Member Reviews

If you have read Rachel Hollis book Girl
Wash Your Face then you will know the format this was written it. I really like the way it is laid out. The author, Dave Hollis, shares his journey from a high profile major corporation job to working with his wife in their new home in Texas.
I appreciate his honesty throughout the entire book and how he shares so many raw and real
Moments. I recommend you read it
I revived an advanced copy from
Netgalley and the publisher and this is my own opinion.

Dave Hollis was at the top of his game as an executive at Disney and had a loving family & great friends, but found himself struggling with insecurities in his job and in his role as a husband and father. Meanwhile, his wife, Rachel, was skyrocketing to the top of the personal development arena with her book "Girl, Wash Your Face".
At first, he wasn't buying into "personal development" or the idea you could "control your path". But after seeing his wife grow and the positive impact she was having personally (and worldwide) and the negative impact his closed mindset was having on their family, he had to take a deep breath and reflect:
"Did I want to grow or did I want to die? Did I want to rise to the level of who I knew I could be? Who God made me to be? Did I want to have an exceptional marriage, be a present father?"
He did. So slowly, with deliberate actions, he worked. Reaching for dreams he had never imagined and achieving goals he never could have fathomed.
This book is his journey.
"Get Out of Your Own Way- A Skeptic’s Guide to Growth and Fulfillment" features 19 chapters that highlight 19 different lies Dave has faced in his life such as "I Did Something Wrong, so I am Something Wrong" and "Failure Makes you Weak". Lies many of us have all told ourselves at one point. But what I liked most was that he not only fesses up to what was holding him back but he offers up the tools that helped him overcome that lie. No secret formula or magic combination- just direct actions that anyone can take.
"Get Out of Your Own Way" is a great read -for men and women alike- looking for the tools to change and the inspiration to chase after their own dreams. Dave provides a unique and refreshing perspective in the personal development pocket that readers will embrace. For me, his writing is the perfect mix of humor and honesty -it's what makes him likable and his book so relatable.
Dave was not always a positive, go-get-em, look for the silver lining, make lemons into lemonade, marathon runner we know today. He struggled, he doubted and he self-medicated with alcohol and negativity. But he made a decision to no longer let his past define him and he slowly grew to be the positive, energetic, and inspiring man he is today.
Thank you to Harper Collins and Dave Hollis for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. #getoutofyourownway #gooyow #harpercollinsambassador

About two years ago, I was introduced to Rachel Hollis for the first time. Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing — changed my life and showed me how to look at my gifts, dreams, work, life, and future through bright and hopeful eyes. Rachel’s books have been an incredible help in motivating me to take risks and go after the things God is leading me towards rather than staying in a place of comfort and familiarity, as I know they’ve done the same for millions around the world.
This year, Rachel’s husband Dave Hollis has released his own book, called Get Out of Your Own Way, detailing the effect Rachel’s publications have had on his life, their adoption story (tear-jerking), and the trails he has faced throughout his life.
Written in the same format as Girl, Wash Your Face, Dave leaves nothing out and doesn’t shy away from being brutally honest as each chapter maps out the lies he believed about himself for many years. Taking the reader on his journey from working in the corporate film industry to moving to Texas and going into business with his wife, there were many ups and downs, but the result, I have no doubt, will inspire many. We all have our moments where we get stuck in our ways, but Get Out of Your Own Way encourages us to realize that we don’t have to be stuck in the lies we tell ourselves or be stopped from living our best lives.
One of my favorite quotes from the book was as follows, “Limiting beliefs are things we mistakenly hold as truths about ourselves. As they inform our identities, they give us permission to pursue certain dreams, act in a certain way, have confidence in our abilities, or think we do or don’t have the right to do certain things. We think these are laws, that we have to learn to live within their bouns. But this is simply not the case.”
*Thank you Netgalley and the publisher, HarperCollins, for providing me with an early edition of this book to give an honest review.

If you are not the traditional self motivated reach for self improvement books then this is your book.
This book was written for those that do not have a traditional mindset when it comes to this topic but a skeptical mindset. Believing lies that do not serve them and hinder them from reaching their full potential.
And it is full of the reasons why those mindsets and beliefs do not serve us even if we feel like they do.
It is a most read for anyone who believes in any small or large format that they can change their skeptical mindset and reach for more.

