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Such a sweet story.
When Heather has a chance encounter with a famous rock star, whom she didn't recognize, her life and his are changed forever. But how can their two worlds coexist.
Loved the characters, and their real life values. Rooted for them the whole book. Simple but wonderful story about love, friendship and compromise.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC! This book was phenomenal. I absolutely love Amy’s Amish novels so I knew there was a good chance that I would love this book. This novel focuses on Alex, a rock star and Heather, a worker in a familial restaurant. Alex is swept away by Heather immediately however it takes her a bit to return the interest. Alex pursues Heather and tries to keep her out of the spot light. This novel encompasses a cute romance, clean romance and the story that love can find you anywhere! Definitely recommend this novel!

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Starstruck is a great contemporary romance about Heather, wannabe bakery/bookstore owner and Alex, who is the oldest brother and part of boy band Kirwin. They have a connection right away but very different lives as he's on the road with his brothers and she's at home working in her parents restaurant. It was fun watching them figure things out! Loved their romance and will definitely read both contemporary and Amish books by Amy!

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 14 November 2023.

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loved The View from Coral Cove and Something Old, Something New so when I seen a new contemporary romance from Amy I had to jump on it.

Starstruck by Amy Clipston was such a heartwarming and feel good read.

A sweet and engaging tale with endearing characters. Heather and Alex felt so real and very relatable.
The story is so tender and sweet, very emotional.
I loved the small-town feeling. And trust me when I say that Clipston can write the most perfect and stunning contemporary/small town romance.
This was a charming friends-to-lovers romance read filled with compelling characters and plenty of heart. A wonderful standalone read!
Overall, I really enjoyed the story. It is filled with so much heart and I was totally invested in these two as well as the growth that they both experienced. I couldn’t put the book down.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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3rd person can be really hard to pull off. And frankly this one didn’t. The whole time I was reading, I felt like I was reading. I never fell completely into the story. It was a lot of telling instead of showing.

It also didn't help that the MCs were two of the most boring people I have ever read. (And one was a rockstar!)

Recommended only if you really like 3rd person clean romances.

(For the record I do like clean romances, but they still need to be romantic.)

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When I started this it showed a lot of promise, but by about halfway I just wanted it to be over so I could start something new...
I've read books by Amy Clipston that I've enjoyed, unfortunately this was not one of them.

I think the main thing that I didn't like was the characters. They were pretty flat, and basically faultless, which is worse that the "one fault characters" that I have mentioned in other reviews. At the beginning of the book there was promise for good character development, but as Heather and Alex's relationship progressed...nothing else really did. And when things happened to cause "tension" it wasn't really a gradual thing, it was more "there hasn't been anything to cause tension in quite a few chapters, so let's do such and such".

Also there were random things that I thought were unnecessary and strange, like describing the size of a bed (i.e. she climbed into the king-sized bed), of which happened not once or twice, but three times.

*Spoilers following*

Besides that weirdness, there was the common annoyance of mine: characters thinking of nothing but kissing, hugging, etc. There was some of that before Heather and Alex started dating, but after that 'first kiss' where Alex declares he wants to date her and whatnot, they both are constantly thinking of the next time they can kiss and how much they miss each others lips. They even tell each other as much. I guess that leads to another annoyance: romantic or 'dating' relationships -starting off- with a kiss. I think that is absolutely ridiculous. "Oh we've kissed now so I guess we gotta start dating" is essentially what it is.

Anyways. This has been a bit of a tangent. But my honest to goodness thoughts, nonetheless.
2 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC. :)

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Fame and fortune vs. small town girl! Amy Clipston gives us a delightful romance in this book.

