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This Time Next Year

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If you are in need of a feel-good love story - and frankly, who isn't right now? - look no further. Heartwarming, emotional and a few laughs along the way. This Time Next Year is just the job for this time right now.

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The premise for This Time Next Year sounded absolutely adorable. A meet cute, a slightly awkward history, and a New Year’s eve romance? I couldn’t wait. Unfortunately, this one really didn’t work for me. Mostly because I could not bring myself to care about the romance. Minnie’s story was good and I liked seeing how she grew throughout the book. But the romance with Quinn was super off-putting, particularly because of just how emotionally unavailable he was throughout the book. And because I couldn’t really see the chemistry between them. The interludes showing where each of them was at various NYE in the past also didn’t really add anything.

Anyway, this one wasn’t for me! But I do think there are readers out there who will enjoy it.

*Disclaimer: I received an advance digital copy of this book for free from the publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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I went into this book with really high hopes, and this book was good, it just wasn't as amazing as I was hoping it would be. I thought there were a lot of plot holes and quite a lot of too convenient plot points that really didn't need to be there.

I did however like the mental health rep in this book, and also I felt that the romance was really healthy. Also, the last chapter was a total 5 Star ending for me, I could picture it happening in my head and with a few tweaks to the rest of the book I think this would make a fantastic film!

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I was provided an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. cute yet predictable. a quick read that I was able to finish in one sitting. while the book is filled with cliches, a few plot holes, and a few more boring bits, the redemption was in the likability of a handful of characters. it’s a sweet read with some more unique plot points.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Random House for my arc of this book!
I am on the book tour through my bookstagram account for this book this month but thought I would write my review now as have just finished reading it!!
From the beginning I really liked Minnie, and the way she lived her life. And when she meets Quinn you can kind of see what is going to happen between them, but also enjoy that the story is also about her life and her relationships with her friends, work colleagues and her parents.
Made me so sad reading about Minnie being at school and the bullies.
Every choice she make had me rooting for her to be happy and for things to work out!
A lovely, heart warming read and a beautiful story, would definitely recommend!
Will be talking more about it on 20th October on the book tour!

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This Time Next Year follows Minnie and Quinn who were both born on January 1st, 1990. Quinn was the first baby of the new decade and Minnie was born a minute later, causing her to feel inadequate and unlucky for the rest of her life. But when Quinn and Minnie stumble into a chance encounter, they find themselves drawn to one another. Quinn’s commitment issues and Minnie’s streak of bad luck might keep them apart, unless they decide they can overcome the odds and that true love is worth fighting for.

I liked the concept behind this book: two people born on the same day, in the same hospital, who orbited around each other unknowingly for their whole lives finally find each other and fall in love. I also did like Minnie and Quinn as characters and definitely wanted and hoped for them to get together. I think Minnie’s friend, Leila, and her boyfriend, Ian, were actually one the the best parts of this story. They were such great supporting characters and people for Minnie to have in her life, and I just really fell in love with them.

Despite those positives, my overall experience with this book was negative. For one, it was way too slow burn for me. In a romance, I need some romance. These characters didn’t even get together for the first time until the 98% mark. While I enjoyed reading about Minnie and her friends, I definitely wanted more scenes of Minnie and Quinn together.

Another major complaint of mine is the flashbacks. There were a number of flashbacks throughout to times in the past when Quinn and Minnie’s lives had unknowing bisected. But, I really don’t think they added anything except filler to the story and made the pace seem even more painfully slow.

I also didn’t love how the conflict with Minnie’s mother was dealt with. Minnie’s mother is one of the major contributors to Minnie’s lack of self-confidence. Minnie’s mother has put her down, compared her to others, and just overall given off a sense of disappointment in regards to Minnie and her accomplishment for Minnie’s entire life. Although she gets better towards the end of the novel, her disrespect towards her daughter is never addressed by her nor Minnie. I think it would have been a significant moment of growth for the two of them if Minnie had finally confronted her mother about how she’d treated her and her mother had finally apologized. I just don’t understand why you’d include that conflict at all if you weren’t planning to resolve it. Minnie’s mother was downright awful to her for the majority of the book, so I just wanted more explanation and resolution from that line of the story.

My ultimate conclusion is that this story was boring. The pace was slow, nothing really happened, and the romance was lackluster at best. It’s not a bad book by any means, and if you like cozy fluffy reads, this one might appeal to you. But, it wasn’t for me.

