Cover Image: I Left the House Today!

I Left the House Today!

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I've read some of this authors comics before and I usually find them hit or miss. I love the art style, no problems with that at all! As for the content some of the comics definitely made me laugh but honestly some of them I found kind of problematic. While I appreciate that they are relateable some of the ones about body "expectations" vs. "reality" definitely can make you feel bad about your body. It's relateable that the dress or the swimsuit makes your boobs or your body look different from what you would expect but to be "disappointed" that your body doesn't match what society markets as attractive is a dangerous road to go down. I think it would be powerful if the author made another panel that is saying "still beautiful" or "still worthy".

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I adored this collection of comics! When I started this book I hadn't seen the authors social media so I wasn't familiar with her work, however since finishing it I haven't stopped. This collection is just so fun, cute and completely relateable. It was also so funny. I am not always the biggest fan of humour comics but this one you couldn't help but smile.

Highly, highly recommend.

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I really love these slice of life relatable comic novel collections. Cassandra Calin's <em>I Left the House Today! </em>is one such book that is just so easy to relate to that you can't help but love it. And, wonderfully enough, the piece I identify with the most is the title itself. As an introvert, that phrase truly does an exceptional job of capturing the feeling of accomplishing something that, at times, can be rather difficult for you despite being fairly easy for others.

As far as Calin's work goes, I did enjoy a lot of this book. I found many of her comics quite relatable, though perhaps not as relatable as I have found others. It is in this that I had a little bit of a struggle getting into the book at times. That said, I expect a great many people will not have that problem at all. Not everyone will have the same experience I did with all of these comic strips.

The artwork was good, though not my all-time favorite. I think it really differed from comic to comic. Some looked downright creepy to me at times while others I found absolutely beautiful. It was an odd inconsistency for me to find among art that was genuinely actually quite consistent. I think it was just some of the expressions Calin drew that threw me off.

<em>I Left the House Today</em> is definitely a book that I would recommend, though probably not one that I would purchase.

<em>I was provided a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</em>

Review will go live on the Reader Fox blog on May 21, 2020.

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es, yes, yes, yes, YES!!!

This little comic collection was just what I needed to read tonight. I really do hate the word relatable, but it just fits so well for this entire book. Countless times I showed my boyfriend certain pages, claiming “it me!”

The art style was great, and I instantly felt the need to find the author on IG to see more and support her work.

If you like comic style drawings, are an introvert, have periods or just want something really good to ‘read’ - check this one out.

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*Thank you to Netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the advance copy*

This was my first time reading and viewing Cassandra Calin's book. I was initially drawn to this cover and title of this book. I Left the House Today! is something that many of us can not express right now and I was looking forward to whatever hijinks awaited.

This is less of a graphic novel and more of a collection of Calin's four panel comics. I found most of the stories, which mostly focused on her relationship with her boyfriend and grooming, to be cute, but redundant at times. It took me less than a half hour to read this.

I think Cain does have an interesting perception and voice, and I would love to see her develop her work into a novel. Her comic self is very vulnerable and I would love to see this version of her tell a longer story. I was disappointed it was over so quickly and nothing really stuck with me.

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This is such a fun collection of comics from Cassandra. I have fallen her on Instagram for many years and always love seeing her new insights into the life of being a young woman. The comics are drawn simply to draw attention to the funniest moments and my favorites tend to be the facial expressions or the silly antics Cassandra gets into. I found myself laughing out loud many times even though most of these I had seen before.All in all, totally worth a read.

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I love Cassandra Calin's work and I am so happy that I got a chance to read this collection.

This is a collection of her webcomics and even though I have already seen most of them, I loved reading this. Cassandra's work can always make me laugh, even if I'm in a bad mood. The comics are just so adorable and the artwork is really cute.
Note: the comics are in random order so if you are expecting a cohesive story this is not it. It's basically an "episode" per page. But I would recommend giving her comics a try. Go check out her social media and see if it is something you might like.

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I went into I Left the House Today! by Cassandra Calin with no expectations, and finished it feeling pleasantly surprised. I’ll admit, I’m not much of a comic reader, but the title intrigued me as I totally wish I could leave the house right now! The collection of semi-autobiographical comics following a college-aged girl tackling the modern-day annoyances, challenges, and joys of living, is honestly refreshing.

As I flew through the short strips, I found myself chuckling at how utterly relatable some of them were. A few touched on parts of my life I had no idea other people experienced!! To say I screenshotted a few to send to my friends would be an understatement.

