Member Reviews

Words from the Window Seat brings a warmth and creativity to your soul. Taylor shares many heart warming and uplifting stories in this debut book, and the content was both inspiring and refreshing. I was reminded of Bob Goff's book, Love Does, while reading Taylor's book. I would recommend this book to a younger reader, as I feel it would have incredible impact on our society at large to have the younger generations encouraged by the stories shared in this book. Thank you to NetGalley and Nelson books for the review copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Wow! Just wow. This is a wonderful uplifting book. I highlighted sections so I could go back and read it again. It is beautifully written and brings a smile to your face. This book would make a great gift as well.

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Words from the Window Seat was not at all what I was expecting. I was hoping for a story of travel and adventure full of sights and smells of faraway places. Instead this is a life story of a women wanting to be a flight attendant and her religious beliefs. It is a bit preachy and basic. Maybe it would be good for young people just looking for a career path. It didn't really resonate with me.

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What an encouraging read. I enjoyed “traveling” along with the author, Taylor Tippett, as she shares her life lessons from being an airline flight attendant. Her world is not all rainbows and buttercups. But her faith has given her the foundation to provide encouragement to others.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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This book was too simplistic and pedantic for me. I was hoping for more insight. I believe our library system did purchase this book, but I would not have recommended it.

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I found this title to be cute, motivational, uplifting, and cheerful. The author did not come across as having a 'poor me' attitude. Instead, she persevered and worked hard to accomplish her goals. She clearly loves life.

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This is a book written by a flight attendant, telling the true story of her life and desire to become an attendant, her training, and all her travels and experiences since then. It's OK, but not great. I enjoyed some of the uplifting passages, but some of the more religious discussions did not sit well with me. The author seems like she went into this career a bit naive, had much to learn, and prayed her way through life. All well and good, but I was not up for hearing about every prayer and how much she loves God. I wish her well with the book, but not exactly my taste. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a free copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Words from the Window Seat is a quick read with short chapters that begin with a short summary of something the author observed or happened in her own life. Followed by a quick recap of how she turned it around and then ends with a bumper sticker phrase of encouragement.

Overall an uplifting book. Probably not meant for someone older than 30. Believe this book would be of interest to a young person who is struggling with self-worth and unhealthy relationships.

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This is such a quick, fun read. The author shares stories from being a flight attendant to encourage readers in whatever it is they are facing. There isn’t a lot of meat to the book, but I went into it expecting that. It was light, the chapters were short, and I finished feeling refreshed and inspired.

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Very poorly written, Words from the Window Seat assumes the reader already knows all about Taylor's life/childhood. Additionally, every story paints her as the victim of her circumstances and then flips to how she's the hero of the story/has it all figured out. The way she talks about her family members is uncomfortable to read, she's extremely vague about *her own* struggles while clearly wanting the reader to know she's had a "really, really hard life", and the only real take-away is that kindness matters.

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I've been following Taylor Tippett on Instagram since the beginning of her #wordsfromthewindowseat photo project, so when I found out she was writing a book I immediately put it on my list. This book captures what Taylor is all about: finding whimsy, fighting for joy, and growing through life's ups and downs--all while learning to be a bit more like Love with a capital L.. Taylor's unique and airy writer's voice is easily accessible for readers of all ages, but often feels like it's for a younger audience. If she comes out with a second, I'd love to see how that voice matures!

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Words from the Window Seat
The Everyday Magic of Kindness, Courage and Being Your True Self
by: Taylor Tippett
Nelson Books, Thomas Nelson

Taylor Tippett writes with honesty, perception, and insight as she conveys the profound power of a note to a stranger, along with her own story of personal development and faith. Through stories of her flight attendant career, travels, and day to day life, Taylor uplifts and encourages readers in a kindness centered format.
While working as a young flight attendant, Taylor hung a note saying "Be Kind to Yourself" on a plane window, photographed it, and left it in a seat back pocket.
When she shared the photo on social media, her personal project of spreading kindness began.
Although the book offers plenty of optimism and inspiration, I'm impressed that Taylor chose to poignantly include her personal struggles of fears, apprehension, and insecurities in the course of her life. She always paired her pain with the pockets of growth she encountered, as well as her deep faith.
The writing style is pure, simple, and genuine as Taylor shares events in her training and work as a flight attendant, plus stories of people she has met along the way. The reflections on travels to Hawaii, Paris, and Barcelona were beautiful and moving. This book delivers enjoyment and encouragement, plus messages of hope and light.
Thank you to Net Galley and Nelson Books, Thomas Nelson for the advance reader's copy and the opportunity to provide my unbiased review.
#WordsfromtheWindowSeat #NetGalley

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A good read about ordinary things that make a day extraordinary, if only we stop to appreciate what our blessings are.
I loved the fact that the chapters could be read in a random order and it was an good breather between other readings.

Thank you Netgalley and Nelson books for the ARC

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It was almost exactly four months ago that I found myself sitting on an airplane preparing for a rare flight for me, a highly anticipated trip out to Seattle where I'd been asked to officiate my goddaughter's wedding.

