Cover Image: Been There, Married That

Been There, Married That

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This was acute book. It was a little slow to get started, but all in all an enjoyable book. Thank you for the opportunity to review this book.

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Agnes Murphy Nash Ubers home from her book signing, only to find that her husband Trevor, a successful movie producer, has changed the gate code and ordered that Agnes not be on the property. After climbing the gate and being Tased by the security guard, Agnes finds herself negotiating with Trevor, and they set up a blueprint for which part of the estate can be accessed by each of them. Their daughter, Pep, despises both of them, being a desperately entitled Hollywood teenager.

This was billed as a “drop-dead hilarious battle of wills,” but really, I didn’t find it all that funny. I have kind of a dark sense of humor, I find amusement in strange things, and so I was ready to laugh out loud. I found the book to be sour and snarky, almost as though the author was delighted with her own cleverness. Not at all what I was expecting, and not an enjoyable read.

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Yikes, this book is a trainwrek. It’s like a caricature of the Real Housewives, meets satire about the Hollywood lifestyle, and has a similar feel to What Fenemies are For (which I read last year and hated, and should have DNFed). It’s written like it’s trying to be quippy and funny, but is just painful. I’d seen that the Goodreads rating wasn’t great, but have been trying to get through my Netgalley ARCs to get my percentage up, so when it was available through my library as an audiobook I figured I’d give it a shot. I made it about 35% in and just couldn’t go any further. The characters are all vapid, shallow, and extremely self centered and unlikeable. Save yourself and don’t even bother with this one if it’s in your TBR. I quick tour of the Goodreads reviews shows pretty much everyone agrees with me, this one is something else…..

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I started reading this and gave it a good chance, but I just could not get in to the story. Not a book for me sorry.

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I tried so hard to read this book, but it simply was not for me. I probably read the first chapter at least 4 times but could not get into it ended up not finishing the book around the 20 page mark. That being said, others may like it so it may be worth a shot.

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I just can't with this book. I really really tried to like it because I've seen it everywhere and the cover is so fun, but I couldn't finish it. First, I had a very hard time understanding what was happening. The plot seemed to jump around with no transitions and I coulsnt keep up. Second, as hard as I tried to like her, I really despised this main character. It's like she wasn't able to think or do anything for herself. I get it, she's been married for a long time, but she still should have some sort of personality of her own. Unfortunately, I had to put this down.

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Maybe my sense of humor is different and I am far from a prude and curse on the regular...however the vulgarity in this book was a total turn off. I think minus the vulgarity this book could have been a decent read as the story line itself isn't exactly horrible. It's pretty much a whole mid life crisis with a divorce and the start of menopause happening, which can equal out to an entertaining adventure from a budding writer.

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This book has the sort of trashy premise that instantly sucks me in, and yet this book failed to deliver. I debated leaving a review since this was a rare DNF for me, but it was so appallingly bad I felt others deserved to be warned. Despite the alluring illustrated cover and the "if you watch Bravo each week you'll love this book" synopsis, this just made me wonder how it got published.
Agnes and her husband are two of the most unlikable characters I've ever come across. I can handle a cringeworthy character if there is something interesting about them (Dexter of the eponymous tv and book series, for instance), but that wasn't the case here. In addition, the storyline felt like a random mish-mash of every tabloid headline ever with no rhyme or reason to it. This was incredibly disappointing since I've read great reviews for this author's other books, and while my reviews for this one weren't high, I was expecting to be at least mildly entertained.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a complimentary advance copy. This had no impact on my review.

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I read this book cover to cover thinking that “it must be me”. I must not be reading correctly or I wouldn't always be so confused. Then it occurred to me that it was this book that was giving me grief. It was supposed to be humorous but it was try-too-hard humor, which means it was not funny. Often one scene would morph into the next scene with no discernible break between the two.

The heroine, Agnes, was often her own worst enemy, going off to rehab for a day for no reason. Allowing strange construction workers into her mansion when she had no idea what they were doing (spoiler: they were up to no good). Allowing prospective mansion-buyers to live in her house for a weeekend and steal her piano and Tiffany clock. There was much more ridiculous stuff.

