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Part of Your World

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No question. The perfect romance.

This is one of the most popular books out right now (as Abby's books are extremely popular - with good reason) so you won't find much new when you read this review. It will be another 5 star, 'you need to read this', review.

This is the second book I’ve read by the author (I own her other books, but I have been saving them) and this like HEAP is five stars all day long. I love books that make you laugh and cry and swoon and fall in love with supporting characters and tackle issues that matter and her books always have that. So happy to have read this, but now we have to wait a whole year for the next one! 🙈

My one critique with her books is that the male leads are a little too perfect. While that bothered me slightly with HEAP (it just isn't realistic), for this book I just didn't care. I needed it because it let my mind take a break for a while.

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever Books for the egalley in exchange for an honest review!

Review Date: 04/19/2022
Publication Date: 04/19/2022

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Doctor Alexis Montgomery gets thrown for a loop, both literally and figuratively, when her car winds up in a ditch. But things start looking up when a local Prince Charming rescues the damsel in distress, even if it was a super embarrassing retrieval.

Never expecting to see the man again, Alexis underestimates how small a town she got stuck in. So when she grabs a bite to eat at THE place everyone in town gathers, she gets to formally meet the man who lent a helping hand. His name is Daniel Grant and he’s a dreamy carpenter/quasi mayor of this small town. Hours away from the ER where she works, this younger local seems like the perfect man to have a one night stand with. Until one night turns into one morning, two days, and hours of long distance chats.

Before long, Alexis finds herself taking the trek back to see Daniel any chance she can get. At first, juggling her high pressure life and her weekend escapes feels like the perfect balance. But as Alexis spends more time in Daniel’s world, the lines begin to blur, forcing her to face how they could never work in the long run. Now Alexis has a choice- does she cut ties now, knowing their road is a dead end, or does live with one foot in his world for as long as she can?

Part of Your World is the latest swoon worth romance from the super popular, Abby Jimenez. My heart broke for Alexis and Daniel, each for different reasons. Alexis’s situation was particularly frustrating and for those who have dealt with emotional abuse, it could also be triggering.

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LOVE, LOVE, LOVED this book! The chemistry between the characters was out of this world! I loved the opposites attract romance, the characters played off of each other so well. This was witty and oh so charming. Even the supporting characters were a hoot! And hello- there's a goat. 'Nuff said. 4.5 stars

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I've only seen the best reviewers for this book so had pretty high expectations.

This felt so different from Abby Jimenez's prior books.
I think I just struggled with the difference between what I read in the past and the world Abby created with this release. It was still enjoyable but not my favorite Abby book.

My favorite aspect of this book was the small town setting.
Daniel was also a swoon worthy hero!

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(4.5 stars, rounded up)

Content warnings: emotional abuse, gaslighting, domestic violence, childbirth, drug addiction

The novel begins with Alexis returning from her great-aunt's funeral, where she swerves to avoid a raccoon and ends up in a ditch. She calls for a tow truck, but small-town carpenter Daniel arrives and tells her the man is several drinks deep at the local bar, so he's her best option. He offers to make her dinner, and she accepts. They begin seeing each other and Alexis is surprised at his kindness and the effort he puts into having her over.

Alexis Montgomery comes from a dynasty of surgeons who have half of a hospital named after them. It's been understood since birth that she would also become a doctor, go to her parents' college, and keep her famous last name. But Alexis decides to be a "lowly" ER doctor while her twin brother is the renowned surgeon in the family.

When Alexis breaks up with her abusive ex, she begins to apply to other hospitals to get away from him. But then her brother drops the bombshell that he's permanently relocating to Cambodia where he was doing a temporary stint for Doctors Without Borders. It's understood that there is always a Montgomery at the hospital, so Alexis feels the cage growing smaller around her. When her ex tries to move back into their shared home, she feels even more violated. Alexis' parents keep pushing her to go to therapy with abusive ex Neal (who is acceptable because he's a surgeon), and it's the last straw.

Alexis knows that her world and Daniel's are not the same, but she decides to keep her high society, rich world from him and lives the small-town life with him on weekends or whenever she is free. When Daniel discovers Alexis' world, he's already in love with her. But Alexis has almost everything in her life working against her and Daniel's relationship...