I don't fly often. I'm a paraplegic/double amputee with spina bifida who is single, lives along with no family around, and who has never really enjoyed the cumbersome act of arranging accessibility for extended trips and flights. While I have similarly disabled peers who regularly rise to the challenge, for me the challenges have always outweighed the benefits and I'm fairly content to travel my way around the Midwest.

But hey, for my goddaughter? Anything.

On this particular flight, I experienced a first. I was approached my a very proactive, compassionate flight attended who had a several minute conversation about my safety needs for the flight including everything from accessibility to restroom to what she would do in case of an emergency (which essentially involved grabbing me around my shoulders and dragging my way heavier than hers body to the best of her ability).

Essentially, she did everything in her ability to make sure I would be safe.

I'd never experienced this and it profoundly impacted my flight and my trip. It would be enhanced by the fact that I exited the plane upon arrival in Seattle realizing my transportation plans to my hotel had fallen apart - this same flight attendant, along with a couple others, made sure I got where I needed to go. It was WAY above and beyond.

So, as I opened the pages of Taylor Tippett's "Words From the Window Seat: The Everyday Magic of Kindness, Courage, and Being Your True Self," I was already in a place of gratitude for this recent flight experience as yet the latest in my long life of giving and receiving kindness to the best of my ability.

"Kindness Devotee" is even on my social media pages.

Taylor Tippett, who also has one of my favorite names ever, is known as "The Travelin' Lady," a Chicago-based flight attendant who seemingly on a whim started a simple yet meaningful kindness journey of her own and who spends many of her travels exploring the beauty of the world and the people who live in it.

Tippett sees beauty. Tippett creates beauty. Tippett plants the seeds for beauty and seems to practically giggle with delight when those seeds grow.

"Words from the Window Seat" is filled with Tippett's infectious spirit from beginning to end. It's an unusual reading experience in some ways, a sort of grounded yet whimsical journey through Tippett's own life experiences and her own lessons in the everyday magic of kindness, her own discovery of personal courage, and her own journey toward being true to herself. "Words from the Window Seat" finds its foundation in Tippett's practice of leaving random notes on airplane windows yet finds its true vibrancy in expanding around this meaningful practice by exploring how this practice has helped Tippett turn it into life-changing practices for her own journey.

For those aware of Tippett, and I admittedly was not prior to my being provided the opportunity to review her book in advance of its release, you're aware that her travels have become a successful blog and a presence as a trusted voice for travels and travel experiences with a variety of corporate and organizational partners.

I mean, seriously. Who wouldn't want to work with this infectious spirit? I found myself thinking she'd have been a most delightful Tenderness Tour companion (NOTE: If you don't know my history, I've spent 30 years of my life as an activist in the area of violence prevention and have traveled over 6,000 miles by wheelchair thanks to having a seriously devoted network of friends, peers, volunteers, and confidantes).

Tippett writes with fierce optimism yet authenticity. She writes, it should be noted, from a place of faith yet also writes a book that will appeal to those who don't necessarily come from a place of faith. She shares deep wounds and seriously acknowledges their impact, yet she marvels at simple points of healing and the wonder of finding true love after a series of heartaches. Better than most writers I've experienced, Tippett creates a vibrant, honest relationship with the reader while also celebrating our universal connections.

"Words from the Window Seat" wraps up its pages as the pandemic itself was arriving and Tippett's own life was impacted in very direct ways. It's a richly human way of ending a book that peacefully co-exists somewhere between being a practical fairytale and also being refreshingly, at times painfully, human. "Words from the Window Seat" is filled with joy, yet not the artificial joy so often found in literature but the joy birthed out of life lessons learned and a journey through joys and sorrows embraced.

A quick yet meaningful and heartfelt read, Taylor Tippett's "Words from the Window Seat" is like sitting down with a trusted friend and processing life and love and fear and doubt and wonder and ending the hours-long conversation realizing that amidst life is absolutely amazing.

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Such a heartwarming book! It reminds us of the importance of kindness most especially in today’s torn apart world where kindness could help knit us all back together. It’s like a pep talk combined with a big hug. A wonderful dose of encouragement and confirmation that even though we may feel all alone we aren’t! If you need a book that doesn’t gloss over hard times and reminds us that things can truly get better this is the perfect book!

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I absolutely loved this book!!  Taylor Tippett is a flight attendant.  She realized on one of her flights, that she had to love and show kindness to herself before she could show kindness to her passengers.  So, she wrote a note to saying “be kind to yourself” and left it in the seat-back pocket for the next passenger to find in the hopes of encouraging someone else.  This one little note to encourage others, has become a viral sensation. 

Taylor is very raw and honest in her book and she will make you smile, laugh and maybe even pull on your heartstrings a little.  Taylor has a conversational style of writing and you feel like you're having a chat with a best friend.  I really enjoyed her travel stories from Chicago to Paris and the people she met along the way.  This little book is packed full of life lessons, some I felt were written especially for me. 

In an effort to spread even more kindness, I'll be leaving a copy of Words From the Window Seat on all of my future flights to pass this magic onto someone else.

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