Cover Image: Rubi Ramos's Recipe for Success

Rubi Ramos's Recipe for Success

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Cute book about finding out who you are truly meant to be. I loved the baking scenes. The contest scenes were a bit cheesy, but still cute.

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i really enjoyed this book! it was such an addicting read; i could not put it down. i did think the story was a bit slow-paced at times, but that didn’t take anything away from it’s addictiveness. the plot of wanting to chase your dreams while having a need to please your family was very relatable. i think it was done well, despite a lot of the story being predictable in that sense. with that being said, i always love reading happy endings with stories like these.

i’m honestly surprised this is a debut novel, it was really well done! can’t wait to see more from this author, and i definitely recommend this book!

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love the premise, but the more I read it, the more my star rating dropped.

Jessica Parra had a solid idea for a YA contemporary, but the actual execution left much to be desired. The potential for a good story is there, but it felt like I was beta reading an early draft instead of reviewing an ARC. The book is riddled with grammatical errors and awkward syntax, ignores basic rules of dialogue (like indicating which character is speaking,) and lacks crucial transitions between paragraphs. The deeper you get into the book, the worse it gets. The plot is all over the place, the romance is ridiculous, and characters pop in and out as human plot devices instead of fleshed out fictional human beings. I mean, I have rough drafts that are more coherent and cohesive than this.

I appreciate Parra's attempt to write a story about the Cuban American experience that grapples with the weight of immigrant parents' expectations, but it's lost in the convoluted mess of a story that we get. The one bright spot in her debut is the baking element. From her mouthwatering descriptions of food to her detailed baking scenes, Jessica Parra found the recipe for success when it comes to creating a story that captures the vibes of the Great British Baking Off. Her love for Cuban pastry exudes from the pages, and I would've loved to see recipes included at the end of the book.

Overall, Rubi Ramos's Recipe for Success fell flat for me. I appreciate what Parra is trying to do with her story, but like an under-proofed dough, it needs more time to develop and a lot more TLC.

I received an early digital galley in exchange for an honest review.

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OMG! I loved this book so much! It was such a cute and inspiring story!

Rubi has a passion for baking. In the first chapter or so she is making Bolillos and I immediately had to go get some! I grew up eating Bolillos, or as I used to call them growing up, Birote. This part of the story was so nostalgic for me.

The description of this book focuses more on a guy she meets and the possibility of him becoming a distraction to reach her goal of being admitted to Alma University, but I think the real story is of Rubi finding her voice and what’s important to her as well as how her and her parents relationship evolves. Both Rubi and her parents had to face some hard truths for themselves and by the end of the book they all discovered that their dreams and passions matter too. I think that is what I love the most about this book.

Favorite quote: “If she watched me go after my dreams, perhaps she’d find the courage to go after hers”

Growing up we look up to our parents for guidance, but what if at some point they look at our lives and everything that we have accomplished and are inspired by us, their kids?

Gosh I have so much I want to reflect about this book! But for now, just know I highly recommend it!

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Thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to review Rubi Ramos's Recipe for Success!

Rubi's story is both enjoyable and inspiring. Like many high school seniors, Rubi is looking at the future with equal measures of excitement and trepidation. Her Cuban parents have worked tirelessly, running their two successful bakeries, to ensure that Rubi has a clear path into the Ivy league university of her (mother's) dreams.

While Rubi is a master of debate, and captain of the debate team, the heart of a baker beats within. She literally daydreams about baking, concocting decadent desserts on a whim. Yet she's unable to bring them to life. Her mother believes that Rubi must maintain a singular focus in order to gain admission to Alma University. Once Rubi entered high school there was a ban on baking that was implemented. So, aside from her weekend shifts at her parents' bakery, she's not allowed to bake and she definitely cannot create the recipes she fantasizes over.

One day Rubi learns that a baking competition is coming to town and after much inner debate, she enters the contest. Rubi tries to tell herself that this is her last hurrah and once the competition is over she'll accept her fate onto the path that her parents have chosen for her. How hard can it be to add on competing in Bake Off to her already packed schedule...right?

