Member Reviews

fake dating meets witches is everything I've ever wanted?? Very much enjoyed this book and it reminded me of Meg Cabot's Jinx!

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Not the Witch You Wed is a fun second chance romance/fake dating trope featuring a witch and an alpha wolf shifter. Violet comes from a family of witches, but thinks she has no magic–until she realizes she does and just needs to figure out how to control and direct it. 

This book is full of all things witchy and supernatural, mixed with family drama and lots of banter and romantic tension. I love books with sister witches and coupled with a New York City setting, it was kind of like Spells Trouble and Sex and the City had a baby! Funny, sexy and sweet, this book is everything you need to head into fall witchy season 

Thank you for the advance reader copy and I can’t wait to see what happens next with the Supernatural Singles series.

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I could never get this file to download to my net galley account. It kept just saying the file failed. Really disappointed. I ended up reading it after purchasing it myself after the release date.

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I knew I’d probably like this book based on the synopsis, but since I don’t read many books with fantasy aspects, I wasn’t expecting to love it. But I did! 5 stars kind of love!

Main character Violet was so endearing, and her character arc was my favorite part of the book. She was surrounded by supportive friends and sisters, and those relationship dynamics added so much depth and humor to the story.

The second chance romance aspect was also really fun, interspersed with some heartfelt moments. The steamy scenes and funny banter kept me laughing and hooked on the story.

Not the Witch you Wed has some light fantasy world building, and it was perfect for a non-fantasy reader like myself. There were some “huh?” moments but everything was eventually explained and I appreciated that all the details didn’t overwhelm me at the start.

I really enjoyed this witchy book and I’m looking forward to the second in the series!

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I would be lying if I said that I disliked this book. I would have liked more graphic love scenes, don't get me wrong. When it comes to romance novels, that's more my style. In no way does it diminish the book. Love scenes are pretty good and don't overpower the story.

This book is not like some paranormal romances with a lot of action and adventure mixed with love and romance. Like any other book, it has an antagonist and a protagonist. Instead of an action-adventure, you get a contemporary Love Story. Coming from Paranormal romances that always have to accomplish a goal, this is refreshing. There is no epic adventure they have to go on to save the world or one of them is the chosen one in this story. This is more about their love story.

Although most of the characters in this book are mythical creatures, they are easily relatable. It doesn't even occur to you that they are not human. It may be a downside for some, but for me, it was a plus.

I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. This book gets a five out of five from me because I really enjoyed it. The book was easy to read and nice to read. There was no need for me to commit to a series of long arduous storylines. I enjoyed it because it was simple and fun. I will definitely purchase the next book if the author writes it.

Overall, this is an awesome book if you are not looking for anything with heavy fantasy but still want a bit of magic. It's a quick read that will definitely satisfy the romance lover inside of you.

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Violet is a witch with no magic, and Lincoln, Violet’s ex, is a wolf shifter. Both are bound by magic to find mates regardless of whether they like it or not. And they don’t. When they reluctantly agree to pretend-date, they can’t help but acknowledge the feelings that come roaring back, but will that be enough to conquer the secrets and lies that the past holds?

This magical rom-com is filled to the brim with favorite tropes! A little second chance mixed with fake dating, and rivals to romance makes for a fun, steamy read. Violet and Lincoln’s chemistry is undeniable and the more serious moments are balanced well with humor. If you feel like paranormal romance, you’ll enjoy this first in the series.

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I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. I found this book very sweet and funny. I enjoyed Linc and Vi very much. It is a second-chance romance between Vi a power-less witch and Linc an alpha wolf-shifter. They make the decision to fake date since they were told they have to find mates. They are only doing this to give themselves some times, but when old feeling comes and Vi's gets powers everything changes. None of this makes life, love or the future easier. I can't wait to read about the rest of the sisters.

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This was very cute. I'm not very big into paranormal romance, but this has me thinking I definitely could get into it. Violet is a FORCE, and we love a strong female MC. I also love that she's curvy instead of traditionally depicted. It's good to see more diversity in book characters. Definitely a fun weekend read if you're looking for something not too serious. I did enjoy the audiobook, the narration was wonderfully done with what felt like an engaging tone and I enjoyed listening. It was easy to follow along with the written copy and I enjoyed reading and listening together. 3.5 rounded up.

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Maybe a 2.5? It was a cute enough but at the same time it read like a fanfic (that could've been written better)

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Paranormal is back and definitely here to stay! This is a delightful rom-com featuring a witch and a wolf shifter that fans clamoring for unique romances will love. The author uses the fake dating trope to set up a fabulous scenario that will make readers cheer. Fans of The Ex Hex and Not Your Average Hot Guy will love this one!

