Member Reviews

100 Cookies" The Baking Book for Every Kitchen
Author: Sarah Kieffer
August 12, 2020

Where was this book 20 years ago?! The quintessential guide to baking any kind of delicious and creative cookie, bar, and more.. I've enjoyed experimenting with many of the recipes, but I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on the real book later this month. This cookbook is the perfect thank you for a Thanksgiving host and a wonderful holiday gift for all the bakers on your list. Enjoy with a tall glass of milk!

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Thank you for giving me a chance to get a glimpse of the book.

I love cooking ....... but not baking. Baking requires exact amount of things to get the cookies the way they should be. Not like cooking meals.

When opening this book, I was doubting the 100 cookies thing. Usually they will give you the same recipe over and over with different icings. BUT ......... the author shared chocolate chip cookies in every form, and my favorite snicker doodles!! And I'm sold.

And not only classic cookies, she also wrote about other interesting cookies. Give it a try!

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I received an ARC from Chronicles Books, via NetGalley. This review is my opinion.

What a wonderful book! You can see the love and the dedication Sarah Keiffer and her team did. I must say that anyone who loves to cook or want to learn how to make their own cookies and many types of desserts this is book is your answer. With practical advice at the beginning of the books, about ingredients and measure. Beautiful pictures and an easy step by step, this book is a must-have in every kitchen. Well done to Sarah Kieffer and to everyone who works with this book, they did a great job!

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Beautiful book filled with many delicious looking cookie recipes and evocative storytelling. A must-buy for anyone who loves to bake.

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I requested and received an e-ARC of this book from Sarah Kieffer and Chronicle Books through NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

I know what I am getting people for Christmas! This book was awesome and the few recipes I have tried have been great. I can’t wait for COVID to be over so I can make some of these recipes with my nieces and nephews, they are going to love them! The pictures were fantastic as well, I love it when there is a picture for almost every recipe, that way when you make it you know what the gold standard should look like.

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100 Cookies is a fantastic collection of recipes. There is a recipe for any occasion. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and this is my unbiased review.

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I absolutely loved this book! I am a huge cookie-fan and thought I knew a lot of different cookie-recipes but this proved me wrong. I am going to try many of those recipes for sure and would recommend this book to all fellow cookie-lovers.

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100 Cookies consists of more than your typical cookie, but includes other handheld goodies like brownies, blondies, and bars. What this is lacking though are even a few options for those with dietary restrictions. The book's introduction covers the usual background, tools, and tips you'll find in most cookbooks. Due to difficulty in obtaining some of the ingredients due to the pandemic, I didn't get to try baking many of these, but those I did make were delicious. I don't have a stand mixer as it's suggested so they would probably taste even better if mixed that way. I stuck to the classics: Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies, Peanut Butter Cookies, My Favorite Brownies, and Blondies. The recipes were easy to follow and when the classics are done well I trust the specialty recipes will be just as good. For those who prefer to use grams when baking, this book offers cup & gram measurements and Fahrenheit & Celcius temperatures. I will certainly be buying a copy once this is on sale and would probably gift it to a few of the bakers in my life, as well.

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A great assortment of delicious cookies and baked treats. Everyone has their favorite cookie, but with 100 to choose from, it made me want to add some new ones to my repertoire. A nice update to the worn out cookie cookbook on my shelf. Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book!

Quarantine has us like WOAH and doing lots of baking! Can’t wait to try out all the recipes. Some are twists on traditional favorites while others are new to me!

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Being under quarantine for months on end, this cookie baking book was an obvious hit for me and my Quarantine Squad to combat anxieties, cure a pinging sweet tooth, or just plain stuff your annoying housemate’s pie-hole with something so chewy, you’ll be able to get the sweet sound of silent relief for at least 24 seconds.
We haven’t tried all of the recipes, but we are excited to try them when the hankering for mass quantities of sugar hits! We’re always looking for a new chocolate chip cookie recipe, and this cook book really offers a selection for those who favor chewy, gooey, or crunchy to your hearts, and blood sugar’s, delight!

I received an ARC from the author and publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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A mix of recipes, some familiar and some unusual. Interesting flavor combinations that are very intriguing. Well organized, with easy to understand instructions for each recipe.

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A fantastic collection of cookie recipes (and a few other baked goods too).

