflect our own.

Their journey isn't a quick insight into who they've been so far and the only person they want to be when taking the next step - powerless, broken, dependent, anchored in love. Their journey is like a powerful thunder that shakes the earth and scares you but also brings brilliant light that allows you to see. It's like sweetest rain that falls washing away everything that shouldn't be only to leave the firmest foundation.

I've read the ending again and again and again. I'm so sorry to see this series finish.
But I'm happy I can go back to it anytime I want. Always.
I'm happy to have grown with the characters, to learn to let go, and to feel closer to the One who always has my back. Always.

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Oh my goodness! This book was absolutely wonderful! Where do I even begin?

I've watched Zander's intense devotion to best friend Britt and her complete ignorance of his love for her since the very first book. I've been rooting for them, wanting to shake Britt and force her to see the wonderful man standing right in front of her. I've been so anxious for this book, y'all. I expected it to be great, but it far exceeded my already high expectations. It was everything I was hoping for and so much more.

There were some twists and turns that I was not expecting which I totally loved. The mystery element was superb and definitely kept me on my toes. And I was so happy that Grandma was back, just as feisty and opinionated as ever.

Sweet on You is one of the best contemporary romances I've read and my favorite “friends to lovers” one, for sure. I'd highly recommend this book to everyone. It's awesome! It can totally standalone, but I'd still recommend starting with the first one. This whole series has been excellent. And what a conclusion!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.

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Britt Bradford and Zander Ford have been the best of friends since they met thirteen years ago. Unbeknown to Britt, Zander has been in love with her for just as long.

Independent and adventurous Britt channels her talent into creating chocolates at her hometown shop. Zander is a bestselling author who's spent the past 18 months traveling the world. He's achieved a great deal but still lacks the only thing that ever truly mattered to him--Britt's heart.

When Zander's uncle dies of mysterious causes, he returns to Merryweather, Washington, to investigate, and Britt is immediately there to help. Although this throws them into close proximity, both understand that an attempt at romance could jeopardize their once-in-a-lifetime friendship. But while Britt is determined to resist any change in their relationship, Zander finds it increasingly difficult to keep his feelings hidden.

As they work together to uncover his uncle's tangled past, will the truth of what lies between them also, finally, come to light?

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I have been looking forward to this book and it did not disappoint.
Britt and Zander are characters I loved in Mrs. Wade's other books and I was so happy to see she was coming out with a book about them specifically.
Character development in this series is fantastic, this book is like an emotional roller coaster ride and you will not regret reading it!

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Sweet on You is the third book in Becky Wade's Bradford Sisters series. This is the story of Britt and Zander and I have been looking forward to their story since we met them in the first book of the series (True to You). Britt and Zander are best friends and everyone can see they are meant to be together except Britt. Zander moves away for over a year and only returns because of mysterious circumstances surrounding his uncle's death. This story really shows us Britt and Zander's friendship and I think it comes off as very realistic and believable. I really enjoyed reading about their changing relationship and both main characters' reactions to it. Friends to lovers stories are always at the top of my list and this one did not disappoint. It was a very sweet, believable story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Sweet on You was a fantastic conclusion to this series. I got to read it right on the heels of finishing Falling for You, so the scene where Zander announced his departure for a World Tour of sorts was fresh in my memory. I loved the way their friendship and the tension of Zander trying to keep his feelings to himself for the sake of their friendship worked out through the novel. His character reminded me a bit of Joanne Bischof's MC in the Lady and the Lionheart - It's not very often you run into a CF character with sleeves, but the story of his tattoos adds this fascinating depth to how I picture him as a world-traveling author writing suspense.

Similar to the previous installments in the series, Sweet on You features a crime mystery that the characters are out to solve. While maintaining that "Contemporary Christian Romance" feel that we all know and love, each of these books have thrown in a little "something extra" to keep it interesting with this subplot. In the case of Sweet on You, it's the question of, "What on earth did Zander's Uncle do before he married Zander's aunt?" And the answer might be a little less than straightforward, pitching Zander and Britt into interesting circumstances that put Britt exactly where she hopes never to return (fearing for her life) and cause them question whether there might be more for them than friendship in their future.

Filled with great romantic tension, heart-racing mystery and action, and relatable life lessons about trusting God and leaning on others, I think you'll enjoy Becky Wade's newest release about friends-to-more.

