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The Essential Oils Menopause Solution

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As women our bodies are always changing, more so than ever when we go through perimenopause, menopause and all the delightful symptoms going along with it from the weight gain, the stress, inability to concentrate, the brain fog, hot flashes, well you get the picture.
The author helps us to navigate our way to feeling a lot better with a mixture of essential oil blends. Depending on what your symptoms are the second part is divided into sections so help can easily be found.
She recommends nutritious and delicious foods, teas and drinks, supplements, exercise including pelvic floor exercises, the 21-day hormone makeover program, going within because this is where change starts and journaling.
Very informative and so much helpful information that I will be using.
This would make a wonderful gift that many women could benefit from.

Pub Date 20 Apr 2021
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

The Essential Oils Menopause Solution is a self help guide book for women who are pre-menopausal, experiencing changes in hormones or want to educate themselves on this stage of a woman's stage in her life.
This book was very insightful and had an abundance of information from hot flushes and mood swings to night sweats and pelvic floor. This book is one I feel all women should read even if just for the information topics and not necessarily the essential oils part.
That said the information on essential oils is great too and I would definitely give a few of these a try when I reach this stage in my life.
This book also contains a 21 day hormone makeover plan to try and also has recipes included too.
This book is highly recommended and is an ideal book to have to hand for future reference.

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This books starts with a great introduction to menopause and how it can affect women. It's pretty holistic too. The 21 Day Program was somewhat daunting and requires various purchases so I'm not sure I would embark on it, but overall, I can see that it's a useful and informative guide for women who are struggling in midlife.

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This book is SO MUCH MORE than Essential Oils for women in menopause. All manner of women's hormone issues are addressed from Essential Oils to herbs to diet and specific foods and lifestyle. EO formulas for various women's hormonal conditions are given as well as recipes and foods that should be included or avoided to regulate our ever-changing hormones. This book is a must-read for women of any age!

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Excellent resource for women that covers menopause and so much more. I am not there yet, but I feel that after reading Dr. Mariza's book I will be prepared with support and solutions for coping with this phase of my life.

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This was an informative book about using essential oils during Menopause, As I'm post-menopausal, this book will still be helpful to me and I will hold on to it and share it with others who may be getting ready to start the process. I believe that many women who are going through the changes of life would benefit from reading this book and using the suggestions given in this book will help to make them feel better about themselves. Whether it be the self-care section, the exercise planning, eating properly, taking the correct supplements, or the proper uses of essential oils. The Essential Oils Menopause Solution book has something for every woman going through the changes of life!

*Thanks to the author, Dr. Mariza Synder, for writing books that help women feel better about themselves during an awkward time!

*Thank you to #Netgalley & #Harmony Books & #Rodale Books for allowing me to read an e-copy in exchange for my honest opinion!

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The Essential Oils Menopause Solution is a great book! I liked the explanation of hormones at the beginning of the book. I liked the structure and presentation of the information, and I always love the recipes for new EO blends. Parts with supplements and other natural things you can do were excellent too.

Inside this book, you can find many valuable suggestions: like how to naturally address different issues, like stress, sleep issues, hot flashes, low energy, mood swings, anxiety, and much more.

I would recommend this book to women who have hormone balance issues and those going through menopause. Thanks to the Netgalley, author, and publisher for the opportunity to read this! All opinions are my own.

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Essential oils fascinates me as I had originally thought that they just smell nice and cover yucky odours in a room but oh no! They actually do wonders! So many hidden benefits and this book advises on Menopause and although I'm not far away from this moment, I will certainly be using this as reference when the time comes.

A great reference book to have to hand

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The Essential Oils Menopause Solution is an excellent holistic resource for anyone going through perimenopause or menopause. As there are a multitude of symptoms the section that provides advice and recipes for specific problems is a great resource to have. It can be consulted as and when a symptom arises.

There is a 21 day program including supplements and foods, but you can just use the oils if you prefer. The supplements recommended are the ones she sells but these can be substituted with your own choice. Some good lifestyle advice is included but it is easy just to pick out the bits that suit you. Overall a well structured easy read book.

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I found this book very helpful and interesting. I have been struggling through peri menopause with symptoms for many years now and I had not considered the use of essential oils during this time. I almost didn’t read the book because I figured through diet, exercise and my doctor that I was already doing all I can for alleviating my symptoms but with reading I found solid information on all aspects of dealing with this time of life. Learning about essential oils was a bonus and something I will be adding to my self care routine. I received a ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I wanted to thank NetGalley, Rodale Books and Dr. Mariza Snider. I did enjoy this book and found it very helpful.

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Dr. Mariza Snyder’s Book, The Essential Oils Menopause Solution, is THE go-to text for anyone seeking answers and solutions addressing hormonal imbalances related to perimenopause and menopause. This resource is comprehensive, easy to read, and so AMAZINGLY chock full of practical ways to both restructure your life in a more sane and healthful way while providing the necessary tools to address the multitude of symptoms that so many women are enduring.

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I found Dr. Snyder's book to be very interesting with a lot of facts that I wasn't aware of and some solutions. I will be trying as I navigate through this next phase of my life. I love to use essential, oils for many things and glad to have guidance in using them for Menopause symptoms.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley for my voluntary, honest opinion.

