Cover Image: Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables

Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables

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I was a little hesitant if a manga could do justice to a beloved classic like Anne of Green Gables, one of my very favourite books, but was pleasantly surprised with just how enjoyable I found reading this comic! The dialogue stayed true to the novel, and the art style was able to express the broad range of emotions that Anne embodies.

If someone was brand new to Montgomery and the world of Avonlea, I would still obviously recommend they start with reading the original novel because Montgomery's descriptive writing is unparalleled. But for existing fans looking to have a new experience with the story and reread the book in a unique way, I think this is a wonderful option and was a fun and quick way to return to Green Gables.

*DISCLAIMER: I received an eARC of this book from Manga Classics Inc, Udon Entertainment through NetGalley for the purposes of providing an unbiased review.*

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Okay, so I’m going to start this by saying something that might be a bit surprising…I had never read or seen any adaptations of Anne of Green Gables before this. It wasn’t something I was introduced to growing up, and it wasn’t one of the books I read during my studies for my literature degree. I know this is a classic, and I’ve heard so many people talk about Anne Shirley, but I guess I was just busy with other things and never picked it up.

With the other Manga Classics I’ve reviewed here, I’ve known the source material, so I’ve known when they adjust dialogue, or cut out some scenes for better flow in manga format or whatever. I know that since this is an adaptation, that some things won’t make the cut, and will be left out or changed (with approval, obviously) for this version.

I liked this story. I do feel like the story covers a number of years, from when Anne first arrives in Green Gables when she’s like 12 and continuing on until she’s like 17 or so. That’s a lot of time, and considering some of the chapters are only one or two pages long, it seems clear that the story was condensed or simplified in some ways.

We do get a pretty good idea of Anne’s imagination and adventures and outlook on things. She is a bit dramatic, but there’s nothing wrong with that. It does keep the excitement coming with this slice-of-life story.

I enjoyed the rivalry between Anne and Gilbert, as well as the friendship between Anne and Diana. But it feels like the true heart of this story is Anne’s connection and relationship with Marilla and Matthew.

The artwork was adorable, and I had no issues following the art or the story. And I’m pretty sure this manga adaptation read so much faster than the original novel would have. I will say that it makes me curious to maybe check out the book, or possibly a TV adaptation.

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I had fun reading this, it was delightful. I love the manga style, the expressions, and everything. A really lovely adaptation. I would recommend this to anyone who hasn't read it yet.

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I just reviewed Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, Crystal S. Chan, Kuma Chan. #MangaClassicsAnneofGreenGables #NetGalley
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The art style of this manga was very cute and wholesome, too see characters come to life from the very pages of every ones beloved book " Anne of Green Gables".

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This adaptation was absolutely stunning. I was impressed with the visual portrayal of each of the characters. and seeing their visible reactions to certain conversations really added to the experience. I love this story so much and was thrilled that there was a manga version.

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Although I've never actually read Anne of Green Gables, I did watch and the late 80's tv mini-series for both Green Gables and Avolea. This manga was a treat as I loved those shows, the characters and I absolutely love manga! The illustrations by Kuma Chan are beautiful and I love how Crystal S. Chan chose to tell the story in such a lovely way that we saw all of Anne's upbringing and growth with the Cuthberts. I plan to add this to my shelf of books I hope to one day share with my children! Great adaptation that I would recommend to anyone who is already a fan and those who haven't yet experience Anne Shirely!

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What a throwback! I think if I'd had a manga version of this when I was much younger, I would have been more eager to read it. My grandmother insisted I read the original and this really sent me down a nostalgic path. There really have never been a difference between young girls then and now: we've always been sassy and out to prove we can do anything!

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I love this manga, I never knew I needed this. I haven't read the book nor the tv series but this one gave me everything I needed. This format was easier for me to read and digest due to the pictures, I love it

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I loved Anne of Green Gables as a kid! I was overjoyed with happiness when I realized there was a manga version! The art is very well done in this manga and the story is excellent. I really enjoyed reading this.

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There is something ineffably beautiful about the first reading of good books for children and adolescents in adulthood. There is a certain special romantic nostalgia, a slight yearning for the "dawn of a misty youth."
Young Ann's uncanny ability to find trouble for herself is the basis of her adventures in the village of Avonlea and a reason to steel her character. Here, a longtime dream of the always lonely orphan is fulfilled: Ann meets a "soul mate," Diana Barry, with whom she tries to maintain her affection despite the troubles she encounters.

