Member Reviews

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. This was a cute romance - the premise of it at least. I found it quite difficult to get in to, for 3 reasons.

Firstly, this is written in a dual POV style - which is great. However, the female main character’s chapters are written in the first person, but the male main character’s chapters are written in third person narration (even though his thoughts and feelings are clear in this narration). It’s very jarring jumping between the two and feels disjointed and confusing.

Secondly, both characters are so very deeply awful in their thoughts and behaviour towards each other throughout the first half of the book. While this usually works in an enemies to lovers trope, this book doesn’t read as that. And while I understand that character growth is required, again I didn’t feel this was accomplished as such. Also, both of them just come across as deeply pretentious. Her with all the redundant celebrity references, and him with all the pseudo intellectual references.

Lastly, they despise each other almost throughout and then all it takes is literally one day for them to be falling in love? I simply didn’t buy it.

I have the deepest respect for authors, and it takes a huge amount of work and courage to write a book. The premise of this book is good, and with some edits and maybe some rewrites, it could be really good.

Still, I am thankful for the opportunity to read and review this book

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Mein Leseerlebnis

Eigentlich versuche ich Rezensionsexemplare immer vollständig zu lesen, das vorliegende Buch hat mich beim Lesen aber so wenig berührt und interessiert, dass ich vor dem Ende aufgegeben habe.

Die Geschichte und Charaktere fühlten sich über weite Strecken zu oberflächlich und dadurch zu interessant an. Zusätzlich hörten sich die Dialoge für meine Ohren zu konstruiert an. Der Schreibstil konnte mich generell nicht packen und irgendwie lief alles im Buch an mir vorbei.

Dem Roman fehlte es ein wenig an Biss und Tiefe. Nach dem Abbrechen des Buches habe ich gesehen, dass es bei einem christlichen Verlag erschienen ist. Vielleicht erschien es mir daher so, als hätte die Autorin beim Schreiben etwas das Gas vom Pedal genommen und sich nicht genug gewagt.

In die letzten Kapitel habe ich kurz reingeschaut. Natürlich gibt es ein Happy End, dieses wirkte auf mich aber etwas überhastet.

Das Buch war aufgrund der angesprochenen Probleme nicht mein Fall. Schade, denn es hörte sich spannend an und ich liebe das Buchcover.

- keine Bewertung, da abgebrochen -

Für wen?

Wer Liebesromane mag, die in kleineren Orten spielen, sollte sich das Buch mal näher anschauen. Erwartet aber bitte nicht zu viel von der Geschichte. Und schaut vor dem Buchkauf unbedingt in eine Leseprobe rein und erwartet auf keinen Fall ein sexy Buch.

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Turner is a new author to me. She writes super funny rom coms. This one was also funny, but the plot moved a little too slowly in some places and WAY too fast in others. I thought Brynn's character was better developed than Sebastian's. It was a fun plane read.

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I’m a sucker for a small town romance, and this one definitely charmed me.

Took me a little while to get into this one. Brynn starts out as a pretty unlikable character, and I didn't really understand Sebastian. However, by the end I was rooting for both of them and loved how their characters developed.

Would recommend this book if you enjoy sweet, slow burn romcoms with an abundance of pop culture references. Also, the cover is 😍😍

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Super cute story but a bit too drawn out for my liking. The storyline could have been summed up without a lot of the "extras" that didn't add much to the story.

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The book centers around Brynn, a morning talk show host who suffers a major on-air blunder, prompting her to return to her hometown to make amends.

While I enjoyed the book overall, I found that it moved slowly in certain parts. Additionally, I wasn't entirely convinced by the romance between Brynn and Sebastian. By the end of the book, I felt that I still didn't fully understand Brynn's character. For example, she shared a touching story about her path to television that seemed to play a role in Sebastian's feelings for her, only to later discover that it wasn't true. I found it challenging to empathize with Brynn as a character due to her constant rudeness and meanness towards those around her, even when it was unwarranted.

While reading, I wished for more exploration of the characters in her hometown and greater development of her relationship with her mother. Despite these criticisms, I still consider it a good book and one that I may read again.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC. All views are my own.

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This was a fun and charming read! This books is about a television morning news anchor, Brynn, who meets former Pulitzer-winning Sebastian back in her very small town in Colorado, where she has been sent to make amends for a hot mic situation.

I loved the character development of Brynn especially, and I was a big Sebastian fan all the way through. I was a little disappointed that the end seemed a little rushed to me — I’d have loved to see a little more of them together, and gotten a little bit more of the town accepting Brynn back. Overall, though, this was a very fun read, and I’m grateful for the arc!

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Another hit by Bethany Turner! I absolutely loved Brynn and Sebastian…and everyone in the quirky little town of Adelaide Springs!

