Member Reviews

The pacing is too slow. A bit tedious to read and I’m not a fan of her writing style. I prefer books that have more extreme horror and move at a quicker pace. Perhaps I wasn’t the target audience for this one.

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Unfortunately, when things start getting good and creepy, “Sundial” started to drag on a bit around the 30% mark. I figured it would probably pick up again soon but that wasn’t the case here. It stalled for a huge chunk of reading, from the 30% - 70% mark and that’s a huge no-no in my book.

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I was on the edge of my seat for this entire book. At no time did I see where it was going, just like I have come to expect from Ward.

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This book was weird and kinda hard to follow. Not terrible but not my favorite either unfortunately. I got kinda bored halfway through.

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"Sundial" by Catriona Ward is a haunting and atmospheric novel that delves into the darkness lurking within a seemingly idyllic community. Ward's writing is evocative, drawing readers into a world where secrets fester and tensions simmer beneath the surface. The novel's unique blend of mystery and psychological horror keeps readers guessing until the very end, while its exploration of themes such as family, grief, and mental illness adds depth and complexity to the story. However, some readers may find the pacing to be uneven, with certain sections dragging while others race by in a whirlwind of suspense. Additionally, the novel's nonlinear structure and shifting perspectives may prove challenging for some readers to follow. Despite these flaws, "Sundial" is a compelling read that offers plenty of thrills and chills for fans of psychological fiction.

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Rob is a mother of 2, Callie and Annie, a husband and a house in the suburbs. One would think her life is perfection. But Rob is worried about her daughter Callie. She is collecting bones and talking to imaginary friends. Rob talks about past secrets. Rob decides to take Callie to her childhood home in the desert. Callie is worried about her mother, and she isn't sure they both will be returning from the desert.

This is a dark, twisty thriller. If you enjoyed The Push or The Perfect Child, you will surely enjoy this book.

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Dark and twisty, with some scenes that will make your stomach turn, Sundial is a story about family trauma and the lengths that people think it's necessary to go. I'm a huge fan of Catriona Ward and I loved this book. It was so moody and tense. The atmosphere that was crafted was so immersive and creepy. With an incredible eye for detail and planting the seed of doubt, the story takes you on a journey.

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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Let me begin by saying I loved <i> The Last House on Needless Street </i> so I was excited to read more of Catriona Ward's work. <i> Sundial</i>, though, did not meet my expectations and has probably turned me off from seeking out more of her work.

I enjoy weird books, but I think this story needed some paring down. The multiple POV plus timeline jumps were disorienting and really inhibited the pacing. This may have been on purpose but the story's payoff (or lack thereof) made this more frustrating than a satisfying plot device. I also had problems with the characters, from the cartoonishly villainous Irving to the overly perceptive Callie (though I think having Callie's POV be omniscient rather than first-person would have solved this). By the time I got to the last page, the story told, embellished with so much violence (so much violence), left me questioning the point of it all.

Trigger warnings for animal cruelty, domestic violence, death, and general violence.

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I blindly chose to read this book during a “mom getaway” staycation at a hotel. Stressed mom reads about an even more stressed mom with a daughter that is doing some creepy shit… I honestly don’t think I could have chosen a more fitting or better book for the situation.

What was supposed to be a night of relaxation and rest turned into me staying up until 3am devouring this book. Sundial was my first Catriona Ward book and it certainly won’t be my last. Although, I can’t imagine how she could top this! When I tell you that the ending made me squeal. The excitement I felt at that moment of realization of what she had done. I am truly blown away by how effortlessly weird this story was written. Bravo!

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TW: This book is not for people who struggle with descriptions of animal experimentation and abuse. While the descriptions are not graphic, they are a large part of the plot.

This is, hands down, one of the most enthralling and addictive horror reads I've ever gotten my hands on. I plowed through this book in a matter of days, walking away only to work and sleep and sometimes shower and feed myself.

The story is modern, horrifying with a scientific element, and keeps you guessing till the last chapter. It is high-brow horror, a gothic tale that is mysterious and also unnerving. The plot will have you pondering the nature of goodness, how we are affected by trauma, and if we should try to fix our most broken parts.

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Ward continues to shine as a force in horror with this dark thriller. SUNDIAL is a perfect blend of suspense and the deeply disturbing situation these characters are in. This book will scare you all the while pulling you into the web of this gothic mystery.

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I read this in a single sitting! Although it's my third or fourth book by the author at this point, this is the first one that I just could not put down. I LOVED IT! I have a thing for complicated mother/daughter relationships, and the way the author wrote this one just hit the nail on the head. Also enjoyed the setting here!!

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Straight up on the edge of my seat, read it in one sitting. Not sure it's a literary classic, but absolutely gripping. Very dark/creepy content. Definitely a unique take on the perpetuation of violence and any twists and reveals didn’t feel cheap, which is something I can say about both the books I’ve read by her
Full review on YouTube

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Amazing. I read it in one day. Super tense, thrilling, frightening, full of twists and turns I didn't see coming. Plus, I'm a sucker for a mother-daughter story.

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This is a difficult story about how the disconnect between parents can destroy the lives of the children.
A dysfunctional, controlling couple pulls two sisters apart -- largely because the mother is extremely suspicious of one's motives and intentions -- so she uproots the two of them to the eponymous Arizona land that was the home to her own trauma growing up adopted into a group trying to experiment on implants in dogs's brains enabling remote control. These experiments extend to the children and lead to a desperate escape...generally not the best plan!

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I really enjoyed this novel although it was a depressing read. Nothing ever seems to go right or make the characters happy. A brief moment of joy is tempered with a lifetime of tragedy. That being said that's how life seems at times. Twists and turns in the plot will greet the persistent reader. Highly recommended for when you're in one of those moods.

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This is my second Catoriona Ward book! I am starting to think she is not for me. Her books end up being weird and confussing! Sundial is not any different than what I have come to expect from this author. I just have no fun with her books and I don't car.

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This was just not for me. I don't want to bring the rating down on goodreads so I am not rating there I think the authors style and me just don't vibe.

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I want to preface my review by saying that cover art is absolutely gorgeous! It grabbed my attention and had me eager to see just what this book had to offer.

I can't say for sure what I was expecting going in, but what I got blew my mind. This is such a bizarre story, and I mean that in the best of ways.

"It’s possible to feel the horror of something and to accept it all at the same time. How else could we cope with being alive?"

Rob wants nothing more than to live a normal life. She is happily-ish married, with two daughters living in the suburbs, picture perfect on the surface. But Robs oldest daughter Callie has some strange habits. Callie collects animal bones and whispers to imaginary friends.

"You can't escape what's in your blood..."

In an attempt to save her daughter from the darkness inside her, Rob takes her back to her home in The Mojave Desert. Will they both survive this homecoming? You're going to have to grab a copy and see for yourselves.

Ward has quite the imagination and did a beautiful job writing this story. There were great twists, the automosphere was spine chilling, the perfect amount of gore, and decent character development. I honestly have no complaints at all and highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a unique story.

As always, thank you to the publisher and netgalley for providing me a copy in exchange for an honest review

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