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A Highlander is Coming to Town

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I absolutely could not wait for this story! We finally get to see the lovable Holt get his miracle! And that miracle is a Scottish lass named Claire.

This series is amazing and the richness of detail of the town of Highland that Ms. Trentham describes puts the reader right on main street.  Seeing the town people come alive off the pages is beautiful and shows the talent of the author.

I really enjoy the flow and sweetness that Ms. Trentham has to her stories, you get heat and some serious swoony moments, but you get a ton of heart and togetherness that some romances lack.  Her stories are like a palate cleanser for life and all the dark and dreary that surrounds you sometimes.

I admired the honesty that both Holt and Claire had to each other, and I also wanted to shake Claire for the secrets she held back, but could understand it.  She was trying to find her place in the world, what she really wanted and not what was expected of her.

I also swooned over Holt's determination to love Claire the way that she needed and also what he needed. I fell in love with him in the very first story of this series.

This story of Holt and Claire is perfect.

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This was a sweet light romantic comedy book. A small town with interesting and quirky characters. Holt and Claire are pretty much opposites. Claire is hiding out from her real life as Scottish band lead singer. She gets a job helping out old Mrs. Meadows. She was a hoot and really made me giggle. Holt is a really nice guy! He is really drawn to Claire and just wants to help her. But Claire has some secrets and decisions to make. Claire was a little hard to love. But she did grow on me. I feel the decision Claire had to make happened suddenly when she was indecisive all through the book. This kinda was of a let down.
All in all I did enjoy the book. 3 1/2 stars.

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Just to be clear – the Highlander in this book is Claire. Not the guy on the cover. In a switch from the first two books in the series, the woman is the person with the sexy Scots accent. Claire Smythe landed in Highland for a gig with the band she used to sing with. Now she is hanging out, biding her time until… Until what is not clear until later in the book. In the meantime, Claire keeps to herself. Well, she tries to keep to herself.

Holt Pierson was the rejected love interest in a previous book in this series, so I was pleased to see him get is own story this time. Holt is just what the reclusive Claire needs to help her make a decision that will set the course for her life. Holt, is the nice guy, the boy next door, the man that needs his own happy ending.

Characters from previous books have small but important roles to play in this story. Mainly, when Holt and Claire are tripping over their own relationship feet, Ian and Anna help, providing both distraction and guidance.

The Highland Georgia series is charming. Down-to-earth characters, a small town setting, a little bit of humor and a delightful romance make A Highlander is Coming to Town an enchanting read.

Through Netgalley, the publisher provided a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press for an early copy of this story. Laura Trentham is a new author to me, when I read the description I signed up. I was in the mood for something light and cute. This story was just the right fix. A little light Christmas story is just what we need right now. Though this is the third book in the Highland, Georgia series it can absolutely be read as a stand-alone. I have not read any of the books in the series, but I definitely want to check out the first two books.

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Not quite sure how I come across this one especially since there are two before it I had not read. I do live in Georgia so I think it is where it is that caught my attention. This is a romantic holiday comedy that is much needed at this time in what is currently going on. Once you open up and get to meet the characters-Holt and Claire. She is a lead singer that also caught my attention. As the two meet and go on in this they also take us with them. We are swept along from that point on with seeing how a romance can turn a mood around.

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Holt is feeling alone and unsettled as not only are his parent’s following their dreams but the girl he imagined a future with has chosen another. He now finds himself managing the family farm as he contemplates if this is all his future holds.

When the band that Claire was touring with disbanded, she finds herself trying to delay the important choices she needs to make for the future by working as a caretaker and hoping that her past doesn’t catch up with her.

Under ordinary circumstances these two very different people who are leading very different lives would have never crossed paths, but fate had other ideas. Despite the fact that both Holt and Claire know that she isn’t being upfront about who she is and why she is there, denying the connection between them becomes more difficult with every passing day as they realize that home isn’t a place it is the people in your lives.

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A Highlander is Coming to Town is the third book in the series. It is a sweet story filled with laughter, friendship and love. Holt and Claire are a wonderful couple who are trying to figure out what they want out of life. As they spend more time with each other they become friends and then more. This is a heartwarming story with endearing characters.

