Member Reviews

Jenny owns and runs Glow Beauty Bar in Birkhead. Her assistant is Keisha. Jenny caters to many of the super wealthy women in town. They pay for a type of membership which means they get any types of beauty treatments when they want them.

Olivia has been a customer of Jenny’s for quite some time. She is married to Dean and lives in an enormous house. No one really knows what Dean does for a living.

Karen is a successful real estate agent and is married to Mark a plastic surgeon with local offices and in Miami.

Shannon is divorced from Congressman Bryce Madison who has dreams of becoming President. At one time, Shannon was Queen Bee but now Olivia is trying to boot her out.

Crystal is new to the group. She’s younger and the new wife of Congressman Madison. Shannon is insanely jealous of her as she feels the girl broke up her marriage.

These women meet up frequently and mostly at Jenny’s salon. That’s where the cattiness and insults are slung around. They all drink a lot and spend a lot of money trying to outdo the others. The competition and one-upping each other takes a deadly turn when secrets are revealed.

This book will appeal to a lot of people who like reading about catty women. I shook my head at a lot of it, but I know many people will love it. I must add that a pet peeve of mine is authors that make derogative political comments in a book. Please remember that it’s always best to keep your political opinions to yourself so you don’t lose readers.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This book was great. Money. Sex. Scandal. Betrayal. And death. Told from alternating views of the powerful women of Buckhead (Atlanta), Georgia. They are all involved in their own forms of scandal, you never know who to trust and you aren’t sure who you like - if any of them. I truly got lost in the ridiculousness of these women and their so-called friendships. This book was over the top and ridiculous. I got lost in the chaos and really enjoyed it. Which of these women are strong enough to survive Buckhead?

Thank you netgalley for my copy

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This was such a fun and juicy read. It felt like a combination of reality TV shows like Selling Sunset and mystery books like Big Little Lies.

The story is centered around Jenny, a successful salon owner, and 4 of her very rich clients. I liked that all of the characters brought something a little different to the table. Ruthless Olivia, lost Shannon, naïve Crystal, pragmatic Kate and peacekeeper Jenny. Not to say they're one dimensional characters. In fact, throughout the book we see different sides of each of them.

The main focus of the story is the relationship between these characters rather than the mystery. And the relationships, with years of secrets and resentments, is filled with cattiness, snark, and figurative backstabbing. A lot of times it really reminded me of watching reality TV.

For most of the book the only thing we know is that one of them is dead, but all the way to the reveal, the book had me guessing on who was gonna be murdered and by whom.

If you enjoy flawed characters, this books has plenty. I liked they all got their own POV, so we could see what their motivations were from their own perspective. Since not all of them are likeable, (there was one I especially loved to hate) seeing their side of things helped.

This book does a great job of keeping the drama intriguing and engaging. I honestly don't know if it was the drama or the mystery that kept me turning the pages more but I was HOOKED.

I loved the ending! 🤐

Aside from that there were some heavier topics handled like PTSD, but I didn't think those were given the time or energy required to be fully explored in a sensitive manner.

Thank you to Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for the eARC!

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One of Us Is Dead was the perfect domestic mystery topped with extravagance! The complexity of the women made this a truly twisted tail. Set in an upscale salon that has an absolutely chokehold on the women of Buckhead, this book will take you on a wild, drama-filled ride. Olivia, Karen, Shannon, and Crystals antics will keep you guessing until the very last chapter! With rocky relationships, prestigious social circles, and a murder, this book will keep you wanting more. I highly recommend this book for anyone who loved Big Little Lies, or anything by Lianne Moriarty! This book really exposed the complexities of insecurity and how far a woman will go to feel liked.

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OH MY WORD!! Can I give it more stars?? This guilty pleasure book was juicy, salacious, and unputdownable!!

Take a group of rich housewives, betrayal, affairs, secrets….and murder and you have this book!

@jenevaroseauthor did an outstanding job weaving this book amount 5 different main characters in such a flawless way! I couldn’t get enough and I 100% see this as a movie one day!!

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One Of Us Is Dead is an addictive domestic thriller perfect for those who love reality tv and over the top rich housewives drama.

📖 Shannon use to be Queen Bee of Buckhead, until her politican husband, Bryce trades her in for a 20 something bartender from Texas named Crystal.

Olivia is the resident mean girl waiting in the wings to dethrone Shannon at first chance.

Karen is a mother and successful real estate guru and the only one who isn't living off her husbands efforts. She is strong willed and now realising perhaps not so happily married.

Then there is sweet Jenny, a high-profile hairstylist and all-around beauty guru to Buckhead's social elite. Her beauty salon, Glow is the hotspot for all the towns gossip, so it's no surprise that Jenny and her right hand Keisha are the keeper of their clients dark and dirty secrets.

