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The Perfect Marriage

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Fantastic! Will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat the entire time. I have this book in physical format but the audio version really packed a punch. I enjoy audios with multiple narrators so this one fit the bill. Innovative plot line, very enjoyable reading/listening experience. If you enjoy domestic thrillers then this one is a must!

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I got this book through Net Galley and listened to it on audio while walking the dog. She got some longer walks because I was hooked from the beginning. This book kept me guessing almost to the very end. Even at the end of the book, there were some surprises! You never really know what goes on in a marriage.

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Debut domestic thriller/murder mystery from Jeneva Rose allows us to follow Sarah, a high profile defense attorney and her husband Adam, a struggling writer. Their marriage from the outside may seem perfect, but Sarah finds herself needing to defend her husband for murder.
This one had my interest from the very beginning, rotating between two POV’s kept things fast paced; the language was spicy and held witty conversations.
The ending did feel rushed to me and more predictable than I would have guessed given the twits throughout. Regardless, I really enjoyed this one and look forward to reading more of her work!
Thank you Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for this audio book in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is the first fiction book I was actually able to listen to on audiobook. It had my attention from the very beginning and kept me guessing until the last chapter. There are so many twists and turns throughout the book and I truly didn’t see the ending coming.

This is so good for a debut novel and I’m so excited for future books from this author!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for allowing me to listen to this book!

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Thanks Netgalley and publishers for the book! Relatable characters. Strong storyline from start to finish. Not once did the story drag or need massive amounts of text shaved (which I commonly encounter). Dark and broody premise which I love. Typically not big on murder trial fiction as I prefer trial stories in the true crime genre, but this was extremely well done. Shock ending that leaves you closing the book out with the creepy eerie feeling that a great thriller should!

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Sarah Morgan has it all. She is a highly recognized defense attorney at a law firm where she is also a partner. She is married to the love of her life, and is doing extremely well for herself. Her husband, a struggling writer, grows intolerant of Sarah's constant absence in their marriage, feeling as though he's always taking the backseat. Because of this, he ends up straying and ending up in the arms of another woman. On the night of their anniversary, Adam is with his mistress and tells her that he's decided to leave his wife so they can be together. They can finally be happy together. Or can they? The next morning, Adam is paid an unexpected visit by the police. His mistress has been murdered and he is the number one suspect. Sarah Morgan is about to take on her most difficult case yet. To defend her husband who has been charged with murder. Adam insists he didn't do it. Was this a crime of passion? Was Adam set up?
Thank you Netgalley and Jeneva Rose for the opportunity to read and review this book. When I first started it, I guessed right away that the mistress was going to end up dead and that Adam was going to be the number one suspect. I made a couple other predictions as well. Boy was I wrong on so many levels! This book sucked me in and gave me whiplash from all the twists! I definitely didn't see the ending coming at all! I loved this book! It was really good! I read this book via audio book and really enjoyed it. I rate this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫

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An enjoyable read jam packed with action and twists around every corner. *3.5/5

The plot is rather basic - husband is accused of killing his mistress and his loyal lawyer wife defends him. Admittedly I wasn’t overly intrigued at first glance, but the narrative was very intriguing and sucked me right in. Chaos ensues rather early, which was great at first, but then it plateaued until the last quarter or so. The killer was super obvious in my mind, but Rose included so many interesting twists along the way and especially at the end, so it was worth it. I thought there were far too many coincidences at one point, but it wrapped up very nicely in the end. I’ll be on the lookout for more work by Jeneva Rose.

The narrators have wonderful voices that were easy to listen to, even if some of the side characters were indistinguishable at times.

A huge thanks to Dreamscape Media and NetGallery for access to the ARC Audiobook.

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Sarah is a successful lawyer and her husband Adam is a fleeting writer. He has wanted to try for a family, and she has focused more on her career than their marriage. But that is no excuse for the affair Adam starts and continues during his stays at their second home in Virginia. When Adam’s mistress is found dead, he is charged with her murder. Sarah swoops in to defend her husband while learning the truths of his unfaithfulness. Can their marriage survive such deceit and possible crimes?

My thoughts: I loved the audiobook version of this book. The male and female narrators make it easy to follow along with the alternating pov of Sarah and Adam. The story was gripping, characters unreliable and the plot kept me guessing. Somethings made me say ‘hmm’ how could that really happen, but I couldn’t wait to keep listening.

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I enjoyed this audiobook but whew did I not like some of the characters. And that ending wow!! This will definitely take some time to digest. I was rooting for one person the whole time and then I wasn’t. This was a mind twist of a book for sure! Highly recommend the audio version. The narrators were great with differentiating the characters with their voices.

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Audiobook was a fantastic way to "read" The Perfect Marriage. Two different narrators do the man and woman's chapters. Both are clear, on point, and "sound" like who the author is trying to portray. Would highly recommend.

Jeneva Rose does an impressive job of twisting a thriller together in a way that keeps you guessing the whole way through. Adam Morgan is accused of murdering his mistress, who is found dead in their vacation home--and his badass attorney wife, Sarah Morgan, decides she is his only hope of being declared innocent. More players come into the arena as we learn nearly everyone around them is suspect for a variety of reasons. There is fantastic push-pull tension from the characters and their relationships.

I gave this book 4/5 stars for the simple reason that while I really enjoyed this book, and thought the plot was well developed, the characters at times did things that seemed just--OUT there, and maybe didn't fit with how they had acted up to that point. I also felt that some of the legal technicalities were more convenient than factual--like, there really didn't seem to be enough proof for a conviction without reasonable doubt, so I had a hard time buying into that part. Still a great read, and I'll for sure pick up this Rose's next book.

