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Sweet on You

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Every spring I look forward to many exciting happenings. I love to see my tulips bloom, warmer weather for walks and the release of a wonderful new Becky Wade book. Though spring is touch and go in Ohio, Becky Wade came through for me again this year with a great new book, Sweet on You. Sweet on You is the third book in her Bradford Sisters Romance series and it is truly awesome! I am still sighing and feel like a better person because I had the opportunity to read it.

Sweet on You is the story of Britt and Zander. Britt Bradford is the youngest Bradford sister who is categorized as a warrior princess and is a Chocolatier. ( though that sounds like an athlete for a college team it actually is someone who makes chocolate) Zander has been her best friend since high school and is the faithful silent type. They have hung out forever, but never dated each other. . Sweet on You is their story.

Sweet on you has mystery, adventure and characters you can cheer for. Becky Wade has woven romance wonderfully into Sweet on You. The characters are interesting and they love God and mature during the story. Becky Wade has a small section at the beginning of every chapter with texts, high school notes, and diary entries that add depth to the story.

And. . I just keep sighing. It is a fabulous book and if you are smart you will go and find a way to read it right now. Do not wait. Life is short.

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher, and I was not require to write a review.

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I loved this book. From the first mention of him, I have been rooting for Zander. It is so satisfying when something long-awaited finally comes to fruition. Zander has loved Britt for years. Britt is so worried about harming their friendship that she’s not willing to let anything rock that boat. Britt is a chocolatier and the descriptions of the chocolate made me want to find the fanciest chocolate shop around and indulge.
When Zander’s uncle Frank dies, the family finds out stories he told them about his past don’t line up. Zander and Britt decide to figure things out not knowing that those answers could lead them into danger and take what they thought they knew of Frank to the breaking point. It’s a solid mystery with the right amount of tension and urgency and danger. The whole story flows beautifully. It was a pleasure to read.
While I enjoyed the main characters, some of the side characters were a riot. Grandma, Valentina, and Nikki are delightfully quirky and always made me laugh.
While you can read this book as a standalone, it’d be better reading it in order to get the full benefit of the richness of her family relationships. I would highly recommend this book.
Thank you to Bethany House for providing me with a free e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I love Becky Wade’s books. She writes such swoony but clean stories. I love the touch of the gospel she adds to her books as well. It’s tasteful. Not over the top. This book follows everything I expected from a Becky Wade book. Love the characters. There’s a little bit of mystery that keeps the story going at a quick pace. I did find the resolution of the mystery a little quick. And I felt like I’ve read a similar storyline recently. Not exactly sure who wrote the other book but I had a dejavu feeling reading the story of Britt and Zander. But you know what? I love Becky Wade’s stories so much I didn’t really care that I had read something similar before. I think a perfect way to describe this book is White Collar meets a Hallmark movie.
I received a digital copy of this book from netgalley. I was under no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts are my own.

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I recieved a digital copy of this arc in exchange for an honest review.

This was not what I was expecting at all... It seemed a lot more mystery than romance... And so tangled... I wasn't a huge fan of the characters.

I didn't know this was a Christian romance type book - which is fine - but being an atheist it didn't really help me with the characters. However I did like seeing how they interpreted God into their thoughts and how they grew around that faith... It just seemed a little out of place at times.

I probably won't be reading any more Becky Wade simply because the Christian element isn't really for me

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Sweet on You is the perfect ending to the series of these three fun, amazing, deep and beautiful sisters. I have enjoyed each book and was thrilled to finally read Britt and Zander's story. They are a perfect match yet they have quite a journey of coming together and realizing their potential together. As always, Becky Wade's writing keeps me turning the pages with complex characters, faith moments to ponder and a story that builds right until the end.

