Member Reviews

This book was really well written. At first it seemed like it was going to be pretty predictable, but it totally wasn't. I really enjoyed it!

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Claire wants a child so badly she is willing to put everything on the line. Her son Colton, died at the age of eight of mitochondrial disease. He inherited it from her DNA.
Then she hears of a new study where a hybrid egg, having two genetic mothers and one father could take care of any diseases.
The only thing is it is highly illegal. The ramifications would be a huge fine and imprisonment. Then any child would be under the stigma of being called all manners of derogatory names.
The decision is difficult. Will it be worth it?
Very interesting. I learned a lot about mitochondrial disease. The subject matter was researched and made the storyline excellent!

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Mother Knows Best starts off kinda slow, but quickly speeds up until you're caught in the middle of the drama of running from the law and hiding yourself and your child.

"We do what we can to survive [and] we're stronger for it."

That pretty much sums up this psychological thriller that mixes science with a mysterious stalker and family drama.
After suffering the loss of her son due to a mitochondrial disease that she carries in her DNA, Claire will do anything to have another child--as long as it's healthy! As a mother who has lost a child, I understood Claire's pain and her grief and longing were so real to me. I might have done the same thing if I was in her position.
Anyway, she ends up having the world's first baby with DNA from 3 people and then she tells her husband and he's all "omg you broke laws and manipulated DNA and you're having a Frankenbaby" and he turns them all in and thus begins her run from the law.

Years later she's seen as an agoraphobic weirdo by her daughter Abbie who doesn't understand why her mom won't leave the house and go to her soccer games and why she's acting so weird about a DNA test her middle school class did. DUN DUN DUN!

You can guess a bit about what happens from here.

Mother Knows Best was an interesting read. I liked it, but I didn't find it fully believable. The science seemed believable enough because the author has a science degree and I know just the basics on DNA stuff anyways. I kept hearing Kendrick Lamar's DNA in my head the whole time I read this and that helped with my enjoyment of the book.

However, I couldn't help but think things worked a little too perfectly for the family. Like Abbie never needs to go to hospital or doctor or anything for the first 11 years of life? Or she does and they just never take her blood or anything? And Rob/Michael isn't angsty about not being one of the top doctor's in the world and is just fine being a woodworker?! Also, there was a random sex scene in the beginning that confused me because it didn't seem necessary, but whatever. The chapters alternate character's viewpoints which was fun, but a little hard to keep up with because they also bounce around in before and after timelines.

All in all, an intriguing science-y read that I'd rate 3.5 stars and recommend to people who need a little break from murder thrillers, but still, want that action.

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A suspenseful, medical page turner that gets you hooked right in the first chapter. A definite recommendation! I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley and the publisher.

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Book starts off a little slow but quickly becomes a page turner. I was intrigued by every single page how this book would turn out. I was very pleased with the ending and highly recommend this book. I am glad that I received this from netgalley

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This was a quick, enjoyable book that I really enjoyed. A bit of suspense, a tiny twist and all around a clever story.

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I loved this book! I could not put it down. I would definitely recommend! I plan on purchasing for my collection once it is published’

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I wasn't planning to read this at all. But after I got copy from netgalley, I gave cursory glance at opening chapter and I was hooked. 5 hours later, I finished the entire book in single sitting.

Abby is unique child who shares not 2 but 3 parents' DNA. 2 Eggs taken and fused to perfection (from 2 donors - 2 mothers) and 1 sperm (1 father) created perfect embryo, past 8 months that frankenbaby is Abby.
Going back and forth, the book is divided into perfect balance including multiple POVs.

There was historical moment where few scientists created baby in a petri dish and even though at the time, it was an immoral experiment, nowadays IVF is one of the preferable methods for people who failed to conceive naturally. One might think this experiment and success of IVF should be expanded and we choose all favorable genes for future generation creating perfect children for tomorrow - where does this genetic modification end? Is there any moral compass to measure the happiness a child brings to people who might have lost all the hopes?

It's not like this book actually delves into morality issue as the story is pretty fast pace without giving readers chance to think about it. But you end up thinking the same after reading this book.

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This was an interesting read. Having her first child die due to a genetic disorder that was passed from the her, Claire decides that she is going to have a second child. To ensure that child does not get the same disorder, she goes to a cutting edge fertility doctor who uses the eggs from two women, Claire and the doctor’s post graduate assistant, and modifies the eggs to ensure the disorder will not be passed to the child. The novel is told in two time periods, the present when the now 12-year-old child is questioning her DNA results from a school project and the past when Claire and her husband make the decision to have the child, Claire’s choice of doctor and the resultant manipulation of the egg. The premise works well; the novel is a fairly quick read. Motherhood is a strong theme throughout the novel. I would read another by this author.

