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Long Story Short

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of Long Story Short.

Long Story Short by Serena Kaylor is a super cute YA romance about an awkward and introverted teenager who is learning about who she really is and what she is capable of.

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Disclaimer: Review will be up closer to pub date on pop-culturalist!

I adored this so freaking much!! Long story short is perfect for Taylor Swift fans.

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Long Story Short was such a fun theatre read! I thought that the characters were interesting and realistic - especially as a theatre kid myself, I know people like Mia, Nolan, Nik, and Shelby, which made it easier to connect to them as I could associate them with people I knew. I thought that Beatrice had such a great arc and I loved seeing her come into her own.

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I received this book as an ARC from the publisher and author in exchange for a an honest review. All options are my own.

I have to say that this book took me by total surprise. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I requested it and wasn’t sure if it would be standard YA or a little something extra special but I am delighted to have read it and it is special! It turned out to be one of my fav reads this year. Easily in my top 5!!
I saw Shakespeare and theatre camp in the blip and was sold on that.

I loved the premise and as someone who Often feels shy and unnoticeable I really identified with Beatrice as a character.

The banter was perfection, the friendships sincere and the Romance adorable. I was so glad that her list wasn’t used against her and no one tried to trick her. That hits hard in my soul. This book had the perfect amount of everything I like in YA and I need it to be a series please!! I need more Nolan, Bea, Mia and Nik!!!

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This book is a delight! Beatrice has spent most of her life being home schooled. She is unquestionably a math prodigy, but she has never found much success with others her own age. When she is accepted into Oxford, her parents will agree to let her attend only if Beatrice can prove to them she'll be able to make friends and navigate social situations on her own. So Beatrice's parents propose that Beatrice spend the summer at a Shakespearean theater camp in the acting program. If Beatrice can successfully complete a list of teenage milestones her parents create, they will let her go to Oxford.

Despite her misgivings, Beatrice dives into the challenge. She is soon adopted by a group of theater kids who have long attended the camp, and they help Beatrice navigate her new environment and her mission to show her parents she can be a "normal" teenager. Forced to engage in experiences she long dismissed, Beatrice soon finds that some of her assumptions about other teenagers may need re-examining -- and that there may be more to life than what can be found in books.

This was a very strong debut. Beatrice is a singular character, and the supporting cast sparkles in this charming and original story. Highly recommended!

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I think this book would be slightly more enjoyable for a bit younger demographic than me, but aside from that it was so good! Long Story Short is about an introverted girl who goes to theatre camp to get out of her comfort zone. I really liked the premise, but then during the first 25% or so of the book didn't know if I'd love it. Everything seemed really over the top, from the cliques at camp, to Bea's extreme introversion, to some of the situations the characters were in, but from there on out I found myself really enjoying this. Bea's arc was really well written and I loved seeing her make friends. The romance was also really well done. I found the romantic pacing to be really good and the MC and LI had some great banter. As this is a book about a 16 year old girl who hasn't had any typical high school experiences, I do think that readers who read primarily YA or are a similar age to the MC will enjoy it more, but still, it was really well written and I'm glad I read it.
Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Wednesday Books for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I adored this book about trying something new. She is homeschooled but got into oxford. Her parents want her to socialize more and make friends. she makes friends at drama camp and finds love with a boy. She does many things off of her list and surprises her parents. Great book.

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Plot: I enjoyed reading about Beatrice making friends, falling in love, and learning more about who she is, and what she really wants.

Characters: The characters were all fantastic! And while I liked the romance, and thought it was cute, the friendships were what really made the book for me! Her friendship with Mia and Nolan was so nice, and definitely had found family vibes. I loved it!

The Cover: It's fun, I like it!

Overall: I loved this book so much, and I absolutely can not recommend it enough! I was in a book slump when I picked up Long Story Short, and this book pulled me out of it! I highly recommend reading it!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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Long Story Short is an adorable YA novel set at an acting camp. It centers around an incredibly intelligent but awkward teenager, Bea. I loved watching Bea transform and flourish with the guidance of her friends. There is a Shakespearean aspect of the book which is absolutely well done. Overall this is an amazing novel!

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I really enjoyed Long Story Short. There's nothing like familiar tropes with interesting spins on them. I loved the premise, the main character was the right balance of flawed but looking to grow, and going with her on her journey was really entertaining. The supporting characters and friendships added some whimsy and enjoyment to the overall experience. It was equal parts nerdy but romantic, a pairing that is always timeless to me. I'd recommend this book wholeheartedly for a feel good read.

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This heart warming Contemporary YA read put a huge smile on my face. Highly recommended!

Beatrice is a sixteen-year-old genius whose very careful routines help to keep her anxiety at bay. Homeschooling worked out best for her, but now that she wants to attend Oxford University, her parents have concerns about her ability to socialize and be on her own.

I loved this so much. Beatrice is snarky, awkward and goes through amazing character development. The found family was adorable, and I love Mia and Nolan. The romance between Bea and Nik was so perfect, and they were literally so cute.

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Long Story Short is a charming YA rom-com with a great cast of characters that makes you want to be a part of their friend group. You definitely have to roll with the premise, and at times Beatrice comes off a bit like a caricature, but overall this is a cute, comforting read. I'll definitely be watching for Serena Kaylor's next book.

