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Something Wild & Wonderful

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At this point I'll read anything and everything that Anita Kelly writes. SOMETHING WILD & WONDERFUL is stunning, vivid, emotional, and has such a strong sense of place you'll feel like you're right there with Alexei and Ben on their journey.

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Alexi and Ben meet while they are hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail. Alexi is looking forward to a solitary 2,500-mile hike. He wants to process recent (upsetting) events, leave his old life behind, find some peace and answers, and start over with a new life as Alexi 2.0.

Ben is there to challenge himself and have this last big adventure before he settles down in his new career as a nurse. He’s not happy with past Ben who had unsatisfying jobs, failed relationships, and made bad decisions (especially about men.) Hiking the trail will fill him with pride and accomplishment and let him springboard into his new life.

Alexi isn’t looking for a hiking companion. Ben isn’t looking to be tempted by a handsome guy. Alexi is quiet, awkward, anxious, introverted, and kinda grumpy. Ben is talkative, outgoing, extroverted, and full of sunshine! (They’re perfect for each other.)

I loved their journeys, both physically hiking the trail and the emotional paths they travel. The varying sense of place as they trek is wonderful. I know I’ll never hike the PCT, but I got a small taste of it through their eyes. The author gives Alexi and Ben space to process past trauma, room to grow, and time after their conflict to do the emotional labor needed to be ready to come back together. This time apart was so heartbreaking yet necessary, and I loved how the author structured this section of the book. Ben and Alexi’s happy ending is so well earned and worth every heartbreak along the way!

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A beautiful, tender, and thoughtful portrayal of falling in love and finding yourself at the same time. Both Alexei and Ben are very endearing characters, but Alexei in particular spoke to me so deeply. I loved Anita Kelly's portrayal of Alexei as being a bit out of sync with people sometimes, and I loved how much Ben loved that about him. It made me, as a quiet, out-of-sync weirdo myself, feel so seen. Ben and Alexei are such a wonderful match and I enjoyed watching their relationship blossom.

Plus, their hiking journey was riveting to read about, as someone who knows very little about the whole hiking thing!

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My heart feels so full after reading this book.

Alexei and Ben meet hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. While very different reasons brought each of them to the trail, they're both (literally and figuratively) trying to find their way forward following recent events in their lives. Alexei recently came out to his extremely religious family, while Ben recently got out of a toxic relationship. Despite trying resist each other to accomplish what they came for, they're drawn together.

I absolutely devoured this book. I loved Anita's writing. The pacing was superb and the character development was fantastic. I laughed, I cried, I swooned. It's a love story but also so much more than that. Seeing how Alexei and Ben supported each other and grew individually throughout the book was so special. They are so tender and vulnerable but also fierce and brave. It's amazing how there are so many small, unforgettable moments that pay off in big ways. The dots are connected beautifully and in such a nuanced way, you don't have to work to 'buy in.'

As a nature lover and hiker, I immediately wished I was headed out to hike the PCT. You feel like you're on the trail with them. It also must be mentioned how great the supporting cast of characters was. Even if the encounters are brief, they make an impression. And finally, it does lean insta-love which I'm not a huge fan of but Anita got my totally on board somehow.

I had only a couple of minor gripes. It was dual POV which I loved but being in third person it got a little clunky at times switching between each MC. The characters also feel a bit younger than their age at times but it wasn't glaring.

Overall, everyone should read this book. It's heartwarming with some spice that will have you wondering why you hadn't read it sooner.

TWs: bigotry, family illness/loss, homophobia, toxic relationships, family estrangement

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I have what might not be a popular opinion about this one… I didn’t like it - at first! I have to admit it took me more than halfway through to warm up to it. The first half of the book is necessary to build the foundation of the characters… but it was slow, it was boring, and I was ready to give up (I put it aside a few times). If there weren’t so many other Bookstagrammers posting how much they all loved it, I’d have DNF - and I never, ever DNF. It took me a lot longer than it normally would have to read, because it didn’t keep my attention - at least, the first half.

I know I struggled with Kelly’s previous book (Love & Other Disasters), but eventually found my way through and also by the end, enjoyed it enough. I guess it just takes me until the very end to properly connect to their writing style! I did like the last half, really more the last third of this one quite a bit (told a lot in letters). I also quite enjoyed the part that took place in Nashville, which featured the characters from the first book, London and Delilah, and talked about the cooking competition show they were on.

The found family, the struggle with identity and self-love - all great themes. The love that Ben and Alexei had for each other? That was beautiful. I just wish Alexei didn’t have to search for anything like he did in the first place (tears my heart up, as the sister of a “Ben”, myself - from a very accepting family)! Why can’t the world just accept everyone as they are?!?