Famed rockstar, Alex Kirwan, meets Heather, server in the restaurant owned by her parents.
The famed group, Kirwan, visit the restaurant and cause quite a ruckus, except for Alex. Heather has never even heard of the group and is very angry that they would leave such a mess, leaving her with no desire to have anything to do with them. Alex tries to make up for the trouble caused by his brothers by inviting Heather and her sister, Wendy, to the concert the next night. Heather has no desire to go but ends up going with her sister. While looking for her sister after the concert, she accidentally walks into the dressing room belonging to Alex. She sees a book that he is reading, which was one of the favorites she has read. They start talking about the book and learn they have many things in common. The band is on an extensive tour, including Europe which makes it seemingly impossible for any type of friendship to grow.

This is a great book that you will not want to put down until you have completed reading it. I highly recommend this book to those who enjoy reading clean romances. Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson – Fiction for the advanced copy of this book. The opinions expressed are my own.

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So this book wasn’t for me. Or maybe the writing wasn’t. The instant 180 of Heathers personality towards Alex at the beginning didn’t flow right for me. Gave it a 3 stars because it was finale plot wise, I’m just clearly not the audience for it.

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I loved this story! Not only because I live in North Carolina and can’t get enough of books that are set in this wonderful state, but also because I enjoyed the idea of a small town girl winning the heart of a world famous singer. Alex was so genuine and caring. Heather seemed so innocent and uninterested in fame.

I’ve read several Amish novels from this author and really like this clean version of a contemporary relationship. I found myself reading the About the Author page and am impressed with her “day job”.

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Heather is highly involved in her family’s BBQ restaurant. Her family is incredibly close . Heather hopes one day to open her own bakery and bookstore .
She is living a happy life when Alex walks in the door . When he leaves she can’t stop thinking of him and vice versa . Alex and his two brothers are part of a popular band . He loves music and life . He meets Heather who is not impressed with his image but is interested in him.
One of the reasons I enjoyed this book is that both had full happy lives . They met each other and suddenly their happy full lives became fuller and happier . I loved that .The story pulled me in and I couldn’t put it down. Fantastic clean romance !

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Wasn’t sure at first if I would like this book or not. It was a lot different than other Clipston books I have read. But I found the characters interesting and I enjoyed seeing what happened to them.
I would definitely recommend this book.

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Starstruck takes readers on an enchanting ride through the intertwining worlds of a small-town waitress and a world-famous heartthrob. Heather Gordon's once simple life in a North Carolina town takes an unexpected turn when a food fight featuring the internationally renowned rock band, Kirwan, erupts in her family's restaurant. As fate would have it, the charming and enigmatic lead singer, Alex Kirwan, offers Heather a chance to attend one of their concerts as the band's guest, setting the stage for an extraordinary love story.

The author skillfully weaves a tale that captures the essence of romance, weaving together the contrasting lives of Heather and Alex. Through vibrant prose and compelling storytelling, we witness the blossoming connection between the unassuming waitress and the rock star. Their initial encounter sparks a chemistry that is palpable, leading to a captivating exploration of love against the backdrop of fame and fortune.

Heather and Alex's journey is beautifully depicted, revealing the complexities of a relationship immersed in the world of celebrity. Despite the challenges they face, the genuineness of their connection shines through as they navigate the perils of paparazzi, constant touring, and the strain of long-distance. Their heartfelt exchanges of messages and calls bridge the physical divide, offering glimpses of their shared dreams and aspirations.

The author effortlessly crafts relatable characters with depth and authenticity. Heather's down-to-earth nature and reluctance to be swayed by Alex's fame resonate with readers, making her an instantly likable and relatable protagonist. Alex's charm and genuine affection for Heather tug at the heartstrings, painting a picture of a rock star yearning for a connection beyond the glitz and glamour.

The exploration of fame and its impact on personal lives adds a layer of realism to the story. The author skillfully delves into the struggles and sacrifices that come with living in the limelight, exposing the vulnerabilities and sacrifices faced by both protagonists. The story strikes a balance between the allure of fame and the inherent challenges it poses to maintaining a genuine relationship.

Starstruck is a masterful blend of romance, glamour, and the allure of unexpected love. With its intoxicating allure of possibility and heartfelt exploration of fame's complexities, this novel captivates readers from beginning to end. The evocative descriptions and vivid imagery transport readers into the world of Heather and Alex, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts.