I received a free copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are my own

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Chocolate. The word that is most ladies’ favorite word. But chocolate is so generic. there is sweet, creamy milk, chocolate. Bitter, rich dark chocolate. Sometimes to get the richness of dark chocolate, one has to put up with the bitterness. I found Sweet on You by Becky Wade to be like dark chocolate. There was a lot of good, rich, even sweet story inside; however, there was also a bitter taste in parts that I didn’t like so much. First, let’s discuss the bitter parts and then get on to the good part. When I read Christian fiction, I read it assuming that the Christian characters will act like Christians. However, there were several instances where Britt who is supposed to be a Christian, does not act like one. She gets drinks alcohol and even gets drunk, and it is mentioned that she cursed when she cut her finger. But nothing is said about these actions being wrong. It’s just passed over as if there was no problem with her doing these things. This bothered me and made the book have a very bitter taste to me. Now, on to the good richness of the book. The number one item I enjoyed in this book…the chocolate! I had to eat several pieces of chocolate to get through the book because every time Britt makes chocolate I couldn’t continue until I had a piece of chocolate. This was definitely not a problem since I had a bag of Ghirardelli chocolates to consume. Another, more important aspect of the book that made it rich, was the lesson Britt learns about not depending on herself. How it’s okay and necessary to depend on God. It was not given in a preachy way, but in a way that just fit with the whole story. I also enjoyed the sweetness of the story that the romance between Zander and Britt added. The patience that Zander displays towards Britt was amazing. Overall, I enjoyed the book, but there was always that bitter flavor hanging over it, that I could have done without.

I would recommend this to those who love chocolate and contemporary romances if they can overlook the problems that I mentioned before.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my ow

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I have been eagerly anticipating the third and final title of The Bradford Sisters Romance trilogy, Sweet on You, detailing the relationship of best friends Britt Bradford and Zander Ford. I was thrilled when I realised that the title was available via NetGalley and the publisher approved my request with a complimentary prerelease copy for preview and honest review. It did not disappoint.

Britt is the youngest of the Bradford sisters, and if you know the background on the family, you can understand that although she's just as pampered as the others, she carries a little bit of unwarranted guilt that leads to ridiculous independence and the need to stand on her own two feet. Zander has been her best friend harbouring a love interest in Brit since high school and she just doesn't see it. As they continue into adulthood, he's had enough and realises that he can't stand the pain of watching her flit in and out of meaningless relationships. Cue the dramatics as they explore whether a real romantic relationship is in their best interest and the suspense as they explore the suddenly exposed knowledge that Zander's recently deceased uncle was concealing many dangerous secrets.

Wade does a remarkable job of balancing the fear and angst of a friendship heading into a romance with the hope that all will flourish. She weaves a perfect blend of drama, romance, and suspense into a well-rounded, easy-to-read novel that tips into delightful with the must-have happily ever after. The whole series, including this title, are engaging and absolutely perfect for lakeside reading this summer!

Review also posted on my blog:

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This book was such a great way to end a series. I love Zander and Britt and have been rooting for them since the beginning of the series. I can't wait for Becky Wade's next one!

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Wow. This book has long been anticipated and it did not disappoint! Wade delves into the hidden grip anxiety holds on a person in the character of Britt. Unequivocal devotion is threaded through Zander and his character is so tightly wound he almost springs off the pages! This book held me captive from beginning to end with its highly charged tension between the two. Britt’s pivotal moment was inspiring and brought tears to my eyes. More than once my breath hitched when reading the mesmerizing prose Wade is so well known for.

Sweet on You is a beautiful story of love and self-discovery. I highly recommend this book but you’ll get a lot more out of it if you read the entire series.

I was provided a review copy through the publisher and Netgalley. No review was required.
No compensation received.

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This novel was an exciting read. Can friends be more than friends? Or will they lose everything? What happens when they team up to solve answers to a truth revealed about someone they care about? This book has old friends, mystery, suspense, and a sweet storyline. I enjoyed the craftsmanship of the mystery and the development of the characters, their conflicts, and their relationship. The book is well paced and I found it difficult to put down.

