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The September House

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The September House is an atmospheric and blood-chilling haunted house horror with family drama that follows Margaret who is determined to stay in her dream house that she and her husband, Hal, bought four years ago even after knowing it’s haunted and it gets horrible to live in every September. the house drips blood every September from top to bottom, it has ghosts for past 100 years who have grotesque features due to the way they died moans and creams all night, the most sinister ghost that lives in the basement who might crawl out if the door isn’t boarded…

It made me wonder why Margaret is still living there. I get her desperation of having her own house when they bought the house but still having that same drive after the nightmarish four years, even after knowing Hal left her or might be missing because of the house, I just don’t know what to think of her.

And then her daughter, Katherine, who didn’t know anything about this September House, is coming back after years to find her missing father. It’s again interesting to see Margret fretting over Katherine getting scared of all the paranormal activities happening in the house rather than over her missing husband.

I was curious to know more about the creature of the basement, all the ghosts, and especially how Margret was going to keep Katherine safe and away from all the paranormal activity and above all what happened to Hal.

The writing is atmospheric and steady-paced told from Margret’s perspective. The plot is creepy and tense that never let up the sense of dread till the end and the intermittent flashbacks from Margret’s past about her relationship with Hal, Katherine, and what they found about the house in the past four years kept it even more intriguing. The setting of the House was fabulous.

While I loved reading about the ghosts more than the characters, the flashbacks gave more insight and depth into the characters. As I read more I hated how Margret was stuck with Hal in the past. The layer of domestic violence is portrayed realistically. I felt sad and awful for Margret and it also made me question her mindset.

I was with Katherine in this matter, why would a person want to experience hell with a person like Hal and why it didn’t bother Margret? All her reasoning about how everything is survivable if you follow rules felt bullshit and she had the same reasons for the house and its ghosts as well. All her reasoning was getting tiring by the time i reached climax and at the same time.

However, she wasn’t the weak one in this horrible relationship. She was a pushover and compromised a lot her whole life but she was also a survivor, determined, and strong-willed. Her love for Katherine was something all mothers can relate to. She couldn’t stand up for herself but she would do anything and bear anything for Katherine which made her fight the monster no one dared to face before.

The climax was most exciting and also surprising. Everything revealed about the house and its ghosts, what happened in the past and what is happening now, I was dreading it wouldn’t end well, I was afraid for Margret. But the author succeeded in leading me in the wrong direction with both twists we get in this last 30% of the book. I loved how libe between mental health, psychological terror, and paranormal blurred at this point.

All the descriptions were gruesome and yet I felt excited with how things turned out. At some points the details also made me laugh or maybe it was Margret’s voice! I thought there might be some religious exorcism or something that might end the horror but the solution turned out quite simple and I don’t what to think about it but I was satisfied with the end.

Overall, The September House is an atmospheric, creepy, dark, and blood-chilling haunted house horror with family drama.

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This ended up being a little more outside of my normal read than I expected going into a haunted house horror and I think that just has to do with the fact I am so much younger than the mc that it was hard to understand her motivations and relate to her which is something I look for in my reads. I thankfully read this with a friend and thanks to her encouragement I did finish this one and I will say this was a really well excecated horror novel that I could see being a hit with those in their 30's or older. I think I just had a hard time with the fact our main character was hiding and supporting an abusive alcoholic to the point where she gave up custody of her child and her relationship with her to stay with her husband. If not for the actually wonderful writing and a descriptively graphic horror Carissa Orlando brought to life in this story, I don't think I would have finished this one. By the time most of the issues with the main character I was already hooked and needed to know what was really going on so I couldn't stop there.

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The September House by Carissa Orlando was a creative and well written debut novel.

From the publisher: A woman is determined to stay in her dream home even after it becomes a haunted nightmare in this compulsively readable, twisty, and layered debut novel. When Margaret and her husband Hal bought the large Victorian house on Hawthorn Street—for sale at a surprisingly reasonable price—they couldn’t believe they finally had a home of their own. Then they discovered the hauntings. Every September, the walls drip blood. The ghosts of former inhabitants appear, and all of them are terrified of something that lurks in the basement.

However, even though there are ghost and walls that bleed, it is NOT a horror novel. As a horror fan, I did not find this scary in the slightest and I think that it what I struggled with. The book is a layered debut novel, that much is true. And truly a unique story with interesting characters. I honestly found most of them unlikeable and frustrating and for that, I found myself putting this down way too much. I struggled but many other readers LOVED this debut. I just wish it was scary, even just a little bit. But the nonchalant way that Margaret discusses the odd goings on at her home left me feeling zero dread or anticipation.

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The September House by Carissa Orlando is a thrilling horror novel that asks the question just how far would you go to protect the house of your dreams? The story is told from the prospective of the main character but does a little flashing back to previous events but mostly takes place at the current time.