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This is easily one of the best books that I've read this year!
And they simply have to make This Time Next Year into a movie, it's that good.
The way in which Minnie and Quinn are brought together time and time again, along with the flashbacks where they didn't even realise how close they had been to meeting one another, added so much to the story for me. And it made it one of the most original takes on the serendipitous story idea.
It isn't just your typical romance book where everything revolves around two people falling in or out of love either. There's family, work and friendship dynamics too and I found myself really caring about all of the characters in it, something that can't always be said in books like these.
The female characters in the book, in particular, were really strong and I ended up feeling like I knew them.
I also really liked the way that both Minnie and Quinn developed as characters throughout.
I simply could not put this book down and I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Minnie and Quinn meet at a New Year’s Eve party and discover a coincidence; they were born on the same day in the same hospital. They have little else in common and nothing beyond their birth coincidence to even start a friendship on, let alone a relationship. Quinn comes across as a Made in Chelsea type, like a professional party goer with no direction in life and possibly no idea of how privileged he is. I was more drawn to Minnie, who is hard-working and realistic, but has a real lack of self-confidence that I wanted to see her overcome. I was hoping that this wasn’t a romance where she is taken in by the rich boy and doesn’t get to make her own destiny, Luckily this wasn’t quite what I expected.

These two are from completely different worlds, yet they keep accidentally meeting. This is done over various New Years Eves, rather similar to the structure David Nichols used for One Day. I had a few reservations about it as a device because I don’t think it works as smoothly here, although it was good to see these very different celebrations as their backgrounds dictated. Although I wasn’t keen on Quinn at first I did enjoy Minnie and her best friend Leila. I liked that the characters were quirky and colourful, possibly a bit bohemian? They felt three dimensional in the main, although I found Minnie’s constant reminders about being fated to have bad luck a little wearing at times. She needs her confidence building and Quinn could be good for her in that way. Their mothers also get drawn together and we see how Quinn’s mother Tara suffers with anxiety and this has affected her and the family. This is where Quinn did redeem himself a little because he is kind and understanding to his Mum, trying to be supportive. She also gets a lift from a growing friendship with Connie, Minnie’s mother. Her more outgoing nature encourages Tara. I liked the importance placed upon family and friendship bonds too. I liked the different settings for each character over the years too.

This was warm, witty in parts, with engaging characters - although I think the women were better drawn than Quinn. I liked the emphasis on love and friendship in all its incarnations, not just romantic love.

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minnie cooper (yes, that is truly the main character’s name) always has bad luck on new year’s day- her birthday. years ago, while her mom befriended a lady in the hospital and helped her give birth, she mentioned how she wanted to name her child quinn. except, the other lady ended up making HER baby quinn and winning the prize money for having the first baby born in the new year- and so began minnie’s bad luck.

on new year’s eve 2020, she happens to run into THE quinn who stole her name all those years ago. we come to learn they’ve been somewhat intertwined in each other’s lives all these years, but will they ever become more than frenemies?

this book was cute, there just wasn’t anything exceptional about it to me. it wasn’t one of those that you couldn’t put down, and it was extreeeemely british, haha. fun read though!

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I’ve had this book on my shelf for a little while and finally got round to reading it this week.

I found the first 30% of the book quite slow and wondered why some of the flashback chapters were included.

However, as with many good books, I hit a point of complete investment. The characters really shone through, the flashbacks added depth and meaning to the current storylines and I didn’t want to put the book down.

This book contains lots of smaller back stories that all add so beautifully to the main storyline. I loved it.

Minnie was a great character, likeable, realistic and funny. Each of the supporting characters had their own unique voice and personality that added to the story. I loved Minnie and Quinn’s relationship and the building chemistry between them.

The author is new to me, but is definitely on my list now. I adored this book and feel sad it’s finished.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for my advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review 📚

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This was the perfect feel good book that I loved from start to end.

We are introduced to Minnie who from the day she was born was cursed on her birthday, coincidentally her birthday is January 1st. On this particular New Years Eve she's out with her boyfried at a glamorous party when a fellow party goer throws up on her and she finds herself locked in a toilet, her rescuer the next morning is no other than Quinn - her reason for being cursed!!

Through out the book it switches to the past to find out how the curse has struck to both Minnie and Quinn, but with a twist each time.

It's an obvious romance story but is told in the most spectacular way.

I loved this book - a definite 5 stars from me!

Thank's for the advanced copy.

