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Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health

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Thank you Netgalley for my free copy in exchange for an honest review!

"Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health" by Dr. Doni Wilson is a highly informative and empowering guide to understanding and managing stress to achieve optimal health and well-being. In this book, Dr. Wilson skillfully combines her expertise as a naturopathic doctor and her deep understanding of the mind-body connection to offer readers a comprehensive approach to stress management.

The book begins by delving into the science behind stress, explaining the various physiological and psychological mechanisms at play when our bodies encounter stressors. Dr. Wilson effortlessly breaks down complex concepts into accessible language, making it easy for readers of all backgrounds to grasp the vital information presented.

One of the book's strengths lies in its practicality. Throughout the pages, Dr. Wilson provides actionable steps, making it evident that her aim is to equip readers with the tools they need to take control of their stress and, in turn, their overall health. She emphasizes the importance of identifying personal stress triggers and how they can manifest physically, emotionally, and mentally.

What sets "Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health" apart from other stress management books is its holistic approach. Dr. Wilson advocates for addressing stress on multiple levels, including diet, lifestyle, sleep, and mindset. Drawing on her experience as a naturopathic doctor, she offers valuable insights into how nutrition, exercise, and supplementation can significantly impact stress levels and overall well-being.

Moreover, the book emphasizes the significance of self-care, mindfulness, and creating a support network. Dr. Wilson reminds readers that stress management is an ongoing process and encourages the development of personalized stress reduction strategies tailored to each individual's unique circumstances.

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This reads more like a science book than a self-help book, which is fine but there are a lot of technical information that may be over people's heads. I would like more exercises about how to master stress rather than what causes it. This may be difficult to read for some. If you want to understand the causes of stress, then this is the book for you.

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As a nutrition practitioner, I see many clients dealing with stress, which in turn, contributes to gut dysbiosis, inflammation and other ailments. So many clients do not know how to deal with stress, acknowledge stress is affecting their health or simply just ignore stressful situations, leading to more health issues.

Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health is a quick, easy-to-read book for those who want practical tips on how to manage one's stress. Dr. Wilson has identified five stress response patterns along with a quiz to determine which pattern the reader might follow.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC and the opportunity to review this book.

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Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health is a self-help book by the naturopathic physician, Dr. Doni Wilson.

She provides an overview of stress and burnout and discusses five patterns of stress response she has seen in her patients based on levels of cortisol and adrenaline at different times of the day. There's also a quiz to help you identify your stress type, and a stress recovery protocol is provided that is modified for each of those five stress types

This book was easy to understand and offered some practical suggestions for stress management. The author also addressed some of the genetic variants that might influence your nutritional needs and how you respond to stress. 14 recipes are also included, which was a nice touch!

Overall, this was a fun read, and do pick it up if you are looking for something to read if you're looking to slow down!

3.5 / 5 ⭐

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the book!

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Stress and anxiety have become so commonplace. However, they don’t have to continue to impact your daily life. Master your stress and reset your health is a groundbreaking new book that assists you in determining what type of stress impacts your life so that you can develop a plan to combat it. The following stress types are explored: the night owl, the stress magnet, yawning on the go, tired and wired, and sluggish and stressed. The information is presented in an easy to read format. Stress recovery protocols are provided for each of the 5 stress types. I highly recommend this book. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This read provided some great insights on stress management and the science behind it. While it was obvious the author was very knowledgeable, the text became bogged down with science and academic writing that made it not for every reader.

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Naturopathic physician Dr. Doni Wilson provides an excellent overview of stress and burnout, but that was all content I had seen before. What’s different about this book is that she discusses five patterns of stress response she has seen in her patients based on levels of cortisol and adrenaline at different times of the day. She provides a quiz to help you identify your stress type, and then she provides a stress recovery protocol modified for each of those five stress types.

I thought this book was easy to understand and offered very practical suggestions for how to manage your stress and improve your physical and mental health. You can make small, manageable lifestyle changes supported by nutritional supplements. I liked how the author also addressed some of the genetic variants that might influence your nutritional needs and how you respond to stress.

The back matter includes 14 simple recipes, extensive endnotes, and an index.

These are stressful times, and most people could probably benefit from the strategies this book provides.

I was provided an unproofed ARC through NetGalley that I volunteered to review.

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Book Review : Master Your Stress , Reset Your Health by Dr. Doni Wilson is an incredible , informative self-help book.

Being from science background , it was bit easy to understand the key words used and typical scientific terms used in this book. I really appreciate the author's try of helping us in recognizing the types of stress that we normally ignore in our day to day life.

In this book , Dr. Doni has shared her twenty years of experience and its successful results in this book of rendering her service to patients suffering from stress. She shares that patients generally ignore their tension or high demanding jobs as their usual routine when they get started with little problems of stomach upset, headaches, migraine or other issues related to it and taking temporary aids to fix it. But later it drones to big issues that are hard to cure instantly or with time .So it's time to introspect yourselves and find out what type of stress you are facing and start its recovery at time so that our coming generations don't suffer due to our ignorance.