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Holt has stalked around the periphery of the previous books, and as we got to know a little about him, I wanted to know more. I was very glad to see him as the hero of his own book finally. He is exactly the sweet, down to earth, good ol’ boy we’ve been seeing in all the earlier books. I wasn’t really sure what to make of Claire for most of this story. All of her closely guarded secrets kept me from really connecting with her. I also thought there was a whole lot more fuss and bother made out of those secrets than what they actually materialized into. I had a similar issue with the pacing in this book as I had with the second: it’s a slow build with a fast race to the finish. And like the second book, I found this one to be heavily focused on introspection and lighter on the comedy of book one. Though, the ending does a brilliant job of bringing us back to the humorous roots of the series. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Highland, Georgia and I’m sad to say “goodbye” to it.
I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book through NetGalley.

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Claire is hiding from her family because she is trying to decide if she wants to take over the family business or denounce her inheritance. She has put up walls so she doesn’t make any connections, but once she meets Holt things start changing. Taking on the job she did while she was in town also afforded her a connection without even realizing it.
Holt had taken over his family farm and he couldn’t be happier, except that he is lonely. Not only doesn’t he have a significant other, but his parents are traveling. When he meets Claire he is intrigued, but also knows she is hiding something. He is probably the most patient man ever.
I really enjoyed how self sufficient Claire was, but there were times that I felt like she was treating Holt horribly. I liked her interactions with the elderly lady she took care of, who had a heartbreaking past. A book about finding yourself, friendship, love and making decisions for yourself instead of what others want.
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest, voluntary review.

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I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley. All opinions are my own. A Highlander Is Coming To Town is the third book in Laura Trentham’s Highland Georgia series. It can be read as a standalone, but characters from previous books in the series feature in this book and I enjoyed reading the first two, so do recommend reading them all. Claire Smythe (Glenallen) came to Highland, Georgia as the lead singer in a band featured at the annual festival. Tired of life on the road and facing big decisions that must be made on her next birthday, she stayed in Highland and has taken a job as a housekeeper/caregiver for an elderly widow Ms. Meadows. Holt Pierson lives on the farm next door to Ms. Meadows, and when Claire has an accident with her bike, he offers her a ride home. This is a slow burn friends to lovers story about finding your place in the world that takes place over the Christmas Season. I have a soft spot for the fish out of water heroine who’s trying to figure things out, and I do recommend reading this book if you enjoy that too. Medium Steam. Publishing Date: September 29, 2020. #AHighlanderIsComingToTown #LauraTrentham #ContemporaryRomance #RomanceSeries #StMartinsPress #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #SmallTownRomance

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A Highlander is Coming to Town is the third book in the Highland, Georgia series by Laura Trentham. A fun, fast-paced Christmas romance full of quirky small-town residents and two people, seemingly opposites and stirs up a delightful romance. A lovely read that is sure to sweep you away to a magical holiday romance that will take your breath away!

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A Highlander is Coming to Town is the third book in Laura Trentham’s Highland Georgia novels. Claire Smythe has left the traveling Scottish musical group, the Scudders, in search of anonymity and respite in the small North Georgia town of Highland. Claire has a deadline for her anonymity to end and she has some decisions to make that could change her life forever. This is a time to lie low and keep to herself.

When she leaves the band, Claire has no means of support and no place to stay. Preacher Hopkins appears at the time she needs help most and arranges for her to help an elderly widow which will give her room and board and a small stipend. As Claire’s deadline, her Boxing Day birthday, approaches, she begins breaking all her self imposed rules.

This is such a well written story with warm, rich characters and the lovely rural setting of fictional Highland, Georgia. As Claire opens up to the people in Highland, she finds her own path and is able to make her ultimate decision. I very much enjoyed this book and am hoping there will be more in this series, which I very much recommend it!

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I hadn't read the previous books in the series, but I had no problem following along with the storyline. I really enjoyed this Christmas story. I found it to be funny, and the characters in the book were wonderful. I found this to be a light-hearted read, and would recommend it to others.