The story opens with Jenny being questioned by police and we learn straight away that someone has been murdered (hence the title). Told from the POV of Jenny, Olivia, Karen and Crystal, the chapters alternate between Jenny in the present day and the drama filled events which took place in the three weeks leading up to the murder.

💭 Thoughts: If you mix Big Little Lies, The Real Housewives and Mean Girls featuring 30-40 something-year-old rich and devious housewives who can't control their deceitful and catty behaviour, you get One of Us is Dead.

It was a very bingable and Jeneva did a great job and ensuring each of the women had their own unique voice.

The chapters are short and snappy which aids in building suspense and the dialogue is so brutal at times I found myself gasping at the shock value.

If you enjoy popcorn thrillers, snarky dialogue, and unreliable narrators, then One of Us is read will knock your socks off.

📢 Thank you Blackstone Publishing and Netgally for gifting me an eARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars rounded up!!

▫️The “whodunnit” premise
▫️Desperate Housewives
▫️The book & show: Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty or the book: The Hunting Wives by May Cobb

Immediately after finishing this book I thought, wow this would make for an amazing drama-filled TV series! I really enjoyed the different POV from each character and their hidden juicy secrets 🤫 All of the women were so devious and I was here for it! 🍿 Also, I totally loved the beauty salon atmosphere!! 💅🏻

There is nothing boring about the women of Buckhead. Their expensive clothes and houses can’t hide all of their dark secrets… These women are ruthless in order to get what they want. Lies only get them so far until one of them ends up dead. The only question you need to answer: Who’s the one to turn up dead? 🤐

The ending wasn’t super enthralling. Did I enjoy it? Yes!! Was my jaw on the floor? No. Overall, the book was a bit slow at times but I loved the multiple POV and short chapters.

Thank you @netgalley & @blackstonepublishing for the e-ARC! 🖤

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One of Us is Dead was such an addictive read!! The story follows 5 women in a small town and let me tell you, the alternating POVs, short chapters, the drama and the biggest question of all - who’s dead and who the heck did it?! - will keep you glued to your seat. I was lucky enough to receive both the book and audio for this one so I was able to enjoy it nonstop 😜

I love Rose’s writing style and can’t wait to read more of her books!! If you haven’t read The Perfect Marriage I def recommend it too!!!

Thriller lovers who enjoy a bit of drama: Be sure to check this one out!

✨ A huge thank you to the author, @netgalley and @blackstonepublishing for an eARC and advanced audiobook in exchange of an honest review. All opinions are my own. ✨

This review will be posted on my IG account on pub day (4/26) (@bm.bookish.girl)

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Desperate Housewives of Buckhead! These women are crazy and I love them for it! Hands down, one of the best thrillers with women at the helm!
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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If juicy scandal and drama is your thing, then One Of Us Is Dead is for you! All of the high society women in this novel spread their rumors and gossip in their exclusive (and members only) beauty shop, which makes for a fun setting and lots of catty drama. I think Rose did a nice job with the ending too, it was a lot more complex than I was expecting.

I enjoyed this one, but I can’t say that I loved it. However, the scandal and drama trope is not my thing, and I knew that going into this one, but thought I would give it a try anyway. I think if you like shows like Real Housewives, then you will absolutely love this book. I think it was well written and well done, and I really enjoyed the multiple points of view. It’s just a very specific trope so I know that going into it. And bonus points for a full cast narration on the audiobook! They did a great job with it!

I received a free digital copy from the publisher, all opinions are my own.

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The title tells you what you need to know in order to pick up Jeneva Rose’s domestic suspense novel that centers around a high-end salon, Glow Beauty Bar, in Buckhead, a wealthy district of Atlanta. It’s here that Jenny works hard for her high-end clients. In addition to her salon services, she also acts as a therapist to these women and they confide their deepest darkest secrets. From the get-go we know someone has been murdered and one of the women in the inner circle has committed the crime. Shannon, married to her political husband has recently been replaced with the younger Crystal, who tries her best to be friendly with her husband’s ex. Olivia is conniving and manipulative towards everyone. This novel is a fast, fun romp that explores friendship and secrets, loyalty and trust. I didn't feel like I connected with these characters as much as I wanted to. This is a novel about high-stakes friendship at its best told from multiple characters’ points of view. Thank you to Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for the advanced review copy.

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One of Us Is Dead by Jeneva Rose is a fun mystery about a group of disgustingly wealthy women outside of Atlanta. The characters can be vapid and devious, so it makes a perfect escapist read. At the beginning we learn someone has been killed but not who and other details are sparing. The story moves swiftly, told in short chapters by a number of characters. This made the story entertaining even when I was frustrated by the catty behavior and misogynistic husbands, though these elements helped progress the plot. Some of the women did reveal their humanity towards the end and I wanted to know how the story would end. I listened to the audiobook, which features an amazing cast of narrators: Elizabeth Evans, Hillary Huber, Cassandra Campbell, Brittany Pressley, and Andi Arndt. Thank you Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for providing this DRC. All thoughts are my own.