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Not The Witch You Wed by April Asher

A fake relationship between a magic-less witch and a wolf shifter turns to more in this bewitching new paranormal series..

Wonderful book. If you like to read about paranormal, you can’t miss this one. Great characters. I recommend this book.

Thanks to Net Galley for sending me an advanced reader’s copy for my review.

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Contemporary paranormal romantic comedy.

Violet Maxwell is a witch with no magic abilities. Lincoln Thorne is an alpha wolf shifter. When they fake a whole relationship things get a little flirty and romantic. Violet wants nothing to do with Linc since he broke her heart once. However, Supernatural Laws are making them find mates, and what perfect way to bide time than to pretend they are dating. Nothing could wrong...

I've been binging this trope for a while and I definitely enjoy April Asher's take on this trope. Looking forward to more from her.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read Not the Witch You Wed.

3.75 stars rounded up

Violet is a witch with no magic. Lincoln is the alpha of his wolf shifter pack. They want nothing to do with each other...or so it seems. When both of them are being pressured to find mates, Violet and Lincoln create a scheme to buy themselves more time: fake dating. At the start, Violet sets boundaries and strict limits for Lincoln, but as time passes those boundaries and limits start to slowly bend and their past relationship catches back up to them. However, there are people from both Supernatural sides who are plotting against them. Can Violet and Lincoln fool their leaders? Will they keep their plan on track or will their past get the best of them?

I have to admit that I almost DNFed this book until about 30-ish% through. I'm pretty glad I didn't because this book was pure trope candy. Fake dating, fated mates, jealous/possessive alpha, moving in for said fake dating, ect. It wasn't as spicy as I'd hoped, but there were a lot of potential spicy moments. Not sure if this is going to be a series, but I'd definitely try a potential book two!

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This was so fun I read it in a day. I loved the spin on a contemporary romance by adding in the paranormal aspect. And instead of just using the witch element for ~vibes~ I loved even more that the magic system was centrally featured throughout and had a whole system in place with members, councils, different magical beings, and so on. It’s a really well developed element that makes this feel like a real stand out.

Our leads Violet and Lincoln are both smoldering and badass in their own ways and I loved that we saw how they have separate passions and goals but also how those came together. The fake dating trope is set up well to tie into the magic system and you could feel the stakes throughout.

I also liked how Violet had to go through her own journey, finding her space and place amongst her triad witch sisters. Overall, there’s a lot plot wise that was going on but it all made sense and came together. I also liked how this tied up in the end, it was a fitting ending that still shows there’s a lot more work to be done for this group and it sets up the next book perfectly.

I did think parts were a bit too long and unnecessary — like the fire that breaks out at the ball, but still I had a good time with it. The chemistry was definitely there, I just wish we would have gotten more steam, it felt like those open door moments were far too brief. Can’t wait for the next sister’s story!

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4.5 Stars

“We have this special thing between us, sweetheart. It’s called mutual agitation.”

In a delightful and witty paranormal romance, April Asher takes readers on a trip as the magicless witch Violet Maxwell finds herself reacquainted with wolf shifter Lincoln Thorne as they fake date their way to a happily ever after.

Even though Vi is the oldest Maxwell triplet, she’s been known as the “Maxwell Dud” for her thirty-plus years of existence. But when an archaic law states that the firstborn, magicless or not, must Witch Bond with someone, Vi immediately starts looking for a loophole. Enter Lincoln Thorne, childhood friend and gruff wolf Alpha. Linc might have broken her heart and her trust when she was eighteen, but Vi is desperate and so is he. With pressure from the witch and shifter communities to find mates, fake dating might be the only way they can save each other. But it’s not long before the attraction becomes something more, not long before the kisses become needy. If Vi and Linc can set aside their past, they might realize their futures were right in front of them all along.

Not the Witch You Wed is the first book I’ve read by April Asher/April Hunt. I had heard that Asher’s writing is cute, sexy, and very fun to read, and this book was definitely all of those things. One of the first things that struck me while reading is the humor – both laugh out loud, in your face funny as well as subtle ploys by way of sarcasm and mumbled, loving insults. Several characters had this comedic charisma, but no one shined brighter than our female main character. All three Maxwell sisters would be great in the starring role, but I’m glad Asher started with Violet. Vi easily goes from slinging drinks at the bar to volunteering at the local supernatural kids center to putting entitled people in their place; when you add in Vi’s easy personality and her sarcasm, it’s no wonder Vi has so many people who care about her and are on her side.

