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Wild, Wild Rake

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I must confess that the story of this book started really slow and I just wanted to leave it unread. On the other hand since I love historical romance I felt that something bigger would be coming my way. I’m glad I didn’t give up on this book because the story suddenly became enthralling and I started enjoying both characters. There was a freshness reading about a man who faced the wedding night with a pure soul. Avalon, our heroine instead, is so admiring for what she endured with her previous marriage. So on the whole once the reader starts reading this book I advice his/her to go further and start feeling the complete dedication of a woman towards her community and a man who has never lost faith in love.

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This is the first time I have read Janna MacGregor but was intrigued by the synopsis, so eagerly downloaded. The beginning starts with devastating scenes showing the backstory of the story’s heroine, Avalon. I have seldom read a crueler or more heart wrenching scene…especially not this early on in the book. It does a beautiful job, in a minimal amount of words, setting up sympathy for one of the MCs. I love how the other woman is not the bad guy (no easy virgin/whore modelling going on here) and that we see two women within a love triangle being graceful, elegant, and sympathetic. Instead, it’s the dude who is an absolute a-hole.

In retrospect, I also love the way MacGregor teases (maybe unintentionally) that this could’ve easily been a love story with Lord Warwyck and his mistress whereby Avalon is demonized as the social/money climber who traps him into marriage and presented as a villain/foil. I have seen this plot before, and in fact, MacGregor actually uses this a bit as later conflict…which I did not love. Although MacGregor ends up making her second foil sympathetic as well, I really responded to the first and the idea that we were finally seeing the “other side” of the story. It was refreshing and interesting.

MacGregor also deals with scenes, conflict, formula, plot, etc in a different way that was at sometimes very effective and other times jarring. The result of this was to make me feel like the last quarter of the book was draggy and saggy, with a lot of inconsistent melodrama thrown in that I was not prepared for given the beginning and middle of the book. I think had I not found much of the first three quarters of the book novel, however, then I would have DNFed. So those looking for formulaic presentations/plots probably should steer clear.

The titular MC, Devan, is anything but a wild, wild rake. He is actually a virgin (which the synopsis reveals…so no spoilers there) who is hella hot so everyone assumes he is a rake. No 40 year old virgin awkward nerd. Instead, he reveals himself to be a man of deep faith and conviction. So yes, there are Christian themes, some preaching/scripture references, and generally some content that skirted inspirational romance. I liked him as a Beta type man (hey, I have been transparent about my preference) but he wasn’t necessarily my particular brand of Beta. Maybe it’s the religious elements, or maybe that I wanted him to at least be a little wild, but meh. He did nail it in the sack the first time around, however, and those scenes were pretty sexy (albeit vanilla-ish), so readers who like the choir boy type Beta will go wild for him, I think.

MacGregor gives her heroine something to fight for, and there is a strong sense of found family which readers may respond to. I liked the idea of her focusing on building her own community in response to rejection on many levels. That message was certainly empowering. MacGregor also gives a lot of elements of historical detail and conditions to make good use of the era and showcase her research. Regency era is used to help bolster the story, rather than as wallpaper, so Reg readers will enjoy the historical elements.

Overall, I think this was an entertaining read with much to recommend it. As part of a larger series, I am sure MacGregor offers up readers a chance to play with some of their favorite tropes and MC types, so its worth searching The Cavensham Heriesses series to see if one of them might float your boat. There were intimate scenes, adult themes, and some violence, so better for mature readers who don’t mind on the page sex and violence.

Content warning: domestic violence, assault, and sex worker/sex worker violence

4 out of 6 Unlikely lovers find solace and power with each other

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As a young girl Avalon was forced by her parents to jilt the man she loved to marry a very cruel man who treated her terribly. Devan, a friend of the jilted man, despised her. Their mutual dislike carried on for OVER TEN YEARS! During those years, Avalon was widowed and and raised her son alone. Devan, known as a terrible rake, was forced by his brother to become a vicar. Whenever their paths crossed, Devan “teased” her mercilessly and called her a vile nickname. Forced to become the vicar of Avalon’s parish in order to spy on her for his brother, Devan has the quickest change in personality in the history of fiction. From one page to the next he goes from vicious to warm-hearted. The rest of the book is down right sappy. Avalon’s ten-year-old son Thane speaks like a seventy-year-old man. Can you tell this is not my favorite book of the series?

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When a lady’s heart reawakens in presence of a rakish vicar, can they hope for more than attraction...

I preordered this book immediately when it was proposed, even if I had reservations about Avalon, after all she was “portrayed as one of the villain” in Rogue Most wanted.
So it is there that resides Mrs Janna MacGregor’s talent, her characters are one sided ones, they are multi faced, and they are far more complex than what they appear to be.
In the previous book, she was called a greedy social climber, yet the end of it, presented in a different light, still I wondered if I would be able to like her.

