Member Reviews

Brynn Cornell, popular co-host of Sunup has messed up with one on-air mishap. The once America's Ray of Sunshine, now has to go back to her hometown of Adelaide Springs to make peace with her old acquaintances and friends that she has trashed on live TV.
Sebastian Sudworth used to be the face of TV, with a reputation for being a superstar journalist, until he vanished and no one ever saw him on TV again. No one knows, but Sebastain resides in Adelaide Springs to escape his past, working odd jobs and slowly falls in love with the beautiful town.
With Adelaide Springs in common, the two are forced together whilst Sebastian is assigned to be Brynn's chauffer (which he is not pleased about at all).
Determined to charm Sebastian, win over her old pals, and ultimately save her career, Brynn has to work hard.

This was quite a slow starting book. At the start I really didn't enjoy it as it seems to drag on a little, but as soon as I was about half way through, the pace picked up and I began to love reading it.
The dual POV style is typically very interesting; however, this book had me puzzled. Brynn's sections were in first person (which I enjoyed heavily and felt very immersed in) but Sebastian's sections were told in third person (which I did not like). I've never read a book with this style before, and I'm not entirely sure I liked it.
Nevertheless, as the book continued, I found it easier to read.

The characters have a lot of depth to them and were easy to like. Once you found out their back stories, everything seemed to click into place.
Plot wise, the story was interesting! It started off with a disaster, but I loved that there was no build up to it, instead, it was done instantly and then I could focus on the 'aim' of the story.

Ultimately, I did enjoy this book, but the writing style did let it down a bit!

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If you love a good Hallmark movie, you will love this book!

Super clean rom-com. A little slow at time but very cute!

Brynn is a little hard to like but Sebastian won me over :)

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This book was just not for me. I don’t know why but I couldn’t connect with the characters and the story fell kind of flat for me.

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With the title you instantly know who the main characters are Brynn and Sebastian. This has is a clean fun story. Brynn who I couldn't love in the beginning is a host on a morning talk show, Sunup. On her first week, she is caught on air saying rude and degrading things about her home town. She has to fix it or lose her job. At this point, I just wasn't sure that I was going to like Brynn, she just wasn't a likeable person considering she was supposed to be our sunny and funny gal. Now Sebastian, our grumpy hometown guy was lovable and just drew you into laughing at his side of the story. But wait they hate each other.......yup! They just clash right away. Brynn's attitude is annoying but hang in there. As the story unfolds you will learn a lot about why she is this way. Sebastian's grumpy attitude, but honestly I didn't blame him, was incredibly adorable. And well we need to remember Orly, the camera man, who knows both of them.

This story does start slow, but watch out it will gain momentum and take off for a flying ending. The point of view written from Bryan's is first person. Sebastian's is written in third person. This is a usual way of switching between our two main characters. It is a clean romance. I would recommend it for someone looking for a quick & clean romance to read.

This is my personal opinion on this book. I received a complimentary copy of the e-book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was such an adorable book. For a big enemies-to-lovers fan like me, with a lot of pining from Sebastian, this is the perfect book to pick up ! I absolutely loved the way that Sebastian and Brynn ended up opening up about their past and grew together to develop the strongest relationship. You won’t regret reading this!

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If you're in the mood for a cute romcom with the classic enemies-to-lovers trope, Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other by Bethany Turner might be just the book for you. The story follows Brynn Cornell, a morning-show host who has to return to her hometown in Colorado to save her career and image after a major on-air mistake. There, she meets Sebastian Sudworth, a cynical ex-reporter who's been hiding out in the small town. When Sebastian is assigned to chauffeur Brynn around town, they're both in for a ride they didn't expect.

Personally, I found the book to be a solid 3.5 stars. While the story is enjoyable and has all the elements you'd want in a romcom, I couldn't quite get on board with Brynn as a character. She was more annoying than endearing, and her constant need to maintain her image made her seem insincere at times. However, Sebastian was the shining star of the book. His dry wit and snarky comments were a delight to read, and I found myself rooting for him throughout the story.

One of the things I enjoyed most about the book was the sunshine/grumpy trope. Brynn is the sunny, bubbly protagonist who's always positive, while Sebastian is the brooding, cynical one who's seen too much of the world. Their interactions and banter were entertaining to read, and their chemistry was undeniable.

Overall, if you're looking for a light and fun read with a classic romcom plot, Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other might be worth checking out. Just be prepared to be a bit frustrated with Brynn along the way.

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This was a cute book. I wanted to love it more but the main female character was hard to route for. The story felt like it dragged a bit. I’m not disappointed. I read this book but it wasn’t my favorite. Thank you NetGalley and publishers for an ARC of this book.