Bethany’s books make her writing seem effortless and the stories always draw me in and flow so well. This book was no exception.

I’d hate to know the things that people would hold against me if my life were to be lived in front of a live camera. While Brynn did “mess up,” her brutal honesty turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Watching her grow and heal from her childhood trauma was so rewarding and it was impossible not to root for her!

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I wanted to badly to love this book. But it kinda fell flat for me. I had a hard time believing the chemistry and relationship between our two main characters. I didn't love the switch between the third person and the first person narrations. I felt disconnected the whole time I was reading this.

It was Brynn and Sebastian that I had a hard go around with. For one, the very first time they interact with one another, it ends in a screaming match. What was that? It felt like the animosity between them was ramped up and just never quite ramped down.

I was at 75%, and they've had maybe one civil conversation. How am I supposed to believe that these two end up together?? There's not enough time left for the author to build their relationship and make it feel real. Cause right now, it just feels like animosity.

The jump from them being adversaries to in love was wild and so quick that it felt forced. I wanted to love them. I wanted to root for them, but I just couldn't.

However, I did LOVE the ensemble characters. From Brynn's hometown friends to substitute parents, they were so lovely and charming and funny. They made this book for me, and I would love to read stories for each of them.

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I really thought that this was going to be an awesome read for me, but it fell a little flat. I had a hard time with the characters and the romance wasn’t really believable.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Review in progress and to come.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review

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What a title! That's what initially drew me towards this book (I was expecting Ten Things I Hate About You vibes). And they did, really hate each other. So much so that three-fourths of the way through this book I was wondering where the turn around would be. Then there it was, very sudden and very late in the game. It seemed forced and a bit awkward. For me it was too much of a build up for too little of a happy ending. The ending was thrown together very quickly and haphazardly. A lot was in the last few chapters and it was too little, too late.

Brynn is an interesting character. At surface level she is bratty and unlikable. But, as you peel back her layers you see the reasons she is the way she is and she has depth. I like that she's not a typical FMC that you would find in this type of story although I don't think she will be well received by most. I really didn't start to like her until almost the end of the story.

Overall, this story was hard to get into because of the slow start, very fast finish and unlikable characters. There was too much hate and not enough romance for a romance book.

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ughh i wanted to like this so bad but their relationship was so rushed. it took about 75% for him to show ANY interest in brynn and then he was madly in love her with her….? most of the time i saw more chemistry between sebastian and laila than brynn lol. cute ending though i guess. also um why were brynns pov's in first person and sebastian's in third...

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This romance fell flat for me. It just wasn't what I was hoping for. I think the premise had potential, just didn't grab me.

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Firstly the layout made this really hard to read which affected my enjoyment a lot although I assume this will be fixed in editing and the final edition. This was a fun, cute very much a typical rom-com, which didn't blow me away but this was written well with an adorable romance and good characters (although cringey in parts) so I would recommend for an easy read.

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It was sweet, funny and entertaining book, but for some reason I felt like I couldn’t really connect with the characters or the story, but overall I enjoyed it.
I want to thank NetGalley and the author for providing me with an ARC of this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Loved the cover and the title! The story was really cute and I enjoyed the characters and their development.

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There’s so much I wanted to love in this Colorado based and celeb romance (two of my fave tropes). While I appreciated the premise of the story, I struggled to “like” the characters or adjust to the pace of the book. Thank you for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! This comes out in Sept.

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I must admit, I am quite conflicted over this review. To be blunt, I hated the first 20 percent of the book and I was dying for it to be over. By the end, though, I actually found myself enjoying it. I think that the biggest thing that perturbed me in the beginning was the long, unnecessary dialogue (e.g. the long parts where Sebastian argues with the town council over absolutely nothing or when we get a peak into one of Brynn's mornings at Sunup, the news station where she works, for pages on end). After we got past all of the introductions to the different characters and the pages of meaningless conversations as previously mentioned, I fell in love with the two main characters and their story.

Unlike most of the reviewers so far, I actually liked Brynn. Yes, she annoyed me to no end at times, but, more than anything, I empathize with her and can see where she's coming from. If anything, Sebastian's character fell flat for me sometimes and I wish he had a bit more development. As a couple, though, I thought Brynn and Sebastian were adorable and found their banter hilarious. I especially loved the scene with them at the end.

So, to summarize, I despised the first 20 percent-ish of the book, tolerated another 20-30 percent after that, and fell in love with the last half. Overall, I would recommend this book to my fellow rom-com lovers but also want to caution that it takes a great deal of patience and perseverance. 4 stars.

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I loved these characters. I loved their hate to admire to love dynamic. I love the world Bethany Turner created in this book.

I thought the ending was rushed. I blinked and almost missed the characters’ self realizations. I wanted to know more about what happened going from point B to point C.

Enjoyable read, I just wanted more of it. :)

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