Member Reviews

An engaging thriller that didn't go in the direction I thought it would. Take a heavily overworked woman needing a break and add a handsome B&B owner on a lovely piece of ranch land far away. Add in sexual tension, dark vibes, and some odd happenstances. There's no phone reception at the ranch. And a woman has gone missing. And before you know it, the plot twists again. Who's really in charge of what's happening? This book will keep your on your toes and make you want to reread as soon as you're done to see if you catch the clues. A well plotted mystery from Jeneva Rose, an author I plan to read much more of.

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This mystery was not very mysterious and the plot was unfocused. The character development was slow and didn't ever pick up enough to keep me reading. I don't read mysteries for romance so I'm not sure why the writer adds it in... The cover makes the book look like it might be scary but it wasn't at all.

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Unfortunately, this was a bit of a disappointment for me. The AirBnB setting would have been good premise if it didn't fall flat by the characters that revolve around this story. Might have to accept defeat and that this author just isn't for me. Even the big reveal at the end couldn't redeem this "thriller" for me. There was no lead up or clues that would lead a reader to the conclusion that wound up occurring. too many clichés and cringey lines.

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So, I read a decent number of thrillers, and I have to say that the twisty mind of Jeneva Rose brought us a real doozy with You Shouldn't Have Come Here. This one will have you questioning if you should ever stay at an AirBnB again (if that long form article didn't already do it for you!).

The end actually shocked me, which doesn't happen all that often.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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Thank you so much to @netgalley and @blackstonepublishing for this eARC of You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose.


This book...wasn't for me. I could tell immediately that both Calvin and "Grace" where psychos. I even had a feeling (confirmed when she went to the doctor) that Grace wasn't her real name. I was honestly rooting for her, even in the end, when I thought she was killing for the "greater good". When I realized Calvin being a psycho was just a coincidence I was more annoyed.

Overall, the writing was not great and the romance was icky, especially considering this is supposed to be a thriller. I didn't like those genres blending. I think this would work well for some, but it didn't for me. I prefer fast-paced thrillers without a lot of romance.

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I say go 100% blind into this book! Don't read anything. The less, the better!! I felt like I was holding my breath this whole book. First, red flags are all over the first 10% of this book.I am thinking, is it seriously that easy? My favorite thing is unpredictable twists and dual POV. As a reader, it kept me guessing and never knowing who to trust or believe. This was pretty fast-paced for me and a good build-up. This is my first Jeneva Rose book, but it won't be my last!

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Now this was a wild ride! I thought this one was going down the romance path but woah, it was a twisty turn from there on out! Enjoyed it, but my jaw is still on the ground from this one!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
I think I may have set my hopes to high for this one and it fell flat.
The story follows two main characters Grace an out of town airbnb guest and Calvin the airbnb host.
At first there is some awkward romantic tension between the two and we are looking at some weird thriller romcom. Soon it becomes very clear that the whole town and both main characters are not quite what they seem.
A couple of the reasons I disliked this book is because though it had so much potential it read like a first draft. The genre was listed as a thriller but there really wasn't a whole lot of that coming through the plot. The big twist felt like a rush. I liked the premise of the book. I just think that maybe it needed some more substance.

Overall 1.5

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I love all of Jeneva's other books but was a little disappointed in this one. The writing felt a little juvenile and the drama was just confusing. It didn't really feel like a thriller more like drama with some murders. With all that said I;ll still read her books, this one just wasn't one of her best.

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This book moved at breakneck speed once it picked up and didn't stop. You think it will go one way, and as always with Jeneva Rose, she pulls out a masterful twist. You Shouldn't Have Come Here will keep you reading and your heart pounding out of your chest. Highly recommend

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I read this book in 24 hours! It was a really quick chilling read and I loved the character development throughout. Although my least favorite Jeneva Rose book that I've read -- I still really enjoyed and gave it 3.5 stars!

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I finished this book, unfortunately for me. After reading reviews I realize I should have given up much earlier and marked this DNF. It was so cringy and cliche. I help out hope til the very end that things would turn around, they didn’t. It was an awful basic book with absolutely nothing to keep you on your toes. Totally disappointing.

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I’m DNFing at 30%. I just can’t get past how incredibly cringeworthy and cheesy this book is! And what’s with all the weird city girl vs county boy cliche. There are too many good books out there to waste time on this mess!

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Thank you Newgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Unfortunately, I found You Shouldn't Have Come Here to be extremely slow paced. I couldn't really get into it and the twist just didn't hit home.

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I really can’t review this book well without spoilers. I’ll just say that some of it I saw coming and some I didn’t. It was an interesting listen, but it dragged in some parts and then felt rushed in the end. I didn’t love it but didn’t dislike it either.

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In desperate need of a respite from her bustling life in New York City, Grace Evans opts for a ten-day escape at an Airbnb ranch in Wyoming. Upon her arrival, she is warmly greeted by the ranch’s owner, Calvin Wells. An immediate attraction sparks between Grace and Calvin, leading to the blossoming of a romantic relationship.

While Grace revels in her newfound connection with Calvin, she begins to sense that something is amiss. Discrepancies emerge in some of Calvin’s stories, and the local sheriff alerts her about a missing woman in the vicinity. As Grace’s departure date draws nearer, Calvin’s demeanour grows increasingly unsettling, bordering on obsession.

This narrative is a whirlwind of events, leaving no room for dull moments, as tension steadily mounts. Each character introduced seems more eerie than the last, casting suspicion on them all. Trust becomes a scarce commodity, and readers are constantly left to ponder who holds the closest approximation of the truth.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for sending a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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As if renting an AirBnB isn't scary enough, Jeneva Rose adds a little bit more to be scared of when Grace meets her AirBnB owner Calvin. Grace immediately does not fully trust her host and especially when she finds clothing from the last guest in her room, but that does not stop her from leaning into Calvin's romantic advances. As you read the book, you don't know what exactly is making you feel uneasy, but you know that the other shoe will drop at some point. The twists in this one were satisfying because Rose leaves plenty of breadcrumbs to keep you guessing.

<i>Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC.</i>

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Not for me. I thought this was supposed to be a thriller but it felt more like a weird cringey romance. The twist happened so last second and kind of came out of nowhere? Like just was put into the book/plot to make it interesting? I’m not sure. Had my eyes rolling most pages, I really just wanted it to be over. Not as advertised genre-wise, cringey writing, and random plot twist. A shame, because I do enjoy other works by this author! I don’t think I would recommend this title.

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I really wanted to LOVE this one as I LOVED Jeneva Rose The Marriage Counselor. This o e just did not draw me in

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Extremely slow paced. I couldn’t really get into it and the twist didn’t really throw me off like I’d hoped it would.

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