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I thought this book was just adorable. It was just what I needed. A little enemies to lovers with a lot of pining by the male MC. Brynn is caught on national TV shaming the town she grew up in, now she is going back there to make amends. Sebastian left the spotlight and retired to Brynn's little hometown, and took great offense in her slander. He wants the town to be put on the map, so when he hears she is coming back there for an expose and to apologize, he thinks it is just what the town needs.
Too bad he is the one who has to cart her all over and babysit her. What he doesn't bank on is getting to know the real Brynn, the one the town knows is still there, under all of her hard exterior. When she comes into town, he thinks she is just a stuck up TV personality, but he doesn't count on seeing all of her scars and relating to her more than he would like.
I loved the way these two grew together, opened up about their past and communicated. I really loved that there was no third act break up, and once they were together, they were cemented. If you are looking for a cute, quick read with lots of love, pick this up.
Thanks to Thomas Neilson, Netgalley and Bethany Turner for an early copy.

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I have read some of Bethany's books so I knew what to expect. But this one fell short for me. The cover is amazing and I loved the clean romance however the 'hate' the two main characters have for each other was just too much - too over the top. Take out some of the chapters and you have a fantastic read. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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This book was okay. Not my favorite interactions between characters or general story line. Still a quick enjoyable read, but I felt like I was skimming at times.

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I was excited to read this book, as I enjoy an enemy-to-lovers troupe. However, I felt like the description was a bit miss leading, since this didn't feel like enemy=to-lovers at all.

Plus the book was very slow and I didn't feel like the characters were developed enough for me to feel a connection.

Sadly I did not finish this one.

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A cute rom-com with big hallmark movie vibes

Thank you to the publisher, Thomas Nelson and also NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review!

This was super cute, the cover initially drew me in and the blurb further intrigued me. If there’s anything I love it’s an enemies to lovers romance with a small town setting, and the vibes of this book were perfect.

I really enjoyed the characters and I thought their relationship built well throughout the book, aside from a few personal issues with pacing, I really enjoyed their interactions. This was very much hallmark movie vibes, which can sometimes work against a book, in my opinion. I had grandiose expectations for this title and I feel like I have hyped myself up a little too much.

This book was good. Very cute and the romance is sweet. But I think the between the pacing issues and it falling a little flat in places for me I can’t give a rating of more than a 3.5, if you’re looking for a cute clean romance that’s easy to read and very quick to get through this would definitely be more up your alley than it was mine. There’s definitely an audience for this book, who will adore it completely… but unfortunately, I do not think that is me at this time.

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I had a very hard time getting through this book. While I only got to 57% and then DNF'd, I have little faith that the storyline would suddenly become great.
First of all, there were way too many pop culture references plugged as an attempt to create atmosphere. Unfortunately, there is a very niche market that would hit all these references and actually gain clarity of the plot from it. If I have no idea who a certain band is or reference to historical figure, the entire thought is mute. On that note, there are a significant amount of background information or references that seem like filler. They add nothing to the plot or character development.
Second, it was frustrating to switch POVs from first to third person. There was really no need for it and could have been written in either all first or all third.
Third, I disliked both the main characters. A lot. At more than halfway through the book, as a reader, I need to connect and relate to someone. These characters fell flat and there was not a chance in my mind that it made sense to turn this story into one where they fall in love.
Finally, there were way too many characters that were mentioned in the first few chapters that didn't appear again in the story. It was name overload.
Two stars because it was grammatically correct and had a clear plot structure.

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The story is about a popular morning-show host, Brynn Cornell, known for her positive and humble personality. However, during one on-air mistake, she insults her hometown and its people, and it's revealed that maybe her sunshiny personality isn't real. Now, Brynn has to return to Adelaide Springs (the insulted hometown) to apologize and capture some wholesome content for the viewers. There she meets Sebastian Sudworth, a super-known reporter, who's been living in Adelaide Springs for the last six years. He loves this little town and its habitants, and it makes sense that Brynn and Sebastian clash.
Let's start with the positive aspects. I enjoyed reading the last half of the book because it's where the meaningful interactions between Brynn and the people she used to know and love happened. These scenes were sweet, and some of them even moving. Also, the author did a good job of capturing the essence of the little town and making it very atmospheric.
Now, to the negatives. The first half of the book was a slog to read. I didn't care about Bryn's "cancellation" and the "hate" between Brynn and Sebastian felt forced and uninteresting. Besides that, I really disliked the mention of real people's names since, at least in one case, the text literally insults those people. How dare you call Julie Andrews self-righteous, rude, and insufferable???
All in all, I would recommend this book to people who enjoy Hallmark movies. It matches their energy perfectly.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I loved this story by Bethany Turner, such fun characters and witty banter.