And now, pffffff ....
What a rollercoaster ride of the sentiments it was, if I hadn’t worked today, I would have read it in one setting. While I do remember how I was upset at Avalon when she “jilted” William, and now I know how wrong I was, I forgot the mask people shows is not always who they are. The first chapter sets the pace and defines the future Avalon.
At first, I was unsure about Devan, he too misjudged Avalon on the hearsay, and in between hurt her too.
When they meet again, he provokes her at every turn, he angers her, yet in doing so, it brings sparkles back in her eyes.
In fact, they are perfect for one another, he challenges her, she unsettles him.
When Avalon was a victim of her circumstances, she tried to better herself and uses her own experience to help others around. Devan is manipulated by his kin, but it is willingly he follows the road drawn in from of him.
Why he has a long way coming ahead of him to win her trust as very few persons did stand for her in the past, the scars are still lingering and she needs only a spark to fire her doubts.
I loved they did not throw barbs all along the book, in fact once they passed the first enmity, they realized there was goodness in each other.
Their story of more a tale of healing than one of hostility as Devan is the right cure for Avalon’s heart and soul.

So be prepared to be swept of your feet while following Devan and Avalon in their moving quest as they will have to face their fears and uncertainties.
I can only give 5 stars but it deserves more.

I was granted an advance copy by the author and publisher St Martin Paperback through Netgalley and prior to it preordered my own.
Here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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For those who ever felt they didn't fit in or weren't welcomed, but forged ahead and created their own place in the world.

2.5 stars rounded up because it has main characters who actually talk openly and honestly about things and there was no stupid misunderstanding blown all out of proportion!!!!! I cannot even begin to say how happy that makes me. The focus was really on the characters' growth and the relationship between Avalon and Devan developed naturally and over time.

I initially didn't like our heroine very much. It wasn't that she was cold and reserved, she has her reasons, but the way she leapt to conclusions about our hero while always complaining about people who do just that did not really endear her to me in the beginning. But she grows a lot over the course of the book, and I really enjoyed her journey. In the end, she showed just how amazing she truly is, and I loved that even though it was terrifying for her she learned to trust and open up, and didn't shy away from awkward conversations.

The best part for me was our hero, Devan, though. He was kind, and sweet, and just loveable. In the beginning, I feared he and Avalon wouldn't really suit, but after all, there was so much open talking that I was convinced. They were a truly wonderful couple!

The only thing I didn't enjoy was the pacing. Avalon and Devan get married fairly quickly because of some drama, and after that there was a lot of drama that had nothing to do with their relationship. After I knew those two were happy, I honestly skimmed a bit because I couldn't care less about the side character whose lies and drama caused all the problems and resulted in a pistol-wielding madman coming out of nowhere to threaten everyone. I just don't like last-minute drama.

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Wow, this is a super book. Davan Farris is a vicar with a past of being a Rake. The rumors have him as a lady's man of the first order. Only problem is as with most gossip it's not true. He watched his mother and father in a love match and wants the same for himself. He decide long ago to not give himself to anyone but his wife, so he is a virgin still... When he is sent by his brother the Earl Of Larkton to teach his ward Thane and spy on his mother, Lady Avalon Warwyck he refuses.
He will teach Thane and see if he is ready to start Eton, but will not spy on Avalon and tells his brother he will have to tell her why he is there. Devan has always found her intriguing.
As both Davan and Avalon work for the village, and spend time together they will learn much about each other they never knew. Even woman should have a man like Devan once in her life.
This is a fast moving story with love, laughter, sorrow and danger too.
You really need to grab a cup of coffee a nice blanket and get ready to read till the book is done.
you will love it.
I want to thank Netgalley and the author for sending me and ARC and am giving my honest opion
voluntary. Don't miss this one or any of the books in this series

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It was a bit of a slow burner, but it's one that should be stuck with because it developed into a nice little story. It stood on it's own quite well but fit into the series nicely.

Its a nice, sit beside the fire with hot chocolate, type of read.

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This book for me was Ok, it took me a long time to really get into it. Perhaps it was because I had never read about these characters in previous books by this author so I didnt have a liking towards them? Dont know. I found Avalon's character well written and liked her strong character, but when she eventually did get with Devon I found the story lacking (although very hot scenes!) and just like every typical romance out there. I feel that Ms. MacGregor's writing is very strong and well done, the book had some really nice scenes in it but it took me a while to get into it and didnt thrill me.
I received an ARC in exchange for my review

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4.5 stars

I enjoyed this book. The characters have depth. I wasn't that keen on the heroine at the start but the author shows us her past and the journey she's made. She has been cruelly treated by her deceased husband and it's even more surprising that Avalon should have made a friend of his mistress. The charcter of Devan reminded me a little of Courtney Milan's Mark Turner in Unclaimed. Though Devan was known for his naughty image and Mark his unblemished one. Devan is just the right sort of hero to help the heroine achieve her happy ever after. This book is the sixth in a series but you really don't have to know any of those books to enjoy this one. Thea and William (from Book 5) make a cameo in this book.

