Cover Image: Candy Hearts

Candy Hearts

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Member Reviews

I am familiar with Tommy Siegel and his candy heart characters, and I immediately requested this.. It is a quick, funny, and light read. I found myself laughing really loudly a few times. He takes everyday dating and relationship scenarios, and creates really funny conversations between the characters. The reason why most will find themselves laughing is because it is a depiction of what some of us are really thinking on dates or in our relatioship. I plan on buying it and laying it on my coffee table when people come over. It is a really fun comic to just browse through and get a really good laugh. Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the advanced copy.

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This book was given to me in exchange for a review, all opinions are mine.
This was a fun comic to read!
Its candy hearts, but think candy hearts for modern times. Instead of the normal lovely quotes, you get hilarious inner monologues of people written on the candy hearts. God i wish these were actual candy hearts i'll buy them in a beat.
The further you go into this book the funnier and more relatable it becomes.
If you are looking for something that would have you randomly laughing on a train, get this book.

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I picked up this one because the premise sounded humorous and like it would be a good palette cleanser from some of the other stuff I've been reading lately, and it was exactly that. These single page comments of candy hearts saying what they are really thinking and feeling in the moment. Be forewarned that there is some language, but if you're looking for a very relatable laugh, this is a great one for it.

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I absolutely love the clever humor and drawings in these comics! Definitely will appeal to adults. I will look forward to the next one of its kind.

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Funny and at times uncomfortably realistic look at modern relationships, this collection includes the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

Candy Hearts is a funny and very relatable comic strip book. I've never come across Tommy Siegel's work before so this was an absolute delight to read.
The pictures are funny and show many truths behind the start of relationships, dating and marriage.
This book drew me in by the cover and I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to read and review this book!

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Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing me with a temporary e-arc.

"I am in a desperate need for the Candy Hearts series. I need it, alright?!" If you have read my review on Tommy Siegel's, 'I Hope This Helps', this is what I said in that review and what do we have here today? My desires getting fulfilled! *shook*
So, I manifested that hard, huh? And that should give you an idea of the extent of my expectations and glee diving into this one, right?

*air punches* THIS IS EVERYTHING! I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO GET ENOUGH OF CANDY HEARTS!!! Each one is hilarious and insightful and just too precious! At this point, my reviews on Tommy Siegel's work is just telling y'all to GET YOUR PAWS on whatever title of his I'm reviewing.

The reason why I am giving this 4-stars: I was left wanting more of Candy Hearts because I'm officially unapologetically greedy about Candy Hearts now. But it is a straight-up 5-star read. GET YOUR PAWS ON IT, ALREADY. I mean, pre-order it.

Release Date: 2nd of Feb, 2021.

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I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

So incredibly funny and spot on. Its laugh out loud good.

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This book had me laughing out loud many times- from the damaged but in a creepy way candy heart in the movie theater, to the training to date them candy heart, to the please God not in this chipotle marriage proposal (yikes!) and more. This was such a cute book, albeit a little too true about the dating world at times, even including social distancing to demonstrate the world we currently live in. The date with the cat- yeah, that's totally me right now- who knows maybe May 2021 I'll be ready. Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest reivew.

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I feel like I've seen over half of these already. I also think it's too soon to be making jokes about covid. Kinda mediocre. Glad it wasn't too long or else the themes would have become repetitive.

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Do you know those sugar candies in the form of a heart?
Well, they're the main characters in this comic book's art
On their front you can read what they think, but do not say
Even if théy don't feel good, they'll surely brighten up your day 😄

Sweet or not?

For those who don't know this kind of candy: apparently they're called 'sweethearts' and this heart-shaped candy is sold around Valentine's Day. Every heart has a text printed on it, like 'Be mine', 'Kiss me', 'Miss You', …

Although the candy hearts in Tommy Siegel's book look sweet, they're anything but.
Because instead of mellow love messages, you can read what these little characters really think of each other.
Dating, married, straight, gay, … a whole range of possible relationships is adressed in 114 pages of single-panel cartoons.
As the sharp humorous observations are often recognizable, there's certainly something to everyone's taste.

The start of a new career

Tommy Siegel's comics began as doodles in the back of a van as a touring rock musician of the band Jukebox the Ghost.
He set himself the challenge of drawing a comic every day for 500 days.
This project garnered him more than 300.000 followers on social media with shout-outs from cultural heavyweights ranging from Ringo Starr to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
At the end of this project he bundled several of his comics and in September 2020 his debut book collection 'I hope this helps' was published. This illustrated guide to the absurdities of our phone-obsessed modern life includes 200+ pages of comics, essays, extremely helpful guides to coping with 21st-century panic and tales from surviving 500 days of comics.

