Member Reviews

“Consider the moment you are in right now: Do you feel the spark of eternity, of life itself, lighting you from within? The spark never comes from our own efforts. Obedience keeps us in the light, but it doesn’t fill us with vibrant, vital, untiring life. This can only come from the Spirit. To keep in touch with the Spirit within, we must jealously guard our relationship to God.”—Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest.

Oswald Chambers’s My Utmost for His Highest is a devotional that has stood the test of time, touching the lives of millions. In its newest incarnation, the 99-day condensation presents the essence of his 366-day journey in a format that meshes with the swift pace of modern life. The shift to the New International Version (NIV) may open the door to a wider audience who may find the traditional King James Version (KJV) daunting.

Editor James Reimann strove to maintain the integrity of Chamber's original prose while making it relatable to today's reader. The added subject and scripture indexes are a practical touch, simplifying navigation and study.

However, those well-acquainted with Chambers’s original work may feel like something is missing. The theological depth felt diluted, the continuity disrupted. It’s a reminder that in the process of adaptation, the essence of the original can be challenging to preserve.

While this edition might not replace the original for purists, it remains a valuable and worthy read, meriting a four-star rating.

** Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a comp of this title. The opinions are my own.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book! The title and this beautiful cover drew me in and i was excited to read this book! I will be recommending this book to others for readers advisory.

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This devotional is a classic. I started reading My Utmost for His Highest many, many years ago and it was an older version. If you haven’t been blessed by Oswald Chambers then I encourage you to pick this up. OS was a mentor of sorts for me and I felt his words and saw his commitment through his words. This is a great gift for anyone. This edition is a newer version so it can be more understandable. I highly recommend.
Thanks Our Daily Bread via NetGalley.

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Works which reach the status of “classics” in the canon of literature generally do so for good reasons; they stand the test of time and have something compelling about them. And so it is for Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest.

One can find this devotional in almost any format; this one (galley received as part of early review program) is published as a hardcover by Our Daily Bread and is intended to serve as a gift edition.

Oswald Chambers was a child of the fin de siècle who was raised a Scottish Baptist but joined the Holiness movement and participated in early Pentecostalism. He died while ministering to soldiers during World War I. Most of his works, including My Utmost for His Highest, were based on the transcription of notes his widow had taken during his messages at the Bible Training College he had founded. The original version was formatted for 366 devotionals; this edition was modified to cover them in 90 days.

Most devotional works these days attempt to somehow replicate Chambers in some way or another, and most fall short. He is not prepossessing; he does not wade into anything remotely controversial; and yet the substance of his messages remain profound. It truly is all about devoting oneself to God and His purposes and turning away from the impulses of self and the world.

It is best to take one’s time with a devotional such as this and meditate on each one. Highly recommended.

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A good devotional book that will challenge you. Highly recommend! Thank you net galley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wonderful book! This is written in short chapters. The format is easy to read. He breaks down verses and writes a wonderful devotional. Easy to read and understand for a wide range of ages

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This book is one of the most impactful devotionals I've ever picked up. And this new edition is stunning! The language is more relatable and it's one I will continue to return to.

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Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest" is a classic devotional that has stood the test of time. Chambers' writing is direct and uncompromising, challenging readers to live fully for God every day. The daily entries are short and to the point, yet packed with deep insights that will challenge readers to grow in their faith. While the language may be dated and some of the concepts may be difficult to grasp, the timeless truths contained within this devotional continue to inspire and transform lives. Overall, "My Utmost for His Highest" is a valuable resource for Christians seeking to deepen their relationship with God through daily reflection and study. I enjoyed going through this 90-day version of the classic.

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My Utmost for His Highest is a modern edition of the Oswald Chamber's classic.
I have always been a fan of the classic version and have enjoyed the deeply theological daily readings.
This book has taken excerpts from the original and modernized it for today's reader. Beautifully written, this 90 day devotional will take you through the scripture in a thought provoking way, to help shape us for his purposes. You will see the love of God, through Christ in a way that is both captivating and convicting.
What better way to start the day than a quick but insightfully stimulating look into God's word.
This book is a must read, and would be a wonderful gift.

Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read this book for an honest review

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I love this book - the original version. It is A classic devotional style book which challenges the Christian's daily walk with Christ. The introduction is interesting regarding Oswald's life and the editor of this book clearly states that this is an updated and modern version of this devotional - including the language. The Glossary was a nice touch as well. The font was displayed well, it was easy to read, was not choppy, or wasted space. I think this book will be very helpful for many people to read this version without the hinderance of the difficult language. Thanks Netgalley for gifting me with this book.