I do recommend this one, for people going in know it’s a very slow set-up, slow burn, but ends up being a beautiful, emotional love story.

I received an advance review and listen copy from NetGalley, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), and Hachette Audio, and this is my honest feedback.

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Ben and Alexei are everything, this book is everything, I have ALL the feelings!he setting and them bit by bit getting to know one another and the awkwardness and figuring out all these little quirks about one another. It was just perfection and I adored it.

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This book completely stole my heart. I loved Love and Other Disasters, but I loved this one even more!

From Ben and Alexei’s first encounter when Alexei saved Ben from a rattlesnake, I was hooked. I took a little bit longer to read this one because I wanted to savor it. I loved seeing them build a rapport along the trail. Hiking the PCT is not something I’d ever attempt, but I loved seeing it through their eyes. There were so many vulnerable moments with Alexis as he shared himself with Ben. It was especially heartbreaking as a parent to hear about his parents’ decision to disown him because he came out. I also loved the letters that Ben and Alexei exchanged towards the end.

It’s so important to have books like this and I’m so glad it exists. It is one that will stick with me for awhile!

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4.5 - “Alexei felt something returning to himself. Energy. Gratitude. The belief he could keep walking without dying.”

Late last year I read Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly, and I adored it. But, I loved this one even more.

Alexei is hiking to Pacific Crest Trail as a way to work through some hardships he’s facing. He meets Ben when a snake crosses their path, Alexei stops Ben from getting any closer to it. They keep bumping into each other, and Ben is something Alexei wasn’t ready for.


I will admit that it did take me some time to really get invested, but once I was there I WAS IN. Alexei and Ben both feel so well-developed and their journeys, both separately and together, are so beautiful. When they fall into their routine as they hike is just so pure and lovely.

Alexei has this incredible character growth throughout the book. He’s struggling with his identity after growing up in a situation where he was told being gay was unacceptable. As he comes to terms with who he is, having Ben around him feels important. Ben’s experience has been vastly different, but they have really vulnerable conversations that are so important. Ben opens his life and friends to Alexei, offering him a taste of what his life could be.

Ben is such a sweet character, who has had his own relationship struggles. It’s so great to see him work through his issues, and by the end my heart was bursting with how far he’d come. He also has this incredible support system, with friends who just want to see him happy and healthy. Also, I loved that we got a cameo from Dahlia and London!

I can’t recommend this book enough! It’s beautiful and heartwarming, and I absolutely loved it

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Something Wild & Wonderful was a fun, but slow at times queer romance that focuses on two hikers that have chosen to walk the Pacific Crest Trail for different life reasons, but end up finding each other along the way,
I LOVED the meet cute the two main characters Lex and Ben experience on the PCT. Ben a recently graduated nurse, and Alexei a data analyst are both dealing with conflicting emotions in their lives and desire a chance to reflect and learn about themselves on the PCT. This book is almost completely character driven, and allows the reader to see inside Ben and Alexei's head, and learn about their past, present and hopes for the future.
The journey in this book at times seemed a little long at times, but it was interesting to read about all the different destinations and sights the two main characters witnessed during their hike. The side characters, most of which you see in passing were lots of fun, and showcase the many characters one would see while hiking the Pacific Coast Trail.
Reading as Ben and Alexei both go through their own emotional journey throughout this book was heart warming, I feel many people could connect with Alexei's story and the desire to try and recreate yourself outside of the church and family you have known your entire life. This story also highlights the importance of making your own path and allowing yourself the time and space to determine this on one's own. I also enjoyed how Something Wild & Wonderful was able to show the knowledge and understanding of being queer across a time span, and how each person takes their own time to find themselves.
If you are looking for a slower character driven romance that will pull at your heart strings, and make you fall in love on a hike of a lifetime I would suggest checking this out. I rated this 3.5 stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC.

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I think a perfect way to describe this book is a beautiful heart wrenching journey... wow what a ride. I loved how it depicted the Pacific Crest Trail. I never read a book quite like this with a journey like this. Even though this book went deep into the personal journeys of both characters, it never pulled from the overall romance. I think this was a knock out of the park and defiantly a book I would recommend for people who want to have their heart strings pulled but also go on an incredible adventure.

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Thank you @ReadForeverPub and @Netgalley for the #gifted ARC of SOMETHING WILD & WONDERFUL!

I adored Anita Kelly’s debut romance, LOVE & OTHER DISASTERS, so I was thrilled when I found out they had a new book coming out and then when I received a galley of it.