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I was thrilled to discover that Becky Wade's third book in her Bradford Sisters Romance series was available to me to read and review this month.  I have enjoyed Ms. Wade's writings, especially this sweet series focused on three rather unique sisters dealing with their own difficulties and heartaches in life.  This book is about the youngest of the Bradford sisters Britt, a headstrong, independent, energetic, and playful woman with a passion for cooking.  I thoroughly enjoyed this character of Ms. Wade's as she allowed her readers the chance to gradually discover Britt and her personality in the first two books focused on her sisters,and  then gathering a full panoramic view of Britt in this third book.  Britt's character really struck me as very real to life, with her struggles to be self-reliant, her desire to always be the strong one, her compassionate love for others, her prideful faults, as well as her passion for chocolate and cooking. I appreciated Britt's bubbly personality, her strengths, and her faults, allowing Britt's character to blend into reality, a clear demonstration of Ms. Wade's talent for creating excellent characters. Honestly, the depth, honesty, and ease of relating to Ms. Wade's characters are what drew me to her writings.  Whenever I have the opportunity to read any of Ms. Wade's writing, I have to force myself to slow down and savor reading it as a special treat--this book did not disappoint!
Zander is Britt's longtime best friend, a quiet man, strong, focused, and intellectual. He has recently gained world-renown success as an author and has traveled around the world. However, Zander's world tour is put to a halt when his uncle, who had raised him dies suddenly and somewhat mysteriously.  Coming back to his hometown of Merryweather, Washington, Zander is determined to discover the true facts behind his uncle's mysterious death and his unexpectedly shady past.  As Zander enlists the help of his best friend Britt in the investigate about his uncle, he realizes that he cannot keep his secret much longer.  He loves Britt and has for many years, leaving him with many fears and some big choices to ponder. Can he remain friends with her without mentioning his feelings? If Zander tells Britt how he really feels about her, will their friendship be ruined, if she doesn't feel the same way? As Zander and Britt investigate Zander's uncle's death, they stumble across some very dangerous situations with some very sketchy people. Britt and Zander end up in the middle of a decades long web of deceit centering on an art masterpiece theft. The plot is thick with suspense, action, emotional stress, and family drama. 
My favorite aspect of this book was the connection to the characters that easily developed after reading the book. I absolutely loved how Britt and Zander's friendship/relationship developed and the difficulties they conquered with each other's support. Britt is not normally the typical main character that I personally relate to. Yet I was struck with how I could relate to Britt and her desire for strength and self-reliance without realizing how she was withdrawing into her own strength and not looking to God for help. I think when she finally broke down and reached the end of her strength, Britt realized her own pride in thinking that she could manage everything and be strong no matter what.  Zander is definitely one of my top favorite characters from a book. His patience, love, quiet strength, considerate care, intelligence, and fierce determination to fight for those he loves gave Zander the top spot in my current ranking of favorite literary characters. ;) 
Overall, this is an excellent book and I would highly recommend it. Enjoy!

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“Five hundred and eleven days had passed since he’d seen her last. Five hundred and eleven days that had been hollower and duller and at times brutally lonely for him because Britt Bradford hadn’t been physically present in any of them.”

Opening Lines of Sweet On You by Becky Wade
Last the reader saw Zander, in the Bradford Sisters Romance series by Becky Wade, he is off to explore the world no longer able to cope with being in the same small town with the woman he loves and having to watch her fall in love with others. Britt Bradford is completely oblivious to Zander’s true motive for leaving, and similarly, his feelings for her. Upon the sudden death of Zander’s uncle, and the start of the third and last novel Sweet On You, the two find themselves with a lot of questions about the man they both thought they knew and on the edge of an adventure that keeps the pages turning.

Britt’s chocolate creations, and Becky’s descriptions, are mouth-watering and a lovely metaphor for the unfolding story. Having chocolate near to hand whilst reading this one is highly recommended! The mystery surrounding the life of Zander’s uncle requires Nora’s help to research and it’s wonderful to see the familiar characters from the first two novels back in this one. Swiftly, the mystery takes an artistic turn and I appreciated the added historical complexities as much as their modern-day consequences.

This book is my cup of tea, full of intrigue and romance with a healthy dollop of humour. If you are looking to #WadeIntoAGoodBook, this is one not to be missed! It’s a five out of five on the en-JOY-ment scale!

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What a satisfying conclusion to the Bradford Sisters series! Becky Wade's latest contemporary romance novel, Sweet on You, thoroughly captivates her readers with a heartwarming story that demonstrates the power of true love and friendship through faith and determination. Sweet on You can be read as a stand alone novel, but it is so incredibly amazing that readers will also want to read the first two books of the series if they haven't already!

Becky Wade tells the story of middle sister Britt Bradford who is the owner of Sweet Art, a small town chocolate shop. Her best friend Zander, who is now a best selling author, has been in love with her since they were teenagers, but he is afraid of sharing his true feelings. Wade weaves together an intriguing story of romance, humor, and suspense as Britt and Zander work together to uncover the secrets behind his uncle's mysterious death and his past. Their research puts in them in increasing danger, but also a chance at finding love.

What an incredible story from Becky Wade! She is a master at contemporary romance, and readers will fall in love with Sweet on You. Becky Wade is one of my favorite must-read authors, and I have loved every one of her books. Sweet on You is no exception! This will be one of my top reads for 2019.