If you’re looking for a motivational read about living up to your potential and chasing your dreams, look no further. Dave Hollis’s debut Get of of Your Own Way is a refreshing and relatable read full of humor and honesty.
Hollis has 19 chapters with 19 different lies he’s faced in his life, and at the end of the chapter, there is a list of three things that’s helped him. That part will be so helpful to so many people. Dave’s personal stories throughout this book made me love him even more. Let’s be clear. I love Rachel Hollis, but I’m not a Rachel. I’m a Dave. When he talked about enneagrams, love languages, and his motivation- I was like, yep. Totally me. I love when I can see myself in some small way within a book.
You could tell Dave Hollis put his heart in this book. It was real, authentic, and I loved his voice. Whereas his wife Rachel’s book was geared more toward women IMO, Dave’s book will be great for both men and women alike. It shows straight off the bat that self help is not only for broken people and wanting to better yourself and your life is something you should strive for daily.
I recommend this book for any looking for a motivating read with lots of tips about living your best life!
Thank you to HarperCollins Leadership for my copy of this book.

After reading and falling in love Rachel's (Dave's wife) books, I had to preview this! I was not disappointed. It was refreshing to hear his side of their relationship and him talk about his own struggles in conjunction with theirs as a couple. Great read for anyone who is fighting to stay in or make their marriage better!

I haven't finished this book quite yet but so far I've really enjoyed reading it & found so much of Dave's stories relatable. He speaks from a place of skepticism when first considering a journey in personal growth and development, but finds that the more he leans in to this new normal, the better he understands it and pushes himself to continue when he realizes the benefits of it. I do find that I'm wired more like Rachel in that I'm very internally motivated, but I'm married to a Dave who needs strong external motivation to push himself. I will add more to my review once I finish the book.

Just finished reading this book last night and had to hop on and share how great it is! Many of you are familiar with Dave Hollis's wife Rachel Hollis and her awesome books, (Girl Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing) but now Dave has dropped some major wisdom in his own book titled "Get Out of Your Own Way". Dave debunks common self-limiting beliefs and the ways that he personally overcame them as well as helped me to see areas that I am also holding myself back. I could relate to a lot of Dave's experiences, but also found myself learning from how he overcame them, and how he took on the realm of self help in his own way. The books is on pre-order and absolutely worth it. I think my kids and husband would also from a lot of his wisdom as well. The book its easy to read, but full of strategies and plans to break through to a stronger, more confident version of yourself. So preorder your own copy so you too can learn how to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY.
(I did receive an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for my fair and honest opinion)

I am a huge fan of Rachel Hollis. She inspires me, motivates me, pumps me up, gets me jumping! However, I'm more like her husband, Dave. I am not (yet) someone who is intrinsically motivated. My whole life I've let fear stop me; fear of_____, you name it.
Rachel Hollis' books and social media presence started the fire in my heart for something greater, for dreaming bigger, for reaching for more. Dave Hollis' book is the kick in the rear I needed to get past self-limiting fears and to "let's goooooo!"
This book is for EVERYONE who needs to step out of their own way. Each chapter is based on a lie that Dave (and many of us) believed, how that fear manifested and inhibited him, and three steps that helped him overcome. I really like the format which is the same format in GWYF.
Get Out of Your Own Way is a quick read filled with down-to-earth authenticity. I will read this one again and again to help me get out of MY own way. Dave Hollis, I give you a standing ovation and heartfelt thanks!

Let’s goooooo.
Are you or someone you know skeptical of personal development and how it may impact your life? This may be the book for you.
In an easy to read format Dave lays out 20 lies that used to keep him stuck. He follows the same basic format as Rachel’s books (which I love so I enjoyed it) he tells the lie and how it impacted his life. I found his writing style to be direct and easy to digest. The end of every chapter gives readers a few things that helped him get over the lie of the chapter. The advice was solid and can be implemented.
My favorite quote was right at the end: “Your life is going to be different no matter what, so you might as well make it different in a way that serves you and those around you.”

The Hollis’s have done it again. Dave was wrote a book that gives motivation for the non optimistic person. He shares raw and emotional stories and tells us how to get out of our own way to fulfill our dreams and goals. This book will change your life.

Dave Hollis brings the fire! He is laying it all out there. Dave explains his trudge through the lies he was believing and what helped him get over them. If you're constantly being tripped up by something, but aren't sure what's holding you back, maybe you're in your OWN WAY! Start by examining the lies you're believing about your own life and setting yourself free of those. Only then can you properly determine a course of action to get out of your own way and reach your goals!
*I received an ARC from the publisher, but that in no way influenced my review. My opinion is my own.

This was pretty interesting! I think I may have liked it even more than Girl, Wash Your Face. Lots of intriguing thoughts and practical advice here.

