Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this.

This is a book that I have mixed feelings about. While I enjoyed the story and the progress of it, but my feelings for Emily were very hit-and-miss. However, despite my mixed feelings for Emily, I did enjoy reading this, and I liked the progress and suspense. And while, I guessed very early on who the suspect was, it was still enjoy to read to see how everything fit together.

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There's nothing particularly wrong with this book but I didn't like it. Mostly because the author made the greed so pervasive that it seemed almost a joke or a bad movie.

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I have come to realize that I'm not really into political thrillers like I used to be. This one was just ok for me but others might highly like it. Give it a try!

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A detective investigates after a prominent Sacramento citizen dies and soon more deaths follow. Along with her partner, Detective Emily Hunter follows leads as she realizes this might all come back to greed.

I wanted to like this one because I really enjoy detective novels. I think though that something about the writing style didn't really vibe with me. It also could have been because there was a lot of personal side storylines too that took away from the mystery for me, especially since this was our first time with the protagonist, Emily.

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An enjoyable police procedural, Face of Greed follows Detective Emily Hunt and her partner Javier Medina as they investigate a home invasion amidst political pressures to wrap the case up quickly. But as they dig a little deeper, the case quickly becomes much more than it seemed at first. There was a nice balance of plot and character development.

Thank you to #NetGalley and #OceanviewPublishing for a free copy of #FaceOfGreed by James L'Etoile. All opinions are my own.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

“Face of Greed” by James L’Etoile is a riveting journey into the dark underbelly of human desires, where the stakes are high and the lines between right and wrong blur. Set against the backdrop of Sacramento’s political landscape, the novel introduces us to Detective Emily Hunter, a protagonist whose tenacity and dedication to justice are as compelling as the mystery she’s determined to unravel.

The story begins with a brutal home invasion that leaves a prominent businessman dead and his wife injured. What appears to be a crime of opportunity spirals into a complex web of greed, corruption, and betrayal. As Detective Hunter digs deeper, she uncovers layers of deceit that challenge her perceptions and test her resolve.

L’Etoile’s narrative is a masterclass in suspense, weaving a tale that is both intricate and engaging. The author’s background in law enforcement adds a layer of authenticity to the police procedural elements, making the reader feel like an insider in a high-stakes investigation.

The city of Sacramento is a character in its own right, with its unique political dynamics and social structure adding depth to the story. The relationship between Hunter and her partner, Javier Medina, provides a touch of humanity and warmth, balancing the tension of the case with moments of camaraderie.

One of the novel’s most poignant aspects is Hunter’s personal struggle as she cares for her mother with early-onset Alzheimer’s. This subplot adds emotional weight to the narrative, showcasing the detective’s vulnerability and strength.

“Face of Greed” is a compelling read that will satisfy fans of gritty crime dramas and those who appreciate well-crafted character development. L’Etoile’s latest offering is a testament to his skill as a storyteller, and Detective Emily Hunter is a character readers will eagerly follow into the shadows of crime and retribution.

“Face of Greed” is a must-read for anyone who loves a good mystery, complex characters, and a plot that keeps you guessing.

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Thank you to #NetGalley for #FaceofGreed in exchange for an unbiased review. In L'Etoile's suspenseful mystery the reader is hook, lined, and sinker within the first chapters. Following Detective Emily Hunter and her partner, Javier Medina through the process of solving a high profile murder in Sacramento. None other than the mayor is consoling the untimely widow at the scene of the crime when the detectives arrive. Hunter is determined to get to the bottom of the case despite all of the bureaucratic road blocks that keep being thrown in her way from the mayor and chief. Emily and Javier banter and bond over the case and their personal lives. Emily, whose mothers declining memory and teh turmoil of a child trying to best care for their aging parent and Javier with his meddling mother trying to get him married off despite both having an unwavering dedication to justice and their jobs. Through twists and turns L'Etoile keeps the readers engagement always wondering what is going to be discovered next and guessing as to "Who done it".

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The female main character was a bit too much for me and I think I’m starting to realise that political thrillers aren’t for me.

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Face of Greed is a well written story. A police procedural book where the high ranking police get involved trying to direct the investigation. Emily and Javi have there hands full on this one. A well respected man is dead and there is no clear reason. The book follows the process, the interference from so many people and the outcome. Excellent reading.

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This was an enjoyable Thriller although very violent in places.

The characters were well developed with a good story line pulling it all together.

I would recommend this.

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This is a fast paced debut novel for a detective series. The author develops the storyline with preciseness. I was still piecing the evidence and clues together as the novel reached its resolution. The police procedural aspect of the novel is strong and realistic.

The characters are well developed. The interactions between Emily Hunter and Javier Medina demonstrate that they are natural partners in this line of work.

If you are a fan of Law & Order you will thoroughly enjoy this one.

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Thank you Netgalley. This was a different read for me and I was excited by the description. It did not disappoint! The story was great and characters were engaging. This book was a definite eye opener for me to start reading more books with a " political" story.

