Member Reviews

This book is a romance and much more, I really enjoyed it.
Lucy Fairweather is the morning DJ of a popular radio show. She loves to party, but she gets in trouble when a doctored video appears showing her dancing on a bar and leaning suggestively on one of her co-workers, who has a famous girlfriend. There’s just enough that’s true to make the entire video plausible.

Lucy’s producer is a misogynistic jerk who delights in her misfortune, especially when she’s pulled from her show and put on leave. She wants to get away from the media and from #LooseLucy.

She ends up at the Wild Zone, a retreat in snowy Finland run by a guy named Tommi, who is the brother of a friend. She is unprepared for the weather and is supposed to be helping with the first group of guests.

Away from negative influences, and inspired by the beauty of the scenery and the honesty of the Finns, Lucy takes stock of her life and goes on a journey of self-discovery, which includes giving up alcohol.
She also gains a new appreciation of her host, Tommi, and they give in to their attraction. However, Lucy knows nothing can change until she figures out who released the edited video. Can she and Tommi work out how to handle their relationship long distance?

I was so impressed with the descriptions of the Finnish scenery and activities like dog sledding. The relationship between Lucy and Tommi seemed to develop very quickly and it didn’t ring true in the beginning.
However, I really liked the characters and Lucy’s journey was well written. 4 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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🌬❄Great taste of life in the Arctic!

This book had alot of good points and nicely concluded. It's a story of lots of woes, pitfalls, and not so wise actions with bad consequences that provoke a major turnaround in lead Lucy's life and even provides some low-key romance. But I had some issues too.

- Wonderful insight into life in the frozen world of the Arctic in winter. The short daylight, the dangers of even brief exposure to the extremely low temperatures, the local food, sledding and just a really great taste of life in a difficult climate. And, despite the cold, a lovely insight into the stillness and beauty of the natural wonders, like the Northern Lights. I once had the chance to go north, stay in an ice hotel and experience the arctic wild in winter. Reading this made me think that my decision to pass up the cold and darkness may have been a big mistake!

- Good story of an underdog coming out on top and better than when they started. She even faces some deep-rooted hurt and works on her relationship with her mom!

- Low-key, non-explicit romancing. I'm all for this making a comeback. Too many romances with extended steamy scenes have jaded me. I felt the pull of their attraction without all the heat, although a sauna scene was pretty hot! Literally😁.

- Tommi: a very earnest, patient and nonjudgmental Finn who runs the Wild Zone and provides Lucy the time and space to reassess and grow.

Not so great:
- Towards the end of the story the action dragged and only picked up at the climax.

- Some unrealistic touches. Lucy has a major vice and she just gets rid of it overnight. Seemed a bit too easy. And there is a scene where the little local radio station in back of beyond Finland with only a handful of listeners broadcasts something and it goes viral internationally immediately. It just seemed too instantaneous after repeated references to the station having maybe two to three listeners at a time.

Would I read works by this author again? Definitely.

Thanks to Harper Collins UK/One More Chapter and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

This story is just lovely, the location is stunning, and the writing style transports you there, just the escape needed in these trying covid times!

I did find the main character a little hard to warm to initially. However, once you do you are really rooting for her. I wont say much more due to spoilers, but overall I would recommend this book it is well worth a read.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

This story is just lovely, the location is stunning, and the writing style transports you there, just the escape needed in these trying covid times!

I did find the main character a little hard to warm to initially. However, once you do you are really rooting for her. I wont say much more due to spoilers, but overall I would recommend this book it is well worth a read.

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Lucy's messed up big time. Her drinking has gotten out of hand and she's got to get away for a while so when her friend proposes helping Tommi out with his adventure business in Finland, she sets off right away. She's not prepared for the job, the Arctic Circle, or for Tommi. While this might seem on the face of it to be a cute romance, it's really about Lucy coming to terms with herself. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A quick read that surprised me.

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I loved this book!

Lucy is a radio DJ who is successful but also seems to get herself into situations she regrets. She has one too many strikes against her and then a video of her and a colleague (who has a famous girlfriend) goes viral. She is on leave from her job and her best friend arranges for her to go to Finland to help her friend's brother in law get his vacation business off the ground.

Lucy has to adjust to many new things--language, climate, culture as she learns the ropes. She has many mishaps but eventually finds her footing and love.

I really enjoyed this book...Lucy was very unlikeable and annoying at first, and I like how she grew throughout the story. Some aspects could be more developed in the novel, but this worked and I thought it was a very nice winter story.

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When a drunken night out and a cobbled together online video cost Lucy Fairwether her radio job she decides to hibernate at home until things die down. Unfortunately some trolls don't know when to stop and when she gets letters at her home address she knows she needs to get away.
Her friend secures her a job at Wild Zone in Finland. In return for helping with the guests Lucy will get board and lodgings but cold and snow aren’t really party girl Lucy’s thing. She knows she will need to make adjustments to fit into this winter wonderland and hopes that handsome owner Tommi will help her to do just that.
But, Tommi is serious, it's his business and reputation at stake and he can’t afford to let Lucy ruin that. Can Lucy win him round and in the process change her own life for the better?
Good characters and a beautiful Christmassy setting, snuggle up and read this lovely story.

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I loved the Finnish traditions and the Northern Lights story - such a beautiful sounding country.
Im not sure I ever empathised with Lucy as a character but thought she Rudi and Tommy were interesting though and the Wild Zone sounds magical.