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Meet the women of Buckhead—a place of expensive cars, huge houses, and competitive friendships. Many juicy secrets and backstabbing take place, and someone will end up dead. But who? And why? 🔪👀💅

I really enjoyed this read! It was like grown-up Mean Girls, but with murder, and I am totally here for it. A fun read with fun twists! The audiobook was fantastic as well with an amazing cast! I highly recommend this one! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Do you enjoy the real housewives & true crime docs? This might be the book for you!

I wasn’t sure where this one was going, and while it didn’t tread a lot of new territory, it approached things in an interesting way. The characters could’ve walked out of a season of real housewives & the addition of the salon owner was interesting in that it essentially provided an audience surrogate element to the novel. I liked a lot of elements; however, the internal dialogue fell into the realm of telling vs showing in a way that sometimes took me out of the narrative.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️. 💫 rounded to 4.

Thank you so much Netgalley & Blackstone Publishing for the eArc!

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The story begins with Jenny, the owner of a beauty salon named Glow, describing her most important clients in Buckhead. The characters: Olivia, Shannon, Karen and Crystal, are the elite society women in Buckhead with a lot of money and time. As the title suggests, one of them is dead and hence Jenny is being interrogated by an officer, where she narrates the entire story of the book.

Unlike other mystery books, where the main suspense is to find out who the killer is, here the question was who is the victim. It is not revealed until the end of the book and that is what piques the reader's interest more than the identity of the killer. The ending was totally unpredictable for me and therefore, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
When the story began, I assumed it was going to be a boring soap opera about rich women throwing regular drama, but it was fun to read the multiple POV of all the women. The book can be finished in five hours or less. There are some trigger warnings such as infidelity, violence and adultry. There are some erotic scenes as well.

Overall it was a quick and entertaining read for me. Recommended to everyone who enjoy satirical books and are above 18 years.

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Jenny owns a salon in an upper class Southern town that serves all the elite women. This allows Jenny to become the central source for all the towns gossip. Her main clients are dramatic, back-stabbing women who are all about status. When someone ends up dead, the question is would any of these women go as far as murder?

This was a quick, fun read that was packed with drama! I listened to this one on audio and thought that added a fun effect to the back and forth drama of the book. I would say this book is not exactly a thriller, but more of a domestic drama that includes a murder. I enjoyed that we find out a murder occurs at the beginning of the book but we do not discover the identity of the victim until the end. Overall, if you like books with dramatic characters and some added in suspense, then I think you will enjoy this one!

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One of Us is Dead was a DELIGHT, it was my guilty pleasure read and I can't recommend it for that enough. This book felt like if there was a cross between The Read Housewives of Buckhead and a murder mystery. We don't even know who is dead until the end as things slowly become revealed. The story took a turn around 80% that I did not see coming and it became heavier and more serious in topic.

We follow Jenny (a salon owner), Olivia (our delicious villain), Shannon (a recent divorcee), Crystal (the new wife of Shannon's ex), and Karen (a real estate owner and our only 'housewife' with a job). Jenny is in present day at the police station trying to help the police understand this wild group of women and how someone came to be murdered. In the past we follow all of these women and their husbands through the wildest few weeks full of drama and chaos.

The writing for this book was so easy to fall into, I got hooked immediately and ate it up in two sittings. It was a joy to read and felt like watching a fun reality tv show. I loved the multiple POV chapters as it changed how I thought of each woman every single time it changed. I had no idea who was dead or what plot twist Jeneva would throw into this book and it was fun to sit at the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened.

Overall, I highly recommend this thriller for someone wanting a chaotic, messy, and drama filled read. It reminded me of The Hunting Wives (but no underage teenage boy scenes) in how it read. These women were wild and I couldn't put this book down!

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3.5 stars. As a huge fan of The Perfect Marriage, I was a little disappointed by this one. I wanted to love it, I really did, but it felt like a book version of The Real Housewives of Buckhead (if that were a real show) with a little murder thrown in. I do love Real Housewives shows though, so it kept me entertained. I just needed a little more.. I will continue reading Jeneva Rose books though, I hope to be wowed by her next one.

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Thank you to Netgalley & Blackstone Publishing for this ARC.

This was filled with so much drama and felt very reality-tv mixed with a soap opera. I truly enjoyed the story and the mix of characters, up until the end. The ending felt too rushed for a plot that was so drawn out. To finally get to the meat and potatoes of it only to be wrapped up so quickly was a let down.

This would have been a 5 star for me, but Ive knocked it to a 4 due to the rushed ending.

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I thought the premise to this novel sounded so interesting, but I couldn't get into the simplistic writing at all.

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