Apparently he'd got the taste of comic drawing, because when he was quarantined with his parents in Richmond (Virginia) in the early stages of the pandemic, he made a lot of Candy Hearts-cartoons.
And another period of living in a quarantaine pod in the woods with several close friends in Maine delivered also a lot of inspiration.
Although these strange corona-periods affected (and still affect) everyone's life, in Siegel's case they appeared to be very fruitful and even resulted in his next book Candy Hearts, which will be released on 2 February 2021.

If you want to know more about Tommy Siegel, you can head over to his website:
At the bottom you'll find links to his social media-accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook where you can discover lots of his drawings and get a good idea of his sense of humour.

*Thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was such a fun, quick read, exactly what I need it. The author did an incredible job with this, I loved that I didn't even have to see expressions to know what tone they meant, it just worked quite well.

I didn't know the author but after reading this, I'll keep my eyes open for his future releases.

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Always a joy when it comes to Siegel material. These candy hearts are genius, relatable and 100% hilarious. Follow this guy on social media to put a pep in your step each day. Thanks Netgalley for the copy!

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Super relatable humor, super relatable scenario, all hilarious illustrated with candy hearts as stand-ins. A great read that imagine would be even better in February, around Valentine's Day.

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I got this book from NetGalley like Siegel's other book, and his other book is better. Well, maybe they're both funny, but this one is short. I like the idea and a comics page that I read online, but a book of these just doesn't hit the same.
Its cute, would be good for a waiting room or somewhere people can read a little before putting the book down and not worrying about the end.

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This was, in a lot of ways, very relatable, even if in some cases it showcased a harsh reality or situation, like the one, for example, portrayed on the cover. It's tragically true.
But seeing these situations and slices of life depicted in candy hearts made it funny and lighthearted to read. It's as if the candy hearts had facial expressions (even though they didn't) with what they were saying/expressing.
It's also quite current, as it even deals with situations in our current climated of covid-19 day-to-day life.
I liked the simplistic and yet to the point art style. Who doesn't enjoy candy hearts, right?

Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review and opinion.

#CandyHearts #NetGalley

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If life had subtitles, this would be the comic book for it.
A series of events from everyday life, at work, at home, outside, among friends, alone.

Things we keep inside but mostly never share.
Really enjoyed reading this one, it had something to say for all.

Thank you Netgalley for this eArc copy in exchange for an honest review.

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It's a pretty simple comic model that Tommy Siegel has created - anthropomorphized candy hearts set in some kind of very familiar relationship scenario, with their true feelings written loud and clearly on their bodies. It's literally nothing but this from start to end in this collection, and if you think that it would get old, you'd be justified with that rational assumption.

You would also be incorrect.

Granted, I say this as a millennial who has had a decent share of dates and relationships - so, in other words, I probably couldn't be more in the target audience. Which is why these comics continued to hit again and again and again with a severe relatability that had me wincing in remembrance while making me burst out laughing with both delight and a sense of relief. Siegel once again reveals himself to be one of the comic greats when it comes to calling out the many absurdities that make up our present-day reality.

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Here is the review that I wrote on my website:

PLEASE NOTE: I received a free copy of this book through in exchange for an honest review. 🙂

I really wanted to read something light-hearted and fun, and this just hit the right spot. The book is essentially a collection of comics drawn by Tommy Siegel that reflects on modern dating and love by writing brutal truths on cutesy love-heart candy designs: it is comedic genius. We expect these love-hearts to represent the clichés of romantic love, and instead they reflect the uncomfortable – and hilarious – inner thoughts of the single, the dating, and the married.

Some of these comics represent situations that were so familiar to me. There is one that depicts a (presumably) female candy heart walking down the street listening to podcasts, minding their own business, whilst another shouts on “some fuckin’ bullshit.” This made me giggle and I will definitely think of it the next time it happens to me. Of course, it is a sad state of reality that this type of thing happens, but it always cheers me up when someone like Siegel throws light on the crappiness of it all in a way that manages to actually make me smile. It is a testament to the cheerful and unserious way in which Siegel deals with these potentially depressing truths and I for one sometimes need to laugh at the state of the World, or I would just cry.


Seriously, it would be non-stop.

This book also makes fun of our reliance on phones and technology today; for example, 6 candy hearts stand at a party talking to one another, but each candy heart has “I can’t wait for a quiet moment to check my phone” written on them. I would have to say that my favourite ones are the ones that highlight the perils of using technology to date, especially the cartoons that represent the different off-putting male tinder profiles you can find, (all equally cringe-worthy!)

I will now stop gushing and instead recommend that you buy it when it comes out in 2021. For what it was and what I wanted today, it was ideal, and I will definitely be gifting it to friends and family next year!

You can follow Tommy Siegel here:

And find the info about the book here and pre-order:

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*ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

oh my god!! this was hilarious!!!

i finished this so fast and i wish i hadn’t!! it was simply too funny and accurate!

the drawing style and colors were brilliant and so amusing to the eye!

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