I just reviewed Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other by Bethany Turner. #BrynnandSebastianHateEachOther #NetGalley
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Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other by Bethany Turner was a really captivating rom-com.

This story pulled me in from chapter one and completely hooked me until I finished.
A sweet, light-hearted romance. That I simply couldn’t get enough of.
The character development was extremely satisfying and the story so vivid, she truly does an incredible job at bringing her characters to life. They just jump off the pages.
They are truly memorable characters and unforgettable story.
The writing is witty and engaging. And I’d expect nothing less coming from Turner.
I just love her writing style. It’s engaging and welcoming.

Plot Twist and The Do-Over are also two amazing romance novels that are bound to be devoured when you pick them up.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for the complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Brynn is a morning news anchor on Sunup and has a ray of sunshine persona on air however off air the story is different. Unfortunately a conversation with her co-anchor about how much she hates her hometown goes out live and when America realises that their small town, ray of sunshine has a dark side, it threatens to ruin her career. She thinks that by returning to her hometown she can get the locals on side and repair her image.

Sebastian is a brooding ex-journalist who moved to the town to escape an old life that is shrouded in mystery. Working odd jobs around town means he scores the job of chauffeuring Brynn and her camera man Orly around... However, when they don't get off on the best foot, Brynn is going to have a tough time winning over both the town and Sebastian. Can she do it?

The second half of this book is great and I loved it so much that it saved the first half for me. These characters are flawed which I appreciate and respect. I loved Sebastian despite his flaws. As for Brynn, I definitely found it took me a lot longer to like her and she does have character growth that made me really like her in the end.

I struggled with the Dual POV in this book because Brynn's POV was written in first person however Sebastian's POV was written in third person but, I did get used to it the more I read. I would have loved the opportunity to dig further into her past with her mother as that was a big plot point and one of the reasons she left the town originally.

The beginning of this book almost made me DNF and I am so grateful I didn't and continued reading because I really loved the second half which makes it difficult to rate for me.

If you like flawed characters, slow burn, small town romance, sarcastic comments, grumpy MMC and pop culture references then this book is definitely for you.

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Actual Rating: 3.5

This is tagged “clean romance” on Goodreads which is actually right up my alley. If you’re like me and like romance that’s more subtle and conversational as opposed to physical, I really think this one will be enjoyable!

Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other follows Brynn, a morning show host who is forced to return to her little middle-of-nowhere hometown after an embarrassing on-air mishap. There, she meets Sebastian who turns out to also be a famous journalist who had suddenly and mysteriously went off the grid. Now he’s a beloved member of Brynn’s old community — and they can’t stand each other.

I think the plot is actually really promising. It reads a lot like a classic rom-com where the big city girl goes to a small town and meets someone there. The way Brynn’s incident kicks off the story is embarrassing (in a fun way) and believable, and the ways in which she butts heads with Sebastian also makes perfect sense as we learn more about their backgrounds.

As much as I love a good slow burn and enjoyed the subtle romance, I do think it resulted in some pacing issues; specifically, 80% of the book are the main characters clashing (with a few warm moments in between) and the jump to the 20% of them feeling a little too sudden.

I also noticed that there were some plots I really liked, some I wanted to see more of, and some I just didn’t care that much about. I really liked Brynn’s initial plot but it started feeling less important. I didn’t care that much about the town’s argument over Township Days and felt like the end result was a little underwhelming. But I really wanted to know more about Brynn’s past with her mother, which would’ve really taken the depth of this book a step further.

The characters are just developed about 70% of the way, I think. As a rom-com it’s not necessary to make everything really emotionally harrowing, but I think it would’ve helped the connection between Brynn and Sebastian go deeper than realizing the other person “isn’t that bad” before they officially got together.

Overall, I do think this is a standard rom-com; it’s fun and cute and a pretty quick read. Once again, it is “clean” — so for those TikTok girlies who like smut in your contemporary romance it might be too subtle, but for me it was great.

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I will start by saying this was a refreshingly clean romance, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The hate in this book is strong though and felt a bit over the top and lasted a good part of the book. However, I would recommend this for a fun light read. This would really be a great book for fans of Emily Henry style books.

I received an arc of Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other by Bethany Turner

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This book was not bad, but it wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be. I think the enemies part took way more than it needed to. The cover is beautiful, the title is good to catch your eye, but overall the story was ok. I would recommend it to my friends but I wasn't the target audience for this.

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