Member Reviews

Loved this story! For once we have a strong female character and a strong male character. The only thing holding my 5 star review back was the ending. I felt like all along this underlying story theme is being built up - yet there’s no closure to it. I wanted an answer one way or the other.

ARC received from netgalley

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A wonderful start to a new series! Both of the main characters are lovable, with struggles of their own, causing the reader to be unable to choose sides.

Delaney is facing the aftermath of a deceitful ex-husband, trying to fight for the property he sold that was rightfully half hers. Sam finally has a home of his own, and an ailing father to care for, so there's only so much he can handle on his plate.

This was a heartfelt romance stemming from a genuinely formed friendship. Small town romances are one of my favorites to immerse myself in, and this one checked off all the boxes. I can't wait for more in the series!

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I tried to get into this one a while ago and for some reason, the story isn't sticking. I may seek out the audio if available.

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Although I found the book to be a little slow at times overall I found this to be a enjoyable read. The first book in a new series, for the most part it kept me turning the pages from start to finish. I would recommend this book to others.

I received a ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and am under no obligation to leave a favorable review all opinions expressed here are my own.

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This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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Are you a city person or small town person? In real life I’m more of a city person - or at least very close. But in fiction I am all about the small town. And what do we have here? A small town that closes for a week for a Fall Festival?! SOLD!

I really enjoyed this story a lot. Sam and his brother and best friend are working really hard to get their new ranch profitable. The job is everything to Sam. And suddenly Delaney shows up telling them that the land is actually half hers - her ex husband forged her name on the sale papers and she’s back to claim what’s hers. However - with the town closed for the week, she’s stuck staying and waiting.

I loved the chemistry between Delaney and Sam right from the start. The cast of surrounding small town characters could have been right out of Stars Hollow, my favorite small town. I think Luis and Anna might be my favorites.

Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for the advance reading copy.

CW: severe allergic reaction, parent with dementia

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A J Pine does a fantastic job of balancing romance with some difficult family challenges. My One and Only Cowboy delivers the "western" romance I was looking to read. A J Pine made the characters compelling and layered, which made the story that much more entertaining. The secondary characters are fully dimensional as well and the dialogue is sharp and concise. I really appreciated the addition of family pressures and baggage, as that made this more than a typical romance. Well done!
4.0 I received my copy through NetGalley under no obligation.

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My One and Only Cowboy is the first book in the Meadow Valley series, although it was preceded by a novella, Cowboy to the Rescue. Delaney Harper is all too glad to be rid of her cheating and lying husband and was glad to have left Meadow Valley for good. However, one of the things her ex did was to sell their property there without finishing the process, thus leaving her no choice but to head back to the small town to reclaim what is hers.

When Sam Callahan discovers that Delaney Harper is in town to claim the land he just purchased, he is in for a rude awakening. Not only is she claiming that it is hers, she has plans to follow her dream. The thing is, Sam's ranch is also a dream, one he shares with his brother Ben and their friend Colt.

Whose dream will win out at the ranch on the property. This made me think of a wishbone where two parties are pulling on a stick, but only one will get the prize. Then, while Sam and Delaney go back and forth between their claims, there is a passion that starts off small, but begins to truly flare between them.

This is a very sweet story. Of course, every romance has a couple, then a conflict, then a resolution before a happily ever after can be had. It is a tried and true formula. What makes this book work is that there is an extra layer when it comes to something that Sam is dealing with, and that actually continues on into the third book of the series, Make Mine a Cowboy. It is this issue that adds a level of seriousness to an already well-written story.

Many thanks to Forever Yours and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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Sam Callahan has boughten a ranch and him along with his brothers have started to work said ranch back into a working ranch. Along the way, he is interrupted by a beautiful woman Delaney Harper who knows her no-good ex-husband has swindled her out of half of that ranch and she will not stand for it. She will fight for what is hers and she is tired of being walked over.
Sam’s problem is not with the story that Delaney has told him but just Delaney herself. He is taken by her and he must find a way to get her to see him as he sees her. There is also a part with Sam’s father and him being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s which I thought was done well. For me, it was just at times the story was slow and dragged and I had to go back to it again in order to finish it. Looking forward to the next one.

