Member Reviews

This book hit the spot for me. As I was reading, there were so many ah-ha moments as well as confirming things I had tried implementing on my own. This book will make a difference in your life!

Thank you to NetGalley for the free copy of this ebook to review. All opinions are my own.
This book was …. Fine.
I give this book 2 stars (it was okay, but I never need to read it again). Honestly, I probably won’t even really think about this book again.
I did read Girl, Wash Your Face when it first came out and felt it was *shrug* okay. Even at the time, I reviewed the constant use of clichés, “If you haven’t had someone tell you something like this before, this book is perfect for you.”
While reading through Get Out of Your Own Way, found myself with two reoccurring thoughts:
1. This feels a LOT like Girl, Wash Your Face (with good reason, 10/20 chapters are direct parallels to a chapter of GWYF, probably more with deeper comparison)
2. Dave is exactly that guy at a party, in the office, whatever, who starts EVERY story with, “When I worked at Disney….” or “My wife Rachel thinks/says/does…..”
Both felt a lot like name dropping, humble-bragging, and got really irritating.
The best chapter of this entire book was the Conclusion: Stay Out of Your Own Way with Intention and Discipline which was filled with actually help and advice, though much of this advice is borrowed or repeated from other sources. (High five to Dave’s team for actually citing sources in this book!)
In conclusion, this is a quick read if you are looking for Dave’s story, but if you’ve already read GWYF, you probably don’t need to waste your time.

I became aware of Dave Hollis from reading GWYF and GSA. I became a fan because Dave's approach to self improvement matches my style of pragmatism. Dave also has an understanding of how to hack a preference for extrinsic motivation which I can also identify.
GOOYOW is a blend of motivation and good story. Dave speaks open and honestly about his stuggles with what he admits was a midlife crisis. Dave gives his tips and tricks he used to navigate a personally difficult time in his marriage and worklife.
I appreciate the view of self help/improvement through the perspective of a male voice.
I received an advanced reader copy received my HarperCollins Leadership.
#getoutofyourownway #gooyow #harpercollinsambassador

Dave Hollis speaks right to my heart! He addresses the lies I often hear in my own head and is real and vulnerable! I highly recommend this book!

Most people have no doubt heard of Rachel Hollis. She’s the woman behind Girl, Wash Your Face, and Girl, Stop Apologizing and The Hollis Company. If you’ve read those books, you’ve obviously heard Rachel mention her husband, Dave. I’ve been following Rachel for quite a few years, but only recently started following Dave, after I heard them on the Rise Together podcast. The two of them together are incredible and honestly, unstoppable. So, when I heard he was coming out with his own book, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it!
Rachel’s books have always been geared more towards females. But, Dave’s Get Out of Your Own Way is easily geared toward both genders. He starts with his own introduction to the self-help genre, and how he himself was a skeptic. The chapters are divided into lies we all tell ourselves, and then he gives his own unflinching honest anecdotes from his own life, followed by things that helped him overcome this lie. There are a total of 19. I think anyone can relate to this book, and this is definitely something I will be gifting to many people in the future. It’s an incredibly honest, well done debut and I would highly recommend it.
* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

As a follower of Dave and Rachel Hollis, I was not surprised that I loved this book! Real, applicable lessons for everyone! He writes just the way he speaks so you feel like he is talking to you!

Unpopular opinion: this book didn’t resonate with me like I thought it would but I totally respect and admire what Dave and Rachel are doing with their business empire. Thanks so much to Netgalley and the publisher for the free copy in exchange for my honest review!

Oh, I loved this book! Dave truly went there, he had the conversation that he didn't want to and out of it wrote this book that called out most of the lies we tell ourselves. It does not matter that his wife is also a great writer- calling out BS in women and the lies society indoctrinates in us- or that he's writing from his life experiences as a man- this book is a great read because from the very beginning he calls out the truth on self-help books.
He says "self-help is the tie between growth and fulfillment." He drives the point home "in order to grow, you need to put in the work and learn to kick the lies putting limits on who and what you can be." He calls you out before you give excuses. You've got to put in the work, like he learned to and continue doing so if you're to get any better.
A huge thank you to the publisher for granting me an eARC, this book will appeal to everyone who's ever felt like they aren't enough and the tone of writing makes it a book you can read anywhere at any time, with take away points for reflection.

I think it's quite an interesting and useful read. I liked style of writing and it gave food for thought.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

I am a huge fan of Rachel Hollis's books, so when I saw that her husband had written a book similar to those that I loved by his wife, I had to read it. This book is full of inspirational advice and eye-opening realizations. I really enjoy reading self-help books like these because not only are they full of helpful advice but the author actually explains what happened to them to help get to that realization.
Thank you NetGalleyand HaperCollins Leadership for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

After reading both of his wife's books I was VERY curious how this book would hold up to the hype of self help. Not only did it stand up - but it kicked down any doubt I had that this book was something I wouldn't gleen various pieces of advice. This book is for the doubting.... The "I wouldn't get help from a book like this" people.... Dave is that person - WAS - and this book explains how he overcame that thought process and moved toward a happier, healthier and better way of thinking and living. He mixes humor and seriousness and gets raw and honest until you find yourself shaking your head in agreement to so many bits and pieces. Success in life does not always mean happiness and sometimes it's difficult nfor people to understand that. Dave's experience proves this while he unravels his lowest low and how he crawled out of that hole with the assistance he wasn't originally going to trust or believe. This book is for everyone. Men and women! I received an advanced copy from Harper Collins, and Netgalley and these are my own opinions and thoughts....

