Member Reviews

Lo stereotipo del libro self-help con tanti ghirigori e poi un macinato misto di informazioni viste e straviste.
Se non avete mai avuto un libro sul tema, vi consiglio assolutamente questo perché è chiaro, poetico, effettivamente di aiuto ed aesthetic, ma sappiate che non è nulla di particolare

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I’m afraid I was unable to read this as it wouldn’t format correctly on any of my devices.
I like the look of the cover and consider that it is a very relevant subject in the current climate.
I’ve given 5* as felt it was a shame to criticise the author for a technical error. I won’t publish externally though.
I am grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for attempting to provide me with an advance copy.

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Find your Calm, a workbook to manage anxiety is both beautiful and useful. This workbook offers self-help strategies to manage anxiety. Techniques are provided to help the reader focus on maladaptive thoughts. The workbook activities are easy to understand and can be very effective. It is a worthwhile investment to work on your anxiety at your own pace. I found the section on unhelpful thought patterns particularly thought provoking. I highly recommend this workbook. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Extremely helpful exercises to relax. I have a hard time relaxing (especially before bed) and found a lot of the ideas in this book useful.

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I would definitely be buying the book. A gentle book that advices you with kind spirit and has activities that makes you calm and composed. Intersting and very insightful all through out. A book that I would recommend to everyone. Thank you Publishers for the e-arc.

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This beautiful book had so many strengths. I loved all the descriptions and then the activities. I felt like the book flowed well and the activities followed on nicely from each other. It is definitely a book I would dip in and out of over time rather than rush to finish it quickly.

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~Visually soothing~
I found this guide to be calming simply looking at the illustrations and design work. It features a very peaceful color palate and soothing ocean-themed images. I enjoy self-help activity books as they can be completed and worked through at your own pace. I would think this would make a great way to get further in depth to explore your own feelings while also seeking professional help. And for those that may have sought professional help in the past, a good way to continue self-exploration. A book that needs to be savored as opposed to rushed through.

Grateful to have received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley & Quarto Publishing Group – Wellfleet Press, Wellfleet Press

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I'm reviewing "Find Your Calm" by Jaime Zuckerman as a self-help tool that can assist individuals in the process of managing anxiety.

I think it's a beautiful book, with its calming colour scheme and how each section and activities are designed. The exercises are well-explained, yet allow an in-depth exploration of one's resources that help alleviate anxiety. All the activities are evidence-based and are very similar to what one receive in the therapist's office as a homework or a hand out.

Of course, a self-help activity book isn't a substitute for a professional help and therapeutic process, but "Find Your Calm" will offer a solid support. I will be recommending this book to my clients as an additional resource, alongside therapy.

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I do love me some calming books. And this one does not disappoint! I do feel it would be better as a hard cover than a Kindle read, but maybe that's just me. This book provided very insightful ways to 'find your calm' - nothing earth shattering, but it was presented very pleasantly and I appreciated the way it was laid out. Thank you Netgalley!

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This book was beautifully designed and well thought out to bring readers on a reflective, interactive, and mindful journey through their relationship with their anxiety. I thought it was so beautiful I felt more calm just by looking through the design!

I loved that this book actually prompted self reflection and had spaces for people to fill out their thoughts and feelings to see how the book's advice applied to their own experience.

Highly recommend!

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

Find Your Calm is a beautiful and calming self-help book for managing anxieties. This book is really calm and relaxing to read through and is divided into sections. Each section offers helpful ideas, things to try/practice and information. The aim of the book is to differentiate and separate your anxiety between your thoughts, feelings and you as a person. The book is easy to follow and understand and has some great ideas I've never heard of or thought of before and which I will be giving a try!
I received the netgalley ARC and the only downside to it was it was hard to read as the pages were so small and I had to zoom in and across each page to read them and a handful of pages were upside down. This is the only criticism of this book and I'm sure the finished copy will be so much easier to read in physical copy.

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I really enjoyed the wide variety of exercises presented throughout this book. Many I'd previously learned or heard of, but just as many were new and very interesting.

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Find Your Calm is an interactive self-help workbook that offers tools on how to manage your anxiety. This beautifully designed workbook is in a calming shade of blue, which made me feel at ease upon the first page. Zuckerman offers wonderful advice and techniques that help to differentiate between yourself, your thoughts, and your anxiety.

These workbook prompts are simple, easy to understand, and incredibly effective. This is a great book to have handy and to work at your own pace. Whether you are dealing with anxiety or you’d like to work on your personal development, I highly recommend this workbook. Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Stress, worry, and anxiety can make it hard to enjoy your days, and these feelings tend to build up over time. This enjoyable workbook is a colorful, friendly guide that’s written to be straightforward and easily accessible, with the feel of a guided journal rather than a dry clinical tome. Inside, you’ll find a simple toolkit for reducing your anxiety, no matter where it pops up: Learn to separate yourself from your anxious thoughts Break unhelpful thought patternsPractice how to confront and manage your fearsFind strategies for focusing on the present momentPractice techniques to keep anxiety at bay for the long haul Accompanied by engaging, inspirational illustrations, this workbook offers writing prompts, meditations, tracking exercises, and more—giving a gentle, eye-opening introduction to scientifically proven techniques to reduce anxiety in everyday life.
Such a delightful book and the graphics were outstanding! Only wish this book was available to download to kindle so I can come back to it time and time again!
Brilliant ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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THIS BOOK IS SO PRETTY OMG It teaches you how to distract yourself from anxiety, how to use your body to calm down physically, and thought processes to combat to overcome worrying. Very beautifully organized and good exercises!

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This is a stunning workbook. The design, colors and layout are so satisfying. Thank you Netgalley and Wellfleet Press for providing me with a digital copy for honest review.

In the past I have used the technique of writing down my worries in order to see them on paper and make sense of how I feel in an intense situation. I do not suffer from chronic anxiety so this is not a review from that point of view. I could not say if this would work for everyone. I have in the past had to deal with situational anxiety, worry, and of course stress. There are interesting techniques provided in this book to help manage anxiety and stress through journaling and exercises.

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This book was so helpful for my anxiety disorder. I wish I had had this book sooner. The exercises were amazingly helpful to me.

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This is a really beautiful book with such wonderful activities. I think that anyone looking for a distraction from their thoughts will really enjoy this!

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This book is jam packed full of exercises - many of which I recognised from CBT books aimed at re-framing thoughts. As someone who has struggled with anxiety particularly over the past few years, this book is a good way at looking at how I am feeling through journaling. There’s a lot here and it did make me feel slightly overwhelmed at first. I’ve decided the way I am going to approach this book is to look one or two exercises a day. A good bet if you find journaling helpful for your anxious thoughts.

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This book really is absolutely beautiful, practical, and above all, useful.,

It’s an eclectic approach to dealing with anxiety coming CBT, mindfulness, and meditation/relaxation techniques. The whole book is dedicated to coping with anxiety practically. It’s not bogged down by theory or words, it’s full of activities to try and questions to fill in.

This book isn’t just self discovery, it’s self soothing and self healing. I absolutely love it and will be purchasing a copy for myself.

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