She has postulated few things to keep in mind. Dr. Doni’s customizable C.A.R.E. program is simple: Clean eating, Adequate sleep, Recovery, and Exercise. Dr. Doni shows you how to tailor each step of the program for your stress type to allow you to:

• Overcome exhaustion and fatigue
• Clear up brain fog
• Stop insomnia
• Relieve chronic muscle pain and digestive issues
• Increase energy

I really appreciate the book and loved reading it. I am thankful to netgalley and BenBella books for giving me a chance to read this book in return of an honest review. I recommend this book as must - read to all as it helps us to nourish ourselves.
Happy Reading !

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3.5. stars
The book is written by a naturopathic doctor, on the way that changing your adrenal stress can impact your overall health and wellbeing. The first few chapters are pretty heavily scientific info, but the fourth chapter has a quiz to determine which of 5 stress types you identify with.
Then the book moves into the author's CARE plan, for clean eating, adequate rest, recovery, and exercise. It gives tips on changes to make and then brief specific advice for your stress type. The final section of the book is a three part stress recovery protocol.
There are a lot of good ideas in here, if you don't get stuck reading through all the science behind things.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book presents how to identify your stress type and then make changes that help got from stress mode into recovery and healing. The information is clear and sensible, yet reading it and thinking of making these changes felt revolutionary. An added bonus is recipes at the end to help support your body. Highly recommended for anyone who needs to slow down and/or has a hard time doing self-care. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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We can not get rid of the stress in our daily lives, but we can learn how to handle it so that our bodies and our minds are healthy. In Master your Stress, Dr., Wilson gives practical tips on how to manage stress and get the most out of life.

When we are not dealing with stress properly, it can not only affect our mood, but physical symptoms develop as well. We can fell tired, sick, and lack energy to get through the day.

She identifies 5 Stress types:

1) Stress Magnet
2)The Night Owl
3)Sluggish and Stressed
4) Blah and Blue
5) Tired and Wired

There is a quiz to figure out your stress type and then learn the best way for You to deal with it.

My thoughts:

This book was difference because it did not tell you to get rid of the stress in your life, which we all know if impossible, but showed you how to deal with the stress in the right way for your stress type. Stress is a fact of life and the best way to not let it interfere negatively with your life is to deal with it effectively. This is exactly what this book teaches your to do.

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A very naturopathic way to manage your stress through healthy foods that affects you on a molecular level to balance your stress hormones. A very interesting concept and very thoroughly explained!

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Thank you @netgalley, Benbella books and Dr Doni Wilson for the ARC of this book.

I found this book to be informative, easy to understand and packed full of useful tips/information. I found out my stress type and some easy to follow small changes to make in my day to day life.

I feel that it was well organised and very easy to follow. I loved the simple CARE message which brings our priorities back to what we need as the basics in our life and I loved the recipes at the end of this book.

I would definitely recommend this book for those who are interested to learn about their own stress/anxiety as well as those who are just curious about stress and anxiety in general.

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An informative read that I’m sure will genuinely help some folks out there, but I can’t help but feel like this largely is not new information. The core of the C.A.R.E. method is similar to stress reduction advice offered by numerous blogs online, so that element comes off feeling a bit obvious. That said, it’s good to reinforce helpful life practices, and the other info provided in the book about stress from more of a physical perspective was a good supplement to the practical method.

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Thanks to Netgalley and publishers for an advanced copy of this book.
I don't often read this genre of books nowadays, and I must admit, this was a slow read for me.
However, there are many great points that can be brought into your daily life to help reduce the stress being held in your system, and to better handle future stress.
This has given me a few ideas to run with, and I'm impressed with the amount of advice provided.
Sometimes the medical jargon went over my head and when this was heavy in sections I struggled to push through with reading, however from the discovery of your "stress type" to the recipes at the end I was intrigued.

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The book "Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health" is a good guide to recognizing what type of stress you are and how to deal with stress.
For me, the first four chapters (1st Part) of the book were a bit too specialized. I had to read some parts twice before I understood the terms. You can then test yourself to find out which stress type you belong to. I found the questions very helpful. Once you learn what type you belong to, you get important and helpful tipps how to take C.A.R.E. of yourself. Starting with the 5th chapter (2nd Part) I started to enjoy this book, as I also understood it easier. I found the explanations of the three phases of the Stress Recovery Protocol also very useful.
At the end of the book are fourteen recipes to support your body. I am going to try them.

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With stress being so common right now this will be an easy title to hand sell and suggest to customers looking for something that is helpful and meaningful.

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Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was a really informative read! While it had a lot of great information, it was a bit difficult to get through at times.

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3.5 stars

For those dealing with anxiety, there is a lot of helpful information in this book. Wilson reminds the reader that stress shouldn't be viewed as something that's just okay to accept and live with daily, as it is truly detrimental to one's health. The author discusses the CARE program: Clean eating, Adequate sleep, Recovery, and Exercise--things that can be beneficial to everyone.

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Thank you for this ARC for an exchange for an honest review.

So so helpful, so much information. Great book.

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