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Delaney Harper thought she'd seen the last of Meadow Valley two years ago after she divorced her lying, cheating, gambler of a husband who left her broken-hearted and, well, just flat broke. But news that her ex sold their property---without legally removing her from the deed---means heading back to claim her share of the land---and possibly her dream.
Sam Callahan, co-owner of the Meadow Valley guest ranch, is barely keeping his head above water. He bought the land for a steal, but keeping a new business afloat is another story. When a gorgeous blonde barges onto his property on a quiet Friday afternoon insisting he bought the place in a fraudulent sale---and that she's there to prove she still owns half the land---Sam realizes he's got much more to worry about. He could lose everything---including his heart.
Delaney comes into town and goes to the land and tells Sam she is suing for her half and then leaves, Her car breaks down and what do you know but it is a long week festival and everything is closed including the mechanic's shop.
So we get to know Delaney and Sam and watch the attraction grow. She comes to realize she just needs to go after her ex for her half the money. Some people in town hear her name and they think she is trouble like her ex.
Thanks to Forever and NetGalley for the book to review.

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4.5 stars

Just when I think A.J. Pine's books can't get any better, she gives us Sam and Delaney.

If you have read the Everett Brothers series then Sam and his brother are familiar characters. Here, though, you really get to know what a great guy Sam is. It was so sweet watching him fall for Delaney from their first meeting despite the reason she came to town. I loved the two of them together and nothing about their connection felt forced or contrived.

The story is perfectly paced and tugs on the heartstrings as Sam deals with his family issues and Delaney with her ex. I also liked getting to know Ben and Colt a little bit here. I'm excited to see how their stories will play out.

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3.5 stars
My One and Only Cowboy was an okay read. Delaney and Sam's love story was sweet, and I liked the small town setting, but their story didn't hold my attention.

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3,5 stars
I have read this series all out of order, and to e honest that did not matter. I loved Sam Callahan is other books. His wholesome family values and taking care of his own. This is his story. Delaney Harper comes into town clapping she owns half of the property where Sam's guest ranch is located.

TBH, I did not care for Delaney. It was hard to warm up to her....

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Sam, his brother Ben, and their friend Colt, are just starting out with their Meadow Valley Ranch. They have a few guests, but they are hoping business will increase with word of mouth. However, when an unexpected woman shows up and tells Sam that the land he bought, years ago, was illegally sold, everything he has worked for is in jeopardy. Delaney’s car breaks down and she realizes she is stuck at this ranch, on what was still her property, for at least a week, while the town celebrates Autumn. Will these two determined souls be able to find a way to accomplish their dreams? Or will the desired land keep them both in agony?

A. J. Pine gives readers a very cute romance story. The main couple are driven not only by their individual pasts, but also by unknown future forces. The romance builds quickly, as well as the individual growth. Cowboys, firefighters, and animals are set in a small-town, so there is something for every type of romance fan. Readers will be excited to read Ben’s story this Fall, and hopefully Colt’s story next year.

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It has been so long since I left a review or even read a book. I was such a funk since at the beginning of 2020. I'm sure you all can agree with me when I say that 2020 has been insane. It has taken me a little while to finish this book and not because I did not like, but because 2020 has been very eventful. Anywho…let me tell you about a book that I read titled "My one and Only Cowboy by A.J Pine. I am a huge fan of A.J Pine because of the/……series. One of my favorite sub genre of romance is enemies to lovers. Sam and Delaney were cute together and they found love fairly quickly in this story. Sam and Delaney only have one week of no-strings attached sex, who will fall first?

Sam and his brother, along with his best friend, has just purchased some great land and his currently trying to get his ranch business of the ground in a new town. Everything is going smoothly until a sassy Delaney pulls into town demanding her land back. Sam has worked his finger to the bone in order to get this ranch started and he is not about to let anyone take it from him. Sam is also facing an uncertain future concerning his genetics and having to care for his ailing father at a special facility. In contrast, Delaney has come to this small town to claim her land that was taken from beneath without her permission. After these two meet, sparks begins to fly and they can't deny the big, pink elephant in the room in the form of the land in question.