Although not every strip will send you into a fit of giggles, the sheer relatability is almost heartwarming. I would definitely recommend this collection to anyone looking for a smile or a quick laugh!

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Such a funny and relatable collection of little comics. I laughed out loud a lot, and had a dozen 'that me' moments. I honestly wish this book was twice as long!

Additionally, the style of drawing is lovely. Very simple, but also right on point to convey the point.

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A couple of days ago I was scrolling through Instagram and I found some cute and funny short comics. I enjoyed them so much while I was reading and I had no idea that the author, and the comic itself, was so popular!
'I Left the House Today' is the second book by Cassandra Calin and it is SO GOOD! It is such a fun reading. The daily situations are very relatable! I love comics like that. I laugh so much when the main character did things that I sure did as well. I certainly will recommend to all my friends.

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A fun and humorous book to read .

It told us that sometimes it is good to be out from the house if necessary . If we left house or out from our comfort zone . We explore more new things , learn new things and meet new people as well .

But, it is also good to be home and stay at home as well . After all , home sweet home .

A good read as well during this pandemic phase .

Stay safe . Stay home . Take care everyone.

Thanks Netgalley for makes this book available to be read . =)

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Never having read anything by Cassandra Calin, I was instantly drawn in to her funny, relatable and real struggles as a woman in her 20s. I can definitely relate to the harsh reality of painful periods and expectations versus reality in the world of beauty. I found myself laughing out loud on multiple occasions because she is spot on with so many daily life struggles – eating with chopsticks and clogging the shower drain with her hair were two of my favorite. I’m looking forward to following her on social media and seeing more of her adorable content! Thank you to Netgalley, Andrews McMeel Publishing and Cassandra Calin for an ARC of this graphic novel.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing this arc for review.

I left the house is a super cute relatable comic that I love. I follow her on her social media and as soon as I saw this, I had to read it immediately. I love how honest and funny she is and maybe because I have curly hair… the struggle is real!

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What a funny and cute book.
This book is told in comic format and it tells stories about day to day life.
The reality one not the expectation one of course.
Nowadays, when you see people on social media living perfect life, and all rainbows, it is hard to not see yourself as a bit less. But book like this, that shows the real life of most people are the ones that I always always love. This book is like a friend. I am laughing and grinning with it a lot. hahaha.
A real gem!

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I already follow the artist on social media so it was a nice surprise to find a compilation of some of her cartoons. I Left the House Today! features short cartoons that are relatable, hilarious, with commentary that pokes fun at unrealistic beauty expectations and the daily struggles of women. Lovely illustrations and so fun to read.

*Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McGeel Publishing for providing a free ARC

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I absolutely loved this laugh out loud hilarious book. Being an introvert, I truly related to a lot of the comics! Hilarious.

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I enjoyed this webcomics collection, but I didn't connect to it as much as I hoped. Most of the humor depends on relating to the experiences, opinions, and feelings of the main character, and I often saw my friends in her more than I saw myself. Plenty of the book amused me, but since I didn't personally relate, I didn't feel as seen or as entertained as I do when I read Sarah Andersen comics, for example.

Still, this made me laugh at times, and my favorite running joke was the "expectation/reality" contrast of what clothing, hairstyles, and makeup methods look like when they're advertised, and what they look like on you. These were so true, and so funny. I remember having seen some of these circulate on social media, and I enjoyed seeing the whole collection interspersed with the other comics.

One detail worth noting is that extroverts shouldn't be deterred from reading this because of the title. Most of the comics revolve around general daily life humor, not a particular personality type, and many of the comics made me think of friends who happen to be extroverts. This should be generally relatable and enjoyable for most women, regardless their preferences for how often they leave the house.

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This book is adorable. It is filled with cute, funny and relatable comics from Cassandra Calin. I follow her on Instagram so I was excited to see this book. The illustrations are simple and adorable. I mean yes I am also an introvert that hates leaving the house and can’t follow current beauty trends.
Thanks to Netgalley, Andrews McMeel Publishing, and Cassandra Calin for this arc.

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I really loved this comic book! 90% of the comics were so relatable, I laughed at every page. This is a really cute quick and light read

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was quite familiarized with her art style/artwork but, when I requested this, I did not know it would be her, so that's a nice surprise. She is quite famous for the hole "expectation vs reality" thing, and we do see a lot of that in here.
I liked this collection so much, everything she put in here is V E R Y relatable like I've never thought "same" this many times before haha. I highly recommend this, especially if you're in need of a laugh.

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