For anyone who has ever yearned for love in unexpected places or dreamed of a connection that defies societal boundaries, Starstruck is an absolute must-read. Prepare to be swept away by the enthralling narrative, as this book will leave you starry-eyed and longing for more.

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Heather Gordon is content working in her family's restaurant making desserts. She has dreams of opening her own shop combing two loves which are reading and baking desserts. One day the members of the band Kirwan enters the family restaurantI. Her sister is impressed and in awe but Heather is not particularly when the two younger brothers of the band make a mess after having a food fight. The older brother Alex comes in and apologizes and helps to clean up. He tries to make ammends by offering free tickets to their concert. Healther reluctanly goes to the concert after being pressured by her younger sister.. She enjoyed the concert more than she thought she would. After the concert she goes looking for her sister and accidentally wanders into Alex's dressing room. They get into a conversation and find out they both enjoy books. She thought she would never see him again but she loses her phone and Alex finds it. He traces her down and gives it back to her personally. They start communicating by text, email and zoom calls. I loved the character of Alex. He was so down to earth and wanted to do something more with his life other than be a rockstar. His younger brothers were more enamored with the fame and all that goes with fame. Alex was more humble. He loved that Heather was not like most girls who threw themselves at him. I loved how their love grew and not just an instant thing. I kept wondering how these two unlikely people would ever find happiness. He was a public figure and she was just a small town home girl and liked her privacy. Loved how they were able to face these obstacles to find the happiness they deserved.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Who doesn’t like an enemies to friends to something more story. That’s exactly what you are going to get with this book. Great summer read.

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Small town girl and a rock star meet. Like seeing their relationship grow even with all the issues. Enjoyed this one, although at times felt skimmable (might be my age, as would more likely be enjoyed when I was in my 20s or 30s). Would recommend.

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This book had all the characteristics of a good old Hallmark romance movie, with attractive leads, funny friends/family members, small town vibes and a couple of little setbacks. Although predictable from all the aspects aforementioned, it was a nice story to read.

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A slightly different celebrity romance. You got to know the characters well as the story developed.

For me it was sweet and cute but I would have preferred some sizzle. Its well written and there’s enough to the story to engage just there needed to be more chemistry for me personally.

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STARSTRUCK by AMY CLIPSTON is a most enjoyable romance novel, and I recommend this lovely story to anyone who enjoys this genre.
Heather Gordon lives in the small town of Flowering Grove where she and her sister Wendy work as servers in their parents’ restaurant.
Wendy, who is as outgoing as her sister is retiring, is thrilled when Alex Kirwan, lead singer in the Kirwan brothers rock band, offers them VIP tickets to their show,whereas Heather is dismissive. Her attitude soon changes when she comes to know the real Alex Kirwan. Will their relationship survive the invasion of their privacy by paparazzi? …….I will leave that for you to find out!
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Thomas Nelson. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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I truly enjoyed reading Heather and Alex's stories! Heather may be the character that I've related to the most, out of all of Amy's characters. I definitely related to the way she didn't feel like she deserved Alex and her idea for a bookstore bakery. I thought that making the deserts have literary names was really cute. One of my best friends and I used to talk about starting a bookstore bakery with literary names for the deserts and coffees. Alex was truly swoon worthy and I loved the way he doted over Heather and was completely willing to do whatever it took to make their relationship work even though they couldn't see each other often. What I love about Amy's books is that she writes relatable characters and sweet stories. I love the settings and how sweet portrays small town life. I really love that while there was definite chemistry between Alex and Heather, there were no sex scenes. I have to admit I loved the visit to Flowering Grove and the cameo with Christine!!! Amy, you've definitely hit another one out of the park!

Thank you Netgalley and Amy Clipston for letting me have a copy of Starstruck, in exchange for an honest review. The contents of my review were not affected by this, in any way.

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I loved Heather and Alex's story. It was warm and loving and I felt connected to these characters. I was sorry it had to end. What a great author!

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