Margaret and her husband Hal had finally found the home of their dreams within their price range with the large Victorian on Hawthorn Street. After moving into the home though Margaret and Hal begin to learn there was a reason that the place was vacant as most would flee the discoveries they have made.

Every September the walls in the Margaret and Hal’s home bleed bright red blood oozing out more and more as the month goes by. The blood was one thing but the many ghostly inhabitants are another obstacle to overcome. When most people would have fled immediately Margaret is determined to claim the home for her own but after four years Hal has had enough and leaves leaving Margaret on her own.

I’ve read a lot of horror in my lifetime and often go into them now as I’m probably going to feel I’ve read this before. The September House by Carissa Orlando did do a somewhat comical but still scary take on a haunted house which kept me entertained as it all unfolded. While entertaining though I did guess the twist fairly early on but perhaps it may shock some who don’t read quite as much so I’m keeping this one at four stars overall.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Well this was an unusual one! It’s about a couple that live in house that is full of spirits and the walls bleed. The woman tries to keep the spirits happy, which becomes increasingly difficult. It also becomes difficult to hide this from her daughter when she insists on flying out to stay after her father goes missing 👀

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The September House by Carissa Orlando is a great horror book punctuated with humor. It is a perfect read for those who like creepy, horror and wild endings. I thought it started out a little slow, but once I got farther into the book it really grabbed my attention.

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This is definitely the kind of house I would put up with for a low monthly cost, but I might be the only one in my family willing to do so.

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I really struggled to get into this one on my first try. It was repetitious and kind of boring at the beginning and wasn't holding my interest, so I set it aside for a few months.

But then so many people who I trust loved it, so I gave it another shot on audiobook after it published. Once the pace picked up it was a pretty wild (and delightfully gory) listen, so I'm glad I went back to it. I'd definitely read/listen to another book by Carissa Orlando in the future.

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"The September House" is a unique and compelling read that will stay with you long after you turn the last page. It's a perfect choice for readers who enjoy horror with a touch of humanity and those who appreciate stories that go beyond the typical jump scares. The story follows Margaret, a woman who, along with her estranged daughter Catherine, inherits a beautiful yet unsettling Victorian mansion. Despite the unsettling history of a murder within its walls, Margaret chooses to embrace the house, hoping to mend her fractured relationship with her daughter. However, the house itself harbors secrets, and soon, Margaret finds herself entangled with a web of paranormal activity, forcing her to confront not only the house's ghosts but also the demons of her own past. This book is highly recommended for fans of horror with a literary twist, particularly those who enjoy stories that explore deeper themes alongside the scares. However, be aware of the potentially disturbing content.

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After a few weeks of processing, I’ve decided to bump this one up to 4.5 ⭐️!

An absolutely wild ride from beginning to end. I loved everything about the reading experience, except that sometimes the pace was a little too slow for me. I absolutely HAD to know what was going on, but sometimes I wanted to find out faster than our first-person narrator would let me. Still, Margaret Hartman as a narrator is both entertaining and gut-wrenching, in the best ways possible. I'm excited to offer this book to my library's readers, and I know I'll be keeping an eye out for more from Carissa Orlando.

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Stars: 3 out of 5.

This was excellent until about 3/4 through the book. I honestly thought this would be a solid 5 start book, but then the ending ruined everything, at least for me. But let's talk about the good parts first.

This was a very unusual haunted house story, because unlike many other stories I read, the inhabitants or said haunted house (well, at least Margaret) aren't trying to get rid of the ghosts. They learn how to cohabit with them instead. I don't think I've seen that done before, but then I haven't read a lot of haunted house stories.

And to be honest, I wouldn't be able to live like that, because despite the matter of fact way Margaret talks about the hauntings, things in this house are pretty horrible. Sure, it's bearable 11 months out of the year, but the things that happen every September are a little bit too much to coexist with. I mean, walls that leak blood for a whole month? Constant screaming that won't let you sleep? A ghost that bites if you come to close to him? Visions of horribly mutilated children haunting you all month? Thanks, but no thanks.

I think it's more a testament to how horrible Margaret's life has been even before the haunted house that she manages to settle into this and survive, even thrive most of the year in a house of horrors like that. And the more you learn about Margaret's live with her "loving" husband, the more you understand why she prefers to live with ghosts. Heck, one of them basically does all the house chores and even cooks for her most of the year.

What I liked about this book was the ambiguity of the situation. Especially when Margaret's daughter arrived and couldn't see or hear any of the hauntings. I loved that even Margaret started doubting herself. Are the ghosts in this house real or are they simply a figment of her imagination? Especially since there is a history of mental illness in her family. And honestly, who would have blamed her for loosing her mind after everything she'd had to endure from Hal? I was perfectly okay if the story chose to take that direction, because that would have made Margaret even more endearing to me. 

