Member Reviews

Mommy, What is Confidence? explains confidence in a very age-appropriate manner. Illustrations are colorful and engaging. They are great at illustrating the skill. I appreciate the teacher/parent notes and student activity. I will use this in my instruction. Thanks Indigo River Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC of this title.

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Through actions, confidence is something we can grow inside of ourselves to make us feel stronger.

Niko is a quiet little boy. He does not speak up in class or play with the other children. He is afraid and lacks confidence to join in. When his teacher approaches him about confidence, Niko goes to his mother for answers. What is confidence and can he do to have to have confidence.

Reading Niko's story will help children realize that they are not alone and together with their parents they can discover ways to have confidence and have emotional well being. Having confidence, we do better in education, relationships, and the world around us. We bring the world a gift of ourselves when we have the confidence to share those gifts.

A special thank you to Indigo Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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This book is great and checks all the boxes:

✅Beautiful illustrations
✅Relatable examples
✅Ongoing activity to practice confidence in daily life

As a therapist, I can definitely see myself using this with my adolescent clients!

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Mommy, What is Confidence? by Shal Chirkut is an awesome book that teaches kids about confidence. At school, a teacher tells a boy that he needs to work on having confidence. When the boy gets home he asks his Mom about confidence. His Mom explains what confidence is and gives examples of how confidence is used. At the end of the book are the examples of using confidence that were mentioned in the book. There is also a project called The Confidence Cup for the reader to do. This book would be perfect for any type of story time or educational setting, especially a life skills or enrichment class. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book. (My review is also on Goodreads.)

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This is a great teaching tool and story for kids with an important message about confidence. The only negative is the format on Kindle wasn’t appealing. Thank you to NetGalley, Indigo River Publishing, and the author for a copy. This is my honest review.

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Again on the topic of confidence, this is another well-done book for young children, but I have to make a point once more that yet again the artist, in this case Brianna Baker, is badly underserved here. Predictably she gets a tiny text mention on the cover, but her name doesn't appear on the Net Galley listing where I downloaded the review copy of this book, nor does Amazon-owned Goodreads Jug O'Nought review website bother to credit her. I can tell you that's because they're a bunch of self-serving jerks at Goodreads, but I would have thought the publisher might treat her with a little more appreciation and consideration on the book cover and in the Net Galley listing.

The observation I'm about to make is far less applicable in this case, because there's a lot of well-thought text in this book - more than you'd usually see - but it's a fact that very many children's books have very little text and to be honest, it's not like it takes months to put together a book like this in terms of the writing. The artwork on the other hand, especially when it's as well done as this, does take time, and thought and work.

As I said, in this case the writing and art are more balanced, but that still doesn't excuse the artist being treated like a minor player. Maybe it's just me, but it bothers me that book illustration artists are treated so shabbily. And no, I am not a book illustrator for hire, so I have no skin in this game. I just feel that every contributor should be fairly treated.

That aside, this book was sweet and well done, and it told a worthy story of a young child, Nikko, who lacks confidence, and the lessons he learns with the aid fo his teacher and his mopm, abotu putitng himself otu there a bit more than he's used to. I commend this as a worthy read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read and review.

Confidence is something that very young children seem to have in spades, but as they grow they often seem to lose it. This book does a great job of explaining what confidence is and what it might look like. I really appreciate how there is a list of things for kids to try and stars to earn to award themselves The Confidence Cup. Perfect for fans of Julia Cook.

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Mommy, What is Confidence is a picture book that teaches some of the things that builds confidence in youngsters. I read this boom with my 9 year old daughter and she said she got some good ideas to increase her confidence in her new school and classroom. The words and illustrations go together and the story length is appropriate for younger kids.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion.

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I love getting Inspiring books to share with my niece and nephew. This one was really great because it teaches young minds about confidence and you are never too early to start learning about that. I recommend this book for kids of all ages.

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Received copy of #MommyWhatisConfidence form #NetGalley. I shared the book with my 8 yr old grandson and found it an enjoyable read. Confidence can be a hard concept for children to grasp but the way the book is written made it much more understandable for a young child.

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This is a very sweet and innocent book that highlights the different ways that one can show confidence.

The main idea is that confidence must come from within. The author did a fine job of stressing this point using kid-friendly language.

I also like how the book mentions that it's okay to make mistakes. Many children need to hear that.

Self love, persistence, assertiveness, and conquering fears are all covered in a delightful way.

The book ends with a list of activities that children can complete to show they have confidence. My only warning would be that if a child is recovering from bullying or extreme loneliness then saying the affirmation "I am liked by others" might not be in alignment with what they need, but it just depends on the child.

Overall, this is a pleasant read.

(I did not purchase this book, I received an advanced reader copy).

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At nearly 50 I know I’m not this books target audience but it would be a lovely book to read with my grandchildren (I now I’m too young to have grandchildren) the book is clearly written and explains what confidence by using examples with bright & clear Illustrations and at the back of the book is a tick list to do different activities so the child can get the confidence cup.

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A good take on explaining what self-confidence is and why it is important to develop and have. It's a great at the home book but may not be the best for early childhood education but no harm in having it in the classroom as this is something that cannot be taught too early.
3.5 stars

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This book had such an important message that was so well shown! It is so important for children to learn how to stand up for yourself and to try your best, and they can easily learn them through this book. The art style was beautiful and the story is so inspirational and is great for a classroom setting for early years!!

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This is a great book for the beginning of the school year. Chirkut gave many different examples of what confidence is. I liked the idea of the confidence cup but cutting up a book in school wouldn’t be practical. Perhaps teachers could copy sketches of the cup as well as the list of items for stars. This would be a good book for preschoolers and lower elementary grades.

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This is an important book that introduces kids to the concept of having self-confidence. The text is simple and the illustrations are outstanding. They greatly enrich the narrative.

The author cites many methods to boost and conquer that feeling of apprehension and nervousness about trying new things. Kids can easily relate to the author's suggestions and they will discover that with practice they can feel more confident enabling them to engage more in the world around them.

"Mommy What is Confidence?" will spark conversations causing a child's self-esteem to grow and to blossom. It includes a Confident Cup that kids can strive for as they progress and begin to belief in themselves and in their abilities

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This was a great story to read with children and all 3 of my nieces loved it. It's a fun and creative way to teach the importance of confidence to anyone at any age, and I feel that's more important now than ever. Definitely one that should be in every library and household.

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A precious book for preschool-elementary children. A perfect discussion before school starts up or prior to any new experience a young one might be anxious about. This might also be an excellent classroom read too!

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This book comes as a neat and useful tool for parents (and teachers) to teach confidence.
I loved the illustrations. The writing is age-appropiated and easy to follow.
At the end of the book you will find a confidence challenge with a prize.
The book is welcome in every house (classroom)!

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I loved Mommy, What is Confidence? As the Mum of a 4 year old and as quite an unconfident person myself this is something I worry about with my son and this story was a great way to tackle it with him. We enjoyed both the story and the illustrations that accompanied it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Indigo River Publishing for my ARC.

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