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I really enjoyed this book. The characters are full of personality! They play off each other very well. The storyline is entertaining and light.

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Lucy Fairweather is the breakfast DJ at star FM. Spending late nights drinking and making it just in time for her morning show. Her colleagues; the producer, a boorish older man, and Newsreader, perfect at everything but likeable with it. Her life falls apart when a video of her and another DJ, who dates a reality tv star, goes viral. It’s cut to make Lucy the villain. So she goes off to hide in Finland with Skye’s brother in law.

Lucy’s outdated “ladette” persona made her rather an unlikable character for much of the book. She’s a tragic backstory and dependence on booze. Until the strong and silent Finn sets her on the right path. It’s a story full of cliches, outdated tropes and an inevitable ending but quite enjoyable nonetheless.

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This was a pleasant read but very predictable though improbable. Lucy is not a likeable character and behaves badly yet within a couple of weeks Tommi falls in love with her. The descriptions of the Arctic Circle and dog-sledding evoked a sense of what it is actually like. Despite my negative points I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy it.
This is an honest review of a complementary ARC.

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Meet Me Under the Northern Lights was heavier than I was expecting based on the premise and cover. However, I liked the author's approach to alcoholism, sexism, and the dangers of "going viral."

The MC is the main issue I had with this book. She gets chance after chance, yet she continues to do the wrong things. Sometimes she had good intentions, but she never stopped long enough to think about how her actions impact other people. Most of the time, it just further proved how selfish and self-centered she was. In addition, some of Lucy's comments were a bit cringy. Lucy began to evolve towards the end, but there were just too many mess-ups for me.

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Meet Me Under the Northern Lights was an enjoyable read but it just didn’t grab me. I found it took a while to get in its stride and some parts were quite predictable. Having said that, the descriptions did make me feel like I’d been transported to Finland. Thank you to NetGalley, One More Chapter and the author for the chance to review.

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'Throughout time, the Northern Lights have been seen as having magical powers which we mere humans cannot understand. In Finland, they are also know as revontulet or "fox fires." There is an old folk tale that the aura was caused by a fox running through the tundra. As it ran through the snow, its bushy tail sent sparks of fire spinning up into the sky. The ancient Finns also called magic spells revontulet, so another version of the story is that the Northern Lights are spell fires.'

Meet me Under the Northern Lights will transport you to Finland for a slow-burn romance and a coming of age story. Lucy experiences a career ending scandal and escapes away to a winter wonderland. Her arctic journey thaws her emotions to experience life joys rather than expectations forged as a famous radio show personality.

This novel has great group of secondary characters who help with the day-to-day runnings of the resort. Then there is Tommi, the brooding grumpy owner, who might just believe that the Northern Lights are a blessing for relationships and one of the most romantic signs there can be.

Now who wants to take a road trip to Finland for a stay at Wild Zone?

Thank you Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the advance reader copy.

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I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights so I was excited when I received a copy of this! This was such a sweet story. I loved the characters and their story and can’t wait to see what’s next!

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Thanks to HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for a review.

Unfortunately it's a DNF for me, I just didn't find the main character likeable and I didn't really care about her story. Sorry.

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After reading the short summary you might think that the adventure in Wild Zone starts immediately, but that is not the case. First you meet Lucy and her colleagues at the Star FM radiostation. Only then does the offending video come along and Lucy hides in her house. She no longer dares to go outside and after a letter from an unknown sender has been delivered to her home, she doesn't know what to do with herself anymore. Then her friend Skye, who is also her colleague, comes with the proposal to go to Wild Zone, which is owned by Tommi. Henri, Skye's friend, is Tommi's brother. Lucy's journey is nicely described and also her arrival in wintery Lapland. The adventures she experiences there as a winter rookie, but also the conversations with Tommi, Johanna and Rudi. You actually think that it will just continue to ripple and that Lucy will have to fall for Tommi and that it will be okay in the end. Well, it's certainly all well that ends well, but the road to the end is certainly not a bed of roses, there are still a lot of things happening that I didn't see coming. To be honest, I really thought if this fun adventure continues for a while, then it would be a bit boring. But it didn't get boring in the least, because suddenly everything happened! Lucy's growth is well described and the expected feel-good ending is certainly not missing!

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Oh, what a perfect book for the winter season! This is a lovely story about Lucy, a radio presenter who starts with a fairly chaotic life that she is forcibly ejected from, leading her to seek anonymity and solace in Finland. And what a wonderful setting to have this snowy romance unfold in. It was utterly captivating and gave me all the cosy winter feels, wishing I was all wrapped up and watching the Northern Lights with the perfect hero. As the story progresses, we see Lucy taking back control of who she wants to be and where she wants to go, her character development is fabulous and we are rooting for her all the way. Overall, a beautiful, light-hearted romance that makes a wonderful festive read.

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I almost didn't finish this book. The main character, Lucy, is not likeable. She is self absorbed, irresponsible and self sabatogizing.

A drunken interlude leads Lucy, quite unwillingly down a path of self realization strewn with many, many apologies.

If you can get past the first 50 percent of the book, the end is worthwhile.

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I wanted a romance book to read that was set Artic Circle to be so much more than it was for me. Seeing the Northern Lights makes the story just right for the setting of a romance. The setting was the best part.
The book fell short for me on the romance part. It did not have the sizzle and pop I wanted form a romance book. I did not connect or feel much for anyone in the book.
Thank you NetGalley, Emily Kerr and One More Chapter for this book. This is my personal review.

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