I think you would enjoy this story so I heartily recommend it.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Oh this one just sizzles! I was slow to like the main characters. Avalon has been mistreated by those that should have loved her the most. The vicar has a wicked sense of humor that bites. But both characters are hiding their true selves. But has they show their hidden side they become people we cheer for. Both of them have so much to give to the world. And they just sizzle when around each other. Be sure to read this one! It is a delight.

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I liked the beginning of the book however, It lost me later on. The whole story was a little iffy for me. If Mary who was the mistress of Avalon’s husband , was so wonderful then how could she so love a man who went beyond cruel with his wife. By the end of the book I thought there was just filler material. Overall the book was okay but it wasn’t as good as her other books.

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This was nice story about two people who are hiding their true natures. Devan is a vicar who presents a wild front and Avalon is a widow with a small son. She was treated terribly buy her husband and it determined to help others. They fall quickly for each other, but things get in the way. The story is good but does not have much depth. As usual, the author’s writing is good, and I like the countryside and the recency time period. Thank you, Net Galley, for an advance copy for an honest review.

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A refreshing historical romance with a hero who is the inexperienced one in the relationship. Reluctant vicar Devan is sent to spy on previously maltreated Avalon who vowed never to give up her independence again. Against their own wishes they find themselves drawn to each other. This is the first book I've read by Janna and now I want to go back and read the rest of the series.

My thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for the opportunity to read the book in exchange for my honest review.

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Wild, Wild Rake is another delightful book by Janna MacGregor. This time we hear the story of Avalon, who jilted her first love when she was forced to marry another by her parents. This angered his best friend Devan, a handsome vicar, who didn't treat her very well on the rare occasions they ran into each other. After the death of her husband, Avalon lived with her son on the family estate and brought young women of ill favor to the small estate and town to live and work at an earnest living. The vicar is sent by his brother, Avalon's young son's guardian to make sure she is not using her son't inheritance to finance her good deeds, but he can't helped being charmed by Avalon herself. But can either of them set aside their animosity and see each other for what they really are? A very enjoyable Regency Romance!

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Very romantic! Devan is the ultimate hero! He has a racy reputation, gorgeous as all get out, but godly and true. His teasing of Avalon is endearing and how quickly he instilled himself in the community is a testament to his character. Avalon gets the marriage and romance she has been denied, but it all happens too quickly for her to trust her feelings and Devan.

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This book starts a little rough. Avalon is a young Regency lady married to a not so lovable man. Like most ladies of the time she married not for love but as an arrangement beneficial for her parents and future husband and boy was he a real piece of work (Philandering bully is too nice of a description for him). And at her most vulnerable, while pregnant Avalon discovers the truth about her husband and in a most embarrassing way with his friends present. Fast forward ten years when Vicar Devan, the duke’s friend gets sent to investigate Avalon and her spending habits while tutoring her son. Their relationship was tumultuous at first. Avalon being scarred from her disastrous marriage only sees the negative when looking at Devan( such as his rakish reputation), however he slowly wins her over. This book shows the not so idealic effects of arranging a marriage but also shows the strength that women have to overcome those circumstances. There is a lot of sexual tension between the two leads but not much bedroom time. Also Avalon’s young sister and her sister’s friend are a bit annoying, but her son is adorable. 4 stars. I received an arc copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley for my honest review.

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If you like/love enemies to lovers romances, then this is the book for you.

Avalon, a widow, is dedicated to her young son and her charitable endeavors. Devan, the new vicar, is sent by his brother to spy on Avalon.

This is a romance about healing, had emotional depth that pulls you in, a well-written romance. Bravo, Mrs. MacGregor.

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This is a new author for me. I enjoyed the book but I think I would have enjoyed it even more had a read the previous in the series. Overall, since Outlander, I don't think I have read a book with a virgin hero. Which does not in any way mean he is not super sexy! Good characters, kept me interested. I will definitely add this author to my TBR lists!

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I've become a fan now of Janna MacGregor and enjoyed this story immensely. The plot was great and the characters were good also. When I first started I wasn't sure whether I was going to like the book but it turned out to be quite quite nice.

I thank the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC for a fair and honest re iew. All opinions are mine.

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I have become a huge fan of Janna MacGregor over the last couple of years. She writes some of the most romantic, sensual and sweet romance around! Wild, Wild Rake doesn't disappoint. Its a charming and emotional story. Devan and Avalon have appeared in other books...but this book is all theirs! We find out the truth of Avalon's first marriage. What turned her into Lady Warlock, as Devan likes to call her. We learn why he cultivates the title of rake.
Devan becomes the Parish Vicar when his brother Lord Larkton sends him to spy on Avalon. He's suspicious of where she's getting the money to support the charity she has formed to house former prostitutes and their children. The last thing he wants to do is get involved in the business of this prickly woman. But as he gets to know her he sees her for the caring and loving woman that she is. Avalon thinks Devan is a flirt and a rake of the worst kind, that he only cares about himself and having fun. She's hurt that all those years ago he nicknamed her Lady Warlock. She likes her life now and objects to having him in her life. But the chemistry between them grows as they get to know each other better. And believe me the chemistry is HOT! Wild, Wild Rake is a delightful regency romance that's not to be missed!

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