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This is the first book I’ve read of Becky Wade’s, and the third installment of the Bradford Sisters Trilogy.
It took me several attempts to get into the storyline, but once I did I quite enjoyed the light read that it was. Britt is a master chocolatier and spends her days creating chocolate masterpieces for her chocolate shop. When Zander Ford best friend and bestselling author, returns home for his uncle’s funeral both Britt and Zander are forced to face the reality of their changing friendship. Questions arise surrounding his uncle’s death and following those questions lead Britt and Zander to uncovering a dangerous secret.
I enjoyed the banter between the two main characters but after a while, Britt’s character frustrated me. She was definitely driven by her fears and refused to share details of her life with Zander that had happened while he had been traveling abroad. Even after family and friends encourage her to come clean, Britt still refuses to do so and at that point I wanted to throw the book down and stop reading. However, there was still the uncle’s secret that I wanted to find out about so this is what kept me going, not so much the romance between Zander and Britt.
For my reading enjoyment, it was the mystery of the uncle’s death that made it worthwhile. Although, when I found out how everything was resolved I wasn’t overly impressed. A key secondary character made the whole thing pull together and could have stopped everything very early on in the novel and I found myself wondering why the author chose to wait until the end for that character to pull the plug and reveal all. I suppose it wouldn’t have been as fun reading if it happened too soon.
Descriptions and dialogue were well done and believable. I was a bit confused as to the relationship between all the characters, but I’m sure if I read the previous two books in the series I wouldn’t have a problem understanding all the connections.
I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Sweet on You by Becky Wade is the third and final book in A Bradford Sisters Romance. Britt Bradford runs a successful chocolate shop, and her best friend, Zander Ford returns to town after being away for several years to bury his uncle. It turns out that Zander's uncle death was not due to natural causes, and Britt and Zander seek to discover the truth and find a double life. Wade succeeds again in creating irresistible chemistry between Britt and Zander as they discover they really are more than friends. She does make a few mistakes in using the 1970 U.S. Census as the 1940 U.S. Census is the most current one available. Her description of microfilm scanner was not correct, but these small errors are only noticeable to a librarian. I eagerly await Wade's next series.

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A very good book, engaging and entertaining.
I didn't read the series and I look forward to reading it. This installment was great, a very good ending.
I liked the style of writing, the characters and the plot.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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I have been eagerly anticipating the final instalment of the Bradford sisters trilogy and this book does not disappoint. It has it all - snapping chemistry between Britt and Zander, a brisk plot that has lots of action going on, chocolate sprinkled lavishly throughout the story - even some Nikki to lighten up the mood! Ms Wade should be very proud of herself for this - she's managed to make Zander and Britt seem like real friends that I would know. And the description of the panic attack was very accurate (at least to my experiences, it was!)! Bravo!
Fortunately, I've already ordered a copy of this book for my Christian Fiction section of the public library where I work, and it's a good thing too as I've already started recommending it to patrons!
Thank you for a fantastic book, Ms Wade! I look forward to reading more of you in the coming years.

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I craved chocolate the whole time I read this book. Not good for my diet! Do books do that to you? You read about something the characters ate and you want some too? In this story, Britt, owns chocolate shop. So there is a lot of chocolate talk.
We have watched Britt and Zander from a distance in the previous two books in the Bradford Sisters series. In this book we get to see deeper into the characters as they both work to uncover the mystery behind Zander's uncle's death
.Zander and Britt struggle with their feelings for each other while piecing together the secrets they are discovering from his uncle's past. Fun to watch the two of them and how they each deal so differently with the attraction between them.
If you are in the market for a great love story with a good suspense element, this is the book for you. I'm a little sad there are no more Bradford sisters, I've come to love this family.
This book could be read as a stand alone, but it is so much better if you read the books in order to get all the dynamics of the three sisters.

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Finally...Britt & Zander's story! I love this series by Becky Wade. Previous books tell Nora & Willow's stories including their courtships, and not FINALLY we get to read all about Britt, the youngest sister. This book includes a mild mystery and a bit of action. We learn more about Zander's background and Britt's insecurities. Well worth the wait & definitely a book to read! Loved it!!!

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The conclusion to the Bradford Sisters series is one not to be missed. Britt and Zander have been best friends for years but do they secretly love each other? When Zander's uncle dies, Zander rushed back from his world travels to attend the funeral. Things are not what they seem to be when questions come up about Uncle Frank. Lots of mystery for those who enjoy mysteries with a touch of chocolate for candy lovers. Love is also in the air for a satisfying end.

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