Unfortunately, the author chose to take a different route and ramp up the fear factor in the last third part of the book to rather ridiculous levels. I mean, those deaths at the end were absolutely useless. They didn't drive the story forward, they didn't serve any purpose except for shock value. And even then, not much shock value, because the readers didn't particularly care about those policemen. We literally met them in the previous chapter. It also made the ghosts seem extremely overpowered, which... well, I can only suspend my disbelief so much.

It also raised a lot of questions as to how that haunting works. How is a ghost able to cook actual meals? How is it able to learn how a cellphone works? Or why the other members of the Vale family aren't haunting this house, when all the other victims of Master Vale seem to be stuck there? Also, why didn't Hal appear as a ghost?

Honestly, you shouldn't think about this book too much after you are done reading, because the more you question this, the more holes you see in the reasoning and the narrative, and the more disappointing the book gets. I would suggest that you just enjoy it for what it is and don't question it too much. After all, it's a very good book almost all the way through. Too bad the ending was so disappointing. 

PS: I received an advanced copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this book it was an interesting paranormal read. The ending was heavily action packed. It was fast paced quick read. Characters were relatable and Ghosts living in the house created a scary atmosphere. Overall I enjoyed it.

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The September house is an interesting twist on a ghost story. The conclusion is good but I did find this book frustratingly slow paced until the very end.

I found all of the main characters to be unlikeable and the metaphors were hammered so hard they were less metaphors and in some cases unnecessarily explained.

Parts of the conclusion were obvious. The ghost or mental illness angle was different from a lot of haunted house stories and does have the reader questioning which it is, ultimately it was that which kept me reading.

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I've been recommending this book all over the place. It totally surprised me with its unique take on the haunted house story. I don't want to say too much, but I loved the nuanced characterization of Margaret, a woman who doesn't want to leave her haunted house even when the ghosts seem to be turning a little more aggressive, and even when her husband leaves. I enjoyed trying to figure out what was really going on and the story had a great resolution that left me applauding.

Thank you to NetGalley for the review copy!

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This was a winner! It's hard to straddle the line between horror and comedy, but Orlando does just that. I loved the story of Margaret dealing with the daily annoyances of living in a supremely haunted house. Her blase attitude whilst confronting all these bloodcurdling "guests" was refreshingly witty. Then all the stumbling blocks thrown in Margaret's way (an overly-concerned daughter, an oddly friendly neighbor, the one helpful haunt who constantly is making her tea) only up the tension until a few fun twists and turns towards the end wrap things up in a very satisfying manner. I eagerly await Carissa Orlando's next novel.

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Strange and unexpectedly funny while dealing with very serious issues. It's hard to balance horror, with the humor of common human traits; like what the ghost of a murdered housekeeper looks like, paired with the personality of said housekeeper who is still serving the home decades later with the kind of sigh of disapproval common to housekeeper characters of days gone by.

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The classic haunted house trope done right! This was very entertaining and satisfying to read, and it also gave me the creeps with somethings (the walls bleeding blood?? whoa). I will definitely be on the look out for future releases from this author.

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Being a die hard mood reader, I had to pick it up and read it in spite of being a big scaredy cat! Haunted houses are definitely not my thing, but the humor and characters that Carissa Orlando writes into her novel, September House, are too delicious to miss.

I fell immediately in love with Margaret, the owner of her dream house. So what if it is haunted, it is her’s and she isn’t leaving. Her husband, Hal, left, though, and now their daughter is coming to find him. She is coming in September when, each year, the house really acts out. Birds die, walls pour blood like waterfalls, and gruesome dead children arrive to point at the basement door. The rest of the year isn’t so bad, if you don’t look at Fredricka’s split open head and just just enjoy her tea, or get too close to Elias’s biting teeth. Oh, and keep the basement door nailed shut.

The way Orlando blended the horror of all that happened in that house, and what continues to happen, with a bit of dark humor, family dynamics, and more is masterful and I will definitely be looking for her next book! This one was amazing and I am so happy I made time in September to read this. Lucky for us, it is out and can be read any time!

It is perfect for your spooky season reads!!! Don’t worry about it scaring you, I even read it at night and it didn’t give me nightmares!

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Margaret will do anything to hold on to her dream home, even though it's haunted. She has a routine that allows her to deal with all the complications--like ghosts, blood that runs down the walls, etc. But when her husband disappears, her adult daughter can't be put off any longer and insists on a visit. This is a debut title and I will be watching for more! I will recommend to readers of We have Always Lived in the in Castle and Mexican Gothic. Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley for digital review copy.

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Horror in a haunted house with a horrific relationship. This is equal parts spooky, menacing, and darkly funny. And the final act went Wild.

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