It's refreshing to read a romance with flawed characters. Alexis is struggling with her father's and ex's emotional abuse. Even though she is grown, she's still treated like a child. Her father is a narcissist who refuses to accept his son's marriage to a celebrity and disowns him. Daniel's cousin is in a physically abusive relationship and refuses to leave it. Daniel's friend is a veteran who struggles with depression and PTSD. Meanwhile, Daniel is trying to keep his family's B&B afloat while also practicing carpentry, and his estranged drug-addicted mother is trying to sell the B&B out from under him.

Recommended for all fans of contemporary romance.

Representation: depression, PTSD, veteran, anxiety, women in STEM

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I super loved this book! This author continues to deliver amazing romances time and time again. Featuring brilliant characters, smart writing, and a level of emotion that wows readers, this book is masterful!

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Baby goat in pajamas. Yes, you read that- baby. goat. in pajamas!

Ali Montgomery meets Daniel after her car ends up in a ditch on her way home from a funeral. The bright spot in an utterly terrible day, is the cute man that tows her car. It would seem they have very little in common, coming from such different worlds- but that chemistry keeps them coming back to each other.

It’s a quick read, with an adorable meet cute. Ali struggles with emotional abuse at the hands of her parents and ex boyfriend; but the author was careful not to make the issue too heavy. It adds to Ali’s character and a great explanation for her own internal hang ups but continues with the light feel of a romcom. The age gap storyline (Ali is older) didn’t feel overdone, and at first her constant worry about their age difference was a bit annoying until you learn about the emotional abuse she’s gone through.

📌 Pub Date: March 19, 2022

I was given an ARC of this story to read; but thoughts and opinions are all my own. Thank you to Netgalley and Forever | Grand Central Publishing for the chance to read this book!

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Part of Your World has got to be my favorite Abby Jimenez book. I loved Alexis and Daniel so much, and it was wonderful to see their relationship blossom. I’m a sucker for the big city gal and the small town guy falling in love. And while this trope can be played out, the reasons behind why Alexis feels like she needs to stay in the city had much higher stakes and really made sense. I don’t expect romance novels to feel real, but there was something about this story that felt really authentic.

The book tackled so many tough topics, but did it with grace and empathy. I really appreciated the care taken into telling Alexis’s story of emotional abuse. This isn’t something I see very often in books, especially the aftermath of a emotionally abusive relationship. This can be so easy to hide from your family and friends, so exploring this in a romance novel will hopefully help others see the signs in real life.

I really hope we get more stories that are set in this small town because all the side characters were hilarious. They brought so many fun moments to the story, and who doesn’t love a magical small town?

Thank you to Forever Romance and NetGalley for the advanced reader copy.

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Alexis finds her car stuck in a ditch at night, in the middle of nowhere, when a stranger, Daniel, stops to help her. She later runs into him at a local dive bar and the two hit it off easily, despite their different backgrounds and age gap. They agree to keep things casual, but of course, the more time they spend together, the more they fall for each other.

You all know that romance novels aren’t really my thing but I really did enjoy this one! It’s was my first time reading a book by Abby Jimenez and I plan on reading more. This book was more than just a typical rom com. I love how the author addressed heavy issues while keeping the story lighthearted. I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading more of her books! ☺️

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I preordered Part Of Your World by Abby Jimenez — even though I already had an eARC. Very rarely do I preorder books. However, I was kind of struggling with mental health and feeling some overwhelm as my husband travelled for work and I was trying to handle the house, my kids, and my job alone. So, my coping skill was to treat myself to something I was really looking forward to. Friends, I have no regrets whatsoever. This book, Part Of Your World certainly deserves its spot next to the other books by Jimenez on my shelf. And honestly, I will keep buying and loving her books as they come out.

Abby Jimenez wove her spell again in Part Of Your World. I laughed, I cried, I fell for Alexis and Daniel. What an amazing read!

Part Of Your World opens with Dr. Alexis Montgomery having an issue with her car being stuck in a ditch in the middle of nowhere — a little town called Wakan to be exact. Along comes Daniel Grant, who helps her out of the ditch. Alexis lives in the big city an hour and a half away. She’s part of a medical legacy where there’s always been a Montgomery at the hospital system she works as an ER doctor at. There are a lot of expectations on her. As for Daniel, he is ten years younger than Alexis. Daniel is the mayor of Wakan and runs a small bed and breakfast. He is someone the people of Wakan can rely on and the Grants are essentially the caretakers of Wakan.