The head character of this legendary cult series, at first, even a little irritated by his exalted, but very soon won the extraordinary vitality, purely literary imagination and exclusive ability to convey his fantasies complicated fancy phrases and rare words.

Brilliant literature for children, . and for adults.

And in the manga/visual novel format, it's just inexpressible. Because things that might have been left out in the text are now even more enchanting through the artist's charming drawings.

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What an absolutely adorable book. This is a fantastic way to read this story, as the manga drawings only add to the bright energy that is Anne of Green Gables. I have never read the story myself, and this was a fantastic way to experience it. I would highly recommend.

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The classic tale of Anne of Green Gables gets a fresh take in Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables. Adapted by Crystal S. Chan with illustrations by Kuma Chan, this manga version of the beloved novel captures the charm and whimsy of L.M. Montgomery’s original story.

The story follows the Cuthbert siblings, Marilla and Matthew, who are looking to adopt an orphaned boy to help them with their farm work. But when they mistakenly receive a feisty and imaginative girl named Anne Shirley, their lives are changed forever. Anne’s exuberance and zest for life soon endear her to the people of Green Gables and Prince Edward Island, despite the challenges she faces as an outsider and orphan.

The manga adaptation beautifully captures Anne’s personality and spirit, bringing her to life with expressive illustrations and dialogue. Readers of all ages will be charmed by Anne’s quirks and her heartfelt desire to belong and find love in the world. The story is also given a fresh twist with the manga format, which adds a new level of visual storytelling to the already rich narrative.

While some of the novel’s themes and issues are simplified or condensed for the manga adaptation, the core elements of Anne of Green Gables are still present and shine through. The manga version also serves as a great introduction to the classic novel for younger readers who may find the original text daunting.

Overall, Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables is a delightful adaptation of a timeless classic that captures the spirit and heart of the original story.

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It is a different experience reading the manga after one has read the book. Anne of the Green Gables was a classic and this manga version is quite good. Those who cannot sit down with a book that is all words would enjoy this retelling.

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**I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and this is my honest review**

I haven't actually read the entirety of the original Anne of Green Gables. But this manga adaptation felt extremely authentic and true to the parts of the story I do know. The adaptor and illustrator have taken great care to stay true to the details of the story (even going so far as to make sure Green Gables house layout and style is accurate) while making it more accessible for readers. This was a pleasant, relaxing read and I would recommend this for all ages.

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This was such a cute take on Anne of Green Gables! I won't lie, I've only seen the Netflix show. I intended to read the original series, but mailed it from another state and it was lost to the wind. That sadness aside, it held true to the story, from what I know. Anne's quirkiness and her imagination is portrayed wonderfully and there are some beautiful illustrations. In the beginning the timeline takes a lot longer, which I enjoyed. Towards the last third of the book or so, time starts passing really quick. Every few pages, a couple of months pass, so it fell less connecting. I was also really hoping for some Gilbert and Anne romance, but if you're in the same boat as me, you'll have to settle for a friendship. I really enjoyed this book and it was a quick afternoon read. Give it a try, whether you're an Anne fan or not!

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Anne of green gables is one of my favorite classics and it makes me happy to read this book in whatever format it is. Reading it in manga format was an even wholesome and whimsical experience. I just recently started in this world of manga and graphic novels and this title won my heart, no doubt! For fans of Anne of Green Gables, you can give it a chance you won't regret it. For people who want to get to know Anne, but feel a little overwhelmed because it's a literature classic, then this is definitely the option for you! 💕

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Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables was gorgeous and perfectly adapted by Crystal S. Chan and Kuma Chan. As an ‘Anne’ fan since childhood, this was an absolute joy to read. Highly recommend!

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It`s sad, I could not read the book because graphical designs do not work with the ebook reader. But I am sure that the book is good, I do love classics and I read manga sometimes. I'm sure that people who don't usually read novels have a good chance to appreciate classics in another way. Love to see it in the bookshelves.

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I think this manga is a great adaptation. It is a great way to get a new audience into one of my favorite novels of all time. I do wish the manga was in color, but I don't think that is very common with mangas in general... I also love the guide to teaching readers how to read mangas for those who may be unfamiliar, which makes reading new formats super accessable!

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I love Anne and her imaginative mind so much! She dreams and talks and always gets into funny, interesting situation. The manga is true to the original and the art was very beautifully done. It made the story more digestible and it enhances the most crucial story parts! Definitely recommend to anyone who loves Anne of Green Gables or who wants to try this classic in more accessible writing.

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