Member Reviews

What a lovely little book about one of my favorite artists in the world. I was so glad that I had the time to read this little gem. His life is interesting and you're never too young (or too old) for art.

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I LOVE the Little People, Big Dreams series! I'll be honest, I didn't anything about David Hockney before reading this book. It starts with his love for art as a child and follows his journey as he grows up. Little David enjoyed drawing and had a unique way of seeing the world. Despite his family's doubts, he pursued his dream of going to art school. He's known for painting amazing landscapes, including one made up of 50 canvases. And the best part? He's still creating art today!

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I ADORE this series. It's one of my favorite book series ever. It's just so good! It takes their lives and makes them understandable. This one was SO GOOD. It talked about his sexuality and his prolific work in a way that kids will totally understand. This was probably one of my favorites in the series. I learned so much!

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David Hockney is not an artist this reader knows or had ever heard of before. And while this book isn’t anything different from the other little people, big dreams series it did create a want to find out more about this artist and see their actual works. That’s one of the things I often find missing in this series. They suggest with the story of the person, but in an artist case, the person goes with the work, and the style isn’t even represented anywhere in this artwork, which is a shame. Overall, this book led to want the reader wanting to know more information but for the book itself it’s bland and boring and there are better books in the series.

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Like other books in this series, it is a fun little introduction to historic figures. Definitely a great way to introduce kids to biographies and a nice read for adults too. I would recommend all the books in this series.

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David Hockney is an artist who sees the world through his unique lens. Throughout his life, David openly embraces his identity as a gay man, challenging societal norms and remaining true to himself. As he ages, he continually reinvents his art, incorporating new technology and staying relevant in changing times.

David Hockney encourages discussions about pursuing one's dreams, the power of creativity, and the importance of staying true to oneself. It illustrates how determination, adaptability, authenticity, and embracing technological advancements can influence personal and artistic success.

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David Hockney is an artist that I had not heard of. One of the great things about his series is that it highlights people from all walks of life and I always learn something when I read these books with my grandchildren. David dreamed of being an artist since he was a child and attended an art school. He sold his first painting while still a student. His mother had been worried about him being able to earn a living, but she realized that was not going to be an issue. Learning about his style was interesting and the scale he painted in was impressive. Transitioning to adding photos to his work, then painting huge landscapes with many canvases stitched together showed his pioneering nature. His getting older, but he still breaks new ground and is held in high esteem. In 2018, one of his paintings sold for 90 million. He has been a pioneer in whatever he has done, and continues doing. His advanced age doesn’t hold him back. He continues to break the ground with his painting selling for around $90 million in 2018. He is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century, so I thank Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara for introducing us to him. As always the illustrations are a wonderful part of the book. Ana Albero added beautiful, colorful and vibrant illustrations to this book. Although we enjoyed this book together, it just didn't seem to pull the kids in as much as the previous one.

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Best series ever!

I didn't know much about David Hockney but I loved this story!

The ilustrations are also stunning!

Thank you so much for giving the chance to read it!

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A brilliant book about the amazing pop artist David Hockney. A British artist who moved to America to continue his dream.
At the age of 23 he came out as gay and in the 60’s in England would have been super tough for him and another thing to combat.
The colours used in this edition really compliment and flatter Hockneys work which is bold and unique just like him. An artist that doesn’t get acknowledged often like Warhol, Picasso, Oldenburg etc do.

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This is another children's book from the awesome series called Little People, Big Dreams, which I am always excited to read more of.

This book is about David Hockney, who is an artist. He was born in England and then he moved to America to continue his art. He loved to draw pictures of everyday life, as well as his dogs, and even beautiful landscapes. He went on to become famous and successful, and he still blesses us with his paintings today.

The book is full of unique illustrations, and easy to read text, which children and adults will enjoy.

I enjoyed reading this book, which was interesting, and I highly recommend it.

Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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Generally I find these very age appropriate. I don’t know maybe it’s just me but I didn’t think the part of the artist painting a model in only a towel, was necessary. I’m trying to see it from a little one’s perspective. There was so much more to this amazing artists life and work.

Other than that part it was a wonderful book.

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'David Hockney' by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vergara, with illustrations by Anna Alvaro, is an e-book in the Little People big dream series about a British artist.

Little David loved to draw and look at the world in his own unique way. He wanted to go to art school, which wasn’t a popular decision with his family. He painted fantastic landscapes, including one made up of 50 canvases and still creating art today!

I love this series and the inspirational people that it features. The art styles are also unique and different.

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“He was sixteen when he announced he that would go to art school. His mother worried that he would end up failing, but David proved her wrong.”

Oh boy, did he ever! One of David Hockney’s most famous paintings, “Portrait of an Artist, (Pool with Two Figures)”, sold for over $90 million. He began his career doing what one of my kids used to do, making her mark with doodles anywhere and everywhere.

My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“He loved drawing and doodling on the edges of his parents’ newspapers and magazines.”

We really missed all the decorative additions to our papers and shopping lists. But I digress. He wanted to make sure he would be known for his art, not the intelligence his teacher knew he had.

My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“Sometimes he failed his exams on purpose, just to make everyone believe that he was only good at making art.”

He did it. He went to art school and studied classical art, but he still had his own unique style. He was also a ground-breaker for the gay community. He was at the Royal College of Art from 1959-1962, when people had to hide their feelings. See the disapproving and startled looks of the couple eyeing these three happy fellows.

My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“David refused to do so. He had always liked art and boys! He moved to London to study at the Royal College of Art, where he felt free to be himself.”

He also wanted to paint male models, not just females. His teachers arranged it.

My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“His name was Mo, and since everyone else was more interested in painting women, only David painted him.”