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This is a fantastic addition to my bible study time. This edition has some amazing history about Oswald Chambers in the front that I really enjoyed reading. I look forward to purchasing a printed copy of this new edition of the beloved book.

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This classic guide to faith is a comfort to readers who want to learn about the Bible. It is recommended for religious audiences.

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A Christian classic now published for electronic devices. I have used this devotional for years. No matter your age, it addresses deep spiritual truth. Oswald Chambers brings astute insight to familiar scripture and plumbs to deeper revelations of scripture.

One ( only one!) Bible verse is pinpointed, yet remarkably expounded upon . The daily devotions are brief, easily read in 3- 5 minutes. Meditating on the devotion is where time is spent throughout the day. Oswald’s written reflections stay with you.

There is an index in the back that references the devotionals pertaining to various subjects. The index is a wonderful tool to use for particular needs one might be have.

Oswald Chambers’ devotional is a classic; although the daily devotionals are brief, they are profoundly impactful. Whether one is a novice and new in the faith or has been a Christian for a long period of time, this devotional can meet the desires/ need of each. I reread it every year because I gain new and different insights with each reading. It is so convenient being in an electronic format; I can take it with me on my digital device right along with my Bible!

My thanks and gratitude to the publisher and Netgalley for my copy on exchange for an honest review.

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Evangelist Chambers is one of my most respected devotional writers. The reader truly can build their relationship with the Father from his devotions and be blessed throughout the day reflecting on them. He challenges the reader to daily turn to Jesus and to turn away from the world and to turn to what appears as foolishness to the world. He shows us how he has survived situations and experienced God’s grace. You can feel the relationship Chambers has with God through the pages of this read.
We too can begin this close relationship and closer walk with the Lord by reading God's word daily. The topics and reading are also listed in case the reader want to go deeper rather than remaining in shallow water. I loved that.

These readings are life and light and one devotion a day might not be enough.
I received a copy of this from Netgallery in exchange for my thoughtful and honest review.

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A really good update of this classic devotional which is now much easier to read. None of the original depth and meaning is lost in this revised version.

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When searching for some classic spiritual wisdom, I always turn back to my dog eared copy of My Utmost for His Highest. So when I saw that Our Daily Bread Publishing has released an updated version, I was on board!
For thoughts on living a God centered life of surrender this is the book you will need in your toolbox. I appreciate the updated language and I think it will make this more approachable for a new generation.
Personally I'd prefer a print copy of this book. First of all, so I could take notes and underline key points. But also because this did not format properly on my old kindle. It was hard to differentiate between individual devotionals.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Our Daily Bread publishing for this ARC of My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.

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Many years ago I read the original book and found it difficult to understand. The newly updated version keeps it simple and will draw more people to its timeless words. Each devotional has something for the day that will keep the reader on track and grateful to God for His timeless love. This is a devotional that you will be glad to give as a gift and keep one for yourself as you daily study what God needs you to hear.

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Excellent devotional. It's theologically rich and perfectly bite-sized for modern-day culture. I would like to read the original soon, but for now, this was a great read.

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Fantastic for a morning devotion. It goes deeper than many of the modern surface devotionals that seem to be influenced by modern Christianity’s plague of self-focus. Directing our thoughts heaven-ward each morning helps get our goals and priorities on order.

This book impacted my life as a teenager, and I regularly give it to young people on milestone birthdays, graduations, etc. Chambers clearly had a consistent walk with God, and his insights are valuable at any stage in life.

It’s also great for the easily distracted because you can pick up on the current date even if you got off track.

I will say that I prefer the version of English that the book was originally written in. Depth of meaning is lost in the update.

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urity is the outcome of sustained spiritual closeness with God.

Every Christian should have this resource. It is a book that should be read every couple of years. Advice that I need to take as well. The trouble with each of us we do not see God the way we should see him. We are blinded by our desires and our own preconceived ideals. Oswald Chambers takes scripture and challenges the reader to see God in his glory and how our own sin blinds us to his glory.

His writing prepares our heart to see the truth and to process that truth in light of scripture. He reminds us bible characters such as Abraham that he led to the truth of his promises. To put our faith in Christ.

This book is like water to the dry patched soul. If you are looking for hope and encouragement to know God deeper, please pick this book up.

A special thank you to Our Daily Bread Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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