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I had stopped reading this ARC because I thought the main character was over the top in her rebelliousness. But somehow I got sucked back in and it was a mediocre okay. Again cops doing things that they never would do in a 100 years annoys me. The trite banter not impressive. Kinda wish I hadn’t started it again but….
I was given a copy by NetGalley opinions are my own.

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There is much to enjoy in a book by L’Etoile, and this new one introducing Detective Emily Hunt and her partner Javier Medina is no exception. It has terrific dialogue, an intriguing mystery, and relatable characters.

The story involves an all-too-common trope in police procedural mysteries - the corrupt city official who is exerting pressure on the police to back off from certain suspects. In this case it’s the mayor. The man who was killed was not only the mayor’s campaign manager, he’d donated a considerable sum of money to Mayor Stone’s last campaign. So, the mayor makes it clear how he thinks the investigation should proceed, and the cops are to stop questioning the deceased’s widow, Lori Richardson.

Of course, Detective Hunt doesn’t back down in face of the pressure from her boss, who is getting all the pressure from the mayor. That establishes her as a strong, independent, woman who is going to go after the truth no matter what, a characteristic that is very endearing and will sustain her for a series.
The subplot of Emily’s mother, Connie, and the dementia is handled well, and the author made it all believable. At times, I was more concerned about what was going to happen with Connie, than I was in knowing who killed Richardson.

The ending was a disappointment to me. I can’t say much about why without a spoiler, so I won’t do that. Suffice it to say a storyline that was holding together quite nicely for most of the book, started to unravel

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Oh wow this was GOOD! I love police procedural crime thrillers and this was a great one! I loved the writing, characters, plot and it had good twists!

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This is my first by this author, but after Face Of Greed, it will not be my last!

This police procedural is the first in the Emily Hunter detective series.

Emily Hunter is a detective and works long, irregular hours. She has just moved her mom in and trying to take care of her as she is in the throws of early onset dementia. I have to say, I just loved the charter development of Emily and her mom. It was grounded, authentic and just beautiful.

Emily’s partner Javier is equally loveable as is his mom. L’Etoile clearly has a gift with suburb character development and free flowing, relatable dialogue.

Emily and Javier are tasked to solve a home invasion, where everything is not really as to seems. With the mayor and top government officials wanting this crime solved and hung out to dry ASAP both detectives have their work cut out for them.

I loved all the characters in this book and cannot wait for the next instalment. Highly recommended 🤩

Many thanks to @netgalley @oceanviewpub @partnersincrime and @wbfrompa for your patience in this very behind review ❤️

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"Face of Greed" by James L'etoile presents a riveting and layered narrative that plunges readers into a world of greed, corruption, and betrayal within the city of Sacramento.

Detective Emily Hunter and her partner, Javier Medina, are tasked with unravelling a brutal home invasion that has far-reaching implications and hidden motives.

L'etoile skillfully crafts a high-stakes investigation that not only delves into the complexities of the crime but also delves into personal struggles faced by Emily as she navigates the challenges of caring for her mother, who is dealing with early-onset Alzheimer's. This adds a compelling layer of depth to the narrative, as readers witness the protagonist's emotional and personal turmoil alongside the demanding professional pressures of solving the case.

As the investigation unfolds, a web of dark forces, including the political elite and shadowy criminal elements, emerges, casting doubt on the true nature of the crime. The novel expertly captures the intricate dance between greed, deception, and retribution, delving into the shadowy world of gang violence and power struggles that further complicates the case.

"Face of Greed" delivers a multifaceted exploration of crime and its impact, intertwining personal and professional challenges with the relentless pursuit of justice. L'etoile's storytelling prowess, coupled with the compelling portrayal of the characters and the layered dynamics at play, firmly establish the novel as a gripping and thought-provoking addition to the crime thriller genre. This high-stakes, tension-filled narrative promises an immersive and unpredictable journey, keeping readers on edge as the investigation takes unexpected turns and risks for the protagonist!

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This is my first novel by this author, but it intrigued me right from the start. The pragmatic main character was richly written and easy to love so rooting for her throughout every twist and turn written was an easy choice. I devoured this in one sitting because i needed to see it all the way through from start to finish. Excellent start to many more reads by Etoille

Thank you NetGalley for this arc.

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If you love books about corrupt politics, this is a read for you. I felt frustrated for the main character because of all the politicians with their hands in the pot that blocked actual progress on this latest murder. The twist was good, the book kept my interest and I found myself staying up way too late to read it. I would keep reading this series because I am invested enough in the lead character to see where her life and cases take her! Thank you NetGalley for the arc!

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This is the first book I have read by this author and really enjoyed the fast-paced detective story. This book was full of crime, corruption and betrayal with gang related violence. An extensive research project had to be completed to be able to place the clues and detectives in the right places. Impressive writing!

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