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The Golden Couple

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There are so many dots to connect in this thrilling story. It kept me in suspense until the end. The characters were all very intriguing and surrounded by mystery. I found myself unable to put this book down as I tried to unravel all the threads of the story.

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These two authors are one of my favourites. I love crime/suspense fiction and I really enjoyed this one. It was the 3th book I read from these two authors and I love their writing and how they brings pieces of evidences gradually. It's a good summer read!

Thank you to NetGalley, St.Martin Press, and the authors for this ARC copy of The Golden Couple.

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Pub date: March 8, 2022

Thank you @stmartinspress for the beautiful finished copy to read and review !

This dynamic duo has done it again! I’ve loved every book I’ve read by Hendricks & Pekkanen and The Golden Couple did not disappoint. I could not put this one down!

It has so many of my favourite elements of a good thriller:
- Rich people with secrets
- Unorthodox psychology, this time with therapist turned consultant Avery Chambers and her 10 session method
- Multiple POVs that tease out details
- Twists and turns galore
- Interesting characters with backstories and layers
- A well thought out plot that gives you subtle clues and details

If you’re a thriller fan like me, you want this on your TBR ! Swipe for the full synopsis.

Cue me eagerly waiting for their next book!

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Thanks for the opportunity to read this novel! I just could not connect with the characters and was not able to finish it.

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I gotta go with 5 stars on this one! Often, thrillers like this, while entertaining, don’t really tend to stick with me. This is one of those rare exceptions. L

The writing is of course good, and the story was even better! I love the concept of a therapist gone rogue, and I especially love how Avery really throws herself into her clients, almost to the point of obsession. She will literally stop at nothing to get to the bottom of her clients’ troubles.

I also just found myself really liking and caring for a lot of the characters. And I find myself even now, after finishing the book, wanting to know what happens next for everyone. I were wound love to see this become a series…it could follow Avery as she solves the mysteries of her clients!

As always, I am on the edge of my seat for the next book by these authors!

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The Golden Couple by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen is a compelling read from the authors of The Wife Between Us. I was fully invested from the very start.

Matthew and Marissa Bishop are wealthy socialites who appear to have it all, but everything begins to unravel when Marissa is unfaithful. Wanting to keep the marriage intact for the sake of their young son, the couple seek help from therapist Avery Chambers, unwittingly plunging themselves into an abyss of secrets, lies, and stunning revelations that will leave none of them untouched.

If you are drawn to a twisty narrative where nothing is as it seems, you will devour this one.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC.

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Enjoyable thriller! nothing has lived up to the wife between us for me, but I will always pick up a book by greer and sarah

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This is my first book by these authors. I enjoyed the alternating viewpoints and I thought I had it figured out. But I was wrong. This was a fun, fast paced thriller. Perfect for summer.

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My first book by Hendricks/Pekkanen was not a disappointment. The troubled marriage of wealthy Washington, DC couple Marissa and Matthew Bishop seems to have hope when they are taken on by therapist Avery Chambers. Her unorthodox methods have helped others and the Bishops are hopeful she can help them.

Although Avery has lost her professional license, she continues to counsel couples in crisis and the Bishops are indeed in crisis. Her guarantee is to fix you in ten sessions and when Marissa admits to an affair and their marriage seems to implode it is hard to know who to trust and where to look for answers.

This was truly a book with twists and turns up until the very end and I very much enjoyed it. I will be looking forward to the next one! Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review. I gave this book four stars.

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This was an engrossing read with an engaging story and a plot twist that made the book worth it. While this was my first book by these authors, I was engaged from the moment I read the description. They craft an interesting story featuring a talented therapist who is very open about her unconventional treatment options and a couple with serious marriage problems who are willing to try anything in order to fix them. I'm usually wary of stories written by multiple authors, but this book was one of the best thrillers I've read in a while.

The story is fast-paced and interesting from the beginning. Avery finds herself in a hard spot after her therapist license is revoked. Her methods are famous for getting results, but they are also unconventional and somewhat unethical. She has helped so many people that losing her license has not stopped people from hiring her. Avery doesn't take on clients that she doesn't think she can help in 10 sessions, so when Marissa and Matthew knock on her door, she is confident she can help them to walk through whatever is harming their relationship. Yet, Avery doesn't count on this couple's many secrets, and as she works with them through her ten-steps method, she realizes that whatever they are hiding is putting her in danger.

The plot is multilayered and it relies on several storylines to craft an engaging thriller with twists and turns that keep the reader wondering what is happening. The story is told from Marissa and Avery's point of view, and each chapter gives insight into their personal and professional lives. They tell their stories using alternate timelines, which include flashbacks of the events leading to Marissa asking Avery for her help. While some details might appear insignificant, the authors do a great job tying everything together at the end. Even the secondary characters that are introduced play an important role to move the plot ahead in the direction of the final twist. I was amazed at how many times a red hearing had me questioning who or what was the culprit of some of the incidents that Marissa and Avery were experiencing, and I enjoyed trying to make it make sense in my head.

