Cover Image: Out of His League

Out of His League

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This was a solid 3 star rom com. I loved how it kicked off with Gretchen approaching Josh in the airport and how she followed her instincts with him. The story moved quickly and the MCs had great chemistry. It was a bit predictable and unrealistic but I didn't mind because it was an easy, breezy, book.

That's why just three stars. It all felt very surface level and a little too unrealistic. And I wished there was a little more to the characters. The break-up half way felt a little extreme for the circumstances and could have been easily solved but both MCs got in their own way.

Overall, it was an easy read and enjoyable.

This was my first Wattpad book and for some reason the format was really off when I downloaded it to my kindle - not sure if that's the reason?

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The premise of this book seemed promising, however, I felt a bit disappointed by the story. While every romance needs a little spice, it seemed to be a bit overdone here. However, it was still very fun and I would recommend it as a quick, spicy and light read.

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This story has one of the best meet-cutes. Makes you want to be a little bally and just talk to that hot guy to see at the airport. Loved the story and the characters!

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2.5 rounded to 3 ⭐️

I really wanted to love this one. Seeing as how it’s a sports romance and is supposed to be a spicier read, I had decent (not high) expectations.

Gretchen and Josh meet in an airport after she buys him a cup of coffee. Gretchen has had a celebrity crush on josh for a while as he’s her favourite baseball player. I was immediately turned off by HOW insta love this is.

I don’t mind books with instalove, but like another review mentioned, this is EXTREME insta love, as in theyre falling in love in chapter 7.

I suppose you could consider this a spicy read depending on what you consider a “spicy” read. I would give this a 1.5 🌶. The sex scenes were short and rushed.

This book was just not for me. The writing felt poor and the dialogue was a bit too cringy and repetitive for me.

* Thanks to NetGalley and Wattpad for an arc. This is my honest review. *

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I wanted to love this book because it combines my favorite things: romance and baseball. But the writing quality didn’t do the plot or subject justice. Maybe it would be better for someone who isn’t an avid baseball fan and expecting more nuance with the descriptions. All in, it was a miss for me.

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I really enjoyed this read. Very cute and sweet romance. I liked the main character and love interest.

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<b>I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review on NetGalley.</b>

Out of His League had a very sweet romance and connection between the characters, but I was unsettled by the power dynamic. Gretchen is an enormous baseball fan and she happens to spy her favorite player looking dejected at the airport. She already knows his statistics, favorite color, and she brings him his coffee order that she knows by heart to cheer him up. There’s instant chemistry in Out of His League, but there’s already an imbalance when their relationship starts. She knows everything about Joshua, but Gretchen is a complete stranger to him. I found that I’m not the fondest of groupie/ celebrity romances after reading this book. These types of relationships can very easily tip into manipulation and makes it difficult to distinguish between love or fanaticism.

Relationship power balances aside, I liked the tenderness between Gretchen and Joshua. Their romance moved along very fast, but they were very sweet together. Constant reassuring touches, tender endearments, and goo goo eyes from the get-go. This may have started out as a fanfiction scenario between a celebrity and a fangirl, but they had lovely chemistry. Also, the author’s knowledge of baseball was very impressive. She referenced several elements of training I was unfamiliar with and used plenty of neat terminology. I could tell from her writing that she was a big sports fan and may have created this story out of her own baseball-centered daydreams.

Out of HIs League didn’t meet my expectations with the couple’s strange dynamic, but I will concede that they were sweet together. I believe I would have liked them more if they were coworkers, friends, or even neighbors. Any situation where Gretchen didn’t know everything about Joshua before their first interaction would have been preferential. Out of His League may have featured some foul balls, but the main couple hit a home run in their chemistry alone.

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It's completely cheesy illogical fan fiction nonsense, but it's a good time, it's fun to read, the characters are likeable, and it has an appropriate amount of spice (enough for the intended romance addicted audience, but not so much that the plot suffers).

Instalove to extreme that only works when you remember it's the daydream about a celebrity crush. Gretchen runs into her all time celebrity crush in the airport and decides to approach him. They take a little, he's instantly obsessed with her. When you do the math on how much time these two characters have spent together, I'm pretty sure its under 96 hours total - and less than 48 hours before friends are asking questions about forever. There definitely should have been some passage of time montages.

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Out of His League
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

— — — — — — — — — —

I have to say I wasn't really a fan of this book. I finished reading it because I felt like I had to in order to rate it.
The whole story was very fast paced, which does not necessarily have to be a bad thing but definitely added to my rather unpleasant reading experience.

