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Of Wicked Blood

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Member Reviews

Slate and Cadance are amazing!!!! I truly enjoyed this book. The author brings to life a story that is magical and heartwarming! We get laughs and a love story like no other. Must read!!!!!

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I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK. The plot was amazing I kept reading it without stopping and I finished it in 2 days I loved the characters and the style of writing, the characters go through so much development in the book is amazing to see how they have changed I would totally recommend this book.

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This book! Wow! The story was so intriguing! It's action-packed and kind of sketchy in a good way. Also, the setting was perfect for the story. I very rarely talk about settings in my reviews but I felt this one deserved mentioning because I really loved this strange, eerie, magic loving little town and I thought it was an excellent backdrop.

The journey these characters go on throughout this book especially within the time frame it all happened was wild. Each curse just got more and more chaotic so kudos to the Quatrefoil Crew for going through what they did with most of their sanity still intact because I think I need a drink or two on their behalf.

Overall I really loved this book. We have a very interesting group of characters established (some not as trustworthy as others). There was action, danger, some funny moments, secrets in top of secrets, and so many truths to be revealed. I am super invested and I can't wait to read what comes next.

Thank you Olivia Wildenstein and Katie Hayoz, Twig Publishing, and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to review this book!

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I am planning to read everything by the authors after this book. It was so good! Slate comes home to a letter inviting him to a new school and he discovers a town filled with family history, challenges, and new friends. Cadence, Slate, and their crew of friends take on challenge after challenge before the new moon. The authors leave no stone unturned with romance, deception, death, and character growth. This book is a must read!

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4 stars! Thank you to Netgalley & the publishers for giving me an ARC! <3

I really enjoyed this quick little read! I see a lot of potential for the Quatrefoil Chronicles, and will be anxiously waiting for the arrival of the next book!

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I want to thank Netgalley and Twig Publishing for an arc e-copy of Of Wicked Blood in exchange for an honest review!

Rating ~ 5 / 5 stars

Holy crap! I don't even know what to say because Of Wicked Blood is fantastic! Everything from the setting to the characters to the plot threw me onto a wild ride! I've recently discovered Olivia Wildenstein's books and I have read 2 (Feather and Not Another Love Story) but this novel! I have no words for it!!

I loved the characters! Slate and Cadence have 2 very different backgrounds but still manage to work well with each other. The drama between these two is everything! I loved reading the chapters in both perspectives because it gives more depth to the writing. I loved Slate's monologues because he always managed to make me crack up even in the direst situations! Both characters grow so much from the moment they first meant to the last sentence on the last page. I can say that both characters truly compliment each other really well and I can't wait to read more about them.

Can I say that I'm so mad that the book ended when such a huge surprise happened.??? I was hoping for another chapter to explain how that surprise happened but nope, both of the authors decided to end it right there! This is not a bad thing because it shows that both of these authors know how to keep the reader aka me hooked till the very end and literally end up wanting the next book immediately!

Overall, I just want to give a standing ovation to both Ms. Wildenstien and Ms. Hayoz because this novel is OUTSTANDING. Go add this book to your Goodreads now!!!!

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What a quick, satisfying fantasy novel. The characters were extremely well written and the interactions between them were believable and interesting. The storyline is told by the two main characters, Slade and Cadence. As we begin, we discover that Slade is an anti hero. He became a hero in spite of himself. This proves to increase to be entertaining and likeable. I do fell that the world building would have been more effective with a more detailed, i depth backstory. Kudos to this book one of a series. I look forward to the further development and the progression of the storyline as subsequent books become available. And excellent, enjoyable read. I strongly recommend.

I would like to thank Olivia Wildenstein, Katy Hayoz, Twig Publishing nd Netgalley for allowing me to read this advanced reader copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley. I am leaving my honest review

I have never read anything by either author before. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book.

This was a quick, enjoyable fantasy. The characters were well written and the interactions between them were interesting. The story is alternately told by the two main characters, Slade and Cadence. Interestingly, Slade is a flawed hero. He became a hero in spite of himself. This serves to make him more entertaining and likeable

The world building would have been more effective with a more detailed backstory. However, this is book one of a series. Hopefully we will get more insight as tge series progresses.

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Okay, so I am flittering between a 3-3.5 stars for this one but can’t quite decide how I feel about it. On the one hand, this book included some things I loved and I really like both of these authors, but on the other, it felt like it was trying to be something it’s not.

What did I like?
- First of all, the characters. I really thought Candence and Slate were both unique and interesting characters. Their dynamic was great, I thought they were both very witty and I could see a growing romance between them well.
- I liked the concept of the story. I always like books where the characters have to solve a puzzle or go and search for something to solve a puzzle.
- I thought the pacing of the story was great and I did fly through this book easily.

I think one of my main issues with this book was the sudden bursts of info dumping and then nothing for ages and another dump of info. I couldn’t really picture the town they were in and I wanted more backstory of the locals opinions on magic etc. I felt like we as the reader were told a lot but not shown anything.
I also think what happens/revealed about Candence’s father was very predictable and from the first chapter I knew something was wrong. I feel like the book might have worked better if his character didn’t look so shady in the first place.

Overall, a decent, well written light fantasy book that had some really good elements to it. I would pick up the second book as I’m curious after that ending.
I received this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Can I just say that this book needs more than 5 stars?! Like a bunch more! I went into this book completely blind and loved every single page. I couldn't put it down until the very end and even now, I have to know what happens next! What can I send y'all to help speed this process up?!

Slate is such an amazing, morally grey character! I completely get where he's coming from. If someone let me suffer for 17 years and then popped up like heyyyy, I'd be pissed too! I'd want to get a little revenge on them.

Cadence is an adorable history buff and a prude. Everything Slate is not. And yet, she's who will wear him down in the end. He says he'll wear her down, but he's the one going soft here.

Can't get enough of this book! I highly recommend!

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