Member Reviews

The First Mistake was my first Sandie Jones novel but it won't be my last. The First Mistake had me hooked from the first page - I tore through this book in less than 24 hours. Every time I thought I had the plot figured out, Jones through me for another loop!

This book had everything I love in a psychological thrilled - twists, turns, unreliable characters, false endings. The First Mistake was so much fun to read, you wont be disappointed.

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I devoured this book in about 3 hours! I have to say the first 30-40% of the book started off pretty slow, and I was worried it was going to be as predictable as countless other domestic thrillers are. But once the pace started picking up, I could not put this down. It seemed like there were countless possibilities for what the twist could be, I kept developing new theories as the book went on and it was fun to keep guessing! The ending was a little too convenient and wrapped things up too neatly, but I think by this point, I had just accepted the book for what it was, a fun, light, page-turning summer read. 3.5 stars

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I really enjoyed this book and it kept me guessing to the end. I couldn't figure out if it was the best friend or the second husband. And was the first husband good or bad... and was he even dead? This is the second Sandie Jones book that I've read and really have enjoyed them both.

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This fast-paced thriller was just what I was looking for. I thought I had it figured out until the very end. The twists and turns left me guessing. I was invested in the characters and couldn't wait to see how it ended.
I would highly recommend this to a friend.

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I really loved this one! Very well written and so suspenseful! I loved all the twists and turns in the plot. It really kept me guessing, trying to figure out what the heck was going on! The author really let you inside the main character’s head, Alice, you truly felt everything she was going through. Highly redid you enjoy a great thriller!

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Very long and drawn out, slow intro and slow middle. Was better towards the end, but after such a slow beginning the end felt very rush. Main character was super annoying to me. Liked Beth a bit more, but her story was introduced so late.

Thanks Net Galley for the ARC

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This isn't the kind of novel I usually read but I was looking for a good and distracting confection. I like SandieJones' crisp clear writing style and the first half of the story was captivating, but it fell apart sometime after that, with the author telling instead of showing, and with a premise that was too clever by half. I would have liked it so much more if all the little bits didn't dovetail so perfectly. That said, I'm sure many readers won't be bothered by that, and most will even be surprised at the ending. 3.5 but it's getting a 4.

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This did not live up to the hype for me. The first half was quite boring, and I kept wondering what the point was. The second half is better, but it was predictable, and has been done better elsewhere.

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Sandie Jones is a phenomenal author. I was so excited when I was approved to read this book because her first one blew me out of this world.

With that being said, this second novel by Miss Jones did not live up to my expectations. I really expected good plot development which was what was so strong in her first book. Unfortunately it wasn’t there in this one.

The poor plot development centered around Alice’s past with her husband Tom, and her friendship with Beth that we didn’t really get to see a lot of. There was an assumption that they were the best of friends but there wasn’t a lot written about their friendship before things started to get really confusing. It was also very odd to have her daughter Sophie be a character but she didn’t really make much of an appearance.

The mystery surrounding Nathan, Tom’s death, and the mysterious things that kept happening did not pull together very strongly. It was like these three separate plot points that were dragged out instead of structured together to line up and make the strong plot. It was like all of these separate plot points that were dragged out instead of structured together to lineup and make this strong plot. There is a lot of potential it just wasn’t done in what I read.

I will say that the character development in this book was great. I really loved Alice and I was skeptical of both Nathan and Beth very early on.

I can say Sandie Jones is a phenomenal author even with this being only her second book and I will still read anything else she releases because she has amazing potential .

Thank you in advance to netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it kept my interest throughout. It had it all - love, friendship, betrayal with lots of twists and turns. The characters kept me interested with all their secrets that I found myself quickly racing to the end to find out all the answers. I highly recommend this one! #NetGalley #TheFirstMistake

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THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD!!!! I remember how much I enjoyed reading The Other Woman, and The First Mistake is just as outstanding! You’ve got love, heartbreak, infidelity, suspense, and several WTF moments as well - and that is just the tip of the iceberg! Strong and believable plot, characters that are likable. Excellent book.

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This was a quick read that I ultimately did not like. I felt like the author wasn’t sure what she was doing with the story, even up until the last page. There were a LOT of coincidences here and ultimately I think the story suffered because of it.

