Member Reviews

I enjoyed This book. It was well written. I was able to engage with characters and plot. I would Read another book by this author and I recommend This book

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📝 Ellie is up for the promotion of a lifetime: to produce the "IT" Teen show. The one stipulation: she attends her high school reunion. Ellie wants anything but go back to Ohio. There, she left behind another, nerdy version of herself, her ex-bestie and the boy who got away. She's just got to survive this event, but sometimes you can't change the past.

What I 🤍:
🏫 High School Reunion
🤓 Memory Lane
😂 Hilarious Moments
💕 Friends to Lovers
📋 Check List

Oh this book brought me back to my high school days: the good, the bad and the ugly. I loved the idea of this story, and how she was sent back with 10 action items to complete. 🤣 These steps are meant to help her write the best script for this new high school drama. Overall, I enjoyed it, but the characters didn't really stand out as memorable.

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I had such high hopes for this one. The synopsis made me hope for a Never Been Kissed meets all the favorite high school movies like She’s All That or Can’t Hardly Wait.
Instead, I didn’t find many of the characters likeable, even Ellie. Her way of handling emotions and conflict in high school can get a pass because of age, but even as an adult she still came across as judgemental. Ellie wasn’t a ‘popular’ kid in high school but she wasn’t bullied or picked on. And I didn’t feel the chemistry between her and Mark, who was in a complicated relationship situation and Ellie still chose to get involved with. I would have liked more with her former best friend, Roxy. It felt like there were a lot of stories with side characters but we never got a full picture of the situation.
The idea of a Top 10 List of things to do while at your high school reunion was fun though.
The story had a lot of potential and was a fun premise but fell short for me.

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"Ellie is Cool Now" by Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren is a heartwarming and relatable young adult novel that celebrates the power of friendship, self-acceptance, and finding your own voice. From the moment I met protagonist Ellie, a teenage girl navigating the complexities of high school social dynamics, I was immediately drawn into her world. Fulton and McClaren's writing is authentic and engaging, capturing the ups and downs of adolescence with humor and sensitivity. As Ellie embarks on a journey of self-discovery, I found myself rooting for her every step of the way. The friendships that Ellie forms along the way, particularly with the quirky and lovable Mia, add depth and richness to the narrative. Fulton and McClaren tackle important themes such as identity, peer pressure, and the pressure to fit in, with nuance and empathy. "Ellie is Cool Now" is a refreshing and empowering read that will resonate with readers of all ages. With its relatable characters, witty dialogue, and heartfelt message, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression. Fulton and McClaren's storytelling is both entertaining and thought-provoking, and I found myself completely absorbed in Ellie's journey of self-discovery. Whether you're a teenager navigating the challenges of adolescence or an adult looking back on your own high school experiences, "Ellie is Cool Now" is a must-read.

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I absolutely adored this book! Why did I sleep on this?! Such razor sharp writing and so many witty one liners! Can’t wait to read the next book this duo creates!

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I was really excited about this book. The premise of this book was so fun and one I hadn’t read before. Unfortunately, this book was a miss for me. It was hard for me to get into it and continue to read it. I will not be posting my review publicly..

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This is another kind of adult book that gave me Eloise at the Plaza vibes (maybe because of the adorable pink cover). I thought this book was the ultimate chick-lit book. Super cute and romantic. I really enjoyed it! I would also consider rereading it again in the future because of the cuteness level. <3
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting access to this book

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The whole list was fun, and I enjoyed following Ellie as she completed it. I did find it hard to root for her at times though, since she was pretty judgy and hypocritical at times. I thought her relationship with Mark evolved a little too quickly, too, and the ending of the book felt super rushed and unsatisfying. Overall, a quick and easy read, but nothing special.

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I thought this was a really cute book, but I have realized young adult books are not for me anymore. This book had such good reviews, I was so excited to read it, I’m sad that I didn’t love it.

I thought the plot of the book was really good and unique. Ellie is heading back to her hometown for her high school reunion and has 10 tasks to accomplish while there. The task on the list were quite amusing. But I felt like Ellie was way too immature and I couldn’t get past that. If you’re a fan of YA books, I recommend checking this one out! I know others loved it, so be sure to check their thoughts on it too!

