Member Reviews

I haven't read the 1st book (Go Green), but this book was very good on its own! It would make a fantastic addition to any classroom or at-home library. Overall, it does a great job of teaching energy conservation in a way that is exciting for kids. The artwork is vibrant and keeps things interesting. What a great idea to personify everyday items children are familiar with and illustrate the importance of conserving the environment, Fantastic read!

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A great concept, however my three year old struggled to stay with it. Older children would really enjoy it

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This is a fun little book that teaches children about looking after the environment, and recycling ! It personally doesn't appeal to me, but I think that lots of kids would enjoy it and teaches some important things!

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I'm glad we picked this book to review! We've been working on having our preschooler help with recycling lately. It's a confusing topic to understand, but this book is a big help. The book explains the topic in an easy to understand fashion. The characters are fun too!

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I thought this was a really cute book to teach children about recycling. I liked how it told what each item could be recycled into. Also, the tips on how to "Go Green" were very informative. Great book!

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This is a funny story with timely message of recycling. All the time, I tell my kids to save power, but when they see it in the story, the message gets home sooner. It was fun for kids to keep looking for the recycle logo in each page. The characters are all very cute. Some puns like hard drive. The caterpillar is so well done.

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I really liked the images in this book, they are nice, bright and sharp

The story was easy to follow and understand, it was also good fun looking out for the recycling logo on each page and the addition of the sheet at the end to colour in was great. I liked too that the caterpillar turned to a butterfly too so that was something else to point out and talk about

My daughter loves doing the recycling at home so this was a fun read for her – really enjoyable with plenty to learn and enjoy – 5 stars!!

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This was a cute book. It would be awesome for a kid to read. This book teaches a child how to help the Earth by doing certain things. The pictures are great and it’s short and gets to the point.

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This is a great picture that would really appeal to children. The theme of taking care of the environment and not wasting energy is so relevant for society at the moment and the children will learn lots of practical steps they can take to take care of their beautiful world. The information is presented in a very creative way!

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Another ARC from Net Galley. This one is about Going Green and recycling. It is teaching children how to recycle Glass, Paper and cardboard.

The book is based and written for children. It is very well written for Children and in a way that they can understand it.

I would recommend it to friends and family.

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Very cute book for kids on recycling, reducing and reusing. The graphics were fun and colorful. I really like how the author used electronics for the characters, very creative! I think this is a great book for kids to learn about ways to save the planet.

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Little Bit & Big Byte is a good book to start conversations about living environmentally light.. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Little Bit and Big Byte is a sequel Go Green, but it works as a standalone and is a delightful teaching tool. It has a great storyline and such wonderfully fun characters that today's children can relate to. There are a lot "Easter Eggs" for both children and adults alike to find and enjoy throughout the story.

In the main story, the fun characters have creative ways of showing us the ways we waste energy and what we can conserve. There are some "bad guys" and that Little Bit and Big Byte clean up after, plus they have to save their pet, Click. Such a fun way to teach children about energy conservation and recycling! At the end, there's a list of ways to go green, and a fun black and white page for coloring.

On every page there is a hidden recycle log, and I know when I was a kid, I LOVED finding hidden objects. They'll also love the adorable caterpillar in every scene

I think this is a great books for children of all ages, not just those old enough to read it themselves. I think it would be great for parents to read this to younger children and get them started on bettering the world at a young age when it's easy to develop good habits.

Many thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the ARC, providing me an opportunity to share my thoughts.

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I really appreciate what this book was trying to do but I felt that the message was a little heavy handed. It felt more like being hit over the head with information about recycling than enjoying a story and learning how to help the environment. I will say that I read it with my 4.5 year old daughter and she had a lot of fun trying to find the recycling symbol on each page.

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A sweet book to teach younger readers as well as some older ones about recycling and it's real world implications.
A book with cute characters and a simple way of telling you how, in simple ways to give our planet every chance we can via little decisions we all make each day.

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3.5 Stars

A sweet book encouraging children to think about the different ways that they can be more environmentally friendly. There are a lot of little easter eggs in this book that children and adults alike will enjoy.

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This was such a cute and well illustrated book! It talked about things that we all do that aren't very 'green'. It also provided helpful suggestions on ways to better conserve energy and help or planet. It is something I know I will even look at when I need a good tip on ways to be more environmentally friendly.

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Teaching conservation and some environmentalism for the youngest of children with a bits and bytes cast of characters going about daily activities, cute and heartwarming, and setting a good example.

Recommended for the classroom setting for read aloud by teacher activities, or parental reading to children. The words are too complex for beginning readers, and by the age the words can be read, the child may want a different presentation, so this is a teaching storybook demonstrating how to "Go Green."

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for an ARC for review. Honest opinion given.

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Little Bit & Big Byte are doing their best to be environmentally friendly. We learns lessons on going green through the story. Its not the most entertaining book, but it great for teaching kids about the environment. This book would be great for a classroom setting.

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Thank you NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this free ARC in return for my honest review.
Really loved this book. Super easy way to help kids learn about helping out our environment. Starts out with Green items the kids like and then perfectly seques into what can be done around the home to help conserve our resources and then gets into recycling, etc. I learned a lot of this as a kid a long time ago, but it is good for todays youngsters to have a book such as this to help with the message. The illustrations are super and vibrant in color.
A great series for kids!!!!

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