Along the way, Rubi discovers that sometimes the best recipes are born out of compromise while others can only be achieved if one remains true to themself. The batter may not always be smooth, sometimes it gets too sticky, but if you can beat the lumps along the way you'll achieve pure confection- er perfection!

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For a YA novel, this one was really cute. Rubi is a high school student nearing the end of her Senior year at a school where she has led as Captain of the debate team and worked hard to earn her appt at Alma college. The dream to go to Alma is hers, sort of, but mostly her parent’s dream FOR her. They escaped from Cuba to have a better life and currently run a few successful Bakeries named after Rubi. She discovers a baking competition that she really wants to compete in but her Mom forbids her due to “the ban.” Rubi’s passion for baking comes by her honestly but when she’s waitlisted for college at Alma, she must find SOME way to get in while also fulfilling her dream of becoming a Bake Off champion. Will she be able to do it ALL while being a teenager with a new romance and being there for friends that need her?

This book really was so lighthearted while also being inspirational for any teen at a crossroads with their future and whether they’re following their own dreams or the ones that someone set for them before they were able to discover what they wanted. The Bake Off Championship was written where I felt like I was watching it live in my head. So much fun! Great book for YA readers.

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I read this a bit ago, I didn't connect with the characters and the writing wasn't my favorite but I can definitely see people loving this book and it's super cute!

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I really enjoyed this read!
I loved the way they discussed food and culture, it was really hard to put down!
I found myself reeling at the plot twits and falling in love with Rubi.

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This book was so hard to put down. I loved this book. I loved the characters, and loved all the baking puns.

Thank you netgalley and the publishers for the e arc in exchange for a honest review.

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Rubi Ramos's Recipe for Success is a really great debut novel. Rubi has a plan for her future. She's going to her dream school to become a lawyer. However when she gets waitlisted and everything foes off the rails for her. Rubi is determined to get into her school so gets a super cute tutor. She also loves to bake and enters a baking contest and nothing goes the way it supposed too. I really enjoyed this story but it did feel like a younger contemporary story. It's full of great characters and lots of heart!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It surprised in several ways I thought it was going to be a fun book about a teenager girl having a summer romance. Rubi Ramos was a fully realized character. The plot of the complex family dynamic of wanting to please your parents while also chasing your own dream is one everyone can relate to. The added pressure of a first generation immigrant is one that needs to be told more. I really loved the baking competition and getting to see Rubi process. This is a wonderful book I definitely recommend. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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Jessica's writing for her debut YA novel is incredible. I liked the character development. Rubi has a lot of pressure on her as a second-generation immigrant from Cuba, trying to find her roots through food and living up to her family's expectations. Rubi is a younger character, and despite that, I still felt like I could relate to her. It's a very slow-paced story, though.

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cute romance about finding oneself and dealing with family issues. I loved that she figured it out and found love. Ryan didn't seem like a full character to have a romance with but loved her parents.

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In addition to the delicious food, Rubi Ramos's Recipe for Success by Jessica Parra was an absolute must-read. Quite an engaging coming-of-age story; I couldn't put it down; the characters were delightful, the prose was smooth, and the representation was excellent.

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Let's just start saying I really enjoyed this book. I loved all the culinary and cultural references in this book. 4 1/2 stars rounded up.

Rubi has a life plan. Sure, it was mapped out by her parents, specifically her mother, but she has a plan and she will make it happen. Her parents are immigrants who have had to scrape and work hard to make the American Dream. They are insistent that their daughter will gain every advantage in her life because of their hard work. The Ramos's have 2 very successful bakeries where Rubi was raised and learned how to be a successful baker. But they had to be put on the back burner to prepare for college and Law School. For now she is focused on Debate Club and winning that year's championship.

There's only one glitch- Rubi loves to bake and her mind loves to create new recipes. When a cooking contest opens up parallel to debate, she has to make a decision about which one to focus on. Or does she?

I loved Rubi, loved her family, loved her coworkers. This was just a feel-good book that I will definitely recommend to everyone.

Thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Jessica Parra has crafted an adorable feast of friendship, first love, family ties, and expectations and then shown all who read it how to pivot when things don’t bloom as desired. I devoured #rubiramossrecipeforsuccess and loved the baking puns and references as much as I love watching baking shows (a lot!). I recommend this to anyone, especially the YA crowd it’s written for because not only is it smart and witty but there is a lot going on underneath about life and how to navigate it. Thank you to #netgalley and #wednesdaybooks for this ebook arc to read and review—all opinions are my own.

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Rubi Ramos’s Recipe for Success is a coming of age story that follows Rubi as she tries to live up to her parent’s expectations as well as find her own way. A fun element is that Rubi enters a baking competition secretly.

While YA contemporary is not my typical genre, I loved this story so much. Rubi deals with the weight of her parent’s goals and expectations for her, along with navigating first love, friends, college admissions, and following her true passions.

While Rubi is a younger character I found that she was easy to relate to as were her struggles. Rubi experiences some racism from a peer due to her Cuban heritage. She is faced with the decision of following her heart or going along with the path her parents want for her.

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Food is so important in the way that we connect with our heritage and our families. I love the way that Jessica Parra was able to weave that tender feeling of baking your grandma's rosca de reyes into the energy of this book. Pouring love into a baked good that your family has been making and altering and growing is exactly the kind of love that's poured into Rubi Ramos's Recipe for Success. This book is an absolute delight and a satisfying treat for all readers who grew up carrying their cultures in tiny little pieces that refused to let go when we weren't sure who we were.

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I simply am obsessed with cooking in books and on tv. I love watching it, reading it and trying different recipes out at home. So when there is a romance with cooking and a cooking show I'm there for it. This one does not disappoint and it am totally in love with this book! It was just what I needed.
I just reviewed Rubi Ramos's Recipe for Success by Jessica Parra. #NetGalley
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⭐️ 3.75/5

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this eARC.

~ Rubi’s parents work hard in their bakery so they can have the means for Rubi to follow their “Recipe For Success,” meaning getting into law school at Alma University and not end up like them—working nonstop to make ends meet. But Rubi has love and talent for baking which her heart desires to pursue but feels she can’t because (1) she’s a good daughter and feels it is her duty to ensure her parents’ sacrifices don’t go to waste and (2) the Baking Ban so she can focus on getting into law school. Torn between pursuing her parents’ dream for her or her own’s, what would she choose? ~

What I loved about the book is the imagery. It was amazing— descriptive and detailed. It worked all my senses! The author did a great job in setting the scene nicely; I could picture myself wherever Rubi is. Most of the supporting characters were all likeable.

Because I experienced it first hand and as a child of an immigrant, I understood it right away why it was important to Rubi’s parents that she become more than a baker. We get bits of explanation throughout the novel about this: the sacrifices immigrant parents had to make and their ultimate goal for their child/children. But I think it would be better if this was explained in the beginning so that readers from all walks of life can fully empathize with Rubi from the start; otherwise, it might just be confusing why she thinks they she does and why there’s a baking ban, especially since they have a bakery that seems to be doing well. So one would think they would love for Rubi to take over one day.

On another note, although it was explained early why they call the mom “The Boss” it didn’t come across as an endearment (maybe it’s not meant to?) and when the dad had the mom’s name as The Boss in his contacts, it felt strange to me. I think it would’ve been more fun if they say it behind her back or mouth it when she’s not looking after she “bosses” them around but not all the time. For me, it made me think that they don’t like her as a wife or a mom. There were also a lot of reference about her being a boss but there was not enough demonstration of it. I feel there should be if we have to acknowledge it and it’s said so many times.

Overall, a slow paced story but easy to read. It may appear light but there’s depth in this story. Once you understand the weight of Rubi’s dilemma, it’s easy to empathize. You can sense her feeling lost, the heaviness of the expectation and the pressure put on her to achieve the dream of her parents. It was frustrating and heartbreaking but Rubi showed so much determination and she was inspiring.

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