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This book fully encompassed the feeling I have whenever I return home for a visit. No matter how successful or confident I am, I can still be relegated back to my high school self in as little as a glance from someone I used to know in high school.

Very cleverly written with lovable characters, this is a great read for anyone who is looking for some lighter fare, but isn't afraid to take the story to heart.

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A fun, fast-paced book that I couldn't put down. I could definitely relate to the dread of going to Ohio to attend a high school reunion! Poor Ellie has the added pressure of completing challenges at the reunion in order to get a promotion at her job back in Los Angeles. The challenges do not feel like someone Ellie's age would actually agree to, but they did add direction to the plot of the book.

The characters relationships seemed a bit forced but as we find out that who you are in high school does not necessarily define who you are for the rest of your life they become more relatable. So, even if the book does not feel like it is going to work, keep reading there is growth in the end and the characters become easy to care about, There were many laugh out loud moments and though I think, at times, there were some heavy topics covered it ended up being a lighthearted read. The ending was worth the read, it was satisfying and showed Ellie had grown from her experiences.

I have written this honest review voluntarily and am very grateful to Forever Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of this amusing book.

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Ellie Is Cool Now by Victoria Fulton and Faith McCalren is a book about what it means to go home and confront your past self, and it's a fun take on that trope.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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The writing is good but I could not connect with the characters. Not sure if it was just too YA for me, even thought the MC was almost, 30, or too immature.

I loved the idea of Ellie's friend giving her 10 tasks to accomplish to help her get through her high school reunion.

I think I was not the right audience for this one and it would definitely appeal to a young or new adult.

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I worry sometimes about a novel feeling too young adult for me, when high school is a reference, so when I was approved for an eArc I let it sit on my to be read shelf, for months, I finally kicked myself to start it and oh my gosh, this book delivered. I loved it. The main character was relatable, her relationships were genuine, and I was so very happy with the ending.

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10*stars. I loved this book. It had so much emotion and reality. The HEA meant so much more when these characters achieved it. A must read.

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If you’ve ever dreamed of going back to high school to prove those four years don’t define you, then you need to check out, Ellie Is Cool Now.

LA transplant, Ellie Jenkins, broke into the industry writing for a successful teen drama. Having to relive high school was never what she envisioned, especially since she spent her time there counting down until it was over. But when her reunion invitation arrives, her boss proposes she go back to gain insight and inspiration. With a promotion on the line, Ellie reluctantly agrees. Will reuniting with the superlative winners be enough to get her to the next level of her career? Or will she be reminded of all the reasons she couldn’t wait to escape?

I originally picked up this book because I thought it would be reminiscent of the movie, Never Been Kissed. While this book is definitely very different than I expected, it was a super fun read. One I would highly recommend.

The book is written by a duo, Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren. My hat goes off to both Fulton and McClaren for writing such a well-rounded character in Ellie Jenkins. While not always likable, she was super relatable. Ellie is the perfect representation of a cerebral woman trying to navigate life and love.

My take away was twofold. First, life is about living. Getting bogged down in the minutiae of school or work can lead to missed opportunities that sadly can never be revisited. Don’t be afraid to step out and enjoy the things that scare you. Second, people will surprise you. It is easy to pigeonhole someone, especially those you’ve grown up with. But if you allow yourself to stay open, you just might find that they are completely different than you expected.

Special thanks to Netgalley, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Victoria Fulton, and Faith McClaren for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a really fun concept, but it didn't quite work in execution. The romance was serviceable but nothing special, an the Hollywood part of the story felt very juvenile and unrealistic.

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Unfortunately this one didn’t work for me. I think it would be better suited for teenagers and felt very much best for that audience.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Ella is Cool Now felt like a 90s-2000s Drew Berrymore Rom-com. Fun, light and just a nice little literary escape.

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This one was pretty good, I liked the concept, especially as someone who isn't a fan of high school reunions. I like the idea of her going back to fix some of the regrets she had and repair relationships. The book was very light and definitely a quick read. The romantic lead gave me the ick a bit and I wasn't a fan of Ellie's lack of maturity at times, but I still enjoyed the book overall.

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