Member Reviews

Not Jeneva's best.

Slow, felt genre-confused, and the plot was easily guessed! Better luck next time!

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This author won me over with The Perfect Marriage. It was a favorite of 2020. I was a little let down with You Shouldn't Have Come Here. I kept seeing mixed reviews but still wanted to read it after the previous 5 star read. I would read more books from her and do look forward to seeing with what she comes out with next.

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Jeneva Rose is an author I enjoy when I'm able to completely suspend disbelief. While her works fit into the thriller genre, the thrills are often balanced with a bit of romance, and heavily rely on multiple points of view to uncover the truth in the book. In this one, there are SEVERAL red flags almost immediately as Grace arrives on the Wells' ranch, but I can forgive her for not leaving immediately for the sake of the plot. You'll have to read until the very end for a major twist!

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1/5 stars - wow, this book was terrrrrrrible. The writing was so bad - just in the first chapter alone, the author refers to the highway as a "black snake" a million times. And then the romancey stuff? Wtf, honestly, did not get it, all was cringey and yuck. I thought maybe one of them was maybe having an entirely alternate experience, and that's why the first was all gushy after like a day, but no, it's just the writing. The "twist" should have shown itself way way way way way sooner to be a marginally better book, but honestly, this was a complete waste of time.

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City girl Grace needs a break from her busy life and decides to take a random trip by throwing a dart on a map and finding an Airbnb in that town. Her dart lands in Wisconsin and she ends up at a secluded farm/ranch? for 10 days, hosted by hot country boy Calvin. The two have some sexual tension from the get-go but Grace gets weird vibes from all of Calvin's friends and family. The plot twist is pretty guessable - a serial killer is lurking around the area.

The writing in this book is eye-rollingly laughable throughout the entire book. I listened to the audiobook and couldn't stop rolling my eyes. So many cheesy similies and too many repeated phrases (her blue-blue eyes...he/she padded across the sprouts) to make this believeable. Literally NO ONE speaks this way.

I did go into this book blind - basing my request to read this book entirely on the creepy cover (which is awesome) but the book was a mix of genres that did not go together, a storyline that didn't really go anywhere, and characters that were really boring and unenjoyable. I don't know that I'll try another book by this author. But all that being said, she does get good reviews on Goodreads, so there are people that do enjoy this type of book. It just wasn't for me.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Grace is a New Yorker, who throws a dart at a map annually. Where it lands is her next vacation destination.
This time, it’s an Airbnb farm in Dubois , Wyoming. Her host is Calvin, a hunky, handsome cowboy.
Calvin is shrouded in mystery, but their physical attraction is mutual. As luck would have it, Grace’s car has broken down, and can’t be repaired until the end of her stay.
Without spoiling the book, let’s just say that all is not as appears to be.
With a dramatic and shocking ending, the author has completely blindsided us, the readers!
This was an interesting book. It began like a romance novel, but ended as a thriller!
It was quite engaging and entertaining!
Thanks to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishers for the ARC and the opportunity to review this book!
5 stars

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a horrific horror! content warnings for…. honestly just consider most of the content warnings. brief synopsis: Grace Evans lives in New York City, & she throws a dart at a map to choose her next vacation. she ends up at Calvin’s airbnb in Wyoming. with alternating perspectives, Grace and Calvin seem to like each other for a bit. chaos & horror ensues. a quick read, engaging the whole time.

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This copy was kindly given to me by both Netgalley and the publisher for review. All opinions are my own.

I overall liked this book. I just wish we had gotten more into Calvin and Grace's inner workings. We get their POV but I just wish we had gotten so much more of their motivations. The twist at the end was good, but still, I was left wanting. I can't say more without giving away the plot twist. The author does do a good job of setting us up to not believe any of the characters and their true motives. Who is the monster? What makes a monster?

The more I think about it I think this book was a bit more of 3.75 than a 4.

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Wow. This was an extremely boring and pointless “thriller”. Much too slow paced for me. The character development was intended to lead the story, but was not strong enough to move things along, so I was left unentertained and wondering when it would be over. The romance didn’t work for me. This felt like a drawn out, worse version of Go Down Hard by Ali Seay. It took me so long to get through. So disappointed as I have given this author 5 stars twice in the past!

