Member Reviews

At first I thought “oh great, another therapist book.” But I was wrong. Lots of twists and turns. Very very surprised ending!

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That was a good read! You never know from page to page who did it. This one keeps you guessing until it all unravels. The characters were well done and stayed in their roles. The fire starts early and builds and builds. You feel creeped out when you should and you want to keep the pages turning well past your bedtime.

Devoured this prepub copy in a few days. This is my own opinion of this book.

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Loved this book and have recommended it to many friends. This would be a great beach read but you may not be able to put it down when you leave the beach!

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The Golden Couple is not who you think they are. This story is captivating and draws you into the lives of a golden couple and their unconventional therapist who has secrets of her own. Once again Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen did not disappoint with their latest novel. Fair warning: once you start reading you will not want to put this down!

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This was an intriguing book that began with me flipping the pages aggressively at the beginning. I was completely enamored with the characters and where it was going. Midway through it plateaued for me a bit but finally the puzzle pieces clicked and gave a satisfying ending.

Avery isn’t your typical therapist which makes her so riveting. She has a program per say that in 10 sessions you’re all ready to go! Enter Marissa and Matthew who become her newest clients because Marissa cheated and she wants to fix her marriage. Of course in these kind of stories not everything is what it seems and every character introduced has a secret and a possible link to one another. Including good ol’ Avery.

Despite that I felt this book followed every check point on what is required by a mystery thriller book, it was a really good read! Not that following the rules is a bad thing it just didn’t have that little extra flair that comes with an extraordinary read. Nevertheless, it was a great plot and one I truly recommend.

Thank you netgalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Book received for free through NetGalley

Like their previous books this book grabs you, introduces characters that you love to love or hate, and leaves you guessing throughout. The surprises are plentiful and make sense in hindsight. Love them.

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Fascinating account of a couple going through marriage counseling and the histories that crop up of the individuals pasts. It was complex and layered and totally kept your interest.. Very engrossing. Great read!

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The Golden Couple is told in alternating points of view: first person from Avery, the therapist and third person from Marissa, half of the "golden couple." Marissa and her husband Matthew meet with Avery to work on their marriage. Avery is a therapist who lost her license but is still practicing (now free from those pesky rules that therapists should follow because she's unlicensed!). She has devised her own method where she can treat patients in 10 sessions by following her own path of treatment.

Marissa and Matthew are working through an infidelity and the way they react is odd. Avery can't quite figure out what is going on between them. The side characters in this book all seem to be connected, which was strange and hard to figure out exactly how they were connected and how the story would fall into place.

It is a very compelling read: I wanted to pick it up and find out what happened, but the story itself was just ok. I didn't like the characters of Marissa or Matthew, but I wanted more from Avery. She intrigued me and I wanted more of a resolution from her character (and more background!). I didn't see the twist coming (although in retrospect, it makes SOME sense... there are a few plot holes that aren't addressed that I won't mention because of spoilers). Overall, this was a good book by Hendricks/Pekkanan, but not their best.

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Marissa and Matthew Bishop have gone to Avery Chambers to help them with their marriage problems. Marissa tells Matthew that she had a fling, but only one time. This causes a really big rift in their marriage. Both of them work outside the home, Marissa has her own business and Matthew works for a big company. Avery has told them that she can help them with only 10 sessions. But as secrets come out, can Avery really help them? Avery has her own problem with a company that wants to know who blew the whistle on them...and they will stop at nothing to find out! There is a HUGE twist in this story that I kinda saw, but blew it off until the very end. Excellent story! I highly recommend it. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book from the publisher which I thank very much.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Avery Chambers is a therapist with unorthodox ways - after losing her license, she has a particularly aggressive and hands-on approach with her clients. She also happens to be paranoid that she is being followed and threatened after reporting an anonymous tip, based on an admission from a client, to the FDA. Her newest clients are Marissa and Matthew— Marissa admits she was unfaithful, and at first it seems their therapy will be focused on getting a couple back on track. But the more Avery looks into the couple, the more unanswered questions she uncovers.