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I was interested in this book because of the topic of essential oils. The author covers female hormones during the menopause time period as well as many symptoms that may occur during perimenopause or menopause. For each of these symptoms, she explains why they might be happening, some essential oils to help control, as well as supplements and herbs to use. The final part of the book is a 21 day diet and lifestyle makeover program.
The book might be helpful to women over age 40 who are interested in using natural means to support their life. Essential oils are one component and this book does a good job of explaining those that might be helpful.
I received a complementary copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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‘This is it - the time to redefine your midlife and embrace your future with grace and joy.’

I’m not sure of other’s experiences when it comes to the latter stages of a woman’s life, however personally speaking, it is not something conversed about often or indeed, at all. Therefore I read what I can to educate myself about this new phase of life I, and indeed all women, will enter into at some stage.

‘Those hormonal imbalances are driving the mood swings, migraines, disrupted sleep, fatigue, and other symptoms hastily misunderstood and tagged as “menopause.”

Whilst there is an assortment of books on the topic to read, I look for one’s that might provide a key factor that could go some way to making the experience more positive. The complete ‘makeover’ on offer in this book is not something I would necessarily subscribe to, however, I did find a few useful ideas to experiment with. I subscribe to the science behind essential oils and therefore found some of the blends suggested here to be valuable.

‘Essential oils aren’t the solution here - they are the support. Use them as tools to get you to the end game: healthy hormonal balance. But they won’t get you there if you neglect lifestyle choices that establish the foundation for your good health.’

You will learn what hormones are, what their roles are in your body and what may be the cause of them becoming unbalanced. There is a lot of useful information provided by the author as she covers a wide range of variables from essential oils to nutrition that might assist women to better understand and work with their bodies during this change of life. The tone of the book is friendly and compassionate, structured in such a way to make it easy to come back to if particular chapters are pertinent to the reader.

Therefore I do recommend this book as a type of manual or reference for women wishing to learn more about the perimenopause or menopause as it provides a wealth of medical information. There are then chapters on various symptoms from sleep issues, to brain fog, to low energy. The author then provides a 21 Day Makeover plan. I did put into practice some of the suggestions for the essential oil recipes (there are over seventy five) for diffusers, rollerballs or sprays. All up, an excellent guide with a range of valuable suggestions to assist women during this challenging time of their life.

‘The heart of this 21-Day Makeover is establishing a series of moments in your day that shift the priority back to you. It’s about integrating foods, self-care rituals, movement, essential oils, and supplement protocols that address your unique combination of symptoms to help you reclaim your energy and joy at midlife.’

This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The quoted material may have changed in the final release.

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I would definitely recommend to everyone who is going through perimenopause/menopause to add this book to your collection. Its nice to have handy when specific symptoms arise.
I found it helpful that Part II was by symptom so that when a particular issue pops up its very easy to find the solutions. I used numerous essential oil blends and was amazed at the results! I recommended to friends who also had the same level of results. I have also taken quite a few of the supplements/vitamins with outstanding results. In all honesty I have not yet tried the 21 day program because of food allergies. And with the results from just the oils & supplements I don’t feel the need to do so at the moment.

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This is the perfect manual for anyone who is in perimenopause or menopause, who has questions about this time in a woman's life, or who is experiencing health issues that could be hormone-related. This is a book that you will want to keep handy and refer to often. It has a wealth of information on a variety of topics, from stress, sleep issues, hot flashes and night sweats, fatigue and low energy, mood swings, anxiety & depression, thyroid problems, digestive problems, brain fog, low libido, pelvic floor dysfunction & urinary incontinence, and heavy bleeding and fibroids. There is a 21-day hormone makeover program to try, complete with meal plan and recipes. There is also a wealth of essential oil recipes for diffusers, rollerballs, and sprays. This is an excellent guide that I highly recommend all women check out.

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I have started having perimenopausal hot flashes, which I notice improve or exacerbate based on my daily diet, so I’m determined to educate myself as much as I can to sail through this somewhat challenging time of life. Although I am not sold on using the complete makeover myself, I am glad I read this book. The author offers a lot of helpful information to help women better understand what is happening in their bodies during “the change.” I appreciate the important tidbits on nutrition and lifestyle. I feel this is one of those books that each woman can pull something from to help them manage their health. The book is written compassionately and conversationally, making the large book rather easy to navigate.

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I am in the menopause process so this book is one I was really looking forward to reading. I found the information to be helpful and I think some of it will work for me, if not most of it. I haven't had opportunity to try it all yet, which is why I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars. I think the information is well-presented and easy to understand. I think her plan is holistic and I like that. I already have an interest in essential oils and have used some so I do come at this information with some knowledge.

I liked how Snyder incorporates nutrition and lifestyle along with the oils. I believe it all works together to make us the best we can be and I think she does that well. My one concern is that she sells supplements and she uses those as part of the plan. I wish, instead, that she would give a general idea of what to take. For example, vitamin C, enzymes, etc. instead of listing her supplements by name. Still, I would recommend that book as it is easy to use and follow otherwise.

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There were lots of great ideas on helping women through menopause without the need for medicine and doctor intervention. You would definitely need to be committed to the program, creating all the smoothies, taking the time to perform the morning routine, all the breaks and the essential oil creation.
Without trying these things out I could not comment on their effectiveness. What I do know is that I would be willing to try these natural remedies in an attempt to bring the wild emotions of menopause under control. So I am glad to read to have read this book. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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