David began selling paintings when he was still a student. They didn’t sell for much, but he was on his way, selling out his first solo exhibition only five years later. He moved to California from England, and flying in, he was inspired by the sparkling swimming pools everywhere.

My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“It was like water and sunlight were playing together!”

We can see how this led to his $90 million painting.

My Goodreads review has an illustration with the caption:
“His paintings were filled with the bright colors of pools, houses, and his friends.”

This is the actual famous pool painting.

My Goodreads review has a photo with the caption:
’Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures)’ (1972) by David Hockney ‘Credit: Courtesy Christie's’”

His 80th birthday was celebrated around the world with a touring exhibition of his work. I am delighted with the bright colours used in these illustrations, and I’ll show you why. This is his Wikipedia photo. Recognise the colours?

My Goodreads review has a photo with the caption:
David Hockney, 2017

This is another excellent addition to the series, and it’s the first that I’ve notice that has mentioned gays and sex. In the short biography at the end, it says “David often wanted to express his sexuality in his paintings through self-portraiture. At the time, being gay was criminalized, but he refused to be silent.”

I imagine today’s children will not be growing up as ‘sheltered’ as their parents and grandparents were from real people. One more thing, this is the book recommended at the end for further reading. Looks interesting.

"A History of Pictures for Children From Cave Paintings to Computer Drawings" by David Hockney and Martin Gayford

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Since this book was one by Charles and out of the same series I chose to grab it just for comparison, especially as I have never heard of David Hockney.

The book explores David Hockney in a much better light than it did when exploring Charles. There are several reasons I can guess for this such as the fact that the book on King Charles explores the king as a prince whose contributions really aren't noteworthy in regards to the promise of what his reign may actually offer while Hockney on the other hand is allowed to keep all his contributions. Furthermore Charles is so much more well-known that more events are collected on to provide to the reader while not providing an actual basis for those interested while Hockney's story is in its own presentation a bit more in-depth.

At the same time this book has more brighter colors in its illustrations, the characters are all cartoonishly made with very small outstanding differences and resemble, especially David Hockney, characters from <i>Family Guy</i>. The actual inclusion replicas of his artwork, though, still doesn't remind me of any thing I have seen in the art world that I know, which for modern art would have to be so little.

Unlike the Charles book, this one does have the back biography finished up with black-and-white photographs as well as a two-page biography, which I found to be a much better read than the actual writing of the book. Still in the end both book and biography hasn't really told me who David Hockney is nor why he is so important or even what his contributions really are to the world in general even if he does have fans.

This is most definitely a stepping stone book for readers of any age and although it may not be certainly enlightening about the man in general at least you will get an idea of him. And for those parents or other guardians who are sensitive to what your children are reading there is most definitely a large nod to David's sexuality with suggestions of using a male model with implied nudity.

**I received a free copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

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This series never fails to impress and this instalment about local artist David Hockney doesn’t disappoint. With accessible language about this pioneering artist this is a great introduction to his life and some of the things that inspired him. As we regularly look at Hockney’s work in school I will definitely be adding this title to my classroom library.

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A great way to introduce art and artists to children. The Little People, Big Dreams introduces to the series: David Hockney. One of Britain’s most influential artists of the 20th century.
David Hockney is pictured as a young child. As with all of the Little People Big Dreams children’s books, we are introduced to a young child. A version of who they grew up to be. What makes this special? It allows for children who read these books to find similarities and expand on the possibilities of who they can become as adults.

Children can find that they too enjoy painting, creating, and read Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara’s books and see that they can become artists, musicians, scientist, activists, dancers, and much more depending on which book of this excellent series they choose.

This book holds a special place in my heart. David Hockney. It was the first artist I have ever spoken about in addition to Basquiat (which is also a part of the Little People Big Dreams collection). To see the artist now in this series of children’s book is spectacular. I enjoyed it and know many more will as well.
Hockney is not only loved in the UK, but has also done great things in Los Angeles, USA. Experimenting with different art forms including portraits, landscapes, photocollages, set design and more. The author, Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, takes all of this and makes it easy for children to learn from.

A great book for a young artist in the family. And it is also a great introduction to art for children. Little People, Big Dreams has a book for any interests and a great way to introduce short biographies of important people in our world.

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This series is delightful. Beautiful illustrations, clear stories of resilience and a great introduction into biographies. I highly recommend adding any you are interested into your children's library! They also make great gifts!

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Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. All opinions are my own.

I had no idea who David Hockney was before reading this book, so I'm very happy I came across this book. I find that Mr.Hockney is a inspiration for children and adults alike. An important story, especially in this age of book banning, it, kids need to know they are normal.

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David Hockney by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara within this wonderful Little People, BIG DREAMS series we discover the incredible life of David Hockney the inspirational British artist.

Little David loved to draw and looked at the world in his own unique way. He always knew what his path in life would be… he would be an artist!

He went to art school and worked day and night to hone his drawing skills. He sold his first painting as a student, and in just five years he had a sell-out solo show of his work. When he moved from the UK to sunny California, he became known for creating bright, bold paintings.

From the Grand Canyon to the Yorkshire hills of home, David painted fantastic landscapes, including one made of 50 canvases all stitched together. An artist who delights in constantly reinventing himself, to this day David is eager to share his colourful work, and himself, with the whole world.

This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the incredible young activist’s life so far.

These books were a wonderful find and great for small children to learn about these wonderful people of our past and in the present.

I highly recommend these books. I love them.

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Little People, BIG DREAMS are a wonderful way of giving children (or even adults) an overview of the lives of some of the most influential people in our world. Easy to read , informative and beautifully illustrated.

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