There weren’t a ton of characters in the book, but they were all intertwined in such a way that I found their connections somewhat confusing. There was the young assistant at Marissa‘s shop, the divorced mom who has had her eye on Matthew, the couple’s mutual friend from childhood, Matthew’s own somewhat-estranged father. And Avery herself, who appeared unreliable. By the middle of the book, my assumption of who did what and why was constantly shifting. As with any good thriller, this got extra propulsive toward the end and it was so satisfying when everything came together.

Not my most favorite domestic thriller, but certainly a fun one and a great beach read!

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This is a story about a couple who appear to have everything going for them. They are those beautiful people that everyone admires and envies from afar. But she risked it all for a one night stand with an old friend. Feeling immediately guilty, she seeks out an expensive, unorthodox former therapist to help her and her husband weather this betrayal. Many strange and mysterious things surface that don’t prepare you for the twist at the end.

The Golden Couple was enjoyable. However, it felt like too much of a stretch when the therapist’s problem so neatly intertwined with her couple’s.

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This book is based around Marissa who is a counsellor that also acts as an investigator. In her unique approach to therapy, Marissa snoops far into her clients' lives to unearth lies and confirm truths. There is a lot going on in this novel and the author does a good job of tying all the loose ends up. Greer Hendricks does not disappoint.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The Golden Couple did not disappoint and continued the trend I've come to expect from the duo authors of great pacing and am unfolding story that keeps you on your toes. This is their best work yet.

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The Golden Couple by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

This duo writing pair always writes the BEST novels so when I was selected to read any early copy of their latest novel, I was THRILLED and jumped right into it!

The Golden Couple had me hooked on the first page….the first page!!!
Marissa and Matthew Bishop are the “Golden Couple” of their DC suburban neighborhood…until Marissa has an affair and cheats on Matthew. Ridden with guilt, Marissa seeks the advice of therapist, Avery. The chapters alternate between both Marissa and Avery’s point of view. Every character has a secret past and something to hide. This is so much deeper than just Marissa’s affair.
Who’s telling the truth and who is to be trusted??
Polly, Marissa’s assistant?
Skip, the man Avery is dating?
Chris, Matthew’s father?

No one!! I trusted no one throughout the entire book!!

The ending began to drag a bit and I thought it could have been wrapped up a bit faster. For the most part, I also figured out the ending, but watching it unravel was half the fun of reading it!!
Unfortunately, this book doesn’t come out until March 2022. Definitely add this one to your To Be Read list!!

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The dynamic duo have done it again. Within this tale of therapy, love, and betrayal, multiple revelations are brought to the forefront of a struggling marriage. All this while the "therapist" deals with some issues of her own. Twists, turns, and even deadly encounters abound throughout the novel, as well as a healthy dose of coincidence. A great read for fans of domestic suspense.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Wow, talk about an edge of your seat thriller! This one kept me guessing until the very end. Loved how developed all the characters were and every-time I thought I had the story figured out it went in a different direction! Great read!

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I loved this!!! Flawed characters, unreliable narrators, well developed characters, and a thriller that kept me guessing until the end. I will be recommending this to all my friends and family for sure!

I really loved Avery's character, I feel like she could have her own novel :)

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This new psychological thriller from Hendricks and Pekkanen is her best so far. Marissa seeks help for herself and her husband Matthew from Avery, a former therapist with unusual methods after Marissa is unfaithful. The tension builds throughout the novel as Marissa becomes increasingly unsettled and distrustful of others - her irritatingly intrusive shop assistants and her husband's ex-girlfriend who child attends school with their daughter and her father-in-law - up to the shocking ending.

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What a great read! This was probably my favorite book by these authors thus far.

I really enjoyed how the alternating viewpoints complemented each other’s stories or often filled in the gaps from the previous chapter. There were quite a few red herrings and some twists I saw coming, but overall, I really enjoyed how the plot came together in the end and tied everyone together.

I feel like this could actually be a great series too with Avery being a recurring character and each novel highlighting a new client she is working with!

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This psychological thriller is a slow burn and then..... BOOM!
There is fear, defiance, paranoia, guilt and a whole lot of anxiety both in the novel and for the reader!
I had no idea what was coming next!
The ending was incredible and I was shocked! I absolutely loved it and I am still thinking of these characters!
Do yourself a favor and read this one!

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