I loved the way in which Vi and Linc were able to reconnect in this story. Linc is a perfectly blended rough and possessive wolf on the outside, soft marshmallow on the inside – at least when it comes to Vi. If you love your paranormal romance starring a big, gruff shifter who absolutely melts every time he sees his woman, then you will adore Lincoln Thorne.

Outside of the fantastic characters, I thought Asher crafted a fantastic supernatural world; it was inclusive, especially for the first book in a series. While the main characters were a witch and a wolf shifter, that only scratched the surface of Asher’s supernatural world. I loved that we get witches, shifters, demons, vampires, and angels all in this book – and none of these characters are one dimensional. I especially loved the varying types of shifters that make an appearance; I can’t remember the last book or series I read that incorporated such a range right from the beginning. This inclusivity was great not only for Not the Witch You Wed, but for this new world and series that Asher has created. I honestly can’t wait to see where Asher takes her readers in her next book.

Not the Witch You Wed was funny, witty, steamy, and an overall enjoyable read. It was easy to get pulled into the story right from the beginning, and I couldn’t help but love Vi and Linc’s fake dating adventures.

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Violet Maxwell is a sassy witch that has had no magic her whole life and has come to terms with that. Even though she is the oldest of her sisters she isn't able to fulfill the duties of her family because of her magic-less state.

Lincoln Throne is a Alpha Shifter that’s trying to change the shifter world up a bit and bring them in to the now and away from their archaic ways.

Violet and Lincoln were together in high school and Lincoln broke her heart. Violet wants nothing to do with him again but they keep bumping into each other and he keeps saving her.

Lincoln is determine to get back into Violet's life he didn’t want to leave her when he was younger but had no choice in the matter.

He wants her sassy attitude and quick wit is his life. So he comes up with a plan that will help them both. They are both being forced to find a mate and what better way to do that than together?

Things start to heat up between the two and Violet can't remember her reasons for staying away from Lincoln. And all Lincoln wants to do is be around Violet.

This is such a fun story. I loved every moment of it. Violet and Lincoln get to know each other again as adults and it's so heartwarming.

I love Violet's sassy mouth and ability to come up with a quick remark for Lincoln and he loves every minute of it.

She's the only one that has the guts to challenge him and tell him when he's wrong about something.

Everything went so well together I so enjoyed this book. I loved Lincoln and Violet together and how they brought out the good in each other.

They were perfect together and all of the other characters were great too! I loved them and can't wait to read their stories.


I would definitely recommend this book! I love the way the characters were written and how their character development was shown throughout the book.

I love how sweet and determined Lincoln was and how sassy and strong Violet was.

This was a really enjoyable book and I loved every minute of reading this. Also I really love the cover of this book!

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Book Review: ***/5

Not the Witch you Wed was picked as one of the monthly reads on my Facebook book group. I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this book. I enjoyed it just not as much as some of the other books that I have read lately. I loved the mix of Rom-Com with supernatural.

Violet is the magicless witch in her family. When she runs into the alpha wolf-shifter who broke her heart years ago she wants nothing to do with him. However, when they find themselves both in trouble with the supernatural council, they are forced to find mates. So, they agree to pretend to be together to extend their time frame to accomplish their goals.

I love the fake dating books and love the shared history between the two characters. I have already added the next book to my list to pre-order.

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This is one of the most fun books I've read this year, possibly even this decade. It's a hilarious, paranormal romance with characters I absolutely loved. From page one Not the Witch You Wed kept me chained to my seat, living vicariously through Violet and Linc as they found their way to their HEA. I was terribly disappointed when I realized that I actually had to wait for the next book! I'll be recommending this one to everyone.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an early copy in exchange for honest feedback.

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This 1st in a paranormal romantic comedy series is a light, fluffy, easy, escapist read.

Violet Maxwell is the eldest of triplet sisters in an illustrious family of witches, but has shown no sign of magic herself, making her an outsider.

She holds a grudge against alpha wolf shapeshifter Lincoln Thorne for a past action - he's not proud of what he did.

That antagonism shifts over time, as Violet discovers she's not magic-less after all.

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This was one of my favorite novels to read this year! The relationship between these two main characters was so magnetic, supporting, and hilarious. I was so excited to see the MC finally come into herself and accept herself and the love she deserves. I am planning a reread ASAP!

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