This was the first ever sports romance I ever read and I am just not a fan (maybe because I am the least sporty person ever).

I felt like the book had no real issue that made for an interesting storyline.

I liked Josh as a character, he was a very nice and positive guy. But for some reason I didn't really care for him or Gretchen. Their relationship was sort of cute but nothing out of the ordinary.

— — — — — — — — — —
Smut: 🌶🌶🌶🌶/5
Story: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Writing style: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

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I really wanted to enjoy this one and I did. Until I didn't. The beginning was very insta-lust and shallow and there wasn't much more to it. You can tell this book was published by Wattpad. The plot was very all over the place and their relationship moved so fast.

*huge thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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I enjoy sports romances and liked that the main characters were each passionate about baseball/wine but it just seemed like their work was the entirety of their personalities which left me a bit bored. I’m not a huge fan of insta-love so the fact that they were professing their love to each other after spending a total of 3 days together also seemed a little ridiculous. The book was surprisingly drawn out given the fact that not much really happens and contrasted oddly with the characters speedy relationship. But it’s a quick read overall if you’re looking for something cutesy and light hearted.

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Story was super cute and easy/quick to read. Miscommunication and instalove aren't my favorite tropes, but the sports romance aspect made it worth it!

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Story was cute enough. Like others have said with the instalove - the only thing to keep the story going was to add drama- most of it highly unnecessary and the communication or lack there of is always frustrating.

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For someone who doesn't watch sports I love reading sports romances, I was really excited for this book. It was only ok. Miscommunication is not my favorite trope. The book had its cute moments and definitely had its spicy moments too, but overall it just didn't flow right.

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Very cute sports romance story. Not my favorite baseball rom com that I have read but the story
line was intriguing. I got lost in the middle of it being a little bored and the story line moved a
little slow for my liking. The best friend, Sharla, overstepped a couple of times in the story and I do not agree with how Gretchen handled the situation. I also do not like how Josh never addressed his problems with his
manager, Harvey, and just let him keep bashing him. Josh is 32 for gosh sakes. Stand up to the
man. But overall if you are looking for a baseball romance, this is a quick and easy read.

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I really enjoyed this super cute book. I loved the way it was written and I was able to finish it one day because it's such a easy read. As I continued reading this book I got really connected with Gretchen and Josh. I just love their characters! I think everyone should read this book.

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such a cute read! the premise was unlike anything’s i’ve read before and the i really enjoyed the way the story fell together!!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Wattpad Books for sending me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Out of His League is a short, faster paced baseball romance with spice. It was originally a story on Wattpad and is now being rereleased as a traditionally published book. Even if it didn’t say this was originally a Wattpad book on the cover I still would have been able to tell. Depending on if you’re someone who has enjoyed Wattpad in the past, this could be a defining factor of your enjoyment level.

Josh and Gretchen have good chemistry together but their relationship moves too fast in my opinion because it has insta lust and that made it hard to be invested. On top of the insta lust, this book is filled with the miscommunication trope and other unnecessary conflict that made it kind of frustrating to read. Insta love and miscommunication are my two least favorite tropes so I think that played a big part in my lack of enjoyment.

The pacing also felt a little weird in my opinion because their relationship felt like it moved way too fast but the overall plot moved relatively slow. On a more positive note, I really enjoyed all of the baseball elements! Sports romances are some of my favorite books and I’ve never read a baseball romance before this one. I also enjoy smut in my romances and this was filled with it.

I would only recommend Out of His League to people who have enjoyed Wattpad books in the past and are looking for a shorter, faster paced sports romance with spice.

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Thank you for the ARC

It was really cute and well written for a Wattpad story.
I loved it.

The writing was good and the characters were amazing I totally loved each of them.

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Gretchen is a sommelier on her way to Las Vegas for a wine conference when she sees her favourite baseball player Joshua Malvern at the airport.

She decides to buy him a coffee as he appears to be having a bad day and strikes up a conversation. To say thank you, Josh invites her to sit with him in first class on the way to Vegas, and they hit it off.

Will their love spark in Las Vegas? Will it last once they get home?

Overall, I found Out of His League to be a sweet sports rom-com with a cast of fun characters. I enjoyed how much sports info was packed in the book without it being overwhelming, and the banter between Gretchen and Josh was great.

The only downfall for me was that pace of the story moved a little fast, and because of this I found the plot a bit under-developed.

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