Trevor, the self indulgent, narcissistic husband, was so unlikable as to be irritating. How did she live with this man for 12 years?

Side characters like her ex-con sister, Fin, and the three Latino nannies were just filler, although often more interesting than the protagonists.

No, I can't recommend this book, if I did I would be insulting your intelligence.

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The story moved quickly for the most part and was easy to follow. Unfortunately, I never was able to sympathize with the main character. She seemed determined to ignore good advice over and over and just sort of let things happen to her. I kept hoping she would become more proactive. The younger sister was the character I liked best. She was a little over the top, but she was fun, mostly.

There were a lot of jokes. Most of them didn't seem that funny to me, but that's just personal taste. I did care enough about the story to stay interested til the end. I think I just wasn't the right reader for this book.

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Agnes is the perfect Hollywood wife, a writer that has everything she ever wanted, the marriage, the daughter and a closet that anyone will die for but things aren't as easy as they seem.. her husband a very famous Hollywood producer seems to be going through a very weird stage in life that is making everything go through the trash.

Agnes is not ready to face all the lies and reporters trying to get a piece of her life.. she feels desperate and somehow lost that everything around her is collapsing but at the same time getting a place in her new life. People are taking sides and she feels like she is all alone in this new fight and stage in her life.

I was lukewarm on this book, but it was funny with a lot of crazy moments that will make you laugh out loud. I encourage you to read this book and make your own conclusions!

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I appreciate NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Gigi Levangie Frazer for the ARC to review. Loved the cover and title, however, I couldn't get through the first two chapters. I usually tough out a book even if it drags, but this was not my cup of tea.

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DNF. I really appreciate the opportunity to have read this book early, but I just found it impossible to connect with the characters and the humor fell short for me. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read and review.

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This is the first Gigi Levangie book I've read, being that I was unfamiliar with the author I wasn't sure what to expect.
The book was fun, happy, alive it'll wake up your winter doldrums with it's untypical brilliance.
The main character Agnes Murphy Nash is a hoot, she's loud,proud and says what's on her mind regardless of the circumstances or who it's about . She says the things we'll only think.
You don't want her for an enemy but but you're not going to want her for a friend either, welcome frenemy.
This book will keep you glued to it's pages as you laugh,cringe and read about the battle of wills in one crazy disaster after another.

Published February 11th 2020 by St. Martin's Press
I was given a complimentary copy. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Been There, Married That by Gigi Levangie Grazer is the first book I have read by this author. I really wish I had liked it more. I will try to read one of her earlier books to give this author a fair chance. I fell in love with the gorgeous cover and really was hoping for a good story. This was a fun and entertaining read during the last half of the book but the beginning…. the writing was all over and had me confused as to what was going on. It seemed to me the humor was just too much and forced it did not flow well. The mood swings between joking around and snarky were just over the top. This book actually took me several attempts to finally finish it. I was not engaged with the characters I thought they were shallow and mindless. The only character that I could relate to was Agnes’s sister Fin she was the only one that did not come across as a caricature If you love snarky one liners and the show Real Housewives this is the book for you as for me this was not my cup of tea. I would not be opposed to reading another book by Gigi Levangie Grazer again in the future.

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First time author for me, This one was okay. I wouldn’t say it was great, but it definitely wasn’t horrible. Depending on the cover and blurb of the author’s next book, meaning whether or not it catches my attention, I may or may not read their next book.

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A quick beach read that will have you laughing till your sides hurt. It's about the crazy life Hollywood stars live with their over abundance of money and their foolish spending of it. This was a fun, easy read and rather enjoyable.

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I was very sure that Been There, Married That would become one of my favorites, but the story didn't draw me in. The writing was occasionally good, with a few genuinely humorous moments and some highly quotable lines. This book had so much potential but ultimately let me down.

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The premise of this book had me so excited to read it! An over the top rom com with emphasis on the comedy.

Only it just didn't come off in a way that was palatable. I can’t quite put my finger on specifically why it didn’t work for me. Perhaps my expectations didn’t match what I was reading.💁🏻‍♀️
Just wasn't my cup of tea.☕

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press.

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This book sounded great but unfortunately it just wasn't for me. I'm sure there are many many people who will love it! Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC copy.

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