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This is the second Sandie Jones book I’ve read and enjoyed them both equally. This is the story of Alice, and how her world had fallen apart when her first husband died ten years ago. It’s apparent, despite the fact she is remarried and has another child, she has never gotten over that loss. The book moved at a good pace, although I did kind of guess the twist that was coming pretty early on. At times, with all the characters - Alice's best friend Beth, her new husband, her ex husband and the father of Beth’s child, it could get confusing at times and I found myself having to re read some parts to clearly work out the back story. Things ramped up about 3/4 of the way into the book and this is the point I felt I couldn’t put it down, despite being quite sure I knew what was going to happen. I only guessed a part of it, so it was still an edge-of-the-seat read towards the end. A good read, one that stays with you for a while. Highly recommend and I will definitely be looking out for her next book.

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Wasn't thrilled with this book. The ending was off....I felt like there should have been more. I just didn't like it.

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Sandie Jones, Sandie Jones, Sandie Jones.....

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Like I have no idea how to write my review! You literally blew me away! Like you blew my mind! pieces!

Alice lost her husband who she absolutely adored! Even after she lost him she still loved him...even years later.

Beth fell in love with someone she met on online. It was supposed to be a... hey you free let's hangout type thing. But this man got her.

These two women are best friends or we think they are best friends...

This book is classic, nothing is as it seems. Times 20!!!

I want to go on and on! I want to spill this story to you! I want to let you all my secrets and ruin this book for you! I want to really bad.

But naturally I would never spoil things for you.

BUT!!!!! When this book comes out please go and get it or one click it.

You will not be sorry! I promise.

It I ever see Sandie Jones i am going to bow at her feet! Like how does she do this to me! Again.....

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This story was over the top in a field of crazy women stories - an overpopulated field at that! Scattered, predictable, unlikable characters... not much of a story to sink your teeth into. In order to stand strong in the psychological thriller category, the story has to be good, get the reader hooked, and deliver a powerful, out of nowhere ending. The First Mistake fell flat.

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This is the first Sandie Jones book I read. The book follows Alice a woman who lost her husband tragically but finds another love in Nathan. Also thrown in the middle of the story is Alice's best friend Beth. Alice is a successfully business woman and Beth is a struggling single mother, but their friendship is genuine. When Alice thinks Nathan is having an affair she confides in Beth. Beth and Nathan have never met face to face although Beth and Alice have been best friends for over 2 years. One fateful day at Alice's daughter's birthday party Nathan and Beth finally meet and this is where the fun begins. I won't give any more away. I look forward to reading more books by Sandie.

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THE FIRST MISTAKE is an engaging read, right from page one. With a feel of women’s fiction, it does have some thriller elements, particularly later in the book. We follow Alice in the first part, Beth in the past for the second, and then both again for the third. Alice is happily married and running a company alongside her husband, Nathan. Notably, the company was set up by Alice with her first husband, Tom, for interior design, and it has been doing remarkably well.

Alice also has two daughters, Sophia, a moody teenager, and Olivia, a nine-year-old who has been having some trouble at school lately. Alice’s life is evolving and changing, and things may not be exactly as she thought they were. As things begin crumbling around her, she must rely on her husband and her best friend, but it is not clear who she can really trust.

This book absolutely pulled me in from the start, and with many twists and turns along the way, I was still completely surprised by the ending (something I always love in thrillers). The pacing is absolutely perfect, and the timing is spot-on for reveals and flashbacks. The writing is top notch and even better than the previous book by this author (THE OTHER WOMAN). Sandie Jones has really found her element here, and the structure/plot/style are completely perfect.

I highly recommend for anyone looking for a light/domestic thriller, great pacing, intense, and satisfying read. Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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They say love is blind but in this case, it blindes you to all the warning signs... I devoured this one... Sadie Jones is an excellent writer and after reading The Other Woman I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. It was an easy reason, fast paced and thoroughly enjoyable. With only four characters (one being deceased) you really got to know each of them on a deep level and were able to truly relate to Alice and Beth. Full of twists and turns, even those I figured out early on, were exciting nonetheless. Overall I loved it.

I would like to thank netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Review Copy

Twisted and warped - that's my best description for British author Sandie Jones' newest thriller THE FIRST MISTAKE. I knew exactly what was going on and what was going to happen - until I didn't. Silly me thinking it would be all that simple. That was MY first mistake.

The book is broken into a couple of different stories. It's very well told and gives a great feel for the characters. Anyone who enjoys thrillers is sure to devour this one over just a couple of days like I did.

Coming soon from St Martins Press. Try it.

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