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Thanks to Crooked Lane Books and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this superb book. I do not reveal the contents of this book as they can be read in the blurb. This was a compelling read, different to the norm and written with sensitivity and passion on a very debatable subject. Thoroughly recommended.

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Received an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book from #Netgalley, thank you to NetGalley!

The premise of this book sounded very interesting to me since I love medical and psychological thrillers. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to read this novel. It was well paced with a lot of twists and surprises along the way. There’s a lot of changing of perspectives, but it’s done well and isn’t confusing. I do recommend this book to those who love psychological thrillers, there’s not as much medical lingo and medical thriller aspect as I anticipated, but it wasn’t disappointing. I am going to add this author to my to-read list.

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Book Court - Where I'm the Judge and Jury

CHARGE (What is the author trying to say?): To explore the limits of genetic manipulation.

FACTS: Combine genetic manipulation and IVF. What could go wrong? Abby has two mothers – she was conceived from an egg composed of the nucleus of one mother’s egg and the mitochondria of another. She was conceived in secret until one man cracks and reports it to the authorities. Is Abby really a Frankenbaby? Does she know the story of her origin? This is a fascinating story of biology and relationships. How far can ethics be pushed? Do the means justify the end? This story is thoroughly believable and probably a situation that is not too far in the future.

VERDICT (Was the author successful?): Guilty, as charged. This is a book I could not put down.

#MotherKnowsBest #NetGalley

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Mother Knows Best is a fantastic medical thriller whose twists will leave you dizzy. A definite must read for the year.

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In a world where so many things can be edited, changed, or enhanced; it was only a matter of time before the human gene was in the lineup.
Two scientists have discovered a way to edit embryos, before they are implanted. This is a phenomenal break thru, especially for those women who have mitochondrial diseases in their DNA. A patient provides eggs, and a second female donor does as well. Mitochondrial DNA is sequenced from the 2nd donor, and replaces the damaged mitochondrial DNA of the mother.
The federal government essentially puts a halt to this type of science, stating that it is immoral to create 'designer' babies.
Luckily for Claire, she knows a doctor who is willing to put everything on the line to give her a healthy baby. After the death of her first child, due to a genetic illness, she didn't think she would ever have a healthy child. Thanks to Doctor Nash, her dream can become a reality.
Without spoiling, things don't always work out the way you'd want, and this medical thriller takes you on a roller coaster ride of what could be, and what would you do in order to keep your family safe?
Excellent story, writing, and character development.

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I started this book and got sucked in pretty quickly, I really enjoyed the first part of the book, the last 25% or so of the book though I think felt rushed, and different from the first part. It felt like it was too quick of a read, the "resolution" part of the book happened to early and got drawn out way too long. And I'm still not 100% sure of what the ending really meant.

Strangely, I did like that the book was predictable, so many thrillers these days try to pack so many twists and turns on every page that they all start sounding the same.

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I enjoyed this book a lot. It had such an interesting premise- what if a child was created with 3 parents instead of 2? There were many twists and turns that kept me interested and surprised. This is my first Kira Peikoff read but not my last. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for review.

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A mother faces a moral dilemma. Her first child died years ago from a hereditary condition that she will pass on to any future children she will have. Will she take a chance that the condition will be less severe or will she join forces with a controversial doctor who tampers with DNA to create the perfect specimen?
This book drew me in immediately. It is well-written and keeps the reader engaged, waiting to see what will happen next, with plenty of plot twists.

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I completely adore this book and stayed up way too late reading it. I can see this happening so easily. The story made you understand the characters and reminded me of Michael Chrichton's books.

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Mother Knows Best is a fantastic thriller that examines how far someone would go to have a child.
Captivating story and well developed characters. I enjoyed this book.

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Clare Abrams life turns upside down when her son dies of a rare genetic illness.
After several years Clare and husband Ethen want another child but Clare is reluctant was she can pass the gene onto another child.
She seeks out Dr Robert Nash a expert in the fertility world, but his works have not been approved by law,and she hasn't told he husband Ethan what they plan to do.
With the help of Dr Jillian Hendricks Dr Nash assistant they manage to get Clare pregnant.
When Ethan finds out what they have done he contactsbtge police and Jillian is arrested whilst Clare and Robert go on the run.
Ten years later Abigail clares daughter does a DNA test for a science project at school, what she discovers puts all their lives endanger.

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