Zander is not your typical hero. With his pale skin, black hair, and sleeves of tattoos on his arms, he is described as looking similar to one of the handsome vampires from Twilight. His patience and devotion to Britt will have readers everywhere swooning. Britt's independence and confidence is refreshing, along with her realization that she doesn't have to be strong all the time. Readers will also want to binge eat chocolate while reading Sweet on You, so beware! Becky Wade was able to make me laugh out loud and also brought me to tears in this novel, so be ready with a box of tissues!

Trust me...this is one contemporary romance novel that you do not want to miss out on!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House and NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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Sweet on You in the much anticipated story by Becky Wade. We finally get Zander’s story. Some may consider it Britt’s story since she is the third sister in the series. Zander and Britt have been best friends since they were 14 and practically inseparable. Not surprising is that Zander has been in love with Britt since he was 14.
In addition, to their love story finding it place, they start researching the death of Zander’s uncle who was also his adopted dad. It was a fascinating mystery of whom he had been and why he did some of the things he had done.
An underlying theme of the book was thinking you have control. Britt didn’t ever want to feel or be vulnerable. She finally hits a brick wall and has to make the decision about who if anyone can she rely on.
Britt is not intentionally mean but I could not help but cheer for Zander and be frustrated with Britt at times.
I was thrilled that Nora and John also played a significant part in the book. They are one of my all-time favorite couples. They have their wedding in this book! If you have been reading the series then I definitely recommend that you read Sweet on You so you have closure for Zander and his love for Britt. If you have not read Nora’s story; YOU MUST. :)
sexual content - Kissing, hugging
violence - someone is shot (past), someone is kidnapped, someone is being followed
I received this book from Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review.
You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.

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Sweet On You is divine. I absolutely loved every page of this amazingly sweet romance. One part art-heist mystery the other part a best-friends to lovers romance, Sweet On You captures everything that is so loveable about the Bradford Sisters Romance series and dials it up to awesome levels.

Britt and Zander have been best friends since they were kids. While Britt loves their friendship and frequently reminds her sisters that guys and girls can be just friends, Zander has romantic feelings for Britt that he has long kept secret. When Zander’s uncle dies in suspicious circumstances he returns from his year abroad and must face both the secrets of his uncle’s past and his feelings for Britt.

While some books need to come with a box of tissues, Sweet On You needs to come with a box of chocolates. Seriously, reading some of these scenes without a handy source of chocolate was agony. Oh, the cravings. Britt is a master chocolatier and that passion for food and her craft shines through every page. I loved the sweet moments Britt and Zander share in the kitchen, whether in real time or in fondly remembered flashbacks.

I loved that this contemporary romance novel was also part mystery. Zander and Britt work to piece together the clues of Zander’s uncle’s past and involvement in an art heist. They do some solid detective work and, despite the precautions they take, find themselves in a tight spot, which adds loads of suspense to the end of the book. I was intrigued by the mystery and enjoyed how it wove through and drove the plot, but I mostly appreciated how this gave Zander and Britt the perfect backdrop to explore their changing relationship.

I loved Britt’s voice -quirky, confident and slightly bossy- and how Wade so perfectly captures her character and brought her to life. She is by far my favourite of the Bradford sisters and her book is my favourite of the series - though they are all great reads. Each book in the series can be read as a standalone title, but it might make more sense to follow each sister’s journey chronologically through the series, as they all play such a big part in each other’s lives.

I love friends to lovers romance stories and Britt and Zander’s is very well written. Their friendship is so believable, so tangible in all the little things they do together, how well they can read each other, and how they support and annoy each other. Along with great romance, Sweet On You continues this series’ tradition of strong sisterly bonds, a close-knit community and fun, quirky characters.

I can very highly recommend Sweet On You. I absolutely loved this charming and adorable book.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

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Loved this book! It was an amazing ending to a wonderful series! I very much look forward to future work from Becky Wade in the future!

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Huge sigh. I loved this book so much.

I was already a fan of Zander from the previous books, but I really fell for him in this one. He is just such a good guy and so devoted it is hard not to love him.

I don't connect as well with Britt, but Wade is such a fantastic author that I still loved Britt even with little in common with her. But there was a scene toward the end that changed all that. And I connected with Britt on a whole new level.

This book was so much more than I expected. Wade could enter the romantic suspense genre if she wanted to! This book had a great balance of romance and also some mystery and suspense! I also loved all the fun tidbits of texts, notes, and letters in between the chapters.

It is probably good that there is no chocolate in my house right now or I'd eat all of it.

I don't want to spoil the book for anyone so I can't share my favorite part, but I'll say this... the part I loved the most was so well written and just proves why Wade is among my absolute favorite authors!

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. This is my honest opinion.