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Without reading the book's description, my expectations were simple since I only knew its genre. I anticipated a heart-pumping, hair-raising murder mystery filled with excitement and thrills. Unfortunately, the book did not meet my expectations. Even at 50% through the story, there were no significant events or revelations, leaving me disappointed. The author seemed uncertain about the genre, as the narrative felt like a blend between a thriller and a slow-burn romance with an annoying love triangle. The predictability of the plot took away much of the enjoyment, and I found myself guessing major plot points well in advance, something I usually do not do.

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This book started off strong, but I just couldn't hardly get through it. It was too slow moving, I just wanted someone to find a body or the killer or something scary to happened. I loved The Perfect Marriage and how fast paced it was, but this was too slow. And I kind of guessed that she was involved. Sorry- it was too slow!!

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Mmm… I need to process this.
I recommend you go into it blindly just as I did, you won’t get disappointed.

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Have you ever read a book and spent the most of it wondering when something interesting is going to happen? That was my experience with this book, but for some strange reason, I kept reading it, so there's something to be said for the author's ability to hold my attention despite a monotonous plot. This was possibly the slowest burn I've ever read, and that's saying a lot. There was no thrill or genuine action until about 85 or 90 percent, and I'm sorry, but I no longer have that type of patience. The last few minutes were incredible, and the twist was fantastic, but it took so long to get there. If you don't mind the slowest of slow flames, this might be a better option.

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I love Jeneva Rose and she has become an auto-buy author for me. You Shouldn't Have Come Here just did not live up to her previous works. The dialogue was very repetitive and sometimes very cringey; the MC, Calvin mentioned Grace's eye MANY times, how he didn't want her to leave, how she was fitting into the country, etc. on almost every page. I just kept thinking that this whole scenario was such a stretch. The "love" story, the secondary characters, the Airbnb parts (like what host would make hotdogs, beans, and whatever else as a dish the first night?), it just didn't do it for me. I'd have left that ranch day ONE, man. The minute any other person came by or when she went to the shop, she should have peaced tf out of there.

Calvin's country "accent" gave me secondhand embarrassment. I just could NOT with that. I did not like that the action didn't even happen until 90% of the way through (not kidding- 90% of the way. wtf). Then it was so far out that I just couldn't enjoy it. The ending was not very surprising but could be to someone who was new to mystery/thrillers. I will say that it kept me engaged and I read it very quickly because I wanted to know what tf was going on and how it would end. This one did not impress me the way other books by Rose have, but I will definitely be looking forward to her next books.

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An overall entertaining book, and although it didn’t end up completely wowing me it was still a fun popcorn thriller.

This one was filled with odd scenarios and poor decisions that left me shaking my head at some of the characters. I wasn’t super attached to any of them and found myself not fully invested in what happened to them. They made unrealistic choices and were a bit too far fetched for me.

I did enjoy the twist at the end, a nice way to wrap this one up and keep it on my mind. It was well written and fast paced, definitely something to check out for a quick thrill!

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I wanted this book to be better than it was. I think reviews from others made my expectations too high. I do plan to come back and reread it.

2/5 stars for now

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Writer and social media darling, Jeneva Rose is back with another book that solidifies her in the mainstream book world.

You Shouldn’t Have Come is a popcorn thriller that is a quick read with an easy tempo to keep readers engaged. Kinda perfect for a hazy lazy summer evening.

Thank you to NetGalley and Blackstone for the digital ARC.

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This one is a bit different: part spicy romance, part thriller. New Yorker Grace visits Wyoming and stays in an Air BnB hosted by Calvin. The sparks start to fly between them, but there’s also some creepy “something is not right here”vibes.

You Shouldn’t Have Come Here moved very slowly at the beginning. The rather predictable action didn’t start until the last 20% or so. This is not one you need to prioritize.

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Well, Jeneva Rose, this was a good one. I've enjoyed all of her books, and this one didn't disappoint either. There was always that lingering question of "what the hell is in the basement?" and I liked sticking around for the ride and the answer. Jeneva's main characters always intrigue me, and there's always that fun twist at the end which always makes the read worth the wait. Another good one, Jeneva! Hi Scott if you're reading this!

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And, I shouldn't have read this book! This is a departure from my usual genre as "stabby books" tend to bother me. I AM proud to say I figured it out and the ending. Wow. The ending still has me thinking about what's going to happen next. If you want something to keep you up at night, this is your title!

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