Great life advice, especially for those who are a bit skeptical about personal development. It was also nice to get a male perspective, and interesting to hear his version of live versus what I've read in both of his wife's personal development books.

🚨 Unpopular Opinion 🚨 The messages and writing style of this self-help book felt like it almost directly came from Rachel Hollis herself and not Dave Hollis (It felt like he just put his name on the book.) At the beginning of the book it was a word for word what Rachel had written in her book Girl, Wash Your Face but, her husband POV and his need to clear up some assumptions that he felt were said about him in her text. For example, he felt the need to stress the chapter in which his wife Rachel expressed that while dating he didn't treat her as though he should have and it was almost a form of mental abuse. He explains that he felt like it didn't show him in the best light and was worried that from an outside perspective it made him look like a bad guy. (? Why is this included in HIS self-help book and how is this helping anyone else) Get Out Of Your Own Way was also set up the same as Rachel’s was, by correcting the lies we so often tell ourselves on a daily basis and breaking out of the stereotypes society can give us. Since this is HIS book I would think he would take the time to set up the book in his own way. 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ Although I didn't like Dave Hollis’ book just like Rachels two self-help books because of how it was just common sense thrown at you, he didn't have the same amount of arrogance about him as much as Rachel did who took almost every opportunity in her books to self promote, or brag, or feel the need to put her life on a pedestal compared to her readers. It also didn't feel like a self-help book whatsoever and led more toward a memoir-style with him going into great detail about his accomplishments, career and then toward where he is today. ( Okay rant done!) 😆
Things I did enjoy about the book overall were: it was geared not only to men but any audience reading the book (but I don't think any men will willingly go pick this book up themselves), each chapter is short and thrown into small paragraphs so it doesn't feel like your reading a huge book, the chapter- It's My Job to Protect Them from Problems on where he willingly opens up about choosing whether or not to try again to adopt it's heartbreaking to hear what he and his wife had gone through before they finally got their daughter Noah in the end, some advice whether from experiences he had or from outside reliable sources on tackling topics such as relationships, work, how we view ourselves and others were interesting to hear and get insight on.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to read an early readers' copy in exchange for an honest review.

Dave was introduced to me as I was familiar with Rachel Hollis's writing, his wife. They are a fantastic team. I love to listen to their morning show and gleam tidbits of advice amongst the fun they have together. The book is a breath of fresh air as Dave is so down to earth and honest. This book appeals to all audiences, but I was appreciative that there was a "self-help" book that I could recommend to my husband. I really enjoyed Dave's writing style as well. It didn't seem as if he was preaching, he was sharing life lessons in a way that anyone could relate to. Run to buy this book, you won't be sor

This book is fire!!! I am a huge Hollis fan and love the way Dave wrote this book. There is so much wisdom in it! It is truly for everyone and you will surely take something away from it. I have MANY passages highlighted and notes in the margin as well. I will be reading it again for sure!!! If you need any motivation at all....go get this book!!!!

Dave Hollis nailed it. Through his direct writing, as if sitting across the table from you at a coffee shop yell-talking with you, he vulnerably peels the layers of lies he/we all believed to reveal how he/we can be our true authentic selves. Male or female, Gen X, Y or Whatever, Fortune 500 boss or work from home champion, we all can learn how to accept the truth about living for ourselves to be the best version of us at rest, at work, at home and at play for those humans in our lives. This is a book you will pass around to those you love, those you work with and those you sense may need a nudge toward self acceptance and love. I received my copy from HarperCollins Leadership. #HarperCollinsAmbassador #GetOutOfYourOwnWay #GOOYOW

If you have ever felt doubtful or intimidated by any of the self-help books or gurus out there, this may be the book for you. Get Out of Your Own Way is encouraging while challenging you to want more out of life. It is a refreshing contribution to the self-help category and will inspire both men and women. Written by someone who wasn’t born motivated, Dave Hollis shares a raw and vulnerable look into how he found his way to become the man he wants to be for himself, his wife, his children, and his community.
One favorite quote: “If you want a meaningful life, you must create situations that make you uncomfortable. Comfort is a casualty of growth.”
*I received an advanced reader copy from HarperCollins Leadership.
Will also post on amazon and B&N after the release date.

Excellent read from the husband of Rachel Hollis and written in a similar style.Dave is unabashedly honest about his insecurities and low points in his life.
Each chapter is presented as a lie we are told and supposed to accept as gospel. He counters them with reasons to not believe them and things that helped him to do overcome them.
This is a short book but long on wisdom. It may be the perfect read for men as it's to the point and touches on topics that men may be receptive to. As a female, there's so much that I could relate to as well. Overall, this is a helpful little book that may just make you view your life in a different way.
I received my Advance Review Copy from HarperCollinsLeadership. All opinions are my own. #GetOutOfYourOwnWay #GOOYOW @mrdavehollis #HarperCollinsAmbassador #bookstagram

What an honest and motivating book. Dave has done the work to get past his skepticism and is showing others how to show up for themselves.

Powerful. Insightful. Direct. Honest. Just what I needed.
This books is much more than the tag line implies. Dave Hollis may have been thinking about skeptics when he wrote the words but I felt even as someone who has been working through growth and motivational development there was so much to get from this book. For one it is helpful to see how the lies we tell ourselves can get us so caught up and ways to overcome them. I know many skeptics around me that may find themselves saying the same lies and this helps me see ways I may be able to support them on their journey, and offer the right resources when they are ready.