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This book was super good. It was super original and I flew through it. It didn't feel like anything I've read in the past. Can't wait to read more from the author!! This book was unputdownable.

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A wonderful story of how a chance meeting opens up a whole host of fillings, friendship, understanding and love. For the start you cannot put this book down as you want to continue in their lives as they are both characters you can easily relate to.

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This was a pretty okay read for me. I liked the Quinn and Minnie was okay. I liked Leila's character as well. As for the story, it was good and fun at times but sometimes it was serious too. I didn't understand the vibe that the book is as trying to give off and it was confusing me a lot. Overall the characters were good but the story was pretty slow and it was an average read for me.

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Really, Really enjoyed this book. I read so many psychological thrillers I like the odd rom-com to break them up and this was the perfect pick. I devoured this book, the style of writing, going from past to present worked really well and overall i really enjoyed the story. I LOVED Minnie and Quinn so much and found there characters so real. I love how they were brought together and the whole name stealing, it was brilliant and so clever. The friendships and different characters in the book was a perfect mix. I found every character likable in different ways, they all added something to the book. I found this book to make me laugh so much and feel this was done with little effort by the author (great puns!!) This book wasn't only a love story it showed some real struggles people have to deal with daily- running a business, anxiety etc. Money doesn't necessarily mean happiness!

I don't want to give too much away with my review but I definitely recommend adding this book to your TBR pile, you wont be disappointed.

Thank you Netgalley, The publisher and Sophie Cousens for this copy in return for an honest review. 5 stars from me.

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I have had this book sat on my kindle for ages, but no free time to start it. I finally began reading at 2pm yesterday and finished it this afternoon. Nothing has been crossed off my to do list in between. It’s a long time since I’ve been gripped by a rom com style love story, but this had me hooked within a couple of pages.
I laughed out loud, snotty cried and literally said “nooooo” on several occasions. This story has put me through the emotional wringer and I’d thoroughly recommend it to everyone who loves a good rom com.
I’m now hoping there will be a follow up. I need to know what happens next.

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It was very surreal reading this book that is mostly set in 2020 and there is no mention of COVID, obviously!

I instantly loved Minnie Cooper - what a name! - she was just what you would want in a character for this genre. Quinn Hamilton started out as a decent sort of guy, but for me, he went down hill fairly quickly. His personal issues did explain a lot and I was torn over whether I thought they were the reason he was the way he was, or whether he used them as an excuse to hide behind when it came to intimacy.

The to-ing a d fro- ing from present day to the past was a little annoying, I totally got why the author had written chapters in the past tense and they did flesh out the background of both Minnie and Quinn, but I just wasn’t a fan of that style in this instance.

There are lots of comical moments in the book, and it isn’t dripping with saccharine sweetness, so it’s a perfect light-hearted read.
On the whole I think lovers of the romcom genre will love this book. Definitely recommended for lovers of that genre.

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Had me hooked from the beginning. Minnie Cooper and Quinn Hamilton were born a few minutes apart in the same hospital and their mothers forged a bond during the labour. However a deep resentment then rooted itself in Minnie's mother Connie as there was prize money for the first 90s baby which Tara then received by giving birth to Quinn first. The main resentment was more the fact that Tara didn't have a name for her boy and used Quinn, the name Connie was going to call her baby girl.

Fast forward to Minnie in her 20s (after plenty of jokes about her being a car and all) she runs a pie business with her best friend. Whilst she just manages to make ends meet and enjoys her work she has an ingrained feeling that her birthday is jinxed, cursed and all the like (stemming from her birth story) so never does anything on the day anymore as things seem to always go wrong. On the off chance she does go to a new years eve party, she gets locked in a toilet until the next morning.

This is where the story begins, she meets Quinn. Her 'name stealer', an unlikely friendship strikes up as they have nothing in common. We follow their different experiences throughout their lives that end up bringing them together.

Heart warming escapism.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Main character Minnie was born just minutes apart from Quinn. The result of that day is a lifetime of superstition and bad luck. This book was just what I needed. It was light, entertaining, humorous, with just enough depth. I would love to read more by the author.

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I really enjoyed this book, it made me laugh, I found it really light hearted I loved the characters especially Minnie who unfortunately happens to be very unlucky unlike the other main character who has luck on his side..they start bumping into each other after their 30th birthdays and let's just say the book won't dissapoint. It's an easy read, really funny and just an all round fab read

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