Member Reviews

I’d like to start this off by saying I will be posting a more thorough review on my blog in the upcoming weeks as I want to truly dive into this cookbook and make these outstanding recipes and see the results for my own.

With that being said, it goes without saying but I’m in awe of the effort the author put into this book. To call this a cookbook would be removing all of the soul inspiring qualities and hard work and research that went into this. There are recipes, yes, but it’s so much more than food and I am so inspired to go down this path further in study and in life.

In the beginning of this book there’s a beautiful introduction to Ayurveda as well as several rubrics, one of which to help you determine your prakruti and the second your vikruti. I think this and so much more is what makes this book extraordinary. The author took into account how every body is different and our ailments show what we’re missing and in need of and even goes as far as to list options to better these ailments.

Truly an outstanding read and I’m very thankful to have been a part of reading this for the author for free.

5/5 stars, I’ll be reviewing this further and I would easily purchase this for my own shelf and kitchen at home.

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This book opens with some good info on Ayurveda and its history. The main focus of the book is on recipes, so for more information on Ayurveda itself, this would be a great companion to other books on the subject. This is one to keep in the kitchen with cookbooks, to be able to whip up the suggested meals and/ or simply to reference certain foods to avoid or seek out depending on your dominant dosha.
The layout is clear and efficient, with ailments and issues separated into sections for easy reference.

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I chose this book out of curiosity really to find out more about Ayurveda , something I had heard of but had no idea what it was. It was fascinating and not as complex as I had though. Lots of great ideas and if they work, great - if not , no harm done. Will re-read it often and try some of the delicious sounding recipes.

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Interesting and informative. Lots of familiar advice. Easy to understand and easy to follow recipes. Will be using this book. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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It’s always interesting to see another take on eating well. There was a great deal of detail on the rationale and cultural practices which I really appreciated.
Also important was the fact that the recipes all sounded delicious. The instructions were clear and easy to read which is essential for someone like me because I’m a terrible cook.

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I received a review copy of the ebook of Ayurveda for Women through NetGalley and was very excited to learn the basic principles. This book exceeded my expectations, but be warned, reading the charts on a small mobile device is difficult. The print book must look amazing as the layout is crisp and easy to follow. The concepts are well-explained and the recipes and lists are helpful and practical. Thank you to the author for answering my questions about Ayurveda. The format/design of the book reminded me of the Whole30 volume. So it may be a familiar style and easy-to-use book for people who have explored other health-related food books.

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3/5 stars for Ayurveda for Women!

This was a very informative book on taking a holistic approach to your health through your food. At its heart, this book is about eating for your health and balance in all things, I think. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, which is actually very telling since I already expected to enjoy it a whole lot.

I knew about Ayurvedic principals of healing before I went into this (though only through cursory research), knew it was centered around natural and holistic approaches to diet and health, usually through anti-inflammatory foods and herbs. I knew some of the buzzier things through researching supplements—ashwagandha, turmeric, boswellia (can you tell my joints are in constant pain?). Even still, there was so much more to it that I didn't know.

Now, when I say there was a lot of information, I do mean there was a LOT of information. It could get a bit inundating if you only have a cursory background in it, so I imagine it could feel a bit overwhelming if you're going in totally blind, especially in the beginning. I really would've liked more pictures as the food photography was really striking. I especially loved the shots that just had bowls and piles of spices. The bulk of the cookbook and recipes don't have images.

This was a decent cookbook on its own. The recipes are simple and straightforward, mostly things anyone can cook. And frankly, even if you think this is just a bunch of pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo, you still get some good recipes. First thing I made was the coconut mango lassi "for snoring" but more importantly, for my love of mango. I could eat the saatvic dal and the cardamom rice pudding every day and never get sick of them, It is a bit repetitive. Lots of small changes to the same base recipes, and a lot of repetition across ingredients. It's actually ideal if you're someone who likes a diet based out of the same 10 to 20 ingredients, which lends itself to easier cooking and much easier shopping.

Not ideal if you're like me, and you really hate dates.

All in all, not bad. Thank you NetGalley and Zeitgeist for this copy in exchange for a review!

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Keeping this book with me forever. As long as I look towards maintaining good health and also when it comes to healing with food items.

For us Indians, most of the properties of these food items given in this book are familiar. However, this concept and information need to be shared based on the explanations given according to Ayurveda which I feel is so well compiled and perfectly presented.

Basic terms are give, explained with their properties and their importance in our diet.

I appreciate the different presentation tools used in the content.

Also, no sweat when it comes to recipes as some basic amazing ones are given in the book.

Thank you, Zietgeist, for the advance review copy.

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