Once again, Anita Kelly has written the most beautiful queer love story. I loved how Alexei and Ben fell for each other after a chance encounter on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). Both men are complete precious cinnamon rolls and must be protected at all costs!

Both Alexei and Ben have their respective traumas from their pasts and watching them communicate and navigate around those traumas together was so touching. This is just the most tender romance. Swoon!

SOMETHING WILD & WONDERFUL comes out on March 7!


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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced reading copy! If you love sweet, queer romances, IMMEDIATELY READ AND BUY THIS BOOK. This book is soft, quiet, swoony, angsty perfection. I LOVED this book so much, there is no way I can do it justice in a short review, but here we go. Ben and Alexei meet on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), both hiking to move on from very different past trauma. There is an immediate attraction, but can they make this new relationship work with their very different lives? The beauty and imagery of the plot point of these characters meeting on a gorgeous, challenging trail really works. The character's past trauma is sad, but the lessons learned are poignant and beautiful. I cried a lot in the last quarter of the book, but in a good way because I was just so moved by the character progression and ending. The dual point of view works so well here because Ben and Alexei are really different, but they’re both so likable and kind. This book has a great pace, and the author is a great writer. This is definitely one of the best books I have read this year. I am getting teary just thinking about how much I loved this book. I truly have no criticisms of this book, and I will hear none either :) I recommend this book for fans of Anita Kelly, queer romances, nature, and sweet love stories.

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Genre/tropes: fiction, queer romance, forced proximity
CW/TW: anxiety, homophobia, religious bigotry

Alexei and Ben first meet as they’re traversing the Pacific Crest Trail. Alexei’s the quiet, introverted type whereas Ben is the social butterfly. After Alexei saves Ben from a near catastrophe - stepping on a rattlesnake - Ben ditches the group he was temporarily traveling with to walk the trail with Lex. They travel well together; their companionship based on mutual respect and appreciation for each other’s idiosyncrasies.

This is such a beautiful and thoughtful story. Alexei’s on the PCT to reinvent himself after coming out to his uber religious family who’ve rejected him, and cut off all contact. Alexei has to reconcile his feelings for his parents, and for the church he once found solace in. Ben who’s never been the greatest student is on the PCT before he starts his career as a nurse.

The most poignant moments come via the letter writing. Alexei writes to his family and sister. He and Ben write to each other. Their vulnerabilities are laid bare and pure. It made me teary-eyed, and also want to envelope them in a massive hug.

I can’t express to you how in love I am with this novel! Kelly hit it out of the park with last year’s, 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 & 𝗢𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀, and they did again here! (Speaking of, London and Dahlia from LAOD appear here.) I also loved looking up pictures of the PCT and its landmarks as Alexei and Ben came across them. Honestly, this book about love, self-acceptance, and found family deserves an entire cluster of stars.

Thank you @ NetGalley & @readforeverpub for my ARC. This is my honest review.

𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗱 & 𝗪𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗳𝘂𝗹 is available March 7th.

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I am astounded by how much I adored this lovely romance by Anita Kelly. I had enjoyed Kelly's previous book, but there was something about the use of the Pacific Crest Trail as a device for characters to work out their own demons as well as fall in love that really feels like something special.

I've read and seen Cheryl Strayed's Wild which is about as close as I have ever wanted to get to hiking the Trail. However, the way that Kelly describes the trail and the hike here was absolutely lovely and surprised me by how engaging and interesting a love story could be on the trail. Both Ben and Alexei have their own issues to work through and I loved how they both help each other and how their journeys on the trail inform their past as well as their future.

I was particularly drawn to Alexi's story and trauma, recently coming out to his religious parents as gay and working through that on the trail only to meet up with human golden retriever Ben, who, having just passed his nursing exams, is taking the time on the trail to reflect about what he wants from life (as well as maybe delaying his future).

The chemistry Alexei and Ben have is just so wonderful and I loved every minute of being on the trail with them. In the Author's Note, Kelly talks about how they have also hiked the trail and you can feel the love they have for the experience on every page of this book.

Thank you so much to Forever Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an early copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Alexei, after coming out to and being disowned by his parents, begins his journey of solitude on the Pacific Coast Trail to become a better version of himself. The plan is to hike alone anyway, until he saves a passing hiker from stepping on a rattlesnake. Ben, no longer a stranger, seems to pull people into his orbit, Alexei included - as the two merge and continue their journey together, they form a bond that goes beyond anything Alexei has ever experienced.

