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Killing Me

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Fast paced, exciting mystery. I love mysteries and this book did not disappoint. Just when you think things are settled and safe — guess again - one more thing happens. This book will keep you looking over your shoulder.

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What a unique thriller! I’ve never read a thriller that was both funny and gripping in the way this one was. After being saved from a serial killer, Amber is placed in danger by a different serial killer. She enlists help from the killer’s twin, a motel owner, and a sex worker.

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Killing Me is a solid thriller mixed in with a good dose of quirky thriller. It's an enjoyable ride with a twist ending that caught me off guard.

Amber, as she is known, is in the grasp of a serial killer. When a stranger arrives and sets her free, she turns to the road and on the run. Amber has a past. Despite being the victim, she is on the run hoping her history doesn't catch up with her. She's smart, tenacious and cunning, but most of all she is a survivor. What I enjoyed the most about her is her observations, her reactions, and her morally grey outlook. When her run from the law eventually leads her to Vegas, she ends up on the track of the city's own serial killer.

Overall, this was wonderfully entertaining read. The characters are interesting, robust, and fun. The story is delightful and very enjoyable. Gagnon does an amazing job of blending humor and thrills. There is plenty of mystery and laughs, with a wonderful cast of characters worth rooting for.

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I read this book in one sitting. It was entertaining and surprisingly light for a serial killer book.

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I appreciate the chance to read this book! I love to read books I wouldn't normally gravitate toward and I actually enjoyed the plot of this one. I wasn't expecting a good friendship, spice, and comedy and it was much appreciated!

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This cute cover and interesting synopsis had me intrigued. The story started odd, it's a little silly in the beginning for such a serious encounter. But I rolled with it and really liked the set up. The game set up and the connections had me wondering where the story would go next. I liked the Vegas setting and the planning and set up. The middle did hit a slow part and I struggled a bit but in the end, I'm glad I pulled through. I didn't find the story funny, per say, but I did find it light for a murder mystery with a serial killer. I liked the twists at the end and how it all concluded.

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. This book was a great surprise. The storyline was dark but humourous at times. Compelling read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the honor of reading and reviewing this book. A fun, suspenseful and fast-paced thriller that surprised me. The characters are interesting and complicating and the story felt original. I enjoyed the writing and would recommend the book to friends.

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Thank you NetGalley for recommending this book. I was skeptical but turns out it was a thoroughly good read, Serial kidnapping, friendship with a little heat & comedy relief thrown in. If I were going to imagine the underbelly of Las Vegas I'd say the author nailed it. I really like an epilogue so thanks for that too!

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Delicious, dark, & funny. This story follows a former con turned turner psych major about to graduate when a serial killer abducts her. And it only gets crazier from there! Filled with fantastically funny characters, and a few twisted dark ones too, I loved this mystery set in Vegas with nods to noir, cinema, and a whole lot of queer hijinks. This was a treat! If you are looking for a funny, dark, queer, buddy trip of a book with nods to noir, cinema, Pikachu, and serial killers—this is for you! Can't wait for the next one!

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When she is pushed into a windowless van and finds herself in the hands of a serial killer Amber is angry and sacred. When she is rescued by a woman with cattle prod, she can’t’ believe it. But things come apart and she leaves her academic lift behind and travels to Las Vegas. Soon she is the target of another serial killer. What luck? And he is her rescuer’s twin. It’s a tangled story and Amber is in jeopardy. A little too much vulgar language for my taste.

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I loved this book! Killing Me was the book I didn't know I needed. Who would have thought a thriller could also be hilarious. Amber Jamison was on her way home from class, late at night. Her first mistake. There is a serial killer on the loose. Now Amber is possibly the killer's next victim. At this point, as the reader I am waiting for a tense scene to unfold. No such luck. Amber uses humor as a coping mechanism and I was completely hooked,

Amber reminded me a bit like Janet Evanovich's character, Stephanie Plum. Michelle Gagnon wrote a character that you laughed with and made you slap your forehead with all the mayhem in her wake. The cast of supporting characters like Dot and her sleuthing friends, to Marcella the hooker with a heart and Grace. Without giving any spoilers, Grace was a bad ass, prickly and snarky but I liked her as much as Amber.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for allowing me to read this incredibly fun thriller. Michelle Gagnon has earned a new fan! Read this book ASAP.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this early read. Might be more of a 3.5 star but rounding up because I was interested enough to find out what happened.

The main character is kind of a shit show and I feel like some her story is unresolved and left us guessing but it was interesting to read cons conning other cons and serial killers. I definitely second guessed a couple times.

Worth the read overall.

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AHHHHHH! This one was so witty and fun and I'm so thankful to Michelle Gagnon, NetGalley, and Putnam Books for granting me a finished copy and digital ARC access before this baby hit shelves on May 16, 2023.

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Imagine thinking that you are very street smart and remain very aware of your surroundings only to be abducted from the front of your college apartment. This was the case for Amber.

She was saved from being murdered by the Pikachu Serial Killer by a serial killer huntress, by the name of Grace.

Both women end up on a trip to Las Vegas. Grace can barely tolerate Amber, but is wary to leave her, as Amber has blatantly told Grace, she will tell the authorities all about her little escapades.

Amber eventually becomes friends with the Manager, Dot, of the Getaway Motel in Vegas.
Dot it the leader a group of women called the Fatal Femmes. Amber and Grace can’t call the police because both of them have skeletons in their past, that they don’t want anyone to know about it. What are those skeletons?

The group embark on trying to help Amber and Grace trap the serial killer. Will Dot lead the group to capture the serial killer?

The book was filled with some scenes that were actually kind of funny at times. I enjoyed the plot, as well as the characters in the book. There were times that I didn’t want to put the book down.

Looking forward to reading more books by this author.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Killing Me is a tongue-and-cheek thriller with a healthy dose of humor. The story starts off with a bang-- our narrator is kidnapped by a serial killer and finds herself in a very compromising position. Then, a mysterious masked woman saves her from the killer, only to bring even more weirdness and questions to our heroine, Amber's, life.

Gagnon has written a really fun adventure, with some interesting twists and turns and a cast of awesome female characters. If you like your thrillers with a little less angst and a little more laughs, then Killing Me is for you. The audio version is narrated brilliantly by Jaime Lamchick.

Overall, I recommend this title for fans of the Finlay Donovan series by Elle Cosimano.

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I was drawn in by the premise of KILLING ME: "Amber Jamison can’t believe she’s about to become the latest victim of a serial killer. She’s savvy and street smart, so when she gets pushed into, of all things, a white windowless van, she is more angry than afraid."

Not only does Amber feel stupid to have been kidnapped, she was picked up by the Pikachu Killer: a guy who paints his victims to look like Pokemon before killing them.

Anyway that about sets the tone for the book. I hesitate to mention many more details because those were half the fun. My biggest critique is that the main character vomits four times, a side character does once, and there's a guy in the background who does too -- unnecessarily gross. I also think the interludes could have been more plentiful, or differently arranged (i.e., appear sooner in the overall structure of the novel).

But this was a story that kept me engaged, and offered something a bit different than your run-of-the-mill thriller. I'd recommend giving it a shot if it sounds like it might be up your alley!

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I loved this book so much! It was thrilling and it had the perfect amount of comedy to it making it unique to what I've been reading lately. I definitely recommend this to anyone who loves suspense and comedy all in one

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Interesting read. How rare is it to be hunted down by one serial killer and then to get hunted down by another? “Amber” is on the run after thinking the FBI wants to talk to her after she escapes the first one. The story starts out a little a slow but picks up as Amber is on the run and starting to fight back.

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