The characters were all well developed and complex. Marissa, Matthew, and Avery are all flawed individuals who also possess good qualities. While I found myself questioning some of their choices, I was able to understand the reasons why they made certain decisions. Marissa, specifically, becomes a likable character as she reveals more about her infidelity, marriage, and role as a mother to young Bennet. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that everyone in their circle has their own secrets that could potentially put them in danger. Overall, all of the characters have complicated and unique situations that push them to make hard choices.

I truly enjoyed this book. It was a great thriller with a fast-paced plot and an interesting story.

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The Golden Couple by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

Brief Summary: Marissa and Matthew Bishop are a wealthy and seemingly well put together couple. However, Marissa has a secret and takes Matthew to well known but unconventional therapist Avery to tell him in hopes of doing couples’ therapy. As with all the novels by this duo; all is not as it seems. I have been a fan of this author team since their debut and this is my fourth book of theirs I’ve read.

Highlights: I love that this duo weaves mental health into their books and as a clinical psychologist I always enjoy that aspect of their work! Avery’s career as a therapist is definitely way more interesting than mine! I was so glad they mentioned that APA condoned her actions as my sense of Ethics was cringing here. I was slow to get sucked into this story but once I was sucked in I couldn’t put it down. I didn’t see the end coming at all.

Explanation of Rating: 4/5-this is an engaging read that integrates mental health treatment and the challenges of engaging a couple. I will say at times I was jealous of the research she could do as an unlicensed therapist.

I highly recommend this as an easy mindless read for those interested in mental health. Another perfect read for your summer trip!

Thank you to Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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The Golden Couple kept me guessing the entire read. I don’t usually enjoy books written with multiple perspectives, but this one was woven together in such a way that the voices had a wonderful flow that had me sad to leave the characters at each transition and simultaneously eager to see what will transpire with the other character.

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What a treat. I’m not usually a thriller reader, but i loved this one. So many twists and turns I did not see coming.

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Another excellent read by a talented pair of authors.

A couple enter an unconventional therapy program.

Please see my detailed YouTube review of this thrilling title:

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My first read from this duo and I'm needing to get my hands on more.

I found the alternating POV to be a good mix. Avery was fascinating with her methods of therapy and investigation. Though she's no longer licensed she still has lots of clients looking to learn her patented steps. And Marissa was someone I wasn't sure what her secrets would be in the end. I loved unraveling the details for both women.

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Oh, I loved this book! Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen are a winning combo for me. I wanted something fun and breezy, while also offering up twists and turns, and this book fit the bill. If you haven't read this book yet, it's the perfect summer read. I was unsure about the storyline at first (I'm not a huge fan of adultery in books), but I'm really glad I stuck with it, because as the story progressed, all the pieces started to come together. I really thought this story was going in an entirely different direction, and it's not often that I'm surprised, but I was. I also loved seeing how the characters' pasts informed their futures.

I recommend The Golden Couple to anyone who likes a side of sociopath with their thrillers (which I happen to love.)

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I wasn't even going to read the latest from Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen because I've felt a little disappointed by their books, but I'm so happy I got the galley for The Golden Couple, because it was by far my favorite of theirs.

I was looking for a psychological storyline that wouldn't creep me out too much, and this checked all my boxes: propulsive plot, smart but untrustworthy characters, and plenty of suspense. The authors have clearly put their time in studying psychology and people's behaviors, and it really came out in this book.

My only complaint would be that there might have been just a few too many distractions/red herrings, but that didn't keep me from going along with the ride. I really enjoyed this one, and now I'm excited to see what they come up with next.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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I absolutely loved this book! I found it hard to put down. I highly recommend reading it! You won’t be disappointed.

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I loved this! I loved the multiple POVs and the characters. The therapist turned consultant was a nice addition to the book, and how she fit in was so interesting. I kept wondering what secrets the couple had as well as the periphery characters. There was also a background mystery that had me intrigued. I loved the ending of this, and cannot wait to read the authors’ next book!

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The Golden Couple is a fascinating, character driven book that is well written and totally engaging. Even though there were some predictable things that occurred, I could not wait to read the ending.

Avery is quick witted and perceptive therapist with investigator tendencies. She is risky and snarky but determined that she can fix your problems in 10 sessions. Avery also no longer has her license to practice but Marissa Bishop is aware of this when she schedules their session. Marissa and Matthew arrive for session 1 which is the confession session. Marissa spills most of her secrets and so it begins. Matthew is devastated by Marissa's secret but Avery is sure that her program will help fix their marriage. Avery is certainly a rogue therapist and you can't skip a session or be late to a session. There are multiple mysteries occurring. There are a lot of characters throughout the book and very well developed. The writing was intriguing and it was simply a fun thriller to read! Everyone keeps secrets! Can you tell what is a lie and what is the truth? What is each person hiding? You must read it to find out!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this wonderful book.

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