I received a ARC from NetGalley and St. Martin's and am under no obligation to leave a favorable review, all opinions expressed here are my own.

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WOW!!! A Highlander is Coming to Town is another amazing story filled with compassion, laughs, and major attraction by Laura Trentham, book three in her Highland, Georgia series. Claire Smythe lead singer in a Scottish touring band decided to hide in Highland, Georgia as she worked through some difficult decisions about her future. Fortunately, a town pastor helped her find lodging when he introduced her to Ms. Meadows, an elderly lady who recently fell and was in need of a helper. Claire tried to keep a low profile but kept encountering Holt Pierson; a handsome and deeply curious resident of Highland. Holt has been dreading Christmas since his parents drove off in an RV and are now in Florida. He followed in his father’s footsteps, as expected, working on the family farm. Lately Holt’s been wondering if this is what makes him happy, or is there something, or someone, drawing him away from Highland. Running into Claire seems like fate to Holt. He starts questioning her and is not deterred by her reluctance to answer him. Holt decides to bring Claire out from under her shell and expose her to the happenings in small-town Highland. Claire begins to make friends, something she never had previously, and gets lulled into helping the local Scottish band. Spending time together, Claire and Holt soon discover a magnetism that can’t keep them apart. Their chemistry has them burning up the sheets not to mention how they fit together like jigsaw pieces. Holt knows Claire has decisions to make, but hopes she can put the past and family obligations behind her and embrace the love they share; giving them the best holiday present ever.

Ms. Trentham wrote a wonderfully funny and sexy story that is not to be missed. She provided a tale rich with sizzling chemistry, hot Highlanders, and other charming characters giving Claire and Holt a chance for happiness and love. I highly recommend A Highlander is Coming to Town to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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I loved this sweet little story. Claire Smythe deserves happiness. I can't imagine the heartache of kids who have grown up with their futures "planned" by their parents. I know this book is fictional, but I'm sure that happens in wealthy families more often then I know. I am so happy that Claire had the opportunity to do what she knew would make her happy. I will not give a spoiler on what she decided would make her happy. This is a quick and fairly easy read. It's was good entertainment.

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Okay, it’s settled. I’m moving to Highland, Georgia. Now. I love that place. Good things happen. Of course, you might have to go through a little bit of trouble and turmoil and mystery, but you get a lot of sweet, hot, sweet, did I say hot, hugs and kisses, too. Or maybe I’ll just commission author Laura Trentham to write books exclusively for me.

A Highlander is Coming to Town is the third entry in the Highland, Georgia series and the excellence continues. We’ve already been treated to delightful adventures with Isabel and Alasdair (book #1) and Anna and Iain (book #2) and we know we are in for a treat when Claire and Holt move center stage. We were teased with their presence in previous books and now we will get to know them better.

Claire is secretive and bottled up, hiding from someone or something. She’s never fit in anywhere, never been enough, never wanted what she was expected to want, and she ran away. Highland isn’t a refuge but a hideout, and soon she’ll have to return to where she came from. But things have subtly changed without her even realizing it. Her job caring for elderly Ms. Meadows has moved from just-a-job-for-money to tenderness and concern for this old woman. She slips up and thinks of Highland as home sometimes. She’s unintentionally started to make friends, and Holt, well, he’s caught her eye and if his comments and behavior are any indication, the feeling is mutual.

In previous books, Holt was just kind of there. The good son, the nice guy, the one everyone in this unusual small town knows and likes. He’s always had friends and thinks he’s satisfied, has always felt he belonged on the farm and in Highland. But things have started to subtly change for him, too. He’s never had a problem forming relationships, but they’ve always ended. Amicably, but he’s beginning to feel like the odd man out. And now here’s Claire. Mysterious, grumpy Claire who acts as if accepting a ride in the snow makes her a charity case or somehow beholden. What to do about her? Holt has to do something because he can’t get her out of his mind.

