Member Reviews

Clarissa went missing 20 years ago from the same town where Blair and Cameron live. I don’t wanna seem natural then for their final assignment in their journalism class they create a podcast looking into this event that people in their town of been talking about for 20 years. Unfortunately some of the people that were involved still live in the town they might not take too kindly to having old rooms reopened. Besides just being a murder mystery there’s also conversation around the types of relationships Avenue and what a healthy relationship looks like, as well as our main character Cameron who is Neuro divergent and while a scholar in school she definitely lacks some social graces. The relationship between Cameron and Blair is an important one and they navigate high school and their investigative process. This book was totally engaging I didn’t know what was going to happen next and I look forward to more from this author.

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Missing Clarissa is a great young adult thriller book. It was an easy book to read and follow. It has a great mixture of diversity with characters. I did guess the “person” before getting to the end, but it had a great twist to keep you interested. I starred the book four stars due to a few misspelled words and grammatical errors. For a book with so much going on, the transitions were excellent. I love how they added each person’s view at the end of the chapter. It gives it personality and knows what that character feels and thinks about the mystery. The two main characters can easily be related to by other teenagers and young adults.

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3.5 stars for this cold case drama.

Blair & Cam decide to investigate the twenty year old disappearance of Clarissa, a popular cheerleader who vanished after a party in the woods in their small town. They do so by starting a podcast & interviewing townspeople who were close to Clarissa when she vanished.

This book felt a lot like “A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” but with less intrigue and suspense. It bounced back and forth between POVs in an unclear way and Cam was wildly immature & reckless in a lot of her actions.

Honestly, I guessed who was responsible long before the “clue” Cam used to piece it all together so the ending felt lackluster. I had high hopes for this based on the description and in the end it was just okay. Quick read, entertaining at times, but nothing overly memorable.

Thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Bokk jumped all around and it was a bit hard to follow; it didn't flow well. The story was predictable and I didn't really care about and of the characters. Almost a DNF but kept hoping for a wow ending!

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Having graduated high school, around 10 years ago; I have been jealous that I didn’t have these high quality YA mystery/thriller books available to read when I was high school. Missing Clarissa is a great example of a YA mystery book. Missing Clarissa follows 2 high school best friends Blair and Cam host a podcast that investigates the disappearance of their towns golden girl, Clarissa that occurred 20 years ago. This is a quick read but it did have me continuously guessing If they will discover the truth behind what happened to Clarissa . Also has a true crime podcast fan, this gets bonus points for having the investigation happen for a podcast. Thanks for NetGalley and Ripley Jones for giving me an opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion

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The first half of this book was great! I was completely engrossed in the story, the idea of the podcast and the mystery of the missing girl, Clarissa. I was equally enjoying the second half, even though I didn't agree with some of the ideas in the story and how some of the phrases that were put in. The ending though, lacked substance. It was a great story and build up only to leave you completely deflated by the outcome. Judging by some of the conversations between the characters, I just might not be the target audience for this book. I do think this will find a place in the YA community and be a popular read.

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Thank you NetGalley and Wednesday Books for this eARC, these opinions are my own! I enjoyed this mystery a lot! Cam talks her best friend Blair into doing a podcast on the 20 year old disappearance of teenager Clarissa. Nobody knows if she’s alive or dead and even though there has been plenty of meeting coverage her disappearance remains unsolved. Can Cam and Blair be the first to solve it? Are they putting themselves in danger in the process? I think what really sold me on this one is that Cam and Blair are complete novices when it comes to crime! They haven’t spent a lot of time studying it and as a result have no clue what they are doing! That felt realistic to me considering they’re two high school students hoping for an A on their Journalism project. I found the dynamic between the two to be delightful! Cam’s quirkiness and her being unaware made for some great moments! She was also balanced out by Blair’s grounding in reality and sincerity! I think the subplots in the story really helped to provide depth to Cam and Blair as well as Clarissa! Cam makes some questionable choices in the book but to me they just added to the concept that she’s a teenager and doesn’t know what she is doing, that to me made her a little less inhibited! Absolutely recommend this to mystery lovers, especially if you like your mystery with a side of LGBTQ+ like I do! Great book by Ridley Jones!

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3.5⭐️ This book was a YA mystery novel with a murder podcast. The idea behind the story was so interesting and I was super excited to read about it. The story is about two friends Cam and Blair who decide to create a podcast about a girl named Clarissa who went missing 20 years ago. The story was fun, but I felt like the ending was predictable in my opinion and I knew what was going to happen really early on. But overall, it was still a fun read.

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This was such a cute Nancy Drew meets modern age. Two best friends Cam & Blair are assigned a school project and they decide to solve a mystery?... podcast style?!! Clarissa went missing many years ago and the police failed to find her. Now both Cam & Blair are hoping to solve the mystery not just for an A on the project but because they realize Clarissa left many loved ones still wondering where she is.

Thank you to St Martins Press for sending me an early copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

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A great story of two high schoolers who decide to start a podcast for a journalism class. The goal is to solve the disappearance of Clarissa: a popular cheerleader who went missing without a trace 20 years earlier.

Everyone in their small town knows the story, and as the girls soon learn, most of the adults in their life even knew Clarissa personally. The girls are repeatedly warned that digging up old secrets can be dangerous, but they just keep digging and finding more dirt than the local police ever seemed to find.

The book also deals with coming to terms with who you truly are and the ups and downs of true friendship and the power of observation!

This was a great read and I highly recommend!