A great addition to any recipe book library.

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I love making and eating cookies, and so I was excited to see a book titled "100 Cookies." Even better, it was by Sarah Kieffer, of pan-banging cookies fame. I hadn't made her pan-banging cookies before this, but I was excited to have an excuse to try them.

In fact, Kieffer has an entire chapter devoted to pan-banging cookies. I tried the pan-banged classic chocolate chip cookies; definitely good, but best on the first day.

This cookbook had a ridiculous number of recipes I wanted to try. I ended up trying 5 before writing this review. Her regular chewy chocolate chip cookies were delicious. Her favorite brownies are as good as my favorite, although my favorite has fewer steps. She has cinnamon roll blondies (also good, made with browned butter blondie batter!). I also tried out Neapolitan cookies, which were another recipe I'd never seen.

I didn't try out more complicated recipes for bar cookies, because I'm in an easy-baking stage of my life. Every recipe I tried turned out perfectly. They were all delicious. Her brownie and blondie recipes took 30 minutes to bake in my oven, rather than the minimum 25 minutes that Kieffer lists. That's not a problem, and may be changed by the time the book is published. That's also normal oven variation, Kieffer also tells you what visual clues you should follow for cookie doneness, so you shouldn't have issues.

One thing I loved about this book - ingredients are listed with both weight and volume measurements. I measure by weight, and was glad to not have to do this conversion in my head.

Overall, this is a great cookie cookbook, definitely worth checking out.

I received a free digital copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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Great collection of recipes! I need to buy a copy of this book to keep in the kitchen. I've enjoyed everything I've tried. The recipes are well-written, easy to follow, and use everyday ingredients.

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This is a great cookie filled with old favourites and new takes on the delicious cookie. It also contains recipes for other related foods like ice cream and brownies. The eARC copy I received had a lot of blank pages where I assume photos would go, so it was hard to see exactly how the finished book would look.
Recipes are easy to use and most recipes don't contain any less common ingredients.
An enjoyable cookbook for any cookie fans out there.
Thanks to and Chronicle books for this eARC copy.

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An easy and deliciously way to enjoy baking cookies, brownies and everything in between. Old recipes, new tips and a lot of fun cooking

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Thanks to my mom who always gave me free rein in the kitchen from a young age, I developed an enjoyment of cooking and especially baking. I requested an advanced copy of this book, because cookies and bars are my favorite type of baked treats. And then cake. From scratch

Since this was an ARC, I decided I would read this book thoroughly which is something I never do with cookbooks. I usually go straight to the recipes and decide which ones I would like to try first. I had fun reading the intro and the baking "helps." The author's anecdotes were entertaining and she had a number of suggestions that I had never tried or were aware of.

As for the actual recipes, I officially tried four of them. My favorite being a peanut butter chocolate ganache brownie (don't remember the actual name.) My family loved them and I was in love with the actual brownie base - perfect texture and taste. This was the author's original and perfected brownie recipe and I have to agree. I'm not a fan of plain brownies, but these were amazing all on their own. I'll be using this brownie recipe from here on out. Interestingly enough, her basic chocolate chip cookie wasn't my favorite. CC cookies are my favorite and there are many different recipes out there. This author's wasn't my favorite, but that's all personal taste. In the end, I was happy with this cookbook and I'm looking forward to trying some of her unique recipe combinations.

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What a wonderful resource for anyone who loves baking cookies like I do! Loved the fabulous recipes and photo visuals. Highly recommend this yummy read!

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These recipes gives us a new technique when baking cookies showing us how to creating soft centers, but get crispy edges. They look yummy! There are some classic recipes and other interesting flavors too. Some recipes are for soft chocolate chip cookies, thin and crispy double chocolate cookies, fudgy brownies, lemon sugar cookies, toasted sesame cookies, snickerdoodle cookies with pumpkin buttercream and raspberry rye cookies. If you are wondering about the difficulty of the recipes they are well written and easy to follow for all level of baker. I enjoy the ideas of making sandwich cookies and other ideas provided in this book too. The cookbook could be better formatted though as sometimes it was difficult keeping track of where recipes started and finished, but if you are careful you’d figure it out. It does have TONS of pictures, which is very nice. You really get a good look at the cookies and other treats you are going to want to make. It really makes you want to make the ALL!!

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