As a huge fan of Dave's wife books I couldn't wait to hear his point of view. I devoured this book loving each break down of the lies we tell ourselves mixed with his point of view. I can't wait for everyone to get their hands on this book. Be prepared to change.
I had the privilege of reading early though the opinions are my own. #GetOutOfYourOwnWay #GOOYOW #harpercollinsambassador

Having been a fan of Dave Hollis’ wife Rachel’s two books (Girl Wash your Face & Girl Stop Apologizing), I was ecstatic when I heard Dave was working on his own book. I have gotten glimpses into Dave’s thoughts and ideas by listening to the Hollis Podcasts (which, by the way, are great too and worth checking out!), and I’ve also been curious about Dave’s own story and his personal journey. Furthermore, what was it like for Dave to witness Rachel’s radical change in her worldview and, not only charge ahead in her quest for self-improvement, but also to do it publicly for the world to see?
In Get Out of Your Own Way, Dave digs deep into his own internal psyche with vulnerability, genuineness, and evening humor. The stories he tells will resonate with the reader, as Dave’s experiences tap into much of what we all grapple with in our shared human experience.
This book will stand on it’s own and apart from those written by Rachel. And for those already familiar with Rachel’s books and the Hollis’ endeavors, this is a delightful look at their life and work from the perspective of the (so far) lesser known half of this couple. Can’t wait for everyone to get their hands on a copy of this book when it comes out in March!

Dave Hollis is the husband of Rachel Hollis, author and entrepreneur. He is also a businessman in his own right, having worked for Disney and several other major companies throughout the years.
In his first book, "Get Out of Your Own Way," Hollis takes similar principles that his wife Rachel shared in her wildly popular book "Girl, Wash Your Face" and applying them to the male perspective. Hollis breaks down misconceptions that have led him to avoid pursuing his goals, neglecting his health and other common missteps. Every chapter has a theme, much like "Girl, Wash Your Face."
I actually gleaned some good insights from this book and plan on sharing it with my husband and some friends who could use its message. Bear in mind that this book is considered self-improvement, so if you're not ready for implementing change, it's probably not for you. However, if you need a book that will spur you on to change and encourage you at the same time, "Get Out Of Your Own Way" could be a helpful read. Hollis is engaging and blunt at times, but seems to really want the best for those around him, which is an admirable trait.
While I am not necessarily the target market for this book, it was a great read and worth the time to dive into. I did highlight a lot of the book and have shared some quotes that were particularly meaningful to me. This is a secular book, so expect a few curse words, but if you can overlook that, the book is well worth the read. Hollis is down to earth and affable with encouragement to spare.
I was an early reader, thanks to Thomas Nelson Inc. Publishers. All opinions are my own and I was not required to leave a review.

Dave Hollis absolutely hits the nail on the head with this direct and specific read. The title says it all, as we truly do need to stop getting in our own way if we want to become better versions of ourselves. This is a great reminder of those things that get in the way of most humans wandering the planet. Even better, Hollis provides tangible solutions to these common road blocks. He is extremely relatable and speaks on a level that does not come across as "preachy" but rather one human relating their experience to another. He takes topics that might make most skeptics cringe - like therapy, and self help - and spins them in such a way that you can't help but wonder if you've been missing out for your whole adult life. While I assume it is intended to be the "male" perspective of his wife Rachel's best seller "Girl, Wash Your Face", I definitely think it appeals to both men and women. Overall, I enjoyed Dave's perspective, his honesty about some less than flattering aspects of his life, and appreciated his willingness to admit when he'd had it all wrong.
I received an advance reader copy of "Get Out of Your Own Way" from the publisher, this is my honest review.

Fantastic debut novel for Dave Hollis. It is written in the same format as Rachel's book, Girl Wash Your Face, in that he debunks the lies he believed about himself. He was extremely successful in his career, but unfulfilled. He shares his personal journey to getting out of his own way and living his best life! I really enjoyed hearing things from Dave's point of view. If you are a Hollis fan, grab a copy, you won't be disappointed.
Thank you Harper Collins and NetGalley for this ARC.
#getoutofyourownway, #gooyow, and #harpercollinsambassador

I have been following Dave Hollis for a while, and his wife, of course! Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing intrigued me enough to know that his book would probably intrigue me as well.
The book's title pretty much sums up the book perfectly. It explains how to stop being our own worst enemy, how to mind over matter, how to get out of our own way and set ourselves up for success.
One thing I will add into my review, that, while I LOVE their books, please do not think these books have a spiritual spin to them. A lot of my friends are Christians and are sorely disappointed that Dave and Rachel don't add in scripture and things like that. Not all self-help books need to be scripturally based and it doesn't make their books bad books for Christians to read just because the Bible isn't involved.
I had to say that side note, because I feel a lot of people end up being disappointed by that and there's no need to. If you go buy a "how to build a house" book, you don't expect scriptures to be sprinkled throughout, and a book that helps us build our lives doesn't always need to have that either.
I really enjoyed this book and will be gift it to my husband. :)

Go, Dave Hollis! I flew through this book, and made tons of highlights and notes. It’s written from a pragmatist’s viewpoint of growth, and is incredibly helpful. I’m someone who isn’t intrinsically motivated, and Dave’s book helped shed light on why and how I’m holding myself back from growing and becoming a better version of myself. I really enjoyed reading his book.