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This is more of an YA story, the premise being that two young girls are given a journalism assignment, and they decide to do a podcast on a teenage girl named Clarrisa who has been missing from their hometown for 20 years. No one knows for sure if she is alive or dead. At the beginning of the story, I was about to mark this book down because it seemed to be very racist to me. There were a lot of comments about how "everyone loves a dead white girl", how that person was Mexican, another was gay, another homophobic, etc. It wasn't so much the descriptions as the tone. As time goes on and the girls dig further into the mystery, they start to understand that this really isn't a joke...that a lot of people were involved and are still in considerable pain. The story also discusses the fact that as short awhile ago as twenty years, if a woman was accosted or abused, they were not believed or they were told that they deserved whatever it was they got. Several were too ashamed to even come forward with what happened to them. We like to think that things have changed for the better, but that stigma still remains. And hopefully someone reading this may have the guts to reveal their own problems and they will be taken care of the way they should be.

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Wow. I loved this more than I thought I would. The writing style took me some time to get used to (about 25%) but once I got over that I flew through it. I honestly hope that this becomes a series because I’m obsessed with both FMCs and their friendship.

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This was tough to rate because, though the first 1/3 - 1/2 was messy as Hell, it managed a really nice turn around at some undefined point. Also, I enjoyed the dialogue between the two girls, even where it was often strained when any other character was involved and the interviews were downright cringey.

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Missing Clarissa is an easy, fast, and fun read. There is nothing too complicated about the story and it does have some funny moments. I didn’t really connect and there was one issue that grated against me to enjoy the story fully, but this is a fun read for those looking for a fast YA story to pass the time.
Part ghost story, part young YA high school drama, the story focuses on friends trying to find out what happened to a missing girl from their town. They are using the mystery for their podcast and for their collage applications.

The story is simple, straight forward, and easy to follow. It didn’t really have any outstanding secrets or spooky moments. It read to me like so many other YA ghost/mysteries that have been before. The characters fell a bit flat and there was a lot of young decision making (even for a YA story). I didn’t really care for any of the characters but that didn’t really matter because the story was so fast paced and easy that the pages were just few anyway. I will say I was dissatisfied with the ending and the solution to the disappearance of Clarissa. It was too… I don’t know, too dull and colorless. It just didn’t pay off.

The number one issue and it grated on me, was the overuse of the word, like. Like, it was added into a lot of the sentences, like, just thrown in randomly, like in the 90’s. It bugged me then; it bugs me now. But, like, that is purely a personal preference.

Overall, the story was a nice diversion from life for a few hours and one that was fun, but ultimately a bit lackluster.

I received an ARC via NetGalley and Wednesday Books and I am leaving an honest review.

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Thank you for this book in exchange for my honest review.

Missing Clarissa was very well written — I found myself completely in the main character’s (Blair and Cameron) shoes. In addition, I loved the nostalgia of 1999 (the timeframe for the book) and the fact that the two main characters created a podcast to solve Clarissa’s case really enthralled me (I love podcasts)! This book is a MUST READ!

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, from St. Martin's Press and #NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to preview and review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

WOW. I didn't want to put this one down, so I didn't. talk about keeping you interested and guessing.

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This book was great and very different from other books of this genre. I loved the concept of the book being about two girls creating a true crime podcast. Besides reading, podcasts are my favorite thing to do in my free time. This felt like a great way to combine the two things I enjoy most. This was done so well and kept me guessing the whole time. I kept thinking I had finally figured it out, and then there was another piece of information brought to light that left me clueless and wanting to read more. If there were anything I would change, it would be slightly shorter and more spaced-out chapters to make for better stopping points. That's just personal preference though, and it in no way takes away from how wonderful I thought this book was. Such a good read!!

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The decisions Cam made frustrated me so, so much throughout this book. There was a big point made about the fact that she nearly ruined everything by completely ignoring journalistic efforts, but also I kind of feel like the moral of the story was "it's not that big a deal that she was constantly ignoring what other people wanted and also being unethical because she caught the bad guys in the end"? I think this would be best for a young teen who is just getting into mysteries and isn't going to think to much about the hows/whys of Cam's behaviors, but I also worry about the book sending teens a bad message.

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** A copy of Missing Clarissa was provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review **

Jones’ debut is the story of best friends, Cam and Blair, creating a podcast to solve the cold case of Clarissa’s disappearance. The premise is intriguing but I didn’t love this as much as I thought I would. I found Cam irritating at points - she just jumped into things without any forethought or concern. Missing Clarissa is readable and will find its audience. It just wasn’t for me.

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Everyone loves a dead girl. Or at least that is what Blair and Cameron think. Blair and Cameron are two high school juniors in a small town in Washington. A town that is known for the mystery of a girl, Clarissa, who vanished in 1999. No one knows what happened to her, and the mystery still haunts the town 20 years later. Blair and Cam think starting a podcast about her disappearance will guarantee an A in their journalism class. But little did they know that some things are better left alone. They uncover secrets, get more invested in the truth, and encounter danger through this fast paced read. Will the girls be able to find out what really happened to Clarissa?

What I enjoyed:
- the friendship between Cam and Blair. I mean I loved how much these girls valued each other. Their friendship was a really awesome thing to see in this book. I loved both girls! I thought they balanced each other great.
- LGBTQI+ snd multi cultural representation. Multiple LGBTQI+ characters. Plus quite few different cultures represented. Loved seeing that!
- Great pacing! I started this bool before bed and stayed up till 5 am to finish it. I couldn’t put it down. I had to know the truth.

There was quite a bit more that I enjoyed. But I don’t want to spoil anything. Quite often with YA thrillers they can be hit or miss. This one was definitely a hit. This is perfect for fans of A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder. I went on a wild ride during this read and enjoyed every bit. I am looking forward to reading more in the future by this author. 4 stars out of 5. Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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