Thanks NetGalley/DreamscapeMedia for a free audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

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First off, I would like to thank Dreamscape Media and Net Galley for letting me listen to the audiobook version of The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose in exchange for an honest review. I rated this book 4 stars because I loved how fast-paced the story progressed and how the author’s writing kept me on my toes. I was constantly trying to figure out if Adam was innocent or guilty and I felt that the Jeneva Rose did a wonderful job of building suspense throughout the entire book. I thought that this was a great read and I could not stop listening. Overall, I really enjoyed the audiobook version of The Perfect Marriage and I am definitely looking forward to reading more books by Jeneva Rose in the future.

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Wow this was a great thriller and audio! I loved that each chapter was either the husband or wife. The whole story kept you guessing as to who the murderer was and even at the end I wasn't 100% sure until it was revealed. I was shocked by the ending for sure!

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A solid thriller debut from a new author! I read on Rose's Goodreads page that she has three other books written but is looking for a publisher. Someone sign her!
The Perfect Marriage follows the unraveling of Adam and Sarah's marriage after Adam's mistress, Kelly, is murdered. The premise was not entirely new, but Rose has a knack for keeping you on the edge of your seat. I thought I had figured out what happened like 4 different times, but it certainly didn't end the way I was expecting. I have seen a lot of other reviews slamming this book for its use of profanity and dirty sex. But I'm here for it. That sort of stuff doesn't bother me, but I honestly didn't find it to be any more than what I read in other popular books. I'm really hoping to see more from this author in the future.
Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an ARC of this title in exchange for my honest feedback!

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I appreciate a book that keeps you guessing and highly suspicious of every character, and The Perfect Marriage does just that.

When Sarah Morgan, a very successful defense lawyer, finds herself defending her own husband’s murder trial the stakes couldn’t be higher. As the case unfolds more lies are revealed and lives are forever changed. This high paced thriller brings you all the drama of the court case, as well as a very heavy dose of marital drama. I enjoyed it start to finish, albeit some of the happenings in the second half were very far fetched.

Audiobook notes: As far as the narrators of the book I thought they were very easy to listen too. I found in the beginning they were maybe a little breathy/airy in their tones as if they were trying to seduce the reader even when that wasn’t the tone of the book. Overall they were very pleasant to listen too.

Thanks NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an ARC in return for an Honest Review

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The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose is a solid psychological/thriller read. I truly enjoyed the dual perspective and the strong female character. It also contains that annoying ass mother-in-law who thinks there kid can do nothing wrong 🙄. Being the true crime thriller enthusiasts I am I did guess most of the storyline. However, it’s a quick thriller full of twists, mystery and law.

If you’re looking for a psychological/domestic thriller with a strong female character you should definitely check this one out. Also, the narrators were great!

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Love love LOVED this!!!! I never listened to an audiobook that I couldn’t wait to listen to, and took every possible moment to hear what happens next. Twists, turns, and quite an unexpected ending that came together perfectly. Absolutely no complaints here!! Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Morgans… Sarah and Adam.
Both are privileged in life but one is more successful than the other and one and only one holds on to the marriage tight.

Sarah is a successful lawyer with A-List clients. Adam is a struggling writer who is quite jealous of his wife’s career. He is happy for her success but with this comes a lot of responsibility. Sarah has always been busy and Adam feels lonely at times. But his loneliness ended when he met Kelly.
The affair continues until one day it stopped… because she was found murdered.
Adam became the suspect of this crime because he was the last person that Kelly was with. The power of marriage entered in this situation because Sarah didn’t think twice in representing and defending Adam in court.

I listened to the audiobook of this novel and the narrators did an amazing job portraying the Morgans. Right from the get go, I felt annoyed with many characters and that kept the story interesting. The flow of the story was smooth and I didn’t see the plot twist coming (although, I kind of smelled something already mid-novel). This was Jeneva Rose’s debut novel and it was well written! It was insanely gripping and throughout listening to the audiobook I can’t help but walk around the room feeling the tension that the characters are put into.
I am looking forward to more Jeneva Rose novels.

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the audiobook.

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Wow!!! What a fast paced, corner turning, make you second guess yourself book! I loved the story line in this book. I was suspecting everyone and still didn’t figure out who did everything in the end.

This book switches back and forth between Sara and Adam. I liked the duel perspective and I think it added to the suspicion. There were definitely times I could relate to Sara emotionally and my heart broke for her. There were many things that happened in this book that made me think “what?!?” But in a good story line way!

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves thrillers!

A huge thank you to NetGalley for allowing me the audio of this book for my honest review!

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Main characters Sarah and Adam Morgan is supposed to be celebrating their 10th anniversary but of course they didn't expect it to go the way it has gone. Sarah Morgan is a successful and powerful defense attorney while her husband is a struggling writer who is not quite in love with her anymore who was always too busy to spend time with her husband. The day came and went away, but oh how Adam wished it only went a different route. Of course, Adam is accused of murdering his mistress and if you think that's crazy well.....his wife is defending him. WTH!! Jeneva girrrrrl you did that!!! I was sold from the start. Who does that? I know it wouldn't and couldn't be me. No ma'am!! If you haven't read this in 2020 you better add it to your TBR for 2021 and at the top too. Thank you netgalley for offering this as an audio. Also, thank you to the author Jeneva Rose for an autographed copy that I won in a giveaway.

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Honestly, I’m not sure how to rate this one. The plot follows Sarah, a lawyer, who is defending her husband in the murder of his mistress. It was fast paced with short chapters, which I liked. I didn’t admire any of the characters, which I think was the author’s goal. Throughout the first half of the book, it didn’t seem like the characters were consistent at all. Adam was all over the place; claiming to love his wife so much one minute but still cheating on her immediately after. The whole premise of the wife being his defense attorney seemed strange and made sense in the reveal but didn’t seem believable enough. ⭐️⭐️

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