I enjoyed this story and the chemistry was there to carry the story. The author did a great job with introducing their backstory without weighing it down with unnecessary details. Sam was a great leading man because he had a big heart and he was afraid to love fearing that he would lose it one day like his father did. Additionally, Delaney was a strong female lead and had a good left hook. Both of these characters had to learn to love again and that, my friends, is fantastic. Grab your tea and blanket because this is a cozy read.

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After reading another story, I gave this one another shot, and really liked it....

***ARC Provided by the Publisher***

Delaney and Sam should want nothing to do with one another, as her ex-husband forged a deed and Sam (along with his brothers) bought the property...possibly in a sale that will be seen as illegal. Delaney wants her land to start her dream, and Sam and his brothers have already used the land to start, they both want what the other possibly had a claim to...maybe not the best foundation for a workable relationship.

But, they also have an amazing chemistry. And, they possibly don't want to ignore it...even though it seems like there is nowhere for them to go to make this work long term.

Add in that Sam has a family secret and a reason that he feels like he is a bad risk for a relationship. and the temporary relationship with Delaney, just until the festival is over and the town opens, feels like about the perfect situation.

It's a romance, so you know they are going to figure it out. But, the fun of this one is how they do it, and the way they figure out a way to make it work.

I enjoyed and recommend this title.

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What a great start to this new series. Delaney and Sam sure do meet on a very as I circumstances and the situations that they find themselves in are written extremely well. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book

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3.5/5 stars!

The heroine returns to Meadows Valley after she learns that her ex-husband forged her signature to sell property they jointly held. When she arrives at the small town, she didn't expect to fall in love with one of the new owners. The hero, tackling his own personal struggles, also didn't expect to call in love with the woman who may ruin his business. The couple faced external and internal struggles that they tackle individually and together, aided by a cute dog and a grumpy cat, as well as family and friends in Meadows Valley.

I enjoyed the story, even though I felt like it could be better if it was longer to make a smooth transition in certain parts of the book. I liked the strong resilient heroine and the hero when he learned to ease up and face his own concerns. It was also nice that the book explored about familial interactions, especially when facing health conditions that affects every member in some way. I do think that the book didn't delve enough on some characters, but I think future books will give those characters more depth.

Overall, this book is a nice start to the Meadows Valley series. I look forward to more cowboys, small town camaraderie, couple shenanigans, and adorable animals in this A. J. Pine contemporary romance series.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy.**

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A fun cowboy romance. Delaney has her land sold out from under her and goes to claim half. Sam bought the land honestly. They end up together pretty quickly. It's a fast paced read.
Looking forward to another one.

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Received in exchange for a honest review.
Delaney is a smart cookie. She kind and sweet but really knows how to advertise and drum up business for hotels etc. This is because her family is in that business. She has hopes and dreams and went after them once but got burned. Burned by an ex and she now is starting again. Only this one is a little forced on her when she finds out what her ex did. So she is off to get her dream back. Only now in her way is a group of cowboys with a dream as well. A group of cowboys who didn’t know and are good guys. Only Delaney has come at a time when the town is celebrating and things are shut down. And many in the town remember her husband and his cons.
Sam is a nice guy. He only wants a quiet simple life running the ranch. He wants to see his ranch succeed and have someplace safe he calls home. He fears his future and possibly getting what his dad has. So he lives in fear. he closes himself off to others. Until Delaney comes into his world and turns it upside down. Delaney with her fight for the land his ranch is on.
So Sam has her stay at the ranch in return for her working there. She shows how hard a worker she is. She also gets to know him and sees he isn’t a bad guy. He has a lot on his shoulders and his hiding from himself as well. Delaney starts to get him to loosen up and enjoy himself more. The attraction between them is undeniable. And the kindle sizzles every time they are together.
What makes this hard is neither of them deserve to be in the situation they are in. It is her ex that has got them in the pickle they are in and he deserves all that can happen to him. I love watching Sam fall in love and begin to find a way to see what love is. He learns from his dad even when he thought he couldn't still. WE see him finally go after the girl and give the future a change. It was great watching Delaney grow stronger and see that her dream and her belief in herself is strong. The ending was swoony and the story was fun and entertaining with a hint of sexy as well.

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