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I have loved every book by Becky Wade. This one is an excellent reason why. Sweet On You had mystery, suspense, humor, and swoon worthy romance all tied up in a beautiful bow. Britt, the heroine, was an independent and fiercely loyal young woman who took the hero Zander under her wing in high school. Zander had loved Britt since he was fourteen years old. She had been clueless all these years. I got a little frustrated with her at times, but overall you had to love her and want to be in her inner circle. I loved Zander. He was a selfless, brooding, thoughtful, and fiercely loving young man. OH MY was he ever. Y'all the kisses! WOW! I am a romance lover and this was so stinking good. If you love romance and some suspense, humor, and chocolate, then you will love this book.
My favorite quote was from Britt's mom. "If He (God) leads you into something hard, then He'll provide the grace you need to bear up under it."
*I was given a copy of this book by the publisher. This is my honest opinion.

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Such a fun addition to this series! I always love a good friends romance and I have been rooting for these two characters from the start. Becky Wade is always on my contemporary romance one-click list and that certainly won't change after reading Sweet on You.

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Author Becky Wade has done it again in this third and final installment of The Bradford Sisters series! I've been waiting since book one for Britt and Zander's story, and it did not disappoint.

I loved Britt's confidence and energy, and Zander's quiet, deep, introverted personality, and the way he can't stop loving Britt, and... well I just loved Zander😍😂! And the romance between the two was beautiful!

There were more than a few 'laugh out loud' moments, blended perfectly with some deep and emotional scenes.

The only thing that I can say I didn't like about the book was that it was the end of a truly amazing series! I would have loved this series to continue a little bit longer😍💖📚. But all good things have to come to an end, and as far as endings go, this one was wonderful! I did, however develop a craving for peppermint truffels while reading Sweet on You 😉☺️.

This story, along with the rest of the series, will stay with me for a long time!

(I received a complimentary copy of this book through Netgalley. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.)

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Great ending to the series . . . have really enjoyed the Bradford sisters series. Love that Britt & Zander finally had their HEA -- even if it was a long time coming!

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Great Scott! I was so bowled over by the range of emotions flying between the privileged youngest Bradford sister Britt, who readers discover so much about throughout the story, and her tattooed, broody best friend Zander, who had everything in the world against him until he met Britt. Did I mention he’s been so in love with her since he was 15 that he embarked on a world tour so he didn’t have to watch her be with anyone that wasn’t him? Swoon! The progression of feelings as they solve a wild mystery and discover deep revelations about each other, peppered with snippets from journals, text messages, phone calls, and letters really brings the reader full circle. If I could give Sweet on You 10 stars, I would, and I’m super sad to bid farewell to the Bradfords. Have chocolate available at all times while you read this one!

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I loved this book! It was my most-anticipated of the series and it did not disappoint in any way.

Isn't it so cool that Britt is a chocolate maker? I would highly recommend that you have chocolate near you because of that. From figuring out recipes to Zander trying and naming ingredients in a chocolate, this book has sweet moments scattered throughout.

The character development was amazing and Britt really grew and learned that she does NOT have to be perfect 100% of the time and it is okay to lean on Zander and her family when she is struggling. That might not seem like much of a character growth to some, but once you 'get to know' Britt, you see what I mean.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a sweet read.

Releases on April 30, 2019

Personal Rating: 5 Stars

Content Rating: 4 Stars

*I received this book from the publisher. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.

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What a way to end this fabulous series! I've been dying for Zander's story since the first book in the Bradford Sisters Romance Series. And although Ty Porter (from Becky Wade's book, Meant to be Mine) has been my #1 book boyfriend for years, Zander has dethroned him (Sorry Ty!). I enjoyed returning to the charming setting of this novel, as well as getting to visit with old friends from the previous stories. The faith elements were amazing and touching. The mystery and suspense were incredibly gripping. I was actually surprised at just how much I enjoyed that aspect of the book. I found myself reading late into the night, several nights in a row, wanting to see what happened next. But Zander. Ohmyword. Zander was really something else. Honorable, patient, caring, protective, devoted. *le sigh* This will be a story I’ll read again and again.

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I'd read the other books in this series and was curious to see the conclusion, the baby Bradford sister and her story. The author writes with raw emotions, making you feel both the pain and the humor that the characters experience and allowing you to undergo transformations with them. In this novel, the characters have been together for several years, but need to make that final journey to coupledom. However, to do so, they have to overcome some issues from their past....a 'sins of the fathers on the sons' type of thing. At times you'll think you know how it will end and then there's a twist! But my biggest complaint about this book is how much chocolate I ate while reading's pervasive...there's chocolate mentioned everywhere, and it makes you want some!

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