The reader’s return to Highland is like going home: familiar characters, familiar festivals in this quirky little town that just loves everything Scottish. For the most part it’s a happy place full of happy people. So why doesn’t Claire want to stay, why is Holt on his own, why is Ms. Meadows in need of care and what is the rest of her story? Holt was raised to be a good Southern gentleman and that means if Claire needs a ride or help with shopping or anything else it’s his duty to provide it. And the “anything else” has him waggling his eyebrows in anticipation. Claire doesn’t want to be on the receiving end of help, but she’s not averse to the “anything else” part, so they think maybe they can just go with the flow until it’s time for her to leave, no commitments, no questions asked. Seeing how all that works out is so much fun.

I love this book, I love this series, I love everything I’ve read that this author has written. I feel as if I could take a “blind reading test,” whatever type of story, genre, or time period and know the author was Laura Trentham. Not because everything she writes is the same, because it definitely is not, and not because all the characters are alike, because they definitely are not, but because of the warm, fuzzy, gentle, contented, loved feeling I have after reading just a chapter or two. Whether it’s exciting, mysterious, witty, or sexy (and all her books have all of those elements), it’s always got a heart, a great big heart loaded with love and care and tenderness and romance. And a little bit of like reading The Notebook thrown in. For about the last quarter of A Highlander is Coming to Town I needed tissue after tissue, until I just gave up and got the box. Not because the story was unbearably sad but because it was unbearably wonderful. Stop to say, “Ooh,” wipe my eyes, stop to say, “Aah,” wipe my eyes, and keep smiling and sighing.

This is a book with a fast-moving, well-developed plot, full of characters that will charm and intrigue you, and some dialogue that will have you laughing out loud, like when Holt says Claire is treating him like he has cooties. The phrasing is perfect, the misunderstanding in language and action captivating and the conclusion heartwarming.

Thanks to author Laura Trentham and St. Martin’s for providing an advance copy of A Highlander is Coming to Town via NetGalley for my reading pleasure and honest review. All opinions are my own. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and recommend it without hesitation.

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A wonderfully entertaining contemporary romance. I enjoyed Claire and Holt getting to know each other and building their romance. And meeting the other residents of Highland, GA was pure delight.
Recommended highly.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor.

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Holt Pierson is going to have to spend Christmas alone as his parents are touring in an RV and will be spending the holiday in Florida. They have a farm and he will be taking care of everything while they are away. Claire Smythe has come to Highland Georgia to hide. She has been on her own for years. Her real name is Claire Glennallen of the Glennallen Whisky in Scotland. She is expected to return home when she turns 25 which will be within days to accept her place within the distillery. If not, she will be penniless. Can she give it all up and make a life in Highland? While in Highland, she has gained friends as well as love. Love for Holt as well as Ms. Meadows who she is caregiver for. A bond formed between them that showed her the love she should have received as a child from her family that she didn’t. I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley/St. Martin’s Press and this is my honest review

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This book was comforting for me. Ms. Trentham does an excellent job of describing the area and the character’s feelings. I felt bad as I could see how lonely Claire has been most of her life and never learned how to appreciate how nice other people can be. It was heartwarming watching Claire and the older woman she is working for become close and admire each other. Even though Claire is hiding until she can make a big decision about her life, Holt catches her eye. Holt is lonely as his parents are off traveling and since he is an only child he is used to them being around on the farm. Holt is such a nice guy and you can see how the people in the small town of Highland likes him. I loved Holt and Claire as a couple, but felt bad for the push and pull that Claire did with Holt. Of course her feelings were in such a flux, she wasn’t sure what to do or what she wanted. I did have some happy tears at then end! I loved the book and strongly encourage you to read it. I was given a copy of the book and voluntarily wrote a review.

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Growing up in a small town makes this storyline familiar and easier to follow for me. There seem to always be secrets, odd characters, and just unpredictable things that happen in a small town. But few can keep secrets for long and that happens in this story too. The main characters fit into their proper places and then jump out and run at some point! What I mean is that everyone wants and expects certain things to happen and they just won’t do it.

Claire and Holt couldn’t be more different and that is what makes this story work. It is the third in the series but is definitely not as focused around the Scottish history as are the other two. It can be read as a standalone but I think you will want to read all three to understand the back story.

I received an ARC from the publisher for an honest and unbiased review. No compensation was promised or received for the review.

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