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A very clever blend of Shakespeare and a teen coming of age. Beatrice, a socially inept teen has to prove to her parents she can cope with going miles and miles away to Oxford for college. At a four week Shakespeare drama camp she begins to loosen her walls with the help of her new friends, Mia and Nolan. Throw in knees weakening Nik and let the play begin.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Beatrice Quinn is a genius, who has spent the entirety of her life studying at home to get into Oxford University. Now that she has finally gotten in, her parents aren't sure that she is ready. Beatrice might be super intelligent, but she has not been very successful at socializing with people her own age. She is determined that she will finally find people like her at Oxford, but her parents don't think it is enough. Concerned that she will get lost in her own world where they can't intervene, her parents want Beatrice to prove that she can do something outside of her comfort zone and make new friends. Armed with a list of teenage experiences, Beatrice is sent off to Shakespeare Theater camp. She has a short summer to prove that she can handle herself in a new environment. Beatrice soon learns that having relationships with others may not be as easy as she thinks. Surrounded by a new group of friends, and some enemies, she will tackle parties, pranks, dares, and maybe even love.

This book is a delightful look at an awkward teenage girl’s experience finally putting herself out there. Reader’s will see some part of themselves in Beatrice as she navigates the teenage world. Beatrice is all at once awkward, shy and clueless, while being strong, sassy, and endearing. You cannot help but fall in love with her, just like her friends in the book do. And the chemistry between Nik and Bea is hot, with the best part being that she doesn’t even see it. Your reminded of your first love when you were just as clueless about it as you read about Nik and Bea. Even those who aren’t fans of Shakespeare, will delight in the banter between Bea and Nik as they battle to see who knows the Bard best. And to top off the cast of great characters, and chemistry is the story of a girl who has struggled socially for her whole life finding out who she is and that she can live a more fulfilling social life. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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Thank you Netgalley and St Martins Press and Wednesday Books for allowing me to read and review this title! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Bea is a long time homeschool student who is working hard to get into a good University. When her parents need convincing to let her go she is enrolled in a theater camp to help socialize and understand how to interact with teens her own age. She is "adopted" into a group of different kids and learns about life, relationships, interacting, and learning more about herself.

This is a sweet and cute young adult read! I love all the characters and especially Bea. I found her to be very relatable and understanding. The friendships are great and the all the experiences Bea has are exciting and develop her character well through out the book.

I really liked the writing style and the story itself. I think a lot of teens will love Long Story Short and will see themselves in these characters.

4.5 stars

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this book intrigued me by the title alone because i was like ….. taylor swift? and it was just super cute and i loved everything about it

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This book. I cannot even tell you how much I loved it. I stayed up until 1:40 reading and then got up early to finish it.

The setting! If you love Emma Lord and camp books, this is for you. Throw in a Shakespeare theatre camp and it was perfection.

I love when romance books have more to their story and this one definitely did. The found family and friendships formed throughout this book made my heart so happy.

The anxiety representation was fantastic. It was authentic and real. However, it wasn’t super heavy. I loved how much Bea grew and how amazing her friends were.

Then there was the romance. Holy wow I adored it. It was enemies-to-lovers, but also some miscommunication with a side of missed signals. The banter was perfection and the Shakespeare battle? Couldn’t get enough. In one word, SWOONY.

Preorder this book, add it to your list, and do all the things because you won’t want to miss it. I am a new Serena Kaylor fan!
🔥🔥/5 (make out)


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Reading this one, I was concerned the entire plot was going to to be what I begrudgingly call the makeover plotline. Which is basically just the mc buying new clothes, taking their glasses off, and basically having a whole personality change. I am so happy that Long Story Short challenged this idea. The character development of Bea was not for a guy, but for her own volition.

Yes, it was motivated by her parents (who are actually involved in this one! yay for non-orphaned ya protagonists!) and the list at first, but as the story progressed became more of an internal motivation to change. I really appreciated the character development Bea went through throughout the book and the commentary on the whole idea of the makeover trope that we do see a lot of times in romcoms.

Long Story Short is so incredibly nerdy in the best way possible. Theater kids, Shakespeare, and just good ole summer camp energy that I’m absolutely here for. It is a fun romcom, complete with all of the romcom antics we know and love, as well as a perfect summery read.

Bea isn’t the only fabulous character in this one! I mean, yes, she is snarky and 100% a hoot, but the side characters also had their own moment in the spotlight (hehe bad theater jokes)! I’m so glad that Kaylor gave them all room to breathe throughout the book. From the love interest, to the friends Bea makes along the way, and even the antagonist, they all have strong motivations and are well rounded.

The friendship in particular is strong in this one. I’m so happy that Bea found such supportive and loving friends. They never wanted to force her to change, instead helping her along the way and unafraid to call Bea out when she was being clueless. This is the type of friendship I love to read about!

There were a couple comments made in regard to costuming that I didn’t jive with. Just comments like "oh don’t breathe so I can get your costume to fit" or "I hope you didn’t lose any weight since your last fitting!" It doesn’t sound like a huge deal, but similar comments were made multiple times when it really was unnecessary to begin with.

All and all, Long Story Short is so much fun. It is a fun and nerdy romcom complete with coming-of-age themes and bucketloads of snark. Totally recommend this one!

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This heart warming Contemporary YA read put a huge smile on my face. Highly recommended!

Beatrice is a sixteen-year-old genius whose very careful routines help to keep her anxiety at bay. Homeschooling worked out best for her, but now that she wants to attend Oxford University, her parents have concerns about her ability to socialize and be on her own.

They agree that if Beatrice can prove she can have a "normal teenage experience" while at a four-week theater camp, she can attend Oxford. She immediately gains a bestie in her roommate Mia, and Mia's camp bestie, the Nolan, takes her under his wing as well. The relationships between these three gems are truly the definition of #FriendshipGoals.

Comically, she gets off on the wrong foot with the son of the camp's owners, Nik. As lead of the play, Nik is everywhere and Beatrice finds she cannot avoid him, try as she might.

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A perfect YA camp romance. The awkward girl being adopted by the dramatic pair to overcome her social anxiety to become the star. Really hit the spot!

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