THIS BOOK. I was completely blown away by the careful crafting of this emotional journey. I was immediately drawn to Alexei, and his struggle to find a place in an upturned world. This sweet neurodivergent man who is unlearning the hatred of himself as a gay man, and trying to find his faith again is also trying his best to open up.

Ben, who grew up with a family who accepted him without question, is still struggling, but more with his own high expectations of himself and past relationships. He can talk to anyone, and yet finds comfort in Alexei’s silence. I loved his passion for working with older adults as a nurse! The medical system and personal care homes need a Ben!

I don’t typically annotate or mark pages to return to, but I found myself saving a large amount passages, pages and moments. Anita Kelly writes with such care and empathy to create a tender romance unlike anything I have ever read. I’m so excited for everyone to meet these characters, and revisit some of our faves from Love & Other Disasters!

I laughed, I cried (full on SOBBED) and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Give this book a go!

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This book was amazing! It made my heart so happy. I liked this author's book, Love and Other Disaster, which I read last year. But this book I absolutely loved!

This book follows Ben and Alexei. Two men hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. They meet while on the trail and decide to hike together. Along the way they start developing feelings for one another. Both of these main characters are going through a lot, and are hiking the trail not only to hike it, but to deal with their individual tribulations. To see a better summary check out the second picture.

It’s emotional, funny, cute, gay and some steam! I included some content warnings at the bottom as it deals with some heavy stuff at times.

A bonus thing I loved so much is that Ben is a nurse. (Hence why my stethoscope makes an appearance) He talks about passing the NCLEX and worrying about his future. I related so much! I have my BScN, and passing my NCLEX four years ago to become an RN was one of the most stressful times I’ve ever had. Ben talking about why he loves nursing also made me smile so much. It’s some of the reasons I love it too. Just really cool to see a character I related so much too. Losing patients and processing grief. I related to Ben so much.

All together it’s an amazing LGBT adventure romance, I highly recommend this one! It will give you all the feels. It’s one of those books that reminds me why I love the romance genre so much.

Thanks to Netgalley, Forever Publishing and Hachette Audio for the copy In exchange for my honest review

CW: homophobia, anxiety, religious trauma (past), alzheimers/dementia, familial estrangement due to identity.

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Anita Kelly has done it again. The depth and dimension each of these main characters has is as breathtaking as the vivid depictions of the wilderness. It’s impossible not to root for Ben and Alexei. From their first meeting, you know they were meant to be, even if they didn’t. The trail knew, and she kept pushing them back together. My favorite working Kelly’s to date and I can’t wait to read their next one.

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There isn’t a book by Anita Kelly that I haven’t adored and Something Wild & Wonderful is no exception. With endearing characters you can’t help but fall for as they fall for each other, and a gorgeous setting in the wilds of the Pacific Crest Trail, this book was both incredibly peaceful and joyful despite its commentary on the realities of religious trauma. Following Alexei on his journey to heal and grieve and grow made this romance one of the most emotionally tender books I’ll probably read this year.

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How does Anita Kelly do it?! This is the SECOND novel they've written set against a backdrop that I could not have less interest in/knowledge about and yet I have managed to fall in love AGAIN. First it was a reality tv cooking competiton with Love and Other Disasters. Now, in Something Wild and Wonderful, Alexei and Ben are hiking the PCT (yes, I had to google what that was) separately, for different reasons, when their paths cross unexpectedly. As they journey together and get closer, I couldn't help but fall in love. Anita Kelly writes such beautiful, well-rounded characters. They are so good at not giving it all away and the slow build up here and the layers of family dynamics, the past, complicated all adds up to a book I could not put down. This is not your typical rom com: Alexei's family dynamics and struggles are heavy and written with such compassion and complexity. All of his struggles and anxieties hurt my heart. I love when I read characters I just desperately want to be happy and that's exactly what happened here. Also, though I would still not be found hiking anytime, anywhere, this book did make me appreciate the beauty of solitude and the magnitude of such a wild journey. Anita Kelly is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors!

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I absolutely adore this setting, this novel, this story line, these characters. AHH. I am so overjoyed about this story and sad it took me so long to read it!

Alexei and Ben immediately from the first meeting of them. I honestly was so disgusted with how Alexei’s parents handled him coming out and it hurts my heart how common that is individuals when they come out. Ben warmed my heart though. The way he interacted with Alexei just warmed my heart.

THE SETTING. The author did an amazing job at really putting the reader on the hike with them, but it didn’t feel like too much setting and not enough story.

This will definitely be a top read of the month/year.

Be sure to check trigger warnings before diving into this novel.

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