Alexis is, in a word, consumed by Daniel. She finds herself driving to Wakan and seeing him whenever she has freetime. The town weaves its charms over her too. As it turns out, having Alexis consistently visit is great for the residents of Wakan as she is often called to provide them with emergency medical services (the nearest doctor and hospital are quite a drive). Wakan is rural. However, Daniel doesn’t quite fit into Alexis’s fancy life back home. And so, she has to keep it separate. Plus, her parents are super judgmental and ritzy. Eventually though, Alexis is going to have to make a choice and pick which world she wants — and in the process disappoint someone.

When I tell you.. this book had me in a grip. I know it is cliche to say I couldn’t set this book down — but friends– I really could not set this book down. Abby Jimenez wove her spell again in Part Of Your World. I laughed, I cried, I fell for Alexis and Daniel. The ending was perfection. The spice was good. Everything about this book checked all my boxes. I am proud to keep this one on my shelf for all time.

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How is this the first Abby Jimenez book I’ve read? Have added the rest to my TBR list! I genuinely didn’t want this book to end.

Loved the setting of the town, the range and development of the characters, the intersecting storylines, and the sense of magic that is woven throughout this book. [Be sure to read the end notes after finishing the book for the author’s insights.]

With thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for access to this eARC.

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I don't even know where to begin. Abby's books always take me through the Rollercoaster of emotions, but in a good way. Her stories aren't just stories. She doesn't write a book for the sole purpose of writing a book. So much goes into each character, and she always revolves the stories around something very important. I cried, I laughed, I awed and I got angry throughout this book. I cannot wait for her next phenomenal book. As for Julia Whelan and Zachary Webber....they brought the story to life, as always. Don't wait to listen to this book. You will feel better for it.

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Read if you like: hookup/noncommittal relationships
Alexis and Daniel come from completely different worlds, but after a night of passion, they can’t deny the attraction between them so they agree to keep seeing each other while agreeing to keep things casual.
I loved Daniel! He was kind, thoughtful, and hardworking. Alexis was great too, but she surrounded herself with some terrible people. Her parents sucked, her ex-boyfriend was abusive, and most of her friends were terrible (besides Bri). Alexis needed the kindness of Daniel’s town!
CW: sexual content, abusive relationships, childbirth abusive parents.

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Y’all I think I have a new auto read author!! I binge read this, literally I couldn’t put it down! I mean come on a baby goat, hot B&B owner, and small town magic?!? I loved the way she wrote about this small town. The vivid descriptions, it’s history and characters in the town were spot on. The way Alexis and Daniel fall in love will certainly give you all the feels. Just read this book you want regret it! But be sure to check the trigger warnings before reading though.

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WHAT AN AMAZING BOOK! I've loved all of Abby's books, but this is definitely my favorite! The squirrel scene made me laugh so hard! I ended up rewinding and replaying multiple times and just kept on laughing. Seriously love every minute of this book!

Grace costs nothing will be my new motto 💕

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Thank you so much for the chance to read and review this title! I look forward to reading Abby's books everytime they come out and this was no exception. This brought me through all the emotions and was a winner for me. Cannot wait to see what she writes next!

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Wonderful book. Funny, sexy, heartfelt; you experience the full spectrum of emotions. It's near impossible to stop reading this book. Alexis and Daniel are not perfect but they are perfect for each other. And I really enjoyed the small bit of magical realism. I CANNOT WAIT for Bri's story!! Special thank you to NetGalley for a copy!

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This book was a wonderful ride! I laughed out loud, I swooned and I teared up. It was interesting to see an age gap where the woman was older than the man and how their different worlds may/may not be able to intersect. It was a fantastic journey and I didn't want it to stop.

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I can't even find anything negative to say about this book. I really enjoyed this. I liked the spin on the 'age gap' trope where it was the woman who was the older, successful and established one.
It is apart of the Friend-zone universe, but it's not a need-to-read to understand this book

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I wanted to like this more, but there was something